Ecstas Online

Chapter 4

Chapter 4      The scrapped Demon King

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When it got dark, I came back to Infermia avoiding being seen. Teleport is so good. There’s no feeling of traveling at all.

I may be dissed that I disappeared again of my own accord in Sandiano, but I have no choice. If I neglect those guys, their《LOYALTY》will go down and that will become a problem.

That’s why I’ll first report to Aikawa-san. Then I’ll have a meeting with Hellzekter.

As I walked down the hallway with a quick pace, I noticed Aikawa-san mopping the stone floor. Hmm, she’s working earnestly, huh. I’m really impressed. Aikawa-san noticed me and raised her face.

– Ah, Doumeguri-ku──Demon King-sama.

I rapidly look around, approach Aikawa-san and whisper in her ear.

– I have something to talk with you.

– What? Be quick. I want to finish this hallway quickly.

You really work earnestly. The corporate drones trained by Hell’s Domain don’t do things just for show.

It’s not good to get in the way of her very hard work, so I told her to come to my room once she had reached a point where she could rest and we separated for a short time. The tower of the Demon King is in the center of Infermia. The room of the Demon King is on the upper floors.

I open the massive door and meet again with the eerie and cool interior. Yeah, this design similar to the interior of an alien body has become more comfortable. It’s incredible that it calms me down.

I cancel the Demon King’s armor and change my clothes into a resort fashion-style aloha shirt and shorts I got in Sandiano. And dive into the bed that is bigger than a king-size bed.

Yeah, I feel at ease…. as I stay idle, Aikawa-san appeared in less than 30 minutes.

– What’s with that appearance?

She told me with an annoyed face.

– Well, it’s just… I have things to report, including this too.

And so, I’m alone with Aikawa-san in my room. I briefly talked about the events of the last few days.

– I see… it’s true that getting Holy Grave stolen is a sore, but if you hold them out for about three weeks, until Santa──X is applied… well, it’s within acceptable limits.

Oh! The schedule of the patch is giving composure to Aikawa-san! I thought she was going to get mad. I’m glad~.

– On the other hand, will you be more careful than before? From what I have heard, I feel like your wariness towards your classmates has faded lately.

– Eh? Is that so?

– Of course I’m imagining it because I haven’t seen it firsthand… but I can see that somehow.

That’s absurd. Particularly for me, that’s impossible.

– That’s not funny. Even if I see it like that, it’s nothing but a way to manipulate those guys. I need to get a bit closer to them to control them.

– Is that so? I guess it’s fine then.

Aikawa-san didn’t retort more than that and changed the topic smoothly.

– More importantly, you said you’ll probably go to another continent?

– … Yeah. I don’t know yet, but it’s a possibility.

I checked the price of the ships, but they were quite expensive. It’s not so bad when it comes to boats, but if it’s a ship that can take everyone to another continent, it won’t cost below 300K sol.

– Be careful, because you can’t come back via teleportation.

– Eh!? Really!?

– Yup. Teleportation is only possible when you are on the same land.

Oh no! Teleportation allows me to go back and forth between 2A Guild and Hellander, these two communities.

– That’s why you need to be more careful──

The room door was knocked.

– Hellshaft-sama. I heard you came back… can I come?

I bent backwards and straightened up my back like a spring in response to her cold voice.

It was Satanachia’s voice. I told Aikawa-san as if shouting in a low voice.

– Aikawa-san, we have to deceive her quickly!

– Jeez! Again!? Hey, no more Ecstas!

Aikawa-san herself lay down on the bed and opened the clothes under the restraints. And I put on the Demon King’s helmet first. As I learned before when Forneus burst into the room, if I only wear my helmet instead of changing clothes, I can still deceive them.

Be that as it may, this doesn’t mean she’s going to enter of her own accord, but this is like an insurance. This way, I can replace the equipment with relief. Next is taking off the shirt and shorts──,

– Excuse me, I’m getting in.

A beautiful woman with white shiny hair and brown skin opened the door without any hesitation.

Uwaa! Damn you! You’re really a rude fellow.

– Sa-Satanachia!? I haven’t told you to enter yet!

– I apologize. I was worried because I didn’t get a reply──Demon King-sama, why do you look like that?

Satanachia stared at me who is in Aloha shirt, shorts and wears the Demon King’s helmet.

– Wow! This is that──

Satanachia clapped her hands together before I made an excuse.

– Yes, is this the appearance that Forneus said before with which you have a good time with the slave?

– Eh? Y-yes… that’s right. You’re well informed, huh.

Come to think of it, I made such an excuse when I was seen by Forneus.

– Forneus spread the rumor that she saw something interesting today.

That stupid fallen angel….

– So, Satanachia… why are you here?

Satanachia fixedly stared at Aikawa-san on the bed, as if my question hadn’t been heard.

– Hellshaft-sama, does this slave please you that much?

Ugh! It feels as if blue flames are flaring up behind Satanachia! Aikawa-san also feels a terrible killing intent, like a frog watched by a snake, rather, she curled up and trembled like a small animal scared of carnivores.

– You are being too suspicious of my motives. Even if I’m pleased with her, she doesn’t compare to you Hellzekter.

Satanachia seemed to be slightly satisfied, then took a deep breath and averted her eyes from Aikawa-san.

– You were absent for a while, where did you go? Adra was grumbling about a document he wants you to take a decision about.

This is bad, it seems that long-term absence have an influence on them as expected.

– Besides, we don’t get to see you often… where and what is Hellshaft-sama doing?

Hmm, it seems I need to clear her doubts here. Otherwise, my future activities will get more and more restricted.

– Actually, I’ve been doing my own research on Hellandia and neighboring countries.

– Hellshaft-sama himself… if it’s something like that, you can leave it to us Hellzekter.

– I don’t doubt of you at all. But there’s some information I can get by looking directly at my country, and the ones that will be mine.

– If so, please let us go with you at least.

– I can’t do that. I stand too much if I have people with me. It won’t be a secret inspection. But, as you can see, I have the ability to mimic humans. That’s why it’s better to go alone.

But Satanachia isn’t convinced yet.

– But if something were to happen to Hellshaft-sama…

– Fufufu, who do you think I am. I’m Hellshaft, the strongest Demon King ever. If by any chance I was in any danger──

I put my hand on Satanachia’s shoulder.

– At that moment, it will be your turn. I count on you, Satanachia.

– … Yes ❤.

Satanachia’s eyes were moist.

──That’s right. Speaking of which, I was saying that I was worried about the elf named Ernes I met in Sandiano.

– Satanachia. There’s something I’d like to ask… do you have elf subordinates?

– …? I am in charge of the dark elf corps, that is a given.

Satanachia brushed up her platinum blonde hair.

– That’s not what I mean. Elves, not dark elves.

Satanachia’s hand stopped suddenly.

– … No, I don’t.

– Is that so? It’s okay then…

Did I misunderstand something? Or her words were completely wrong, that’s the only thing I can think of.

Satanachia raised her face as if she had remembered something and told me plainly.

– Hellshaft-sama. This is abrupt, but let’s do lewd things now.

It’s too abrupt! I mean, did you recall the elves!?

Satanachia removed her shoulder pads, which were integrated with the cape, and then removed the arm guard that protected her from the wrist to the elbow. Furthermore, she took off her shoes, stockings and the armor of her knees without hesitation.

– Sa-Satanachia!? Wh-what are you doing!?

– This and that are nothing. This much is natural behavior for a dark elf.

When Satanachia in nothing but bikini comes to the bed, Aikawa-san rolls over the bed and escapes to the end as if being pushed out.

– Umm, I’m being discourteous to you, so if you excuse me I──

– Wait.

Satanachia grabbed the arm of Aikawa-san who tried to escape.

– *Eek*!

– Stay here. See with your own eyes how much my body can make Hellshaft-sama enjoy himself. You and I will realize which body is more suitable for the Demon King-sama.

– *Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek*!?

With a deep blue face, Aikawa-san screamed.

– T-that’s! For a lowly slave like me to be compared with Satanachia-sama, that is so discourteous! I am no match to you! Please forgive me!

– It doesn’t matter. This is to make you know that you are no match for Hellshaft-sama. You have my permission.

Aikawa-san had tears in her eyes with a face that said “that’s not it!”

This is also an unavoidable situation. Be prepared, I told her with my eyes. Although I say so, she can’t see my eyes because the helmet covers them.

However, Aikawa-san should be fine watching us, so she should feel at ease… Well, it’s not like I’ll be showing off in this situation, in the front row of such arena, I mean, on the stage.

– Now, Hellshaft-sama. Isn’t it absurd to just show favoritism to a slave while ignoring me, a Hellzekter? Please enjoy my body tonight.

Saying so, she twisted her body and changed her pose. Then faced upwards and rearranged her long legs. She spread her legs slightly and her secret part, her crotch, became completely visible because she sat with one knee up. She wore a bikini. However, the thin cloth cut into the cleavage of Satanachia as if being sucked up.

I made a sound with my throat involuntarily.

– Now, Hellshaft-sama…

As if showing in, she opens her hands and waits for me to come to her. Ignoring this is indeed pathetic. Or rather, her《LOYALTY》will be in danger. I resolved myself and went up on to bed.

– E… err.

Aikawa-san was bewildered. Her feeling of “what should I do now?” was transmitted well. However, Satanachia, who’s next to me, sent a competitive and blunt glance to Aikawa-san.

Satanachia places her hands on her chest and presses the two large swellings from both sides.

– Enjoy your meal.

With a slightly trembling voice, Satanachia begs.

The person in question told me to eat, so it’s okay, right? I mean, who wouldn’t eat the meal set before one? That’s right, making the girl and subordinate embarrass is a no-no.

I leaned on Satanachia, desperately suppressed my trembling hands and reached for her massive breasts. There are no shoulder straps or a front part connecting the left and right cups, the armor just sandwiched from the left and right protects her breasts. The area defended is too small to be called protected though.

In order to break that small defense, I let my fingers slip into the gap between the armor and the soft breasts.

– Hnn…

Satanachia raised an indistinct gasp as my fingertips reach the sensitive part of her breasts. I try to gently pull her breasts out of the armor, but her breasts are too big and tight. With a little effort, the breasts with a tremendous elasticity were severely bent and the armor came off as if bursting open. With that momentum, the brown breasts jump out as if raging.

– Aaan ❤.

Uowaaah!? N-no matter how many times I see them, they’re amazing….

The bouncing boobs shook for a while as if bouncing to absorb the vibration. I unconsciously caught my breath due to their sexiness and beauty.

The stretched boobs shine brightly, reflecting the light of the illumination that make their roundness stand out. The breasts that keeps a round shape without spreading much to the left and right are a miracle. The lower breasts cast a clear shadow towards the west. From there to the navel, the light and darkness of the shadow represented the unevenness of her toned body. The swelling parts and the gleaming-like shining skin are very lewd.

Only black cloth and armor hid her crotch. Her shining white hair spread over the white sheet. Her brown female body with her hands spread as if swimming. It looks like I’m going to lose my mind just by watching her.

– A-as expected of your voluptuousness… even a succubus will be overshadowed in front of you.

I’m being honest, just maintaining the character of the Demon King has me to the limit. It feels like taking a trial that exhausts all my nerves.

– Thank you. I’m a dark elf so something like this… is natural.

I felt like my small amount of bashfulness was seen by the cool Satanachia. Her slightly blushing expression and the weak frown tempt me once more.

Her breasts, which shake every time they are slightly moved, are like soft desserts that seems to be waiting for me to eat them. Big chocolate puddings. The beautiful pink color different from the skin is topped on the tip of the breasts. Inside her, the expectation that an act is going to begin from now on swells and her dark skin stretches like being filled to burst at any minute.

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When I stare at her breasts, my reasoning also ends up flying somewhere else. Even though Aikawa-san was watching right next to me, it didn’t bother me at all.

That lascivious body tempts me to go faster. Such a temptation, a male who can turn it down is not a living thing! Impossible! As the invitation told me, I buried my face in the cleavage.

– Haaaanh ❤.

Breathing in with all my strength, the scent of Satanachia spread to my chest, filling it. A very nice scent rises from the body of Satanachia. The one from Forneus, smelled sweet like sweets, but the one from Satanachia’s skin was as refreshing as grasslands, as fascinating as fragrant wood, and as calmed as the forest.

Without enduring it, I stick to the round and dark brown skin.

– N, fuh!

I licked all over her stretched breasts which seemed they would burst, as if tasting them with my tongue.

– Ah, haaa! Nuh!

Each time Satanachia bends her body, her voice leaks out of her lips. She suddenly lies face down to hide her breasts. Her back shakes and breathes heavily. The brown nape that peeks through, making sure to cut through the white hair, and the delineated shade of the scapula and spine are very beautiful. Perhaps she felt too much, but even though my hands aren’t touching her, the twitches of her back don’t stop.

However, and probably because she hid her breasts, her voluminous parts were exposed even more instead. Hiding her butt is a poor excuse──no, I can’t say she’s hiding them. The black bikini bottom is roughly a string, the roundness of the buttocks aren’t hidden at all.

She had a big butt. The ridiculous thought saying “what if I’m squashed and crushed to death by it?” crossed my mind. However, I want that to get on me for a moment. Such contradictory thoughts spin around in my head. I gently put my hands on those buttocks.

– Naah!

Satanachia raises her head. Then moves her butt to the left and right to try escaping from my hands. But she cannot escape.

Rather, the movement seems to be inviting me to rub them more. Her big butt makes her lascivious waist bend loosely back and forth. I put my strength into my fingers and began to rub that part of the body that felt similar to a mass of elasticity.

– Aah! He-Hellshaft-sama… s-such a place is aaaaaaaah!

Satanachia, who looked back over her shoulder, frowned and looked down at me with her eyebrows close to tears.

Oh, you got pleased by this! I concluded so and rubbed her thoroughly and more boldly.

– Hyaaa, aah! Ah ah aaaannn haaa yaaaaaaannnh.

Satanachia lays face down on the bed and desperately subdues her gasps.

However, I had an uncomfortable feeling with the trembling of her shoulders and back.


Is this due to pleasure? Her whole body trembling short and repeatedly… I felt something similar to cold and fear for some reason.

– What’s wrong, Satanachia? Are you cold?

– No… that is not the case at all. Please continue like that.

Satanachia responded with her usual cool voice, and with her face still facing down. However, the tone of voice that resounded in my ears was slightly hoarse.

I stopped touching Satanachia.

– I see… but don’t force yourself. If you’re not in good health——

Satanachia jumped up to her feet and clung onto me.

– Please, Hellshaft-sama. Have mercy. I, I am a dark elf. I am a race that likes this kind of things. Therefore, losing to a slave in the bed is something that should not happen…

– Satanachia?

Satanachia felt somewhat different from her usual self…?

She looks at Aikawa-san, her current rival, puts her hands on her crotch, and sits with her legs folded sideways. Aikawa-san stared at the interaction between Satanachia and me with moist eyes.

Satanachia noticed my gaze and told Aikawa-san with a challenging voice, but with a look as if wishing for some help.

– … I allow you to serve him together with me. Come here.

– He… eeeeh!?

Her vague face suddenly stiffens. Looking at Aikawa-san, this seems like a disaster that occurred suddenly to the place, to the gallery she completely took for granted.

– Uu… I understand.

She kneeled and sidled up to her with teary eyes.

– Now, show your body quickly.

Aikawa-san silently put her hand on the shirt and slowly pulled it up while enduring the shame. Then, her white breasts greatly swayed through the gap between the restraints.

She pulls the shirt up to the neck without stopping and pulls it through the gap between the restraints dexterously. The black restraints make an immoral aura drift on her white skin. The gestures of blushing embarrassedly and averting her gaze seem to be only a production that emphasize Aikawa-san’s obsceneness.

Satanachia also notices me fixedly staring at her and keeps up appearances as if she had panicked.

– Hmmm… she looks like Hellshaft-sama’s sex slave.

– Se! Sex slave!?

– Now, lie down here.

Satanachia lies down on the bed and pointed next to her. Aikawa-san reluctantly lies down next to her.

The bodies of the two side by side are stunning, depicting the contrast between black and white. The grey-haired and dark brown-skin Satanachia and the black haired and white-skin Aikawa-san. These two stunning bodies are presented in front of me.

– Now, Hellshaft-sama… Please savor these two bodies. And please check which one is more delicious.

Their eyes filled with expectations and anxiety are poured onto me. Suddenly, I felt a pressure.

This is bad. Can I satisfy them properly?

That’s not it.

In this match, Satanachia must win no matter what it takes. If Aikawa-san were to win, I don’t know what Satanachia will do to Aikawa-san then.

– … Alright. In that case, I will give Satanachia the special and finest pleasure.

I have no choice but to play my trump card here.

I opened the menu and chose the magic that could only be used by me.

– Ecstas!!

– Hyaauhh!?

A heart-shaped crest emerged in the cleavage of Satanachia. Her face changed to a spellbound one.

Seeing her state, Aikawa-san, who jumped up, approached my ear.

– You saved me. Are you using Ecstas to make her lose focus?

– Not at all, it’s impossible to make her forget we’re doing things, that’s too much… “when comparing your bodies, Satanachia is the one having the better one” you’ll be killed if that’s what is decided, you know? However, I feared that she would notice that this was a blatant fixed game, so I had to get her lose her senses with Ecstas.

– … In the end, I have to do it too… I’ll remember this…

Aikawa-san cursed at me and lay down next to Satanachia with me in between.

I first made sure to lean on Satanachia’s body and brought my face near her. Oh, she’s even more beautiful now that I look closer at her.

– An… Hellshaft-samaa…

She kisses the Demon King’s helmet. When Satanachia’s tongue tried to break through the gap, the mouth guard opened and came into contact with my living tongue.

– N… ❤.

The feel of her smooth and soft lips. A pleasant feel like being stroked in my mouth by a soft, slimy creature. Satanachia’s sweet saliva mixes in my mouth. That incredibly good feeling and sensuality made me feel like I was floating in another world.

Is that the same for Satanachia? She caresses my body with our lips still stuck ecstatically. It feels so good and ticklish I unconsciously pull my body back.

– Nna, Hellshaft, sama…

Even though our lips don’t touch, she doesn’t want our tongues to stop touching each other. Looking like she wants to say so, Satanachia stretches her tongue and caresses my tongue with the tip of her tongue. That act looked extremely adorable, I became fraught with emotion. Our lips meet again, but I suffocated a bit and separated again.

– An…

Satanachia’s lips, which look reluctant to part, stretched out a thread. The lips of Aikawa-san who stared at that kind of thing were open as if she was kissing me.

I look at her bewitching pink lips, I just want to stick to them. However, I don’t think I can safely steal Aikawa-san’s lips. I averted my eyes from Aikawa-san.

– Fufun ♪.

Did she misunderstand? Satanachia smiled at Aikawa-san with a face as if to say “You saw it, yes?” In other words, a triumphant look with a sense of superiority because she’s the only one that kissed me.

Well, if Satanachia was satisfied and Aikawa-san’s lips were protected, then both of them will be happy, resulting in a WIN – WIN relationship.

But why do I feel like Aikawa-san is looking at me with bitter-looking eyes, or is it my imagination?

Satanachia brought her breasts close with her hands and raised them.

– Hellshaft-sama. Will you compare how we feel now? I feel sad for the slave, so please rub hers this time.

Next is Aikawa-san? How do you say something so unnecessary!?

I say in my heart.

– T-…that’s unnecessary…

Aikawa-san lifted her breasts with her hands while making her teeth grind.

Satanachia throws out her chest, emphasizing her large breasts even more.

– O-okay… well then.

I spread out both hands to the left and right and grabbed their boobs.

– Haaaan ❤

– Hyaah! A…nnnh!

Satanachia, whose sexual feelings have been amplified by the effect of Ecstas, is likely to be attacked by a strong pleasure just by rubbing her breasts. On the other hand, Aikawa-san curses at her own misfortune and glares at me with a momentum that returns the curse to me. Hey, stop it. That’s scary.

– N… you’re rubbing, a bit… too much, aanh!

I fervently rub Aikawa-san’s breast with a preparation to exorcise a revengeful ghost. Contrary to my wish for her to calm down, Aikawa-san’s heartbeat is so intense that even the body part increases its firmness in my palm.

– Nn ♡ Ya, aanh… nn… n-noo ♡.

Aikawa frowns and makes her body writhe in pain with a seemingly painful face.

After all, if the other party is pleased, then I’m happy. I’m going to rub their breasts with strong, weak and exquisite rubbings so that the two can get more pleasure──that’s no good! I have to focus on Satanachia! Oh, you see? Satanachia glares at Aikawa-san who seems to be feeling good like she was envious!

– As expected of Satanachia. You have an overwhelming size and elasticity. The slave is no match for you.

With my direct compliments and the effects of Ecstas, she lays bare her delight without having any questions.

– Haaah, He-Hellshaft-sama. I am happy, I am so happy! Ah, if you do that much, my, my breasts will meeeeeeeeelt ❤.

– Ku… this much is, nnh… what remark? In the end, you rubbed me… all that you want.

While blushing, Aikawa-san said to me with deeply held resentment. Well, I’m sincerely glad I put Ecstas on Satanachia.

– De-Demon King-sama, I may lose in, terms of size, but aan! H-how about their texture?

– W-well. B-both have their qualities, and they’re good.

Their breasts and everyone’s breasts are different, so everyone is good. It seems to be adopted as a slogan at schools all over the country──ah, what are you competing against!?

Satanachia glares at Aikawa-san while distorting her face in pleasure. To distract her, I pinch the pink hard buds at the end of their breasts.

– ❤ nnn ❤ n!

– Kuh… aaah ♡♡!

The pleasure created by the protuberances was extraordinary, and their disturbance became more intense. I feel like I got accustomed to the hard elasticity that I feel at my fingertips. When I gently squash them or pull them, the way they gasp changes, that’s something it felt so cute about them.

– He-Hellshaft-sama ❤ Which breast is your favorite?

Well, everyone is different*.

*TN: Like in the epilogue of Volume 1, once again the raw volume has an incomplete sentence.

– Actually, Satanachia… each one has its own charm.

When I received their glances and replied while panicking in my mind, the two of them had dissatisfied-looking faces.

– … If so.

Satanachia hunches herself up while still facing upward and put her hands on her bikini bottom that barely hid her nether region. Then she pulled out the black bottom cloth from her long legs smoothly, rolled it up and put it on her wrist like a scrunchie.

– This time, please check… here.

With the effect of Ecstas, the confusion that appeared and disappeared until now had vanished. Aikawa-san was amazed by the audacious Satanachia. But she immediately turns away her reddened face.

– I, I… don’t need to take it off.

Aikawa-san stood on her knees while facing away. Aikawa-san, who was only allowed to wrap her jacket around her waist and wasn’t allowed to wear underwear, was already fit for that.

– Anyway… you’ve seen it many times now… yes, too many times.

Aikawa-san muttered to herself grumbly. I pretty much don’t know what Aikawa-san is thinking anymore. Maybe Ecstas is contagious?

I extended my hand to their secret valley, like a bee lured by sweet honey.

– Kyaaaaaaaah!!

– Hyaaaaaaaah!?

The moment I touched the hot and viscous thing, they bent backwards as if jumping.

– He-Hellshaft… sama… ❤

Satanachia gasps with an ecstatic voice, as if she had already reached lightly.*

*TN: I have no idea of the implication of “to reach” here.

– Nnn ♡ Doume… Demon King-sama! Saying it’s okay to go that far… aaah!

Although she said so, Aikawa-san’s body pushes her waist as if begging for pleasure.

She probably moved it unconsciously, but it’s a style of disorder that I can’t imagine from her everyday figure.

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I want to respond to the feelings of the two who are being pleased. I was affected by the heat and pheromones of the two, and I stroked them to send more stimulation across my palms.

– Kyaan! Aah, it, it feels so good! Haaaa!

Satanachia twists under me due to the pleasure that attacks her abdomen. Her big breasts went wild each time. Aikawa-san dishevels her hair and stares into the air with blank eyes.

– Hah, aa… aa, De-Demon King… sama… ♡

With black hair stuck to her sweaty face and breathing out sweet, long breaths, Aikawa-san hadn’t a piece of intelligence, she seemed to be just a sex slave drowned in pleasure.

– Aah… c-coming… Hellshaft-sama!

Getting closer to the climax, Satanachia reflexively sandwiched my arm between her thighs.

– Me, me too… aaaaaaaaaah!?

Aikawa-san also sandwiched my arm between her soft thighs.

– Haah, a, no, something, something, is coming, a, a, c-coming──

The next moment, Satanachia and Aikawa-san bent backwards at the same time.

– Hi, ya, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ❤❤❤

– Ya, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhh ♡♡♡

They tighten their thighs with all their strength. Intense pain and a warm feel ran across my sandwiched arms.

– …! Ha, a… kuuuhh! Nnh!

Making their bodies quiver, the two are played with by the pleasure that attacks their whole bodies. Eventually, their bodies lost their strength and collapsed, becoming flaccid.

Aikawa-san seemed to have fainted. She’s sleeping with eyes closed.

– Hellshaft-sama…

However, Satanachia turned her moist eyes to me.

──Yes, I have to declare her victory here.

– Yes… as expected of Satanachia! Incredible. You win! Humans have no way to compete with dark elves. Well, aren’t you yourself wonderful…?

Saying so, Satanachia closed her eyes like she was relieved, looking glad.

– Now… I can also become a splendid dark elf…

? What do you mean?

I extended my hand and combed Satanachia’s glowing white hair, the platinum blonde hair characteristic of the dark elves.

– Whether you’re a dark elf or not, you’re undoubtedly a Hellzekter. No matter what others say, you’re my subordinate. I’ll never let go of you.

Satanachia smiled, looking happy, then stuck out her tongue and began to lick my chest.

Wow! I-it’s ticklish, but it feels good!

I play with her ears that jumped out greatly to return the favor

– Yaan ❤

She raised a pretty voice and twisted. Like I thought, ears are elves’ weakness.

At that moment, the room shook slightly.

– An earthquake?

I mean, there’s an earthquake feature?

– Something… very noisy is there.

Satanachia raised and made her ears twitch.

She strains her ears and hears shouts in the distance as well as what seems to be sounds of something big falling, rolling and coming one after another. And that disturbance came to the corridor in front of my room. I could hear the earth tremors going to and fro as if a huge monster was running down the hallway, and finally the door began to make strong sounds. As if something were ramming the door.

– Hmm… what is that sound?

Aikawa-san regained consciousness due to the sounds and the tremors.

– What, the hell?

I got out of bed, stamped my feet displeasured and opened the door.


There was a giant with a bull head.

His body is close to a human, but his frightening muscle mass is greatly different from humans. I thought it was Grasha’s magic beast corps, but I’ve never seen a guy like this.

– Hey, you bastard. What are you doing in the Demon King’s room?

But my voice isn’t heard, the bull monster makes its eyes without pupil and dark iris become bloodshot and jets out a fierce and hot breath from its nose and mouth.

──This guy is weird.

Without answering my question, he just bares his teeth, drooling in drops. He raised the giant axe in his hand overhead and raised a noisy-like roar.

An axe that can cut a person and the like right in half with one hit. He swings it down at me.


I’ll be killed.

I thought so instantaneously, but my body doesn’t move. I could only stare at the axe being swung down at me dumbfounded.

I’ll die.

I shut my eyes,

At that moment──something hot fell onto my face.

– … Eh?

I opened my eyes, there was a hole in the chest of the bull monster. Hot blood falls onto my body.

The axe breaks and the shattered pieces fell to the floor.

The monster fell backwards while raising a last shout.

– Are you safe?

When I looked back, Satanachia had a bow at the ready on the bed.

– Oh…

Satanachia jumps out of bed with a quick movement, as if the silliness of a short while ago was a lie and examines the corridor from the door. Then, from the other side of the corridor, several similar bull monsters came running.

Satanachia jumped into the corridor and started firing arrows one after another in an unladylike appearance, only a case to hold the arrows and a belt were wrapped around her waist.

– Hellshaft-sama, your clothes, fast.

– R… right!

Damn! What is going on!? This is Infermia, isn’t it!? Why are the monsters launching an attack on the room of the Demon King!? Are they trying to kill me!?

I opened the menu and equipped the Demon King’s armor. My high school boy’s body immediately changes to a giant body of about 2.3 meters tall.

– Aikawa-san!

I stood up on the bed and ran up to the dazed Aikawa-san.

– Aikawa-san, can you stand up?

– That… monster just now… err, as expected…

Aikawa-san mutters with a face as if she had seen something unbelievable.

– What is it?

– Doumeguri-kun, this… may be a misjudgment…

– What is it? Say it clearly…

Aikawa-san opened her eyes wide and screamed.

– Kyaaaaaaaaaah!

When I turn around, a bull monster stood on the other side of the bed. Did it break through Satanachia’s line of defense? As I approached it casually, I glared at the bull monster. It was a huge opponent earlier, I had to look up at it, but now his face is below my eyes.

The bull monster raised a threatening-like cry and held aloft the axe. His muscles, which were many times what humans had, turned the simple axe into a terrifying destructive weapon.

──But it’s pointless.

– Fuh!

I effortlessly swing my arm. The lightly-swung-arm punch sinks into the bull’s face. The impact deformed the bull’s face and made its body spin like a spinning top. When the spinning stopped, the bull monster collapsed where it was like a puppet with its thread cut.

Hmm, he had the nerve to make me lose my nerve a moment ago.

– Aikawa-san. What is that monster…?

When I turn my face, Aikawa-san was skillfully putting on clothes, making the shirt slip through the gap of the restraints. During that time, she frowned and kept a serious expression.

– Doumeguri-kun… that’s a monster that shouldn’t be here.

Eh? What are you saying?

– Minotaurs… are monsters that should often be used in dungeons, well, were.

Were…? Past tense?

– They shouldn’t be here…? But aren’t they in front of you now? What do you mean?

– It’s strange for them to be here! Because it’s an NG monster!


*TN: Not Good.

– Does that mean… when a character is rejected?

– That’s right!  Data was made, but it got replaced with another character and the data was deleted. Well, it should have been deleted.

I stared at the Minotaur that disappeared, becoming light.

This thing, this monster shouldn’t be here? But it’s here. The data that should have been deleted. Was it restored? It’s useless. Even if I think what’s going on, I don’t get it.

– Excuse me, Aikawa-san.

Without waiting for a reply, I held up Aikawa-san in my arms.

– W-wait. Doumeguri-kun!?

– I don’t get it too well, but I’m sure there is an enemy inside Infermia. It’s dangerous to be alone, so please stay with me. You’ll be safe by my side.

I hold Aikawa-san, letting her sit on my left arm.

– Y-yeah…

Blushing a little, Aikawa-san clung to my neck.

I stamped on the floor and rushed out to the corridor. There, Satanachia was alone against a horde of Minotaurs. Satanachia shoots them to death in rapid succession, but the number and momentum of the Minotaurs don’t stop. Little by little, the vanguard of the Minotaurs approaches Satanachia.

– Satanachia! Fall back!

In response to my voice, Satanachia jumped backwards in a big way. She turns many times in the air and lands splendidly. Her large breasts shake from side to side with a delay, without being able to follow the movement.

More than a dozen minotaurs rushed, roaring violently.

– You damn bulls…

I turn the flame cloak into the shape of a sword and hold it with my right hand.

– You better drop good meat!

I hold aloft my sword greatly and swung the sword. The sword cuts off the air and a shock wave runs along its trajectory. The shockwave cuts off the Minotaurs’ torso while tearing the walls of the corridor to pieces.

The moment the blade of the shockwave pierced through the end of the wall, the upper half of the body of the minotaurs fell all at once. In the corridor, only the lower bodies, which had lost their owner, stood close together.

– Satanachia, quickly dress yourself too.

– Yes.

Satanachia stripped herself, but she nimbly equipped her armor as I ordered. Her figure of fighting with boobs fully exposed is also beautiful, but this doesn’t seem to be a situation in which I can say such a careless thing. I breathed in and summoned them in a loud voice.

– Come! Hellzekter!!

My shout resounds in Infermia. As the kodama-like echo disappeared, the window at the end of the corridor burst open.

– Hell-samaaaaaaa!

The fallen angel Forneus came flying, spreading her white wings.

– Did you caaaaaaall!!? Demon King-samaaaaaaa!?

The floor burst open as if it had exploded. Pieces of wood and stone fly in the air, and Grasha jumps out from inside that.

And a black fog came drifting out of nowhere, swirling in front of me.

– I have come, following your call.

Adra kneeled respectfully when he materialized. And Satanachia, who dressed herself, came from the room.

The four Hellzekter were lined up in front of me.

– Well. Can anyone explain what is happening in Infermia right now?

Grasha scowled while scratching the part behind his ears.

– I have no idea at all. I’ve never seen these guys that are everywhere, while having the nerve to pick fights indiscriminately. There’s no use in talking to them.

– Do you mean the bull monsters?

– Bulls? Yeah, there were those too, but there are various species, you see? There are things like octopus and combinations of horses and lizards too.

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– … 『Octrooper』and 『Lizardhorse』. Like I thought, these are rejected characters.

Aikawa-san stealthily whispers in my ear.

Does that mean there are many types of NG monsters?

Adra pushed the bridge of his glasses up with a finger.

– My King. I do not know the cause, but I do have a status report.

– Very well.

– Currently, several races of monsters are wandering, assaulting and destroying Infermia. None of them belongs to Hellander, their birthplace and race are unclear as well. But we have identified where they are coming from.

– !? Where?

– They are appearing from the underground cemetery in Infermia.

Underground cemetery… you say?

Our gazes gathered at Forneus all at once. The cemetery is under the jurisdiction of Forneus.

– Fue?

Forneus fluttered, as if being flustered.

– Hey, is this your doing? Forneus.

– We will not get angry, tell us with honesty.

Forneus was even more flustered, being hounded by Grasha and Satanachia.

– Y-you’re wrong! Forneus knows nothing!

It looks like we’ll have to go to the underground cemetery.

– Alright, then all Hellzekter and I will go to the underground cemetery! We’ll find out where the intruders came from! And give orders to all corps. Execute each and every invader that runs rampant in Infermia! Don’t miss even one! We will make them pay this attempt to invade Infermia with death!


Forneus, Grasha and Satanachia dispersed to direct their army corps. Adra, who remained here, looked up at Aikawa-san whom I was holding in my arms.

-But my King, will that slave accompany you?

Aikawa-san put strength into her arms that hold my neck.

– Yes. She’s like a trivial accessory. Worry not.

– Understood. Then I will be waiting outside the tower.

Replying so, the figure of Adra disappeared, becoming fog. The black fog flies away through the window, becoming a cloud of bats.

– Well then, Aikawa-san. We’re going too.

– Y-yeah… be gentle, okay?

When I answered「OK」 to Aikawa-san who had an anxious face, I waved the cape and headed to the stairs.

In the stairwell that runs through the center of the tower, a spiral staircase goes all the way down along the walls. I took a look down from above and saw the fights between NG monsters and Hellander on each floor. And on the bottom. The first floor which is a large hall, NG monsters were crowded together there. The floor couldn’t be seen like a crowded train during rush hour.

A strange anger boiled up in me.

──These guys, to my castle!

– Then here we go.

– Eh, wait, no way──

I lightly jumped over the spiral staircase and fell down the stairwell.

– Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Aikawa-san’s scream runs through the stairwell. Then, the floor where the NG monsters are crowded approaches quickly.

A violent shock and crashing sound reverberated.

The trampled NG monster dies with no time to scream.

I landed on the first floor. The impact creates a bomb-like shockwave. The shockwave instantly blew away the NG monsters. The NG monsters fly in the air, tumbling and falling on top of the fallen monsters, lying on top of one another. The shockwave that wrapped around me created a space around me that was completely empty.

The NG monsters get up while groaning things that weren’t words.

– These guys…

They were creepy monsters similar to orcs. Purple skin and torn mouths to the ears. Closely lined up fangs grew in their mouths.

– Do-Doumeguri-kin. Those are『ghouls』.

When the ghouls spotted Aikawa-san held in my arms, they drooled all at once.

– Ghouls, huh… I guess Aikawa certainly looks like a feast.

– *Eeeek*… c-come on! Don’t say that!

But the ghouls are cautious about me, they peek at us from a fixed distance. I brought down my sword and started walking without care.

Aikawa-san raises a shriek-like scream.

– Behind you!

I flash my sword as I turn around. After the sharp light ran, the body of the ghoul cut right in half remained there. The body disappears, becoming fragments of light as it rolls.

Starting with that, and raising a *kishaaaa*, an offensive cry to the ear, the ghouls came springing at me all at once.

– Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Since they all threw themselves upon me at the same time, I can’t defend against them by myself. But that’s in a normal situation. I swung the flame sword with absolute normality.

The ghouls attacking me are roughly 12. From every direction.

I make my body turn where I am and make my sword run as if making a circle. And slash four of them that attack from above like a strong wind. Traces of light rather than traces of a sword.

And before the next second was reached, I cut down the ghouls that swooped down on me. The group of ghouls around me disappear, bursting open as if exploding simultaneously.

The group of ghouls got scared, they got away from me all at once.


– Do you know? When you write me, I’m read as the strongest.


I shoulder the flame sword and give a sharp look to every ghoul.


– Number is power? Number is justice? You mob make me laugh
Struggling average people   Nonsensical common sense   What actually despairs is me.


The ghouls slowly step back while getting nervous.


– I am your Requiem   The Demon King Hellshaft visits you!


The ghouls fled all at once, raising shrieking-like cries.

Well, this more or less did it. Being pleased, I realized that Aikawa-san, who’s being carried by me, fixedly gazes at me.

– What’s wrong?

Being right next to my face, Aikawa-san showed a subtle smile on her face.

– How to say it… when I hear your poems──

Eh? What? Was this better now?

– They’re so lame.

Shut up! I mean, it’s your direction in the first place!

– How can you come out with something like that so readily? I’m impressed.

– … This is another ability of mine, I guess.

I pulled myself together and stared at the back of the retreating ghouls.

The ghouls rush toward the exit, jumping outside while impeding each other, striving to be the first. Then the screams and sounds of living things being crushed, the sounds of flesh being cut and bones being broken resounded outside.

Once there were no ghouls in the hall, I came outside with an air of composure.

– We have been waiting for you, my King.

The outside was a large garden, the four Hellzekter were gathered at the center of it. Heaps of corpses all around surrounded them. The corpses of the ghouls are scattered, as if completely covering the garden.

– These eyesores have been completely dealt with!

– I see. Good work.

– Since Infermia is divided into four parts, each of our army corps have cleaned them up.

– That’s why! That’s why! Forneus and the others will go too! It’s been a long time since I’ve played with Hell-sama and the others, Forneus is excited♪!

Despite a massacre will happen from now on, Forneus smiles as if she were going to go on a picnic.

– Alright, let’s head to the underground cemetery. Forneus, lead the way.

– Understood ♪.

Doing a cute salute, Forneus floated in the air, spreading her wings. We followed her, walking calmly.

We’re hurried, but I mustn’t run. I, the ruler, must not run restlessly. Because a small-fry impression will come out in the long run. Well, it depends on the situation and time.

I follow the road made of garden shrubs from the courtyard. Then, a huge training area appears. I’d dare say the area was equivalent to 4 soccer fields. Each army corps normally performs training here. But it’s not being used by Hellander right now.

There were enough NG monsters to fill the training area.

Ghouls, Octroopers, Lizardhorses and other unknown rejected characters continue as far as the eye can see. How many of them are here? Hundreds … No, thousands of them. It may be problematic if we’re attacked by them all at once.

Aikawa-san muttered with a frightened voice.

– He-hey, what will you do? Aren’t you going… to run away immediately?

Aikawa-san has low HP and defense, so even if she were hit by pure luck, she’ll end up dying abruptly. It’s natural for her to be nervous.

– What’s the meaning of this, everyone? Why the Hellander aren’t cleaning this up?

– Yes, my apologies. Since the extermination inside the castle is our highest priority, we haven’t been able to go this far. I will settle this immediately, so please wait a moment.

Adra buries a fang into his hand and pulls it lightly. Fresh blood gushed out immediately. The blood hardens and turns into a sword.

– But when it comes to a number to this extent… is it 400, no, 500 per person?

He shows a smile on his usual stiff face.

– What the hell, in the end, you just want to play, don’t you?

When Grasha says so to banter with him, both Forneus and Satanachia let leak a stifled giggle. Adra stared at the three with a sullen face.

– Do not misunderstand me. I am just delighted to be helpful to my King.

– After all, Satanachia. Forneus is grinning.

– Let’s leave it like that, Forneus. To tell you the truth, making people be troubled is unpardonable.

That’s an awfully serious remark, isn’t it? I mean, is it that instigating? Veins float in Adra’s temple.

Then one of the ghouls roared loudly. Groans that feel like notifying them to be on guard fill the space one after another.

– It appears we have been noticed.

Satanachia informed unconcerned, without being flustered. But am I really okay on the inside? I was inundated by a feeling of anxiety. It seemed to be the same for Aikawa-san in my arm, she tightly clung to me.

– Then I will go first.

Adra said as if speaking to himself and disappeared like fog. Where he appeared next was in the middle of the crowd formed by the NG monsters.

– Hah!

He turned around as if dancing, and blood sprayed around him. In that bloodshed, Adra smiles with complete joy.

– Certainly… he can’t resist the joy of blood.

He charges into the enemy as if sliding on the floor. And swings the sword at a speed that can’t be seen by the eye, defeating NG monsters one after another. Like opening a way out, it became a road after Adra passed through. A path made of corpses and blood of ghouls, lizardhorses and so forth.

But the NG monsters groaned with excitement and flooded Adra even more.

As one would expect, Adra is outnumbered, he’s going to be crushed by them. The moment I thought so——,

Adra’s eyes glow red and his fangs peek from his smiling mouth.

– Blood Cross.

The instant he muttered so, he broke through the bodies of the NG monsters he had defeated and a spear grew. It’s a beautiful red cross-shaped sharp knife.

——A cross made of blood?

The red-colored, sharp and glass-like cross pierces the nearby NG monsters, taking their lives. And those NG monsters are also blown away as if their bodies burst open; the red cross stands tall among them. It chained them like a contagious disease, corroding the NG monsters. What remains after that is a red cross made of blood that flowed through their bodies before.

New gravestones are being established one after another in the underground cemetery.

– Wow, so beautiful. Forneus is ecstatic♪.

– He does it very well. As one would expect of the leader of the vampire corps, don’t you agree? Both technique and elegance are expressed too.

Grasha spits out Satanachia’s appraisal.

At this rate, Adra’s momentum will end up wiping out the NG monsters, no? But the corrosion of the blood cross stopped at a certain place.

– … Armored monsters, huh?

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Without a moment’s delay, Aikawa-san adds an explanation.

– If I remember correctly, those are… Junk Knights.  Those are only made of armor and have no blood flowing in them.

Aikawa-san, held in my left hand, trembled simply because they didn’t give a living sensation. Every time a loud sound resounds, strength was put into the arm that was around my neck.

– ──If so,

Grasha passed right next Adra holding the sword.

– These guys are mine!

– Wha!? They are my prey! Like I will let you steal them, you worthless dog!

Adra raised a flustered voice, but at that moment, Grasha had already sent the Junk Knights flying.

– Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere IIIIII gooooooooooo!

Certainly indiscriminately. He knocks everyone that meets his eyes and sends them flying. There was no technique or anything like that. He just puts the overflowing energy on his tough body and strikes them. A series of pure and simple physical attacks.

Simple but effective. Their armors dent, crack, and break. The beaten armor flew in the air and the broken pieces of the armor rolled up as if they had exploded around Grasha.

– I’ll finish this! Fenrir!

When he shouted, the arms of Grasha suffered a transformation. His arms are originally thick and muscular, but they’re clearly not human arms. More than twice as long and thick as his torso. His arms were covered with darkened red hair. It’s thin hair made of metal. Terrifying hook-like claws grew at the end of the arms dressed in that armor.

This transformation ability is the power of Grasha. Just like the mythical beast.

His strong arms scattered more than a dozen Junk Knights with a single blow. When he punches them, their armors break with a single blow, when the claws are swung, the metal bodies are cut right in half, like they were torn to pieces by a huge nata.

However, no matter how many NG monsters are knocked out, they came appearing nonstop.

– Interesting! I’ll show you my special, Perfect Fenrir!!

The magic beast transformation of Grasha, which was only on his arms, spread to his whole body. His body becomes huge and bristles cover him completely. And from a human face to a wolf one. Accomplishing the transformation that looked like the morphing of a VFX movie, Grasha shapeshifted into a giant red-haired wolf that surpassed two meters tall. His face was of a wolf, but his body build was practically human. Although it’s much larger and leans forward than his original form, he’s very different from a wolf walking on four legs.

Grasha howled and charged towards the group of Junk Knights. Everything that stands in front of Grasha is pulverized.

Like a bulldozer with broken brakes. Excited by the joy of the slaughter, Grasha can no longer be stopped. The enemies that met his eyes were thoroughly and viciously killed.

– Oh my, oh my. It seems like it would have been better to put the collar on him.

As she said so, Satanachia took a small item from her waist. It was an accessory shaped like a miniature bow.

– Let’s go, Black Heart Shooter.

In response to Satanachia’s call, the bow accessory sheds light and changes its shape. It was the beloved bow that Satanachia always used.

Magical patterns are engraved on the black luster bow. Is this a good luck charm of the dark elves or just characters? The green glowing pattern seemed to give the bow the magic powers and protection of a dark elf. And the bowstring shines the same green. The arrows fired from it have great accuracy and astonishing power.

The arrows are stored in the case on Satanachia’s waist. Physically speaking, they’re a bit short, they don’t look like arrows. But actually, Satanachia takes a lot of arrows and fights the enemy. In fact, Satanachia took a blue striped arrow with a flowing like motion, fixed it to the string and fired it.

– Spiral.

When she mutters so, the fired arrow sheds light. The arrow began to turn, swallowed up the surrounding air and created a vortex. And that air drill sucked up the crowd of Octroopers. They are pulled off the ground and spin in the air as if they were swallowed up by a tornado stretching horizontally. The sharp air turned into a knife and cut the tentacles mercilessly. The shouts of the demons in their last moments and the crowd of Octroopers is no more.

Satanachia fixed an arrow painted in yellow and black to the string.

– Bolt.

An electrical discharge runs at the tip of the arrow. The fired arrow released lightning. It shocks NG monsters at the destination of the arrow and instantly turns them into burned charcoal.

Aikawa-san stared at their way of fighting and opened her mouth.

– Hellzekter… are really strong…

– A very reliable bunch… but that’s what makes them scary.

Yes, if their《LOYALTY》goes to zero, that power will be turned towards me. I feel a chill run down my spine thinking so.

*Stretching*, Forneus straightened up her back.

I expected Forneus to be motivated, but she just observed. The NG monsters were that much, but now that I pay attention, their numbers were already reduced to about half.

– Ehehehe, but it’s time to show Hell-sama something good.

Forneus spreads her wings, flapping them elegantly and lightly ascended in the air.

– Alriight, here I goo, I won’t pay attention to everyone, so be careful.

The ring of light on the waist starts to rotate at a high speed, increasing its brightness.

– Sacred!!

The ring of light shone. At that moment, laser-like lights emitted from the ring of light flashed on the ground. The lights run through the crowd of NG monsters as if mowing them down from right to left. The moment I thought so, terrible explosions occurred.

The light of God burned the ground. The lights annihilated the NG monsters and created fumes from the explosions all over the burned ground.

– !?

– Owaah! Watch out!

Adra and Grasha, who were in the middle of a melee fight, complained as they were dragged into the blasts from the explosions.

When the explosions cleared up, there were no more NG monsters. The holy lights had cut through all the demons and took their lives.

The NG monsters, which were thought to be thousands, disappeared, becoming particles of light.

– Amazing…

Aikawa-san whispers in my ear.

I totally agree. Forneus, who could be said to be their natural enemy, and her powers as an angel, were the most effective thing that existed against demonic beings.

– Is that all?

I slowly advanced to the lights flying high in the air.

– Yes. It was fun♪

– But I’m a bit unsatisfied.

Grasha, who returned to his original form, comes back.

– I felt nothing in my hands, I wanted to go a bit wilder! Should I have cleared the lot in the castle firs──hmm?

At that moment, a bat came in from somewhere. The bat turned around in front of Adra and transformed into a girl. Gothic-style maid clothes. She was Adra’s subordinate.

– Reporting, Adra-sama! All enemies inside the castle have been cleared up!

– I see, good work.

When Adra responded, the girl bowed to Adra and me and flew away, transforming into a bat again.

– What a shame, Grasha.

Grasha returned a clicking tongue to Adra who showed a malicious smile on his face.

I advance towards the underground cemetery, holding Aikawa-san. Immediately after passing through the training area, there was a space with well-organized stones piled up.

Is this the underground cemetery?

At first glance, I can only see a plaza with white stones spread all over. There was a small pyramid at the center, which looked like an entrance.

– It seems that those monsters came invading from this underground place.

The secret of the monsters that should be NG is in the underground.

– Alright. Let’s investigate.

I took the lead and went inside. Next to my face, Aikawa-san murmurs, looking uneasy.

– It’s totally dark…

There’s no light in here, nothing but pitch-darkness. But there’s no problem. I spread the bottom part of my flame cloak, spreading flames on the stone paved floor. In an instant, the inside of the pyramid was illuminated by the light of flames. There’s a stairway in the center that seems to descend below ground.

The stairway was surprisingly deep and descended more than a dozen meters until it reached the cemetery.

The ceiling was so high that I couldn’t think it was below ground, and it was so large that I couldn’t see the end of it. Tombstones are lined up in that excessively wide space.

– Hell-sama, this is the underground cemetery.

– It looks like there are no enemies… what do we do now, Hellshaft-sama?

This underground cemetery is so large that even my flame cloak can’t illuminate the back of it.

– Let’s keep going.

Saying so, I went inside.

Only gravestones and darkness continue. When I lost interest in that scene, something strange came into view.

──What is this?

There was an odd shaped gravestone. A statue rather than a tombstone. And a monster one.

Is this a ghoul?

I advance in the same way and images of Junk Knights, Octroopers and others are lined up.

Aikawa-san frowned.

– Maybe this is a graveyard for data. It’s really absolutely necessary to delete it completely, but was it postponed or simply forgotten…?

Shit, the cause of this disturbance is the developer’s negligence or mistake. Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt that they got into trouble, this is Hell’s Domain’s programmer’s fault. I’ll sue them.

Aikawa-san also bit her lips, she looked annoyed.

– Even though unnecessary data is expected to be deleted properly… why did these idiots turn a place like this into a hotbed of bugs──

– My King… What are these images?

Becoming confused, Aikawa-san shut her mouth.

– Who knows? But I understood that this place has to be sealed.

I glared at the statues of the NG monsters.

Then, my spine froze. An unpleasant sensation, like something crawling up. Adra approached and told me, whispering.

– My King, there’s something in the back.

I look closely to the darkness in the back. Certainly, a large shadow is slightly visible. In the back of the cave, there was an atmosphere as if something giant was lurking and disappearing into the dark.

Is he the responsible who sent the NG monsters?

– Who’s there? Come out!

However, there’s no movement and no response.

Dammit, who’s there? Is it a kind of monster or…?

I spread my cloak while feeling nervous. A red burning flame runs on the floor of the cave and travels through the darkness as if searching.

The flames illuminated the figure hidden in the dark.

– Wha…!?

I unconsciously let out a surprised voice.

The figure that sways in the flames is certainly a demon.

A giant body that is more than double Hellshaft’s size. And the tough body makes me feel it has many times more mass and pressure. The body was wrapped in lava-hardened-like skin.

– Who the hell is this!?

Grasha bared his teeth and revealed his wariness. The other Hellzekter hold their weapons, taking a combat stance.

However, it doesn’t move.

– … Something is off.

Certainly. While it has the presence of an object, it gives no signs of a living thing.

I strengthened the flames of the cloak and drew near that giant silhouette.

Its figure is of a living thing, it’s the image of the devil that people hold. It has many horns growing on its head and thick, hard sheep-like horns grow from the temporal region, sticking out forward and bent in a big way.  Sunk, lightless eyes in its large face. Fangs lined up in the mouth that has been torn to the ears. The thick neck that supports the large head connects to the shoulders, and a massive chest made of mountains of rugged muscles.

It’s in a forward-bent posture like a beast. The lower half of the body is a bit smaller than the upper half and the long arms that support. A thick and strong tail extends from its back. From the back, giant bat-like shaped wings grew.

Looking up at it, Aikawa-san muttered with a trembling voice.

– The Demon King… Satan.


The Demon King…? Not me, Hellshaft?

– This was Exodia Exodus’ first Demon King character… before Hellshaft was made.

The first Demon King?

I look up at its figure again. A majestic appearance truly worthy of the name Demon King. Although I question naming it “Satan”. It’s certainly the name of a Demon King with an ancient and honorable origin, and its appearance is exactly like I imagined, but it’s such a cliché.

But the statue had a bizarre ominousness and something that made people feel uneasy. If I leave it as it is, something bad will absolutely happen. Such groundless presentiment wells up.

– Adra. Destroy all these images. And apply a strong seal in this place.

– Understood.

I turn on my heels while still holding Aikawa-san. And asked Aikawa-san, whispering to her.

– … We’ll be fine with this?

– I hope so… that would be great.

She said in a praying voice.

– Because the long-awaited patch will be applied in three more weeks… right?


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