Lorna was immediately escorted to the court physician of the Citadel. Two orders of knights, who were originally tasked with safeguarding the Citadel, accompanied Lorna and Nabel.

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“No injuries have been found,” stated the court physician.

Even the imperial mage, Lucel, was summoned due to the need for magical counsel. Eight bracelets trembled in his hands.

“It seems you’ve exerted a substantial amount of magical power all at once,” said Lucel.

After an extensive and detailed examination by Lucel and the physician, a conclusion was reached. There was nothing wrong withLorna.

Nabel, who had been watching overLorna’s condition the whole time, finally felt his mind settle.


Her collapse seemed to unfold before his eyes in slow motion.

Her face, drained of colour, devoid of strength.

A sight he never wished to see again.

“If she rests well, she will recover,” said the court physician, Hass, concluding the examination. His apprentice, Dommello, could no longer examineLorna.

Once it was proven that she was the mistress of the divine creature and Nabel had publicly declared his intention to marry her, her status was no different from being a member of the imperial family.

Nabel closed his eyes and then looked around the tower. The tall tower, visible from anywhere in the Citadel, remained intact.

To his surprise, there were also magicians leaning out from the stairs, peering outside.


He could even hear voices shouting in excitement.

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The magicians of the tower were all entering the tower. There was no sign of any damage where the miracle had occurred.

The lifelong research and symbols of the magicians remained intact, as if nothing had happened.

They were bowing repeatedly toward the mistress of the divine creature.


Of course, they had reason to be grateful.

Nabel’s smooth lips twisted.

“Gather all those who entered the tower from the day preparations for the tower’s trial began.”

It was time to put a stop to revelling in miracles.

EnsuringLorna’s safety was not the only reason. Before she could rise, Nabel intended to swiftly find the culprit and eliminate them.

“Should we kill them?”

His sister, taken aback by his words, still unfamiliar with cruelty, was hesitant.

But forLorna’s sake, Nabel was capable of becoming as ruthless as necessary.

“….Hurry. Take their lives before my sister awakens.”

He gestured.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

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Nesha made a brief bow and left the room.


This unforeseen turn of events was not meant to be.

Once he had proven himself as the rightful owner of Shinsoo, the Imperial Kingdom was destined to face a profound upheaval. For Emperor Nabel Iber, marrying the owner of Shinsu was a momentous occasion, surpassing any other grand events.

Once again, the owner of Shinsu would be entrusted to safeguard the House of Iber.



Before the upheaval could even take hold, a storm of bloodshed loomed on the horizon.

The face of the sorcerer Lucel turned pale. It was only natural for him and his subordinates, as sorcerers who had visited the Sorcerer’s Tower, to be included in the equation.

Soon, a merciless atmosphere would engulf the tower.


The atmosphere within the Tower of the Magician was surprisingly free, considering the harsh orders that had been issued.

“Summon all those who entered the Tower of the Magician during the trial period.”

That was Navel’s command.

Thanks to it, all the magicians whose magical patterns had been registered within the Tower eagerly flocked to its doors, just as Emperor Navel Iber had decreed. The magicians expected something cruel to unfold, befitting the stern nature of the newly established Imperial regime. Most of them arrived at the Tower with pale faces, anticipating the worst.

However, nothing happened within the Tower.

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“Please wait here.”

Undoubtedly, there had been a summons order.

The Imperial First and Second Knight Orders, directly under the command of the Emperor, allowed the magicians to enter the Tower but prevented them from leaving.

Nevertheless, they did not treat the magicians recklessly.

“Could it be that the temple magicians have come?”

Upon hearing this, the magicians of Matop breathed a sigh of relief.

“There was an incident, but wasn’t it for the sacred Tower’s trial? Your Majesty also showed some leniency, so perhaps you’re giving it some time.”

Some of them held such thoughts.

“Then why did they summon us so early?”

Of course, there were valid doubts. However, the members of the Imperial First Knight Order guarding their sides did not provide them with any answers.


Two individuals wearing magician robes slipped in through the vigilant gap maintained by the knights on the first floor of Matop. After briefly flipping their hoods, they revealed their faces.

The knights who saw their faces bowed their heads in greeting, then naturally made way for them.

Within the man’s robe, blackish hair glimmered under the light.


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The man, Navel, spoke briefly. Neshar, who followed him, silently kept pace.

“Very well.”

Navel made a slight gesture to the Imperial First Knight Order guarding the exterior. It was an order for the others not to follow.

The commander of the Imperial First Knight Order, Teyard, offered a brief salute.

“I can’t believe I was hit by that fragment!”

“You were hit, but why isn’t there any injury?”

“Even the injury healed?”

As Navel passed through the third-floor corridor, he noticed two startled magicians being apprehended.

Naturally, his lips curved into a smile.

Most of the magicians seemed to have relaxed by now. The more they relaxed and let their guard down, the better it was for him. His ungloved hand lightly brushed against the hands of the magicians. With so many magicians densely packed in the corridor, there was no one suspicious enough to notice.

“…Are they really not conducting any investigation?”

With each brush of his hand, his thoughts were discernible.

“Only twenty years have passed since the tragic loss of Lord Pell, and yet a new miracle has already unfolded!” exclaimed one with an air of excitement, for even the sorcerers were stirred by the appearance of the newfound heir. Nabel had always detested the touch of others, especially those with lesser magical prowess than his own.

“Why is that wretch, Ten, ranked higher than me despite his inferior magical abilities?” Nabel pondered aloud.

“Did not Lord Ten demonstrate exceptional promise from an early age?” replied a sorcerer, his thoughts and words forming a stream from his head and mouth. Nabel sneered, harbouring a distaste for such individuals who easily approached others with their repugnant thoughts.

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