Indeed, they were a wretched lot. Nabel had witnessed far too many of these despicable beings, with their vile intentions hidden behind jovial smiles as they intruded upon others.

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However, today was an exception. Today, he could freely engage with people without concern. Though every repugnant thought made him queasy, he could endure it.

“Ah,” he muttered, recalling the sight of the fallen Lorna.

It must be ensured that such a calamity never happens again.


Nabel ascended to the fourth floor.

He couldn’t possibly make contact with every sorcerer.

The easiest way would be to approach the scene.

The Zero Knight Order had already investigated the inner workings of the tower and reported back to him.

“We detected magical activity on the fifth floor. Upon inspection, we found an unidentified magic circle, but its form was unclear. However, it doesn’t appear to have been erased by the explosion’s aftermath.”

Naturally. The miracle caused by the newfound heir was no ordinary occurrence.

The tower had reverted to its state before the explosion and fire.

In other words, it had returned as the enemy had left it, without removing their machinations.

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“Fortunately, this investigation was uneventful.”

“I’ve never seen magic that rewinds time before.”

“Whatever it may be, it is a testament to the deeds of the rightful heir…”

The sorcerers, too, praised the outcome.

“I had just finished writing the report on that research yesterday! Imagine it flying away entirely! I would have been thrown off from the ninth floor!” exclaimed a fervent sorcerer, spewing enthusiasm and saliva. Nabel’s indifferent gaze brushed past him.

“But what I wrote yesterday remained intact! Clearly, the heir reversed time to the day before the tower’s trial!”

“Hail to the rightful heir!”

A passing sorcerer exclaimed, praising Ronae.

“If only we could reveal their true faces… They appeared so young…”

However, at the same time, Nabel could read even the vilest thoughts, and with narrowed eyes, he clasped his hands together.

“It’s right near the scene,” whispered Nisha, who followed behind him. Nabel nodded briefly, his expression slightly hardened.


The Tower incident was nothing short of a declaration of war against the Empire.

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Other neighbouring countries that had noticed this were already sending their condolences. Outwardly, it was a celebration of the birth of a new ruler, the Lord of the Tower, while simultaneously offering solace for the accidents that occurred during the Tower’s test. Of course, they also mentioned the astonishing abilities of the Lord of the Tower, who had prevented a catastrophe.

[Whether or not it would bring comfort to your astonished heart…]

Similarly, the neighbouring countries, having found the right words, all sent trivial gifts to the Empire. In essence, they were saying that they had no connection to the incident during the Tower’s test.


Nabel had no interest in gifts that would gather dust at his feet.

After all, he knew it wouldn’t amount to much of an incident caused by the small countries surrounding them.

They had already been on the defensive during the early days of his reign.

Those who dared to invade the Empire had to taste its military power. Despite the complexities of internal affairs due to the erosion caused by Miltan, they were not relegated to being overwhelmed by small nations.


Nabel’s eyes narrowed. Yes, the military power was eroded by Miltan.

There was only one force that would make such a declaration of war—Miltan.

The rebels who had already instigated a rebellion within the Miltan Empire had all been executed. However, Nabel knew that was not the end.

Otherwise, why would Duke Laude and Miltan’s puppets have had different thoughts?

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It meant that there were still some remaining in Miltan who could ascend to the thLorna instead of the bloodline of the Miltan Empire.

Above all, Nabel himself knew. The Miltan Empire had been completely eradicated, just like Miltan. Everyone, except him.

His escape was thanks to the last loyalists of the royal family. They became the Zero Knights.

Where could there be a law that said he couldn’t escape twice?


[Fifth floor.]

Nabel’s gaze turned towards the place where the mages were gathered. This was undoubtedly where the explosion had occurred. The mages were feeling along the walls, fascinated.

“Do you see the complete magic circle?” Nabel asked.

“No, I’ve never seen anything like this before. I have no idea what this triangle represents…”

“A triangle? Where on earth would there be a triangle?”

The mages were burning with curiosity. It was understandable, as the magic circle drawn on the wall appeared differently to each person’s eyes.

But Nabel could see it.

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“That is…”

Nabel uttered a few brief words and then closed his mouth.

As someone who was not a magician, he did not know many magical inscriptions. However, there were a few things he knew that were certainly known to those of the royal family.

For instance, there was a defensive inscription left behind by the great sorcerer, Fel, the previous owner of the Divine Beast, before he died. This inscription was specifically designed to protect the Iberian Royal Family.

The inscription would cause an explosion if an unauthorized individual entered its boundaries.


And that inscription was exclusively granted to the Imperial Family of the Western Empire. Nabel could clearly discern the form of the inscription with his own eyes.

Miltan, who had once been a member of the Imperial Family, would have also seen it.

In other words, only members of the Miltan and Iberian families possessed the ability to draw that inscription.

“So it has been confirmed.”

Nabel spoke briefly.

Miltan is undoubtedly alive.

And he had his sights set on Lorna, the owner of the Divine Beast.

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