Ecstas Online

Chapter 3

Chapter 3      A holiday in Sandiano

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– Alright, here I go!

Following the stimulated voice, the beach ball jumps into the sky. Hinazawa, who launched the ball with an underhand serve, extends her very young limbs that don’t seem to belong to a 17 year old girl with all her might and expresses happiness with her entire body. I thought she would wear a school swimsuit, but no, she’s wearing a bikini. And the exposure is quite high. Won’t the bikini that hides that almost flat chest end up slipping off? I feel nervous looking at her. However, everyone’s gazes are nailed on the beach ball rather than the immature body of Hinazawa.

No, there was one exception. Leonhardt’s gaze has been following Hinazawa for quite a while. But not to the level of giving a glancing look at her. He fixedly stared at her. On the contrary, he lay on the sandy beach moments ago to get the best view from a super low angle. To no one’s surprise, he was reprimanded by Asagiri, and now he’s sitting straight, eyeballing her. In the end, he keeps lecherously eyeing her up, he didn’t hesitate.

He’s aware of the taste of the forbidden fruit called legal loli despite being a German. As expected of someone pretty much called Akihabara from Germany.

Hinazawa hits the beach ball again, receiving the gaze of Germany and my gaze. Oh, I say so, but I just look at everyone in turn, you see? This doesn’t mean that I just love Hinazawa, not at all, I’m just making sure.

The ball that gently floated falls on the opponent’s side, with its back against the blue sky and white clouds.

– Alright! Leave it to me!

Ougiya, who splashed sand and wore a swimsuit too big for him, chased the ball. When he repelled it with his fists, the ball revolved in the air again. The next falling point is right between Asagiri and Yuuki.

– I leave it to you, Uiko-chan!

Holding back, not touching the ball and worrying about Yuuki, Asagiri hands it over her.

– Eh!? Y-yes!

Yuki tosses it beautifully while raising a flustered voice. Yeah, now that I see her, she has excellent reflexes, that Yuuki Uiko. As expected of the Fighter Battle Class. Her swimsuit is a dress, the only one among the girls. Its defense seems to be high. And as if taking careful aim, Asagiri does a splendid jump. With goddess-like style. Her white and supple body. Long limbs and thin waist. Her rich breasts, which don’t fit her slender body, show off the results of physics calculations that match the jumping motion. Her breasts covered with a white bikini emerged as if released from gravity.

– Hah.

The power stored in the bent backward back is released at once, her supple arm launches the ball.

– Like I’ll let you!

Ichinomiya jumps up and makes a wall to intercept the strong spike. The ball, which was prevented by Ichinomiya’s block, deflected to the side, made a loud sound and fell in front of me sitting down in a deck chair.

– Sorry, Doumeguri-kun.

Asagiri rushed to me as if hopping. Each time she does so, my consciousness is brought to the breasts that go up and down. What a fearsome decoy.

I picked up the ball, bending forward. Then I present the ball to Asagiri who arrived in front of me.

– Thank you, Doumeguri-kun.

Asagiri’s swimsuit was literally dazzling. It’s not just because of the blue sky on her back. The skin and white swimsuit of Asagiri that shine with sweat. Her beautiful body and bright smile that is as strong as the tropical sun are too dazzling for me to keep deceiving everyone.

This is the town of Sandiano seen from the exit of the dungeon. It’s like a town made up of fishing and tourism. It’s located on the opposite side of Caldart, across the Rummel Mountains.

Since it’s an undiscovered area, all sorts of capture information and items may be obtained. We decided to settle down here for a while and gather information.

– Hey, Doumeguri-kun, won’t you play with us?

I glanced at the lot amusing themselves with beach volleyball.

Six women and three men. Huh? There are only two men… oh, Yamada was there too? With an invigorating smile, Ichinomiya noticed me.

– Thank you for helping out Akira-kun.

Asagiri looked at Ichinomiya and smiled with her whole face.

– No … I didn’t do anything like that.

– You’re lying.

As she smiles happily, Asagiri bends forward, approaching my face.

– H-hey. Don’t bring your face that close to mine. Ichinomiya is right there──no, it’s not good even if he weren’t there.

– ? Why?

Don’t why me. You even ask me with puzzled eyes.

– Because Asagiri is with Ichinomiya… I don’t know too much about it, but you’re dating, aren’t you?

Gah, fuck! When I say it like this, it hurts you know?

Asagiri stared at me for a moment. She closed her eyes and expressed a different smile on her mouth than the one from just now.

– I see. So it looks like that… like I thought.


Hold on, does that mean you aren’t dating?

– Ehehe, it’s embarrassing.

Asagiri smiled like she was a bit embarrassed.

──Guwah! Isn’t that a slip!? Wasn’t that what you were you expecting a little, you stupid? As she stands up, Asagiri looked at Ichinomiya again.

– But… Akira-kun is──

Hmm? Your way of saying it has some kind of hidden meaning. After all, they are──,

– Do you have a minute?

An unexpected voice cut into the conversation. I look back and Busujima in a flashy floral bikini looked down on me.

Asagiri smiled like she was troubled.

– What is it, Busujima-san?

She stared at Asagiri and told her like spitting out.

– I don’t have business with Asagiri-san, but with this.

This…? I’m being pointed at, but is she talking about me?

– Oh, I see. See you later, Doumeguri-kun. If you change your mind, come to us.

Asagiri gave me a smile as a parting gift and returned to the beach volleyball group. All things considered, Asagiri isn’t dating Ichinomiya, is she? For some reason, a complex aftertaste remained… dammit, the continuation of the story bothers me, but pretending to be a nuisance is….

– …So, what can I help you with?

I look towards the back of Busujima, there are two umbrellas lined up not so separated from one another. Under one of them, there was the figure of Miyakoshi relaxing gracefully on the beach bed. Until now, Busujima was sleeping next to her, but what does she want from me? What did she come to talk to me?

Could it be that? When I entered her field of vision, my good mood weakened. You came to say that, so why don’t you go somewhere else? Then I can understand you.

– Doumeguri, what were you talking to Asagiri-san?

– Hmm… nothing really. “Won’t you play with us?” she said.

Busujima showed a sarcastic-packed smile.

– You don’t have what it takes to play beach volleyball, do you?

That’s right, but there’s no reason to be told that by others.

I thought the vituperation would continue, but contrary to my expectations, and for some reason or other, Busujima said nothing. She was silent for a while, but she folded her arms and opened her mouth as if making up her mind.

– Y-you see…

But again, she hesitated to say. But I can imagine what she wants to say. Perhaps she came to forbid me to speak about the thing in the dungeon when I used Ecstas on her.

I truly didn’t do anything because I was convinced that Busujima wouldn’t spread rumors. Her character and train of thought. And, given her current position in the class, it’s rather a fact she wants to keep it a secret.

– Err, don’t you look a bit strange? Busujima-san.

Busujima suddenly blushes and rattles on as if panicking.

– H-hey! Don’t misunderstand me! I don’t know the reason for that! Honestly, it felt disgusting, like a nightmare! For me, that’s something it doesn’t exist! That’s totally incomprehensible, like──

– Like it was poison or something?

– ……Eh?

– Maybe the sword used by the Orc was some kind of special item or there was a poison trap in that room… at this stage, I don’t get it anymore.

Busujima played with her hair as if patching it up.

– I-I see. That’s right… there’s no way I could have done something like that with you…

I get up from my deck chair. I thrust my hands into my hoodie’s pockets and threw the sandals on my bare feet extending from the shorts.

– Busujima-san, can I ask you to keep it a secret?

– Eh?

Like she was taken by surprise, Busujima solidified with her mouth still open.

– If it’s leaked out that I did such a thing to Busujima-san who’s at the top of the school caste, my life will be over.

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– T-that’s right, y-you’re correct.

Busujima laughed with a partially flustered face. And said in a strange manner, as if shaking her body with her fingers linked.

– It can’t be helped. I can only be silent. I’m a victim. If it were to be known, you’ll definitely be a criminal. Ahahahahahaha.

I showed an insincere smile and turned my back on Busujima.

– Ah….

I think I heard her voice saying something, but I don’t have the obligation to associate with her any more than this. Busujima should be relieved for the time being.

I go somewhere else to be alone. I think so and walk along the beach. The sea breeze feels good and the sound of the waves is kind to my ears.

──This certainly heals me.

Should I think about my next move while I’m in this town? I should return to Infermia tonight and report to Aikawa-san. Aa! I’ll be yelled at for failing again! Just by imagining so, my heart that healed this very minute is about to die from stress.

I walk on the sandy beach, large rocks lie down in front of me.

A rock wall appears from here on. According to the view overlooking from the dungeon exit, there should be a harbor beyond this rock wall. Should I try gathering information on my own?

When I thought so, I left the foreshore and walked towards the embankment, then I heard a pleasant and beautiful sound.

──Hmm? A human voice … a singing voice?

I heard a voice coming from the sea.

An event trigger is hidden in this place?

I go into the sea wearing my sandals. The feeling of my feet pushing their way through the waves and the cool sensation feel so good. It seems to be the sea of a wide shallow beach, the depth above my knees continued for a while. I look down at my feet hidden in the sandals, they are clearly visible. It’s a very transparent and beautiful sea.

I suddenly realize that I hear the singing voice from behind.

When it comes to monsters singing in the ocean, is it a siren or something?

A shocking sight jumped into my eyes as I turned around inadvertently.

Because the owner of the song was there.

It’s not a siren. But it’s not different from a monster either.

In a sense, it’s nothing but more than a threat for me.

How should I describe this situation and what I am feeling now?


There’s only that. Because──

Shizukuishi Non, who sang and danced in a black bikini was just before my eyes.

A secret spot surrounded by rock walls and only visible from the sea. A private beach about 5 meters in diameter, as if one had forgotten to place rocks there.

There, Shizukuishi Non was singing seemingly happy alone.

It’s a different song than when I saw her on the roof of the guild hall before. At that time, her song still felt calm but she did no gestures. I was surprised at the singing, and yet, it suited Shizukuishi’s image.

However, this is bad.

A pop and bright melody like idol’s. Was she affected by the mood of the tropical resort and ended up getting excited? A nimble dance as if something burst open in Shizukuishi. Surrounded by rock walls on three sides, she’s not worried that anyone could see her. Such a sense of security may have made Shizukuishi bolder.

Shizukuishi performs dance steps on the stage/sandy beach that is permeated and slightly hardened by the seawater. Since she wears only a bikini, her modest breasts shake more than Asagiri’s, their presence is appealing. When she turns around, she shakes her slender waist as if making her butt turn. The way she moved her waist was strangely cute and sexy.

Suddenly, Shizukuishi saw me.

And held her breath.

Shizukuishi’s eyes and my eyes collided with each other.

Her clear eyes fixedly gaze at my eyes.

In a moment, cold sweat gushed out from my whole body.

Shi… Shizuku, Ishi?

And Shizukuishi shows a broad smile.

She’s not wearing glasses.

──She doesn’t see me!?

Fatigue suddenly went out the moment I lost strength. I let leak a sigh of relief and stare at her smile again.

For some reason, I stopped breathing again.

The feeling that someone was firmly grasping the inside of my chest.

My train of thought suspended operations.

As if the inside of my head and chest were completely sucked up by that smile and became empty.

Who’s that?

It was Shizukuishi, but it wasn’t the Shizukuishi I know.

A clear and beautiful voice. And the song is incredibly good.

And her utmost smile from the bottom of her heart.

She expresses with her body, her gestures and her voice that singing is happiness.

I stared at her overcome with surprise like I was entranced. However, as the situation gradually penetrated into my head, my cool judgment was able to belatedly tell.


──That my life is in danger.


She’s not wearing glasses now. That’s why she doesn’t see me. But what if she realizes I’m watching her? This situation is embarrassing, it shouldn’t be compared to that time on the rooftop of the guild hall. I’ll die. I’ll die of embarrassment. But Shizukuishi will kill me, won’t she?

Slowly, slowly… Even if her eyesight is bad, she may notice something moving.

At that moment, Shizukuishi suddenly stared at me.


I froze in an incomplete pose as I tried to step forward.

Dammit! Turn away soon! I’m standing on one leg, the power of the waves feel excessively strong! I won’t be able to endure them at this rate!

Facing me, Shizukuishi waved her hands with a very nice smile. Maybe she’s waving her hand at an audience that isn’t there. That fan service is good enough, so turn around quickly! For me, on the contrary, it appears as if she’s making fun of me. Come on! She’s so cute that I can’t feel irritated, but it’s so nonsensical that I do feel irritated, it’s like I’ve fallen into a loop!

I told myself to calm down my heart that sounds like an alarm bell.

Calm down, your chance will be the moment she has turned around. As soon as Shizukuishi looks away from me, I’ll withdraw from this predicament by dashing. Some water sounds should be drowned out by the sound of the waves. Rather, it’s more dangerous to keep such a “Red Light Green Light” situation going forever. Shizukuishi finished as I hesitated, then wore her glasses and that’s the end of the road.  My life fell apart.

Shizukuishi turned her back on me as if meeting my expectations.

Alright! Now! Now I’ll carve victory into the dawn horizon!

I started running, raising splashes of water.

Shizukuishi, who I thought she turned her back on me, rotated right away, pointed at me and winked and did an action as if shooting a gun. Damn youuuuuuuuuuu! What’s with that feint!? You’re brimming with killing intent!

I stopped moving.

My heart rings like a bell. My heartbeat felt like I heard something noisy. “How could she hear the sound of my palpitations?” I thought so because the surroundings were getting quiet. Shizukuishi’s song had stopped. I fearfully looked towards Shizukuishi while my whole body is covered with cold sweat.

Shizukuishi stops singing, frowns and closes her eyes partly towards me. Then let her fingertips to loiter in the air.

I felt a mysterious countdown behind Shizukuishi. It’s a countdown to death. As Shizukuishi stops her fingertips, her glasses are put on her face. At that moment, the number behind her became zero. The numbers approach with the same meaning as a death sentence.

– … !? …!?!?!?

Shizukuishi opened her eyes to the maximum she was able to and solidified like a stone.

– W… What a… co-coincidence, don’t you think?

I greet her with a trembling voice, but Shizukuishi let her lips wave, her mouth still open. Her face is instantly covered in blood and sweat begins to flow like a waterfall.

– I s-say so, but I haven’t seen anything! Ah, no! T-the sea! I’ve been watching the sea all this time. No──I didn’t notice you at all… hey, Shizukuishi-san? What are you doing?

Having tears in her eyes, Shizukuishi operates the menu, moving the fingertips at a tremendous speed.

– Excuse me! Why are you taking out your cloak and grimoire? The book will get wet, so it’s better to close it! That’s my thought thoooooooooooooooooooooooooooough!!

Shizukuishi’s grimoire opened and a red light shone.

-『Mega Destruction!! 』

The next moment, a shock wave blew my body away. The explosive offensive magic of Shizukuishi that used all her might created a 10-meter tall water column, the shockwave spread over the sea in a round shape.

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– I thought I had died….

– So you didn’t die…

Shizukuishi sat on the sand, grasped her knees and muttered facing down.

Because Shizukuishi is at her wits’ end, her aim failed, which saved me. I was still blown dozens of meters away, my HP was almost gone.

This place used to be Shizukuishi’s stage moments ago, but now we are sitting on the sandy beach.

– Not once but twice… are you doing this on purpose? … Really on purpose? Are you a stalker?

When I think her anger died down because she either calmed down by firing the explosive magic or because she was attacked by self-hatred, this time there are no signs of rage rising to surface, she kept feeling down. She held her knees and buried her face in her arms and grumbly recited words of deep resentment. Somehow I feel like I’m being cursed by real magic, so why don’t you stop please?

– Ah, err… i-it’s just a coincidence. I just wanted to be distant from everyone for a while so I thought of being alone… we thought the same and ended up coming to the same place, isn’t it? Haha…

– ….

Kuh, what’s this silent pressure I feel from the side?

– T-the sea is beautiful, don’t you agree? I kind of get all excited, you see, yeah.

She kept an eye on me from the space between her arms.

– Not really. I’d say I don’t dislike it.

You liar. You were extremely cheerful, weren’t you?

– Is that so… I saw you were in a good mood though.

– ! T-there’s no reason for that. I’m not a stupid that crowds like everyone else and it’s not noisy here.

Well──with that, I think you surpassed the noise of ten people.

– Is there anything you want to say?

– No! Well yes, stop putting your hands on your grimoire! I mean, put it back quickly!

Shizukuishi reluctantly moved her fingers in the air. Then the cloak and the book on the side disappear as if being erased.

– Well, I know what you’re saying. I’m also in the midst of my youth, but the feeling of spending every day having the utmost fun isn’t to my liking.

She raised her face slightly and stared at me again.

– I don’t think so. I certainly thought you already moved to the other side.

What a bad joke. That’s not the case, not even close.

– Who’s Shizukuishi? Your plan is probably being in a self-reliant gang, but you think that those guys, our 2A companions are a bit cool and mysterious, don’t you?

– Stop.

Ah, that’s a really unpleasant face.

However, she smiles suddenly as if coming up with something. This! It’s Shizukuishi’s bad smile.

– … If it were Hellzekter, I’d like to join it.

Don’t joke! They’ll firmly refuse you! The rejection of your application is settled!

– Hold on, don’t tell me you’re thinking of changing sides to the Demon King side?

– Fufufu. Maybe.

She says so and smiles evilly. I’m even impressed with how different the smile is when she was singing not long ago. Should I… try asking for her wish or reason just in case?

– It goes without saying, but don’t say this to the rest of the group not even as a joke, alright? And it seems you took a liking to Demon King Hellshaft for a while now. Is there any reason for that?

– How’s that you don’t get that even after confronting him directly once?

After staring at me as if seeing trash, Shizukuishi opened up.

– In our world … I had quite the problems in my private life.


– Oh, it’s not like I’m talking about things that serious, you know? It’s a silly story even if I say so myself. But that insignificant problem doesn’t go away from my head, I’m constantly worried about it…

Hey, you serious? In a sense, that’s more surprising than the idol-like on stage. I never thought not in my wildest dreams that Shizukuishi would tell me something so personal like that.

– I can’t decide even my own life without the consent of others… I feel so much anger towards such unreasonable society. It’s my life? And yet, why am I not allowed to decide what to do without making others consent? I’m angry at others and society, but what I can’t forgive the most … is that I can’t reverse that situation myself.

Shizukuishi’s fingertips dig into her soft upper arms.

– I’m nothing but all talk, after all, I don’t have the resourcefulness or the ability to earn a living and subsist by myself. I can’t take decisions or act. The more I think about it, the more I get fed up with this feeling of powerlessness I have. I often say I’ll graduate from a university and do what I like when I grow up! But I’m not saying that it’s too late!

Without being able to interject, I listened carefully to the words of Shizukuishi in silence.

– …But Demon King Hellshaft is different.

She raised her face and muttered as if dreaming somehow.

– He acts as he please, mowing down common sense, reason, morals, ties of obligation, everything. And completely does as he wants. He has an overwhelming presence and true strength. I want to be such a transcendental existence.

– … Is that so?

Is the Demon King Hellshaft reflected in Shizukuishi’s eyes?

– But it’s not like you have to become the Demon King’s associate, do you? Mental growth can be done even with 2A Guild, no?

But Shizukuishi glanced at me as if looking down on me.

– It’s the environment that raises humans. Depending on what kind of person you associate with, that person will change you. When you hang out with hopeless guys, you naturally fall to that level.

When she said so and stood up, Shizukuishi wiped the sand adhered on her buttocks.

– That’s why I must not talk to you anymore. My human level is going down.

What the hell is that status!? It’s my first team hearing about it!

Stepping on the rock wall surrounding the area, Shizukuishi goes up the stair-shaped rock. She went up to the top with really light movements and when she was about to jump down to the other side.

– Hey, Shizukuishi.

Shizukuishi didn’t reply, but for the time being stopped and turned around.

– Even if your companion is a low level, if you speak frankly about your worries, won’t that make you able to sort out your problems inside you?

Shizukuishi replied, further deepening the wrinkles between the eyebrows.

– When you’re in contact with others, they steal your thinking ability. I have my hands full settling my own problems so I can’t afford to share my brain’s processing power for the sake of others.

Suddenly turning her back on me, Shizukuishi muttered in a small voice.

– You also do that, don’t you?


Certainly true. I hate communicating with others because of the high cost. But that’s because I──you have the specifications and qualifications that others like…you know?

Shizukuishi sticks out her butt towards my direction and leans forward to try going down the other side of the rock wall.

– … Shizukuishi. The problem you have is your future course or something like that? Could it be that you want to move in the direction of music or songs?

– Wha…!

Her face turned around like it was snapped and instantaneously became bright red.

– A-are you stupid!? What’s your basis for such delusi──kyaaah!

Suddenly, Shizukuishi disappeared. She seemed to lost her footing and fell to the other side.

Even monkeys fall from trees. That expression doesn’t go that well here, huh… Is this the case to be thinking about it so carefree──I’ll be killed next time!

I jumped on the rock on the opposite side and started running at full speed to the town, following the rock wall.




+      +      +




– I think I’m safe after running away this far…

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I came to a street with a lot of people coming and going and shops and markets lined up. It looks like this is the main street of Sandiano.

Even so, I was surprised at Shizukuishi’s trouble consultation. And yet she dared confide her troubles to someone like me. She said all those things aloud, yet she wanted someone to hear her. I think Ichinomiya or Asagiri would be better to consult with anyway.

Or is it because of that? Is it because I’m an aloof that it’s convenient for her to spit out her worries right away? There’s no danger of telling others.

If it’s that, then I understand. However──

If they leave Shizukuishi alone, she won’t know what to do. Especially her attachment to Hellshaft, that’s not common. When thinking about it, she’ll become a threat to me. In that sense, she needs to adapt to 2A and put on the shackles of the name “companions”.

Without knowing why, I looked up at the signs of the shops lined up in the shopping district. I immediately see the shops that sell products such as foodstuffs, clothing, weapons and armor. However, there were many shops that I didn’t know what they were selling.

Do I try gathering information as I originally intended?

When I thought so, I found familiar faces.

Those are Arisugawa… and Leonhardt? Wasn’t he on the beach?

– Oh, Doumeguri-kun.

I’ll try to go away to not be noticed──the very moment I thought so, I was found.

– Y-yeah…

Arisugawa waves his hand with a friendly grin. It’s a beautiful girl no matter how you look at him… is it my imagination, or do I feel like I’ve gotten used to his cross dressing than when I saw him for the first time in this world? Is this also the result of status updates due to leveling up?

At any rate, it’s unnatural to ignore him. I reluctantly walked to them. I’m by no means lured by Arisugawa’s smile.

– What’s the deal, Arisugawa? Was there something interesting?

– Well. I accidentally saw Leon clinging to…

Saying so, Arisugawa stared at Leonhardt who’s stuck on the display window like a gecko.

– What’s the matter, Leonhardt? Weren’t you enjoying yourself with the chicks… with everyone on the beach?

– Well… because I was admiring her loli body, I was driven away…

I see. Well, it’s natural so it’s justified I guess?

– So, what’s in here?

– Yo… that elf… is so sexy. Dufufufufu.

What’s wrong with this revolting Germany? The German impression inside me is giving rise to the Great Depression. What Leonhardt is seeing is an elf figure in the display window. This is probably an art or antique shop. There are various figures of all sizes lined up, some of which are half-naked and in lascivious poses. At this point, my opinion is divided between erotic and art, but I personally think that both are different factors, so there’s only erotic, only art, and erotic & art, something like that.

– This is a figure of this world, isn’t it…? They do have quite the skill, huh. This is precious because there are few otaku items in this world. I recognize these two as national treasures.

– Then shouldn’t you buy them?

Leonhardt turned his face to me like it was the end of the world.

– I can’t do that! They’re not selling them! That’s terrible! They discriminate foreigners! The otaku culture isn’t exported to Germany, that’s what I mean! Very well, this is war! I’ll kill them and plunder them!

Hey, stop the radical joke. Complaints come from all sides.

I open the menu while looking at the items in the display window. An item list of this shop emerges… but it seems that I can buy them normally. They seem to be all around 10,000 yen… hmm? Yen?

– Is that so? There’s an item I want, but even when I opened the menu, I couldn’t select it, and even if I told the shopkeeper about it, they wouldn’t sell it…

– What’s the thing you want, Arisugawa?

When I asked, Arisugawa said “Eh?”, he was at a loss for words. He blushed a bit and timidly pointed at the next shop. Or perhaps I should say “stop doing that cute reaction”. It’s like I can’t tell your sex anymore.

The shop next door has a bright and neat appearance with an atmosphere like a beauty parlor or beauty salon. I went inside, following Arisugawa; wigs and cosmetics are lined up. On the back, there was a corner that resembled the reception of a high class hotel. When she noticed us, the beautiful woman sitting at the desk raised her face.

– Welcome. What can I help you with?

Well, even if you said what you can help us with. It’s nothing special.

– That think you told me a short while ago… could you tell us about it again?

Arisugawa said apologetically and the beautiful shop assistant smiled sweetly.

– With pleasure. This is a shop where you can consult with us about the worries of your physical appearance. Your hair color, shape and makeup change your image considerably. If you leave it to our proud hair and makeup staff, you will surely be satisfied regardless of your sex.

In other words, this is a beauty salon in this world. Certainly, when it comes to RPG games, there are times you get tired of playing them and you want to change the appearance of your character a bit.

I glance at Arisugawa and see his eyes shining with an “Uwaa ♪”.

– Furthermore, you can change your body shape with an aesthetic course. For women, they can change their bust-waist-hip measurements to their liking, and for men, they can change into a muscular macho type without needing any effort or time. You can change immediately without taking up your time. If that still does not satisfy you, we have the ultimate beauty course.

When the shop assistant waves her fingers, the explanation of the course is displayed in front of Arisugawa and me.

– This course will give you a new life. It will offer you another self and help you to live another life.

It’s a questionable story, but I’m not interested. What’s with this anyways?

– Unlike hair and makeup courses, the ultimate beauty course has no restrictions. You can transform yourself into your ideal.

– That means… I can change my appearance… just as I wish?

The shop assistant inclined her head and smiled sweetly.

– Yes, even race and gender.

Arisugawa’s throat made a sound.

Certainly… even I can be a good-looking man if I use this course. Some say that humans don’t care about appearances, but that’s an ideal. Most people first judge a person by their appearance. There may be wonderful people that don’t have such preconceptions or prejudice. But what I can only do is imagine Asagiri as much as I know her.

I state the same, there’s a giant difference in persuasiveness and how it’s received when it’s said by an unattractive man or a good-looking man.

Furthermore, if you are confident in your appearance, your speech and conduct will naturally be full of self-confidence. In that sort of sense, it’s only natural to care about appearance.

If I was a handsome guy like Ichinomiya, I might have lived a completely different life. And surely I’d be dating Asagiri──

There was something in my chest that boiled up abruptly.

– E-excuse me. How much does this cost?

What? It’s not in sol?

– The information of the price is in the explanation here.

I pressed the price button in the course explanation. Then the price list appears sliding.

Ultimate beauty course──500,000 yen.

I involuntarily felt dizzy.

Dammit! These guys of Hell’s Domaaaaain! Are those guys money monger!? They dare take advantage of people’s weaknesses! You demons!

Arisugawa had his mouth open in a へ shape as if being troubled.

– Excuse me? The price isn’t displayed and I can’t select it.


I once again glared at the 500,000 yen display shining brilliantly.

I see. Adult mode, which I’m the only one in, can be charged? For Arisugawa in the general course, there’s no display to select in the first place. That’s surely the same for the elf figure that Leonhardt wanted.

This appearance-changing option certainly has an outrageous price, but it might seem reasonable given the realism of Exodia Exodus. It’s like doing plastic surgery or sex change surgery so to speak. And completely brings you near to your ideal which is impossible in the real world. No, I’m sure it can take hold of the ideal itself.

I don’t feel like paying such a large sum if the game is dull, but the realism of Exodia Exodus is no different from reality. The catchphrase “To get another self and live another life” may not necessarily be an exaggerated expression.

Arisugawa let out a few words, apparently disappointed.

– Haa… what a shame…

– What’s the “self” you wanted to be, Arisugawa?

– Fueeh!? I-I, well… ahahaha. B-but I can’t choose so it’s pointless.

– If you were to meet the requirements for some reason, you may be able to make a choice, but right now there’s really nothing that can be done. Do we go outside?

– Yeah… let’s do so.

Expressing a seemingly lonely smile, Arisugawa thanked the shop assistant and left the shop. And recovered Leonhardt still stuck to the display window.

By the way, I guess it’s time to return to acting alone… when I thought so, Arisugawa said as if recalling.

– Come to think of it, I asked a person a while ago, there seems to be a place where ships are sold ahead. Let’s try going there.

Ships? Don’t tell me that it’s possible to move by sea from here?

That was unexpected. Although I don’t even know the full geography of the Balgaea continent yet, I may be able to go further to other islands and continents?

But this is the world of Exodia Exodus. It’s a mystery what the limits are like. Or more precisely, it’s unknown how much of it has been implemented.

– This guy… he really isn’t worried, huh.

– Yo! Let’s go! There may be battleship-shaped girls.*

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*TN: Reference to Azur Lane (?).

There aren’t! I went to the harbor without the willpower to retort.

The harbor is farther from where I met Shizukuishi some time ago. Many ships were moored, from small boats to huge sailboats several dozen meters long. There are resort-like pretty ships and a lot of fishing boats jumbled together.

There are many restaurants, taverns and a number of buildings along the port. The people unloading from large ships worked seemingly busy. Because there’s a lot of physical work at the port, there are a lot of NPCs with strong bodies. Some women are also tall and muscular.

Directly to the opposite side of the harbor, there’s a market where transported packages are traded, and high-spirited voices resounded from everywhere.

– It’s lively in here, amazing.

Arisugawa raises a voice of excitement, restlessly looking around as if showing interest in everything that catches his eye.

– You liar! There was one! A battleship girl!

That can’t be true!──I turn my face to where Leonhardt was pointing at with a look of amazement and certainly a beautiful girl that didn’t seem to be of this world stood there.

– Uwaaaaa… she’s very beautiful…

Even Arisugawa sighed. She was that beautiful.

Small head with long, slender and well-proportioned limbs. At a glance, her heads tall is high and her legs are long. She wears a fine armor that fits her slender body and has a thin and elegant sword that matches its owner on her waist. The shining pink lips of her delicate mouth are vaguely opened like she was troubled and her largish blue eyes stare at the surging crowd as if searching for something.

Is she looking for someone? Pointed ears protruded from her golden hair as if to catch the words of the person she was waiting for from the great noise.

– Wait, isn’t she an elf?

– Yeah, she sure is an elf…

– Whoa! A living elf! Just like a life-sized figure!

The elf noticed us who made a great fuss and her eyes suddenly stopped moving.

– Huh? Is she coming here?

The elf stared at us and walked straight.

– Are you a merchant who sells ships?

She asked with a clear, beautiful and lovely voice.

– Eh? No, we’re… travelers.

In response to Arisugawa, the elf put her hand on her thin chin.

– Is that so? I heard that a wealthy and young merchant running a shipyard, his wife, and their servant would meet me…

Let’s leave aside who would fulfill that casting.

– Err… we came from the other side of Rummel Mountains. What about you?

Arisugawa talked to her nervously, and the elf pointed towards the sea.

– I came from the Logress continent across the sea. I’m a knight from the elf country『Arzheim』.

The country beyond the sea… the country where the elves live.

This guy wants to get all sorts of information out of her, huh? Though after she opened her mouth, it was her turn to ask a question.

– The other side of Rummel Mountains? Is that the human country? Then I would like to ask a question.

Clenching his fists, Arisugawa bent himself forward a little.

– Wh-what? If it’s something that we can answer.

She stared at Arisugawa with an attitude that says “I want to be of help” and smiled weakly.

– Is it true that on the Balgaea continent, Hellandia, the country governed by the Demon King Hellshaft, is increasing its influence?

Leonhardt make his hands move recklessly and gets angry as if he had remembered something.

– Yo! That’s right. Caldart was also extremely damaged!

The elf opened her eyes wide in surprise.

– Even Caldart? Hellandia expanded its territory to such a point?

Arisugawa hastily corrected.

– No, it was attacked … but they’re retreating now.

– That is strange. Why is the Demon King attacking…?

Arisugawa and Leonhardt cock their heads in puzzlement, grasping what the elf who has a dubious face just said.

Tsk, having these strange question is troublesome…..

– I don’t get it well and it goes beyond my imagination… but doesn’t it feel like he came because the power of the humans became stronger and tried to hit us first? He withdrew because it wasn’t his intention to occupy it from the start, his aim was simply to inflict damage.

Arisugawa and Leonhardt raised their voices as if agreeing.

– I understand, it’s certainly far from Hellandia’s territory. Probably governing it would have had all sorts of difficulties.

The elf nodded and showed a serious look.

– I see… but it’s true that Hellandia’s threat is increasing. I have heard that the Demon King Hellshaft is also friendly with the dark elves… that seems to need to be investigated as well.

Dark elves. Is she talking about Satanachia?

– Yo! A dark elf is a leader of Hellandia!!

– Yup. Her underlings are also dark elf corps…

The elf muttered with a grim face, as expected.

– Thank you. Then I will prepare a ship and go near Hellandia.

Panicking, I called out to the elf that was about to take her leave.

– Wait a moment. That Demon King and the dark elves said that they were on good terms, so why are you troubled by it?

The elf stared at me and nodded gravely.

– Well. Our Arzheim and the dark elf country Rowalrinna are both neighbors on the Logress continent. If the dark elves and Hellshaft are joining forces, then they are the greatest threat to us elves.


I had the idea of borrowing the strength of other races, but I didn’t think of an alliance between countries.

I mean, can I do that?

Exodia Exodus.

– So that’s how it was…? Then we can say that the relationship between you elves and the dark elves isn’t very good…right?

The elf raised her eyes as if to say “what are you saying?”

– Of course. We elves and dark elves can’t live together. The longstanding conflict between the two races can no longer be restored. At any rate, there is no other way than one of the two being destroyed. No, the wicked dark elves are the ones to become extinct.

– Oh… why don’t you calm down…?

The elf’s eyes full of killing intent made our spine shiver.

– That’s why we need to investigate Demon King Hellshaft. Besides──

She showed an unpleasant look on her face and told us as if spitting out.

– We have information that some of our elves have submitted to the Demon King Hellshaft. Shameful beings, the disgrace of us elves. I will never forgive them.

What? I had such subordinates?

There was an elf who sang during the Caldart Capture Battle, but later I confirmed that it wasn’t a real elf, but a fashion band or something like that. The so-called “fashion style heavy on make-up and elaborate hairstyles”?

Maybe I just don’t know them, they are probably Satanachia’s underlings. I’ll try asking her when I return later.

– I will go to Hellandia to see if it’s true or not. And see who those traitors are…

The elf’s expression had changed from anger to a painful expression with a bit of sadness.

– If I don’t confirm that fact, I…

Somehow, her voice sounded like she was about to cry at any minute.

There was the figure of a person coming and waving their hand from the other side of the road. He looks like the merchant the elf was looking for. I see, they were really a rich young man and woman and their servant. But their servant is a grandpa.

Raising her face all of a sudden, the facial expression of the elf changed to a brave face as if the sad expression was a lie.

– My name is Ernes. If you happen to cross the ocean, please go to Arzheim once. There may be ways for us to fight together with humans.

Leaving those words with us, the elf named Ernes left.


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