Ecstas Online

Chapter 6

Chapter 6      Christmas present

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Rowarlinna, the country of the Dark Elves, is located north of Arzheim.

I go up the river by ship and after moving for a while, I see a suspicious castle in a dense forest. A dark-colored castle that wasn’t either gray or light brown. That is the Dark Elves’ 『Schwarzkrone Castle』.

I had an audience with Zeragiel, the Queen of the Dark Elves.

– Fufufu, so you are the king of hell… you are more wonderful than I imagined ♡.

Um, this difference with the Elf Queen is amazing. Because the meeting place is in Zeragiel-sama’s bedroom?

What meeting is this, in which the Queen in a see-through red negligee is lying on her bed?

Is this the so-called history made at night? Yes, she remembers the Demon King.

But not every player. Of course, it’s probably a specification limited to adult mode. Really, the designers of this game are perverts. I bestow you my admiration.

The Queen in a very erotic posture got up. She twisted her plump and supple body and leaned coquettishly against me who’s sitting at the edge of the bed.

Her huge breasts, surpassing even Satanachia’s, are relentlessly pressed against my body. What incredible airbags. No matter the accident she may have, the impact will certainly be absorbed.

– I want to keep being on good terms with Hellandia from here on. So, why don’t we get along well first ♡?

Her gesture of combing her hair upwards made me feel terrified. Even if the succubi, which are pretty much like her, form a group, they are no match for her voluptuousness. The silhouette from the dark brown nape to the shoulders and the overhanging breasts are the ultimate gem. To be honest, the excitement that has been running in me for a while now hasn’t stopped.

When she noticed my gaze, she purposely shook her breasts as she separated from me. Behind the thinly transparent red negligee, the dark brown breasts seem to sway heavily.

Despite being this big, it’s impossible for me to say that I don’t see them hanging.

– Tell me, Satanachia and the corps I put in your care, how are they doing? Are they helpful?

– Hmm, of course. She’s part of Hellzekter. An indispensable existence.

– I see. It is nice to hear that.

She felt a bit uncomfortable.

– What was Satanachia doing here? She does have ability. She was a well-known warrior in this country, wasn’t she?

– Yes. A very strong girl. A girl one can rely on a lot.

I really wanted to ask more than that.

– I don’t know if this is true… but Satanachia… was she an elf?

Zeragiel tilted her head to the side with a pretty gesture that didn’t match her mature figure and said plainly.

– Yes. Oh, could it be you have not heard about that?

… Like I thought, so she was an elf, huh. That’s why I can understand Ernes’s reaction. And her speech and conduct had a certain implication about Satanachia.

– But why did she become a dark elf? In the first place, such a thing shouldn’t be ──nnh!?

Zeragiel put a hand around my neck and quickly pushed me down.

– Ufufufufu. Now, let’s enjoy ourselves ❤.

She straddled me while saying so and started shaking her hips lasciviously.

She kisses my helmet, and makes her tongue slip through the opening. She searched for my tongue and moved it around in my mouth as if entwining them. Its soft feel is completely different from Satanachia’s. Every time she makes it trample down in my mouth, I feel like my consciousness is being reaped. Dazzled, I can only think of Zeragiel’s body.

She rampages in my mouth thoroughly and then Zeragiel’s tongue is pulled away, stretching out a thread.

– And… about that, please ask Satanachia directly.

– What? What do you mea──

As if to not allow more questions, Zeragiel blocked my mouth by putting her huge breasts on my face.




+      +      +




– You were here, Satanachia.

I, who completed an intimate exchange, an “audience” with Queen Zeragiel, was wandering through the woods, looking for Satanachia.

Satanachia was standing on a hill, looking down at the dark elf city spreading below. A river flows through the city and buildings are lined up along the gentle curves drawn by the flow of water. The buildings made of beige bricks feel like a variation of the elf city.

The city where the sun has set is illuminated and the stars and moon shine in the sky.

– Hellshaft-sama…

She turned around, her face told me she was thinking about something. But when she walked up to me, Satanachia returned to how she always was.

– I went around town, greeting familiar faces and gathering soldiers. It seems that a lot of people will assist us. What we should have are dark elf companions.

Familiar faces… companions. Satanachia’s past… and friends.

『Satanachia is dead. You are a devil wearing Satanachia’s skin! 』

I remember the words of Ernes, the female elf knight.

Satanachia is fixedly looking up at me. The light of the moon and stars makes her white hair and brown skin shine. I couldn’t help but worry about what happened between her and Ernes.

– Satanachia. What happened between Ernes and you?

Her smooth and glossy shoulders jumped.

– You’ve been evasive about your past. What happened back then?

– That is…

Satanachia hung her head, her long eyelashes pointing downwards.

I tried waiting for a moment, but she didn’t move as if hardening.

Zeragiel told me to ask Satanachia directly, but I feel I have made no progress. Should I make her speak out against her will?

I open the menu and extend my fingers to Ecstas from the magic section.


I bring back my extended finger and closed the menu.

– Satanachia, you are an important subordinate of mine. Without you, my army wouldn’t be complete. That’s why, I want to know… what you’re worried about and suffering from. If I don’t know that, then I won’t know what the best thing to do for you is.

– …

Satanachia’s slender and delicate fingers were grasped tightly in the form of a tight fist.

– Please, Satanachia. It’d be great if I could sympathize with your heart, but I don’t know what’s in the innermost depths of your heart. I’m sorry for being a worthless master but──

– No, Hellshaft-sama is magnificent. He is worthy of my servitude.

She answered in a voice without hesitation.

I put my hands on her thin shoulders. Then Satanachia leaned her body on my chest.

– I am sorry. For acting like this… This I who is your subordinate.


Her way of speaking doesn’t seem to belong to the same person who usually has an aggressive approach. This seriousness, ethical thinking and heterogeneity of personality that I always feel.

– Satanachia. My cute servant, who is in charge of one of the great corps of Hellander. You were an elf before, right?

Satanachia pulled her body away from me. The shock opened her eyes wide. Her pupils shook with agitation, then averted her gaze and hung her head. She turned her face down for a while, but in the end, she muttered as if resolving herself.

– … Yes.

Satanachia looked away and began to talk little by little.

– In the past, I was an Elf Knight who pledged allegiance to Ulriel… I fought to protect Arzheim with my close friend Ernes.

As expected, she did have such a relationship with Ernes, huh.

– But… at one point, the worst occurred.

Satanachia stares at me. Without moving. In her eyes, the color of fear that I couldn’t imagine from her usual transcendental attitude rose to the surface.

– A disaster hit the elf country──the Nightwalker.

– Nightwalker? What is that?

– I do not know what really is. Darkness crept up just like the night. All creatures died and the trees and grass withered completely where the darkness appeared. That darkness corroded the Elven Forest and made Arzheim fall into danger.

What the… hell is this all about? Is it a monster?

Or something on the system?

I can’t imagine its identity.

While I was reflecting on it, Satanachia continued talking.

– The only way to stop the calamity… was Ragna Bringer, the hidden treasure of the elves.

Another keyword I don’t know. Was there such an item…?

– But a hidden treasure considered a taboo. A double-edged sword that requires a great compensation. But I ended up… using it. As a result, the Nightwalker disappeared.

– Are you saying you could defeat it?

– I do not know. But I am positive that it disappeared from Arzheim. But the sacrifice for that result was not small … a quarter of Arzheim became a barren land that nobody could get close, and houses and land where many people lived were lost.

Satanachia turned her back on me and stared beyond the city of the dark elves. In that direction is Arzheim.

– But that’s what you did to protect the elf nation. No one can blame you. If you didn’t, it would either have been done by others, or the whole Arzheim would have been destroyed, don’t you agree?

Satanachia slightly relaxed her mouth.

– But nobody thought so. Since the disaster died down, all that remained was damage. Then they would have searched for someone to take responsibility for the damage.

Certainly … that’s what people often do.

Satanachia turned over and opened her hands so that her body was better seen by me.

– This figure, which was dyed black like a dark elf… this dirty body was recognized as a symbol of sin. The sin I committed materialized in this body.

The night breeze fluttered her white hair. The flowing hair shines in a silver color, showered with the light of the moon. The light from the sky begins to illuminate her dark brown skin as if adding a border to her body, making it float in the darkness.

──How beautiful.

What is this “dirty body” they’re talking about?

– That hair and skin color… are the effects of using the hidden treasure Ragna Bringer?

In the first place, what is a hidden treasure?

──No, that doesn’t matter now. Knowing its shape and effect have no relevance on the current problem. It’d be good to check it later. Rather than that… I want to do something for Satanachia, for my poor subordinate.

– I used the hidden treasure Ragna Bringer without permission. That’s why I was punished. And if there was another and even better way to do it… maybe the Nightwalker, if left alone, would have disappeared without exterminating Arzheim? It’s what someone said.

– Nonsense…

It certainly is. A person who speaks of their own delusions and unfounded conjectures as if it had actually happened.

– Ulriel said that when my sins were forgiven, my hair and skin would return to normal. But there is no way I will return… to how I was. I tried every method, but none of them worked.

Damn Queen. You’re nasty.

– I abandoned Arzheim. And then, since I had become a dark elf, I felt comfortable in this country.

Satanachia looked down at the city below.

– Everyone was kind to me. The dark elves were not as evil as I had heard… but, but I still have not been able to get used to the traits of the dark elves…

Oh, there’s that too. I finally understood why her usual and sudden erotic remarks felt somewhat unnatural. Did she unreasonably use lines and gestures she wasn’t familiar with to try behaving like a dark elf?

– So, when you returned to Arzheim the other day, it was your first time since then?

– Yes… I returned home after a long time.

She said so and showed a lonely-looking smile.

– I see… although I didn’t know, did I make you have painful thoughts?

But Satanachia shook her head.

– No. I thought I would never step into Arzheim’s land again… but rather, I would say that I have no regrets.

– What?

– Now, even if I become a real demon… I have no regrets.

It was a pure and beautiful smile.

If you have no regrets, then why do you smile looking so lonely?

Satanachia… I.

Something is striking in my chest.

Certainly, if I request Satanachia, she will get an army to oppose the elven army. If we add the Regular Army of Rowarlinna in addition to the current Dark Elf Corps led by Satanachia, Arzheim won’t be worth fearing. But…

I waved my cloak.

– Let’s return to Sandiano.

– Eh… y-yes.

I went to the harbor with long steps. Satanachia follows me with a trotting to match my walking speed.

She still has doubts. But no matter how much worried she is, in the end, the choices she made won’t change. At the end of the day, the moment she should be worried about is what reason she will give to convince me, she has nothing but time to think about the reason.




+      +      +




A week later, Satanachia and I returned to Sandiano by ship.

I feel very nostalgic as I walk in the town of Sandiano, even though it’s only been a week. I haven’t been in this town for a long time, but I’ve memorized the streets and shops, it has become a very familiar town. An affinity as if I had returned to the neighborhood of my home was created, not so much as Caldart, but something like that.

However, my appearance as the Demon King hindered me. Satanachia and I completely covered with clothes to avoid unnecessary commotion. Also, we would be troubled if we met 2A Guild or the elves, so that was also a reason.

However, it was absurd fear. I asked the guys at the port and said that they had sailed yesterday. Fortunately we didn’t bump into each other, but it’s not good to fall behind because they’re heading to capture Infermia.

– Hellshaft-sama, do you have something to do in this city?

Thinking normally, we have to return to the castle as soon as possible. The question of Satanachia was natural. But there’s something I have to do first.

– Welcome.

So I went into one store and did a quick shopping.

– Take this, Satanachia.

I handed the item directly to Satanachia, not via the menu.

– Is this…?

It’s a beautiful and tasteful paper with a watermark.

– What kind of ticket is this?

– It’s a magic ticket to return you to an elf.

It seems Satanachia couldn’t understand what was said to her. However, the surprise gradually spreads to her cool face.

– In this store, you can use this ticket to transform yourself into something you like. You can restore your hair and skin tone to the original blonde hair and white skin.

This is the item that Arisugawa wanted. Only 500,000 yen.

Shit! I can’t afford to buy this. Is it because the individual doesn’t exist in real life? The NPCs that run with AI are game characters, aren’t they? Or the girl doesn’t exist and is an imaginary individual made of digital data!? I’ve retorted to myself so many times. But it was useless.

I want to save Satanachia. I want to release her from suffering. I want her to be free from sadness. Even if that means letting go of Satanachia.

Satanachia replied simply because she was confused.

– What are you talking about? With this, I will stop being a dark elf. I am in charge of the Dark Elf Corps. That kind of──

– You don’t have to throw the past away. You still have lingering attachments with the people of the elf country.

– I am faithful to Hellshaft-sama──

– So why you stopped me when I was about to demolish Weisskrone Castle? Why do you look so sad when you talk about Arzheim?

Satanachia was at a loss for words.

– You couldn’t bring yourself to let me destroy what you protected by risking your life, right? And you couldn’t shoot an arrow at Ernes.

– I-I…

I put my hand on Satanachia’s head. And I stroked that beautifully shaped head.

– You are a gentle girl. You’re not fitting for the path of carnage I’ll walk on from here onwards.

Satanachia raised her face vigorously as if shocked.

– Am I not… worthy as a Hellzekter…?

– That’s right.

Satanachia’s face turns blue.

– That is… too much. Hellshaft-sama, does not need me? Didn’t you recognize me as a Hellzekter even though I am not a dark elf?

Tears were about to spill over and fall from Satanachia’s eyes that desperately appealed to reason.

──It’s useless. I can’t see Satanachia anymore.

– You are banished, Satanachia. Never get close to Hellandia again! And.

I turn my back on her and headed to the exit.

– Return to Arzheim. And recover the life you lost.

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– … Hellshaft, sama.

When I left the store, I looked back for a moment only. Inside the store was a dark elf girl shedding tears and holding a ticket in her chest.

──The girl who used to be my subordinate.




+      +      +




I returned to Infermia via teleport, it was snowing.

Sandiano was a southern land and Arzheim didn’t feel that cold. It was holding a Christmas event, but it didn’t feel like winter. However, when I saw the snow falling from the sky, it made me realize it was December again.

– Surprisingly, the seasons and climate are expressed in detail…

I muttered, looking at the falling snow through the window in the corridor. At that time, Aikawa-san, who was carrying firewood for heating, caught my eye.

I pay attention to my surroundings and called Aikawa-san to stop. Aikawa-san stops, dropping 2, 3 firewood she carried in both hands.

– Doumeguri-kun!? You’ve… been away for a long time, haven’t you? Did something happen?

– A lot of things actually…

I summarized. But the most important thing, the alliance between 2A and the elves that is coming around, I didn’t abridge that.

– Today is December 22nd, so Santa──X will be applied in two days… if you had departed to Sandiano a day before, you’d have barely made it.

– If Santa──X is implemented before 2A lot arrives, then we’ll win.

– Yes, Santa──X will be implemented at midnight on the 24th. It’ll be troublesome if we’re attacked before that.

– Are the elven forces strong?

– Well, of course. A force I can say nothing about, it excels at bows and swords, can use magic, they’re strong both alone and organized.

──Guh. Like I thought….

– When they arrive, our efforts will be in vain. All we can do is pray. So let’s do what we can.

Exactly. The enemy comes from the sea. It’s not a matter of just being cautious about intervening the route to Caldart as before. I have to think about defense in every direction.

It’s going to be a tough battle….

I went up to the council room as if pulling my heavy mood and summoned the Hellzekter. Then everyone gathers in a matter of minutes. However, one person is missing.

– Huh? Satanachia hasn’t arrived yet? This is strange for the always fast Satanachia; Forneus tilts her head to the side in confusion.

Satanachia’s seat remains empty. I felt strangely anxious having just one person missing from the view where four people were always sitting.

– I called you first. Satanachia has been dismissed from Hellzekter.

– Whaat!?

– Wha!?

Grasha and Forneus sprung. Forneus literally floats in the air, making her wings flap.

– H-hold on a second, King-sama. Even if we are told that all of a sudden, why──

Adra held the bridge of his glasses with his fingers and put it as it was.

– My King. Do we need to know the reason for that?

I sat deeply on the chair and replied.

– I’ll tell you someday without fail. But now there are other urgent matters.

Grasha and Forneus were a little dissatisfied, but before my unusual look, they closed their mouths and quietly waited for my words.

– Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, human-elf forces will come, aiming at Infermia.

– What!?

– Whaaaaaat!?

– Whaaaaaaa!?

– Moreover, they’re using ships. Infermia is a terrain surrounded by inland seas. It’s far more flexible than coming by land from Caldart.

Adra, who frowned, ponders.

– Which direction will they attack from, given that it is a few kilometers from the inland sea…? It is difficult to set up a camp outside the castle.

– Exactly. If we don’t look at the enemy’s movements, it’ll be difficult to take countermeasures. Dispatch the scouts right away.

Grasha stood up, his ears standing up.

– Understood! Leave it to my corps!

– And… can anyone take command of the Dark Elf Corps?

Adra answered my question with a bitter face.

– I apologize. The Dark Elf Corps can’t be mobilized without Satanachia.

Ku… Is that a system limitation?

The availability factor may have go down, I thought that a number of people could be used, but this was contrary to my expectations.

The effect of Satanachia’s absence is already revealed.

Dark clouds enveloped my heart.




+      +      +




December 23rd, 10PM.

The lightly falling snow applies a slight white makeup on the walls. The black castle seemed to be gradually finished dyeing white.

– Two more hours…

I stood on the castle walls of Infermia and surveyed the surroundings. Wide passages are above the castle walls from which the enemy can be repelled when they come. The white snow-covered passage becomes foggy as I move forward.

– It’s unusual for the fog to appear when it’s snowing… no, it’s weirder than that…

I looked up at the sky. At this time, the night sky should have spread, but for some reason, the sun doesn’t set. Just like a white night. Thick clouds that sent snow cover the sky, but it’s slightly bright above them as if the sun was there.

– Why is thereno sunset?

I muttered as if speaking to myself.

– It’s certainly strange… maybe that’s the effect of applying Santa──X?

Aikawa-san, who’s standing next to me, answered.

– You’re saying that they’re already doing something to the system?

– … Not even I know that. It’s just a guess.

There’s no way all the stages of the process were known. I feel anxiety is being agitated in me, but this is probably one of the necessary steps.

– But two more hours, huh.

– Yes, two hours.

Yes, everything will be settled.

And at that moment, what will happen to me?

I’ll be a complete perfect aloof next time. No, that’s fine. If it’s handed poorly, I’ll be lynched. And how much is the debt of the paid items now…?

Let’s stop. If I keep thinking about this, I’ll sure fall into sudden depression.

– 2A and the elves aren’t moving?

– I’m sure I’ll be contacted if they pass through the straits and invade the inland sea… so there’s nothing yet.

– We’re okay then.

Aikawa-san sighed deeply and dropped her arms as if to let the tension out of her shoulders.

– Doumeguri-kun has worked hard. I don’t think it’s enough to be a high score, but you do get a passing mark.

– Hey. Thanks.

Is that so? Aikawa-san laughed, adding a few words.

– I’m very worried about your relationship with your classmates… but when we return to our world, I’ll do everything I can.

– ……Thank you.

However, Aikawa-san is a company employee. Actually, what she can do is limited. But I’m happy with her consideration.

– Oh… I almost forgot.

I said what I suddenly remembered.

– Aikawa-san, if I log in to Exodia Exodus again, will I be able to see the Hellzekters?

Aikawa-san answers with a suspicious face.

– You wouldn’t be able to see them, would you?

– … Is that so?

Why the hell did you tell me all that? Now I’m troubled. I just wished I could see those guys again … I just thought without knowing why.

– However, since such a trouble occurred, I think that all data will be reset at least. But I think Hellzekter’s characters will be there.

Eh? Reset?

– What does reset mean?

– You know that much, don’t you? All the memories and learned data will be deleted. They’ll restart as brand new characters.

T-that’s… well, I mean,

——It won’t be my Hellzekter.

– … I wonder if the program can be updated… a bit later.

Aikawa-san looked at me with strange eyes.

– What’s with you? What on──

– Hell-samaaa.

Hmm? Did I hear the voice of Forneus from somewhere?

I looked around. However, her figure was nowhere to be found.

──I should say that I can’t see through the stiffness in the surrounding fog.

– The fog is thicker than before.

– Y-yeah … I didn’t notice, but I see that now that you say that.

I wasn’t aware of it because I was talking to Aikawa-san nearby, but the end of the castle wall was foggy, it couldn’t be seen.

– Heell-saamaaa!?

– What happened? Forneus.

A black shadow approaches from behind the fog, probably she grasped my location with my voice.

– I found you! Forneus is… ah! You’re with that slave again! Forneus is indignant!

She cutely inflates her cheeks an turns her back on me, with a face suddenly in a bad mood.

– So, you came for nothing?

As that was the case, I just slapped her. Well, she’s a real idiot girl. But cute.

– I’m unable to get in touch with the troops sent to scout. When the fog became thicker two hours ago, they told me the straits couldn’t be surveyed.


I stared at the fog drifting around us again.

It’s a fog that felt as if clinging to us.

──No way!?

An explosion that shakes the air has occurred. The castle wall shakes and hot air blows up from below.

– What the!?

I run up to the edge of the castle wall and look out, trying to hang out. A hole was made in the enshrouding fog due to the heat and shockwave of the bursting flames. Behind the tunnel was a familiar figure.


Ichinomiya and the 2A Guild appear from behind her.

– Alright! Charge!

Following Ichinomiya’s voice, an “Uooooooooo” war cry rose from inside the fog.

Dammit! This fog is an elven magic!?

Only in the area around Infermia, the fog clears up before my eyes.

They controlled the fog to make it easier to fight!?  They can see us from there, but we can see only the nearby enemies from here. I have no idea what the enemy is doing beyond the fog.

– Fuck! Forneus, return to the command post! Let them know of the enemy attack and tell Adra to deal with this!

– Understood!

Fortunes saluted and flew away just like that.

– We’ll go too!

– Eh? Kyaah!?

I held Aikawa-san under my armpit and began to run on the ramparts. An arrow that came flying in front of me grazed me. I spread the flame cloak and run, using it as a shield. Then I stampeded into the tower and dropped Aikawa-san somewhat violently.

– Please be safe! Okay!?

I said that much and rushed to the command post without receiving a reply.

The command post was located in the center of Infermia, in the middle of the tower. It’s like an observation deck where I can see Infermia’s surroundings in every direction. However, this fog makes the excellent view useless.

– Did you grasp the situation!?

I shouted as I entered the command post. Adra, Grasha, and Forneus come in front of me, weaving their way through the subordinates walking around hurriedly.

– My King. The enemy came launching attacks from the north and south using this fog skillfully. We can see the enemy about a hundred meters from the castle walls, but that is all what we can visually confirm.

──Their choice is either north or south… huh.

At that time, Grasha’s subordinates, who had ears on their heads, rushed in.

– A great army has appeared from the south! Our army is at a disadvantage!

I approached the south window at a quick pace and overlooked outside. And the elven army in armor advanced from behind the snow and fog. The formation, which stretched over a hundred meters horizontally, attacks in many layers.

– Hyaan, their number is terrifying. Forneus is amazed.

So south is their choice ──I can’t imagine there’s another force of the same number as this.

– Alright! Gather the soldiers to the south side!

The troops placed around Infermia are gathered to the south. The east and west will be short of hands, but it cannot be helped. The absence of the Dark Elf Corps has created places with insufficient hands.

– Oraaaaaaaaaaa! Spread more, guys! Don’t let the elves get closer to the castle! Puuush!

Grasha yells from the command post and his subordinates standing on the wall send instructions to the soldiers on the front line.

The southern main force is the Demon Beast Corps. The large demon beast army attacks the elves. Grizzly bear-like monsters jumped into the elven formation, passing through the corpses of their comrades who were killed by the elves’ arrows.

The powerful arms with silver-like claws cut off the elves with armor and all. Masses of muscle protected by metal fur knock down the elves one after another.

– Kuh! We’ll hold out here! Don’t move back! Restore the battle formation!

The young elf Grion shouted at his companions. The elves throw away their bows as if responding to those encouraging words and hold their swords. The two sides clashed.

– Crap! The Demon Beast Corps can’t do it alone!

Adra and Forneus immediately react to Grasha’s flustered voice.

– Send the corps to the south! Don’t fall behind the human beasts!

– The Undead Corps too!

The Vampire Corps guard the northeast of Infermia and the Undead Corps guard the northwest. Both troops extend thinly to the south.

The Demon King’s army, that gathered strength thanks to the reinforcements, gradually began to push the elf’s front line.

– Alright! Keep it like that.

I checked the time. One hour left until midnight on December 24th. We can win.

When I thought so, a butler-like messenger came jumping in.

– Reporting in! The enemy is attacking the castle walls on the north side of the castle.

Adra frowns and turned his face.

– How many?

– About 10 people.

The north side is where Shizukuishi and 2A lot were, huh. Wait, she had been firing offensive magic on the walls this whole time?

– The hell? Just ten of them? Ignore them!

Grasha waved his hand like he didn’t care.

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But… something smells fishy.

– Wait. The northern side is our weakest side, just to be sure ──.

At that moment, a skeleton wearing armor came. I don’t get his facial expression, but from his movements, I could tell he was in a hurry.

– What what?  What’s wrong? Forneus will hear your report.

The undead soldier made his chin move and reported something to Forneus.

– Wha!? T-this is bad, Hell-sama! Another large army is coming from the west!!

– What!?

──That’s impossible. There can’t be more elf troops.

Adra changed his complexion.

– “West”, and they came from the land route… this damn elves. Coming by boat wasn’t——

– No, they aren’t elves! But Dwarves!

──What!? That’s impossible!?

I clung to the window on the west side and looked outside. A crowd of black shadows come from the hill overshadowed by the fog. Short and bit sturdy bodies. They cover their bodies with rustic armor and run with axes or hammers in their hands.

Those are dwarves?

Speaking of which, Arzheim’s Queen Ulriel said.

『If that is the case, we only need to take action once danger has increased. Allied forces aren’t limited to you alone. There are other races such as dwarves, and mercenaries aren’t a problem』

So they came, pulled by the elves’ connection!?


And there are many of them. The same number, no, more than the elven army to the south.

– Undead Corps and Vampire Corps, move to the west! This is where you’ll stand!

I issue so and Adra and Forneus gave instructions to their subordinates.

We’ve come this far and things beyond my expectations occurred. Goddammit, just a little more! Everything will be settled in less than an hour.

Then, an explosion sounded in the distance. A slight vibration and the sound of rocks crumbling are transmitted.

──That sound is.

The inside of my chest quickly grows cold.

I approached the window to the north and caught sight of smoke rising from the ramparts. At the same time, a girl wearing a Gothic maid outfit jumps, frowning.

– Adra-sama! The northern castle wall has been destroyed!

– I can see that! Why was it destroyed!?

Adra shouted and the vampire girl answered in a trembling voice.

– The human magicians repeatedly attacked only one place…

I looked down at the destroyed wall. A dense cloud of dust rises from the collapsed castle wall. From inside that, a girl in a black cloak appeared. The girl shows a meaningful satisfying smile.

Shizukuishi… you bastard!

And from behind the girl, 2A Guild and elven knights rush in one after another. Footprints were quickly made in the snow-piled white garden.

– Everyone! Head for Hell’s Gate!

──This is bad!

– Sweep up the enemies that have invaded the castle! That’s your priority!

I give instructions in rapid succession.

– And move a portion of the garrison in the castle to protect Hell’s Gate! Forget about the elves, humans must not approach it!

I stared at the destroyed wall again. The 2A and elf knights that invaded from there ran through the road in the castle and tried to go through the training grounds.

Allowing them to invade Infermia so easy like this… like I thought, the fact that the Dark Elf Corps can’t be used had a big impact on us!

Calm down, Doumeguri Kakeru.

I checked the clock.

──23: 30. I take a look at it, we only have to hold out the attack for 30 minutes.

I waved my cloak and said to Hellzekter who were giving instructions to each corps.

– Hellzekter, let’s appear on the battlefield!

For an instant, the three had blank facial expressions. However, their battle instinct was immediately intensified, and the expectations for the battle came in sight, becoming a smile.

– Hehe! That’s the spirit, King-sama!

– Ufufu ~ Forneus will kill a lot today as well.

– Fufu… It’s the utmost pleasure to be on the same battlefield as my King. No matter how many times I experience it, this exaltation makes me feel like a child.

I left the command post, accompanied by Hellzekter.

– Only aim at the neck of the humans. Don’t pay attention to the elves!


That’s right. In short, beat 2A. It’s difficult because I want to win the war with my whole army. But if I think that by beating 2A lot in this place──

– We’ll win this battle!

We came out of the first floor of the tower. The snowy training area where a fierce fight unfolds is in front of us. I turn the flame cloak into a sword.

– Let’s go!

Hellzekter and I cut through the falling snow and jumped into the storm of battle.

– Hmm? Eh, that’s the Demon King!?

Ougiya notices me rushing in. But it’s too late. I deal a strong blow on Ougiya’s torso as I run past through him.

– Bugyaaaaaaaaah!

Adra, who goes past Ougiya who collapses while turning a somersault, takes the opportunity to slash at him and Grasha kicks him flying. Ougiya flew in the air like a soccer ball and disappears, becoming particles of light in the air.


– Humans perish, the sun goes down; this is the Sanctuary of the chosen one.


– Everyone, be careful! Those are the Demon King and the Hellzekter!

As usual, Arisugawa dressed in an Alice-in-Wonderland costume shouted in a cute voice. I point my sword at Arisugawa.


– Be choked with tears!
Your climax will be to die by these hands of mine.


– Here I come!

Ichinomiya came at me with an angry look. I made a defiant gesture, turning to Ichinomiya.


– The ultimate weapon of the whole world   The ultimate King Hellshaft descends!


Ichinomiya’s sword glows yellow.

– Take this! Sunshine Blaze!

Traces of light attacks me like a flexible whip. However, a red light that forced itself between us caught the sword. The beautiful butler-like young man glares at Ichinomiya.

– You’re… Adra!

– A bastard like you is one thousand years too early to cross swords with my King.

Sparks scattered between the two, leaving a distance to allow them to bounce. And Adra holds a blood-like red sword. It intercepts Ichinomiya’s silver sword.

– If so, then I’ll start by killing you first! Vampire!

– Hmm, this is a light warm-up… fine, I shall kill you. Human.

They kick the ground and clash at once. Light flicks and sparks scatter as they lock swords. And at a distance of about a meter, shining traces intersected hectically between them.

– Bloodcross!

Adra cut the palm of his hand with his own sword. The blood that fell from there forms a sharp cross and attacks Ichinomiya.

– Guu!

The blood sword damaged Ichinomiya and further changed Ichinomiya’s own body.

– Guuaaaaaaaa!

A red cross-shaped thorn protruded from Ichinomiya’s left arm. It’s the coagulation of Ichinomiya’s own blood. One’s blood becomes a lethal weapon and attacks oneself. Adra’s Bloodcross is awesome.

– IIIII’m not going to loooose!

However, Ichinomiya swings his sword with his right arm. Adra defended against it with the sword he made with his own blood. However, and despite being done with one hand, Ichinomiya’s destructive power overwhelms the sword made of Adra’s blood.

– What!?

Ichinomiya’s blow greatly pushed Adra’s body back. The red blood sword cracks.

Impossible! He’s fighting on par with Adra!?

Even if he has gained experience while coming here, his level is probably 24 or 25. I don’t know Adra’s level, but it’s probably between 30 and 40 based on what I’ve seen so far.

Damn Ichinomiya. And you’re still saying that you’re filling the difference with emotional strength!?

– Thunderbolt!

When Leonhardt’s voice echoed, an electric current ran through my body. It feels like German blitz magic.

Tsk, so you’re going to entertain me, huh.

I turned around and found Leonhardt and Arisugawa. 2A is formed by parties of three.

Ougiya is dead, so the remaining two are attacking me.

– You’re in the way!

I turned the cloak into a dagger with a chain. The dagger flies in the air and quickly ties up their bodies.

– Woooooow! T-the… Demon King is too strong, and my balance is too poor!

Is that so? I’ll report that when debugging.

– Yaaaaanh! P-please no, that’s… aah.

Restrained by the chains, Arisugawa let out an uneasy voice. Meanwhile, red numbers emerge from the body covered with an apron dress.

– Now the finishing move!

I imagine the movement of pulling the chain of flames in my head.

– Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

The chain moved according to the image, and Arisugawa’s HP reached 0. His body bursts open, becomes light and disappears.

– Scheiße! Uoaaaaaaaah!*

*TN: scheiße is a German word and means shit.

Then Leonhardt’s body was smashed up.

Look. Each of them is weak. If I strike them one by one, they aren’t worth fearing!

I looked around in the melee training grounds.

On the left side, Hinazawa, Yuuki and Miyakoshi are fighting against Grasha. Elf knights came to cover them, and Grasha was alone taking on over a dozen people.

Miyakoshi stared at Grasha, who was swaying with his hair disheveled and held tight the grimoire in her hands.

– Oh no… he’s so my type…

Hinazawa distorts her face and yells in anger.

– Is this the place to say something like that!? Attack more than anything!

– Eh? Hmm. But we’re superior, it’s already our victory even if Ageha doesn’t do her best, isn’t it?

– Such careless──

When she suddenly realized, it was too late. Grasha was behind Ageha.

– Oh…bah.

Grasha’s arms are many times larger and thicker than usual. Grasha’s triumphant transformation ability『Fenrir』. With that power, Grasha unleashed his potential and gives Miyakoshi a strong upper cut.

– …!?

Miyakoshi doesn’t understand what happened. When she noticed, she was flying in the sky and the sky turns round and round, I’m sure it must feel like that. And then, on the place where she fell, Grasha’s straight punch sets the combo. Miyakoshi’s body blew directly horizontal and crashed into the ramparts.  Her body that has fallen without strength quickly becomes light and disappears.

– Aah, jeez! I entrust the attack role to Uiko! I’ll concentrate on recovery!

– Eh… b-but.

The terrifying figure of Grasha stands swaying in front of Yuuki.

– Hey brat. Are you the next?

Yuki is a timid and coward person. She’ll be defeated by Grasha without sticking out a hand or foot. The proof of that is that her body is trembling and her face is all blue.

– Ah… no, n-no no, nooooooooo!

Tears accumulate in the eyes looking up at Grasha.

– Scared? If so, then this is a special service for you. 『Perfect Fenrir!』.

Hair grows on the whole body of Grasha, transforming him into a giant werewolf.

At that moment, Yuuki’s fear broke through the limits.

– Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

She opens her mouth in a big way and screams.

– Wahahahahahaha, what a nice scream! Only your voice is of an adult one!

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, ueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenh!

Tears spilled like waterfall from her eyes.

– Uah!  Ueh, eh, eg… aahaaaaaaaaanh

Her face turns red and cries like a child.

– Okay, now you’re getting really noisy. It’s time to kill you.

Grasha clenches his fists and raises his huge arms overhead.

Yuuki clenches her fists and raises her small arms.

– ──Hmm?

The moment that Grasha showed a dubious face, Yuuki’s fist sunk into Grasha’s abdomen.

– Guhoh!? W-what… the hell!?

Yuuki kept punching him even more as her face was all soggy with tears and snot.

– Uawaaaaah! Aaaaaaaah! Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannh!

The sounds of blows that were heavier than I expected resonated on Grasha’s body.

– Tch! This chibi!

Grasha distanced himself from her, jumping backwards.

As expected, Grasha also seems to be surprised at the unexpected resistance. I mean, I’m surprised, astonished. Hinazawa also looks at Yuuki’s transformation with a dumbfounded expression.

– Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Yuki screamed and charged into him.

– Don’t get carried away!

Grasha’s strong fist buzzes. Yuuki bends her upper body forward and avoids it. Then she moved, dancing to the right and left while crying, and released a number of hits. That scrapes Grasha’s HP in succession from his body.

– Tch, this braaat!

Grasha spins right where he is. The backhand blow that carried centrifugal force hit. It takes away a large amount of HP from Yuki’s arm guard. Yuuki’s body floated and then was sent flying a few meters easily.

Yuuki, who landed, was sent flying to the side of Hinazawa who lost her footing.

– Huh!? U, Uiko. I-I’ll heal you!

Hinazawa comes to her senses and casts recovery magic. That allowed Yuuki to recover HP and then took a fighting pose, facing Grasha.

– Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnh!

But she’s still crying.

Oh right, there’s that. When a bullied child is moved to tears and bursts, it’s said they become strangely strong. However, what’s terrible is that she’s performing martial arts instead of punching round and round. Her sense has always been good, but she’s timid so she couldn’t make the best use of it. But to think she would cross the red zone and release her sealed strength.

– Hehehe! Now you’re doing it, pipsqueak!

– Uh, uguh, ueh aaaannn!

Their fists collide. A fist exchange as if electric current had flowed.

Grasha’s intense hits blow Yuuki away from the front.

Hinazawa frowned at Yuuki, looking apologetic.

– I’m sorry, Uiko… I’ve run out of MP.

– Ueeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn!

But Yuuki doesn’t have space in her head for HP. With an approach run, she charged into Grasha while sobbing. She kicks the ground and jumps up. A desperate hit that had all her strength into it. Grasha received the blow without guarding. The intense fist sunk into his stomach. Grasha laughed meaningfully at the punch he received.

– Hehe… nice punch. It’s so good I want to make my subordinates follow your example.

And Grasha’s arm held aloft is huge.

The next moment, Yuuki’s body flew in a big way in the air. Then rolls on the ground as if she were hit by a car. And her body collapsed as she rolled.

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– Haaa… this is the end, huh.

Hinazawa dropped the staff languidly as if she had resigned. And Hinazawa also disappeared before Grasha’s fist.

The remaining ones are Ichinomiya & Asagiri & Busujima’s party and Shizukuishi & Yamada’s party.

A bit more──but a melee battle on the training grounds is bad for the situation of the Demon King’ Army on the whole. Which isn’t surprising, as the elves still invade from the hole in the castle wall. Damn, the situation outside isn’t that good either.

I have to get rid of 2A before the situation gets any worse.

I followed 2A with my eyes. Adra is fighting against Ichinomiya and Asagiri. He dodges their swords that are unleashed in rapid succession with dancing-like movements. And in the intervals, he counterattacks. However, landing a fatal injury is hard because he’s avoiding their coordinated attacks. He lightly slashes at the arms that pushed out the swords and the feet that took a step forward. Moreover, the damage can be recovered by Busujima immediately.

– … Like I thought, it was you.

Adra looks at Busujima who’s standing a bit away from them. Asagiri doesn’t miss that opportunity.

– Haaaaaaaaah!

Her sharp sword cut Adra’s body in half.

– ──Eh!?

Adra’s body, which she thought she had cut, had disappeared, becoming a black fog. The black fog transforms into a number of bats that fly towards Busujima.

– Don’t! Busujima-san!

When Asagiri shouted, the black fog became Adra again and he hugged Busujima’s body.

– Hyaah… u-umm, I.

Adra’s eyes staring at her were enough to make her have a blank facial expression.

– … Ah ♡.

Adra’s lips touch Busujima’s back of the neck and his fangs sucks up her lifeblood.

– A ♡ aah, aaaaaaaaaaaannnn ♡.

Does she feel sexual pleasure, getting her blood sucked? Busujima lets out raptured gasps. And she hugged Adra and rubbed against his body as red numbers rise one after another.

– Busujima-san!

By the time Asagiri came running, Busujima’s body had crumbled down, becoming fragments of light.

– Dammit! This guy….

Asagiri turns her sword, but Adra is relaxed.

– Hmm, the healer has disappeared. I could corner you at last.

As expected of Adra. A safe fighting style.

Will those two be okay if I leave it to Adra? The problem is Shizukuishi… where’s she?

An explosion occurred in the distance.


Burst of flames spread in the air. The explosions that occur one after another approach here, like flowers opening in the sky.

– Argh! This sorcerer is so persistent!

A series of burst of flames follow the trajectory of Forneus in the sky. Shizukuishi, who stood on the ground, had her hands spread towards the sky with a grimoire in one of them.

Shizukuishi rapidly fires magical attacks to shoot down Forneus.

– Jeeez! How irritating!

Forneus gathered light in both hands and fired it at Shizukuishi. The one of Shizukuishi glows white, comes off as if the sucked up by the ground and soars into the sky. A flash of light enough to leave one disoriented, then, an explosion occurred.

– Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Yamada’s body soared and disappeared inside the light just like that. Oh, Yamada? I was focused on Shizukuishi and didn’t realize you were there.

The important Shizukuishi is still alive and well. A defensive magic circle spreads under her feet. She’s probably using a magic item.

In any case, Shizukuishi dares putting up a good fight against Forneus. But she destroyed the castle wall, isn’t she using too much magic?

– Despite being a human sorcerer, you’re a cheeky one!

– Likewise! I can’t forgive lowly people such as a fallen angel’s standing by Hellshaft-sama’s side!

What are you two fighting for?

Forneus’s waist ring rotated and began to shine in a golden color.

– I can’t forgive you anymore! Forneus will win here and now!

A different level of brilliance wrapped Forneus.

That’s certainly God’s brilliance. The power of Forneus, a former angel.

– Sacred!

As Forneus shouted so, a bundle of light rushed on Shizukuishi from the waist ring. I have no information about how much power that attack has. But I understood instinctively. There’s enough power to make Shizukuishi’s HP reach zero with a single blow.

And the golden light was repelled just before reaching Shizukuishi.


Ichinomiya stood in front of Shizukuishi, holding a mirror shield that excelled in magic defense.

– Uooooooooooh!

Shizukuishi, overcome with surprise, looked up at Ichinomiya who suddenly put between her and the light and protected her.

– I… Ichinomiya-kun?

Even with the shield, Ichinomiya’s HP decreases mercilessly. As expected of Forneus’s killer technique.

But the effect gradually disappeared. When the light subsided, Ichinomiya’s mirror shield broke.

He used up its defense and ended up breaking it.

– A-are you okay? Shizukuishi-san.

– Eh…? I’m okay, but.

However, the fact that Ichinomiya helped Shizukuishi means that Asagiri was left alone.

– Kyaaaah!

Adra’s sword robbed Asagiri’s sword from her hand. The dear sword of Asagiri’s that spun and flew in the air stuck into the ground far away.

– Swordswoman. This is as far as your companions will go.

Adra raised his red sword overhead.

And when he was about to swing his sword down, an arrow pierced his arm.

– … Who was it!?

Adra looked for the opponent that had pierced his arm.

– Ririko! Get down fast!

A voice came from above the castle wall.

– Ernes!

Asagiri calls her name in a lively voice. That was Ernes, an elf female knight.

And not only Ernes is on the castle walls. Before I knew, hundreds of elf archers lined up were there.

– Shoooot!

The elves fired arrows at once.

Arrows rained incessantly on the Demon King’s Army like rain, like waterfall.

– Nuooooooooooooooooooooh!

I spread my flame cloak and covered my body in place of a shield.

Those aren’t ordinary arrows. Each arrow holds destructive power similar to a missile, just like the ones Satanachia used. Hundreds, thousands of them fall.

Fierce explosions lasted indefinitely, as if eating an indiscriminate carpet bombing. Smoke, shockwaves, and magic imbued on the arrows shaved my HP further, spreading the effects of paralysis and poison. The area surrounding Infermia literally turned into hell. Hundreds of demons in the training grounds have their bodies tormented and pierced and make them quiver.

The shock that seems to last forever stopped.

– You… you bastards.

I, who endured so, was appalled when I looked around

There are heaps of corpses all around. The dead bodies of the demonic beings continue as far as my eye can see on the vast training grounds.

– G… guys! Somebody! There’s no one alive!?

– Y… yes.

– O-ouch, it hurts… fuck.

– Uu… it hurts.

Only Hellzekter responded. Then the rest… died?

No more elves come from the hole in the castle walls, but rather short dwarves are marching in.

– We came, following the elves’ suggestion… but I’m glad we did!

– Yeah! The Demon King’s Army is almost finished too! What’s left is take the treasures!

Bearded dwarves invade one after another while laughing cheekily.

──They gained total control of… the outside?

I checked the clock. 10 minutes remain.

And voices resound from behind me.

– The castle gate is completely open! Send the whole army in!

Fires began to rise from the spires that rose in Infermia.

This is bad.

Infermia has,

Infermia has fallen.

– Hell’s Gate is this way!

– Destroy the gate!

I can hear such voices from a distance.

– Prepare for the second shot! The targets are Hellshaft and Hellzekter!!

Ernes raises her hand and the archers lined up on the castle walls nock an arrow all at once.

It doesn’t matter if this is the Demon King’s armor, I’ll die if I keep being showered with that rain of arrows.

– My King…

Adra, Grasha and Forneus stood up while staggering. They surrounded me and spread their hands.

– Hey… guys. What are you doing?

Adra smiled meaningfully while tottering.

– We are our King’s shield.

– … That’s right. Use every little bit of our lives.

– Forneus will protect… Hell-sama until the end.

– Guys…

Because you’re merely AI.

Tears overflowed from my eyes.

Even though I’m just using you.

Tears ran down from the hole in my helmet without stopping.


What should I──

– Second shot, fi──

At that moment, when Ernes was about to swing her arm down. I noticed something falling from the sky.

– ? …Those are.


The elves haven’t fired their arrows yet. But arrows came flying, drawing a large parabola.

And the arrows,

Accurately pierced the elves on the castle walls.

– Wha…!!

Thousands of arrows stuck into the elves on the ramparts all at once. The elves have nowhere to escape and fall victim to the arrows one after another. Ernes also received an arrow and fell down from the castle walls.

– Kyaaaaaa!

However, while it was a direct hit, it seems that Ernest’s HP hasn’t reached zero yet. With a painful-sounding groan, she pulled out the pierced arrow and clenched her teeth.

– Guh… w-what the hell happened!?

– How is that you don’t know? Ernes.

A figure was standing on the wall in place of the fallen elves.

I thought she was an elf survivor.

But she’s not.

A shining-like platinum blonde hair flutters in the wind. Bewitching and beautiful dark brown skin. And a highly exposed armor that looked like bikini armor. Beautiful features and lascivious proportions.

A clear, dignified and familiar voice resounded.

– Demon King’s Army Hellander. Satanachia, leader of the Dark Elves Corps,  arrives!

I couldn’t believe that sight.

– Sa… Satanachia.

Ernes scowled at Satanachia with eyes filled with hatred.

– Immediately after not seeing you… so it was an ambush, huh!? How cowardly!

– I just arrived with reinforcements. It is your loss, Ernes.

Satanachia snapped her fingers. Right after that, dark elves appeared from all over the area around the castle. Where were they hiding? They appear one after another from the buildings and towers around the castle.

This is…the Dark Elf Corps? I see! Now that Satanachia returned, the Dark Elf Corps is now available.

– An ambush around the castle… reinforcements outside… kuh!

Ernes stood up with a painful look.

– H-however… there are still elf’s and dwarf’s forces outside!

Satanachia shakes her head as if saying “Dear me!” , jumped down the castle wall and landed lightly close to Ernes.

– Zeragiel, the Queen of Rowalrinna, decided to dispatch the Dark Elf Regular Army. The whole army.

– Wha…!?

Ernes was so surprised that her face stiffened.

– I-is she stupid? If she does that… Arzheim will take the chance and utterly destroy Rowalrinna.

But Satanachia calmed down and replied.

– If that happens, then as a retaliation, Hellandia, led by Demon King Hellshaft, will defeat Arzheim crushingly with all their might. Even if the whole Logres continent is turned into scorched earth.

– ……!

Ernes was overwhelmed by Satanachia who detachedly stated a terrible thing.

– Satanachia… h-how much are you going to make a fool of yourself to be satisfied!?

Satanachia wears a gentle smile and replies to the reprimanding-sounding voice of Ernes.

– The world ought to be ruled with great power. If we do not do so, a large number of tragedies cannot be stopped. The Nightwalker’s calamity could have been solved a bit differently if we had joined forces with the dark elves at that time.

Ernes shouted at Satanachia with a face that is about to burst into tears.

– That’s impossible! There’s no way we can do that with filthy beings such as dark elves! It’s impossible for you to join forces with us!

– Despite being on the verge of a crisis like that, we secluded ourselves in a small world. And even now, you are just thinking of how to get ahead of other nations and races. That will never bring peace forever.

– Are you saying… that demons and savages need peace!?

Satanachia nodded in silence.º

Biting her lips, Ernes glares at the face of her former close friend as if she were her archenemy.

– Even if you end up killing your former companions!?

– That is what I have decided to do.

Tears started overflowing from Ernes’ eyes.

– You… really became… a demon.

Ernes broke down crying. She doesn’t have the strength to swing the sword anymore.

Satanachia stared at Ernes with pity, turned around as if shaking free from her and walked towards me.

– Hey hey! Satanachia! What did you do!?

Grasha yells, raising a fist overhead.

– I went under the radar, following Hellshaft-sama’s orders.

– What? We heard from our King that you were dismissed from Hellzekter, but…

Satanachia replies calmly to Adra who has a surprised face.

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– To deceive the enemy, one has to deceive one’s allies first or so I have heard? It is Hellshaft-sama’s idea.

– Saataanaachiaaa. I was very worried, you know?

Forneus clung to Satanachia while weeping. With a gentle smile, Satanachia patted Forneus’s blonde hair.

– Sorry, Forneus.

Then she gently pulled away from Forneus and looked up at me.

– Hellshaft-sama. I apologize for being late.

– Ah… hey, Satanachia?

– I understood your intention of using that magic ticket to spy on the elf country, but I honestly thought it was just not possible and came running.

– Or perhaps I should say… I’m sure I told you that you were banished, no?

– Ara? Why are you feigning ignorance?

Satanachia inclines her head to the side in puzzlement.


– You promised me, didn’t you? That you will never let go of me.

Well, I said so, but.

– Elves keep their promises. Did you not know that?

Satanachia broke her cool look and smiled tenderly.

– Certainly, it was a desperate thought at first… but now it is different.

Satanachia drew her sword and commanded the Dark Elf Corps.

– Let’s go, everyone! Protect Infermia!

The gathered dark elves raised their voices, crying “Uoooooooooo”. Due to them being preserved until now, they have plenty of willpower and stamina.

The opposing 2A, elf & dwarf armies are superior in number, but quite exhausted.

– We came all the way here! One more step and we can take Infermia! Let’s go, everyone!

Ichinomiya shouts, and a war cry rises to reply to that.

But I’m not worried anymore.

The application of the patch Santa──X is exactly at midnight on 24th.

I opened the menu and checked the clock.

December 23rd 23:59:49


– Merry Christmas! Children, prostrate yourself before me
Thanks   Inspiration   Hail
Etch this present of mine into your mind.


The countdown begins.











I looked up at the sky and waited.

Santa Claus will come, carrying presents.

Though I don’t know the shape that he has taken. Maybe, and without knowing, it was applied before I knew, or something that is visible will come.

At that time, the sky changed.

──He came.

Thick clouds began to shine brightly.

As expected, was this white night the effects of the patch? As I think about that, the clouds were torn.

– What’s that!?

– The sky is!?

Everyone who was here stopped fighting and looked up at the sky.

A fireball was floating in the sky.

That was just like a huge meteorite.

It’s coming this way while raising flames and smoke and shining dazzlingly.

– Hey! It’ll fall here!

Flustered voices rise from everywhere.

That’s understandable. Similarly, I gradually felt terror, becoming aware of the hugeness of the meteorite.

The meteorite makes clouds evaporate and making huge holes in the sky.

I was panicking inside of me.

I tell to myself “that’s a patch so don’t worry”.

Still, what is? This bad presentiment. Something is rampaging in my chest.

– My King! Please escape.

– Y-yeah…

The meteorite falls straight as if aiming at Infermia.

– Fall back! Run away, fast!

Ichinomiya shouts and Asagiri and Shizukuishi try to escape outside of Infermia with the elves.

But its falling speed is strangely fast.

Without time to run away, the meteorite fell.

The fall location is Infermia.

The pyramid of the underground cemetery burst open like an explosion.

A fierce explosion.




I understood nothing.




Pure white.


Noise ran


Something runs through inside my body, image distortion similar to a broken image covered my eyes



A girl


Was beyond the distortion.

A girl I’ve never seen.

A beauty I’ve never seen before.



Is my chest so tighten

That I feel like I want to cry?


Who’s that?

Beyond the training ground, the wall that was there before is broken, I can see where the underground cemetery was. However, the pyramid that was there left no trace, and flames and black smoke rose from the crater-like sunken ground.

I looked around. Humans, elves, demon beasts, dark elves and so on, there was no distinction, they fell as if mixed together.

──Hmm? Huh?

What was that just now?


There was something just now… I felt like I saw something.

– King-sama! Are you okay!?

Grasha stood up not so far away from me.

– What on earth happened?

– Ow ow ow… Forneus, funyu?

– U… no way, the elves did this?

It appears that Hellzekter are safe.

Ah, no! That’s Santa──X, right? That’s natural, based on the timing.

I open the menu immediately.

… But nothing has changed. It’s not that menus have increased, or that messages have arrived.

Maybe I didn’t get them, but did the 2A lot get an email from the outside world?

I looked around, wondering if anyone of 2A survived. If their HP was shaved off by the impact just now, then everyone would go to Caldart…

When I thought so, a familiar figure stood up.

– Was that a meteorite? What on earth happened?


The first person who knows the truth is Asagiri? The hurdles are tough from the beginning, huh.

I tried going to Asagiri, but I stopped walking.

──What ’s that?

A giant shadow emerged in the black smoke rising from the underground cemetery.

Something crawls up while raising a low-frequency voice. A burning mass of magma seems to gradually rise.

It looked like a living thing.

And showed up from within the black smoke, being sure to fall forward.

──Is this?

A red-burning foot stepped out of the crater.

──Is this the patch Santa──X?

Its silhouette, similar to a mass of lava, looked like the devil.

The exterior cools down and solidifies like a black rock.

──Aikawa-san. Is this really that?

As for its shape, the face is more familiar than I remember. And that place.

——But, this thing,

I discovered that guy the other day.

But at that time, it was just a statue.

And I’m sure I ordered it to be destroyed and sealed.

From the mouth where the lava burns, a voice could be heard as if resounding from the bottom of the ground.

– I have descended again.


Um, the Demon King that became NG.

The Demon King, the Lord of Infermia before I was born.

Is this Satan, the previous Demon King? What a terrifying might, devastating ominousness and overwhelming presence.

His existence is the despair of all living things.

Satan slowly stepped forward. A fallen elf is crushed underfoot.

– Wha…!?

The crushed elf disappeared.

That is as usual. But there was a difference.

When he disappeared, he became numbers and symbols and collapsed scattering.

Is that, no way, data?

The data the elf was made of?

It was destroyed.

The character data was destroyed as data?

My spine grew cold.

Besides, when an enemy is killed, they weren’t destroyed that way.

If all 2A had been defeated by Satan today… what would have been of them?

When I picture that with 2A and consider so, then their consciousness data will be destroyed.

Namely, their consciousness will be destroyed.


So when the system is restored and the real body is ready to accept the consciousness data, the consciousness will end up being destroyed.

In other words, the mind will be destroyed.

In short, they’ll either go insane,

Become vegetative,

Or die?

Just before Satan advanced, I saw Asagiri.

──This is bad!

Facing me, Asagiri was dumbfounded by the monster she had never seen before.

– …!!

But she came to her senses, drew her sword and held it ready, facing the monster.

– You mustn’t! Run away, Asagiri!!

I shouted, without caring if my real identity is revealed.

Ichinomiya and Shizukuishi had collapsed behind Asagiri.

──Asagiri! For the sake of protecting them!?

I started running at once.

– My King!?

Hellzekter tried to stop me, but I don’t care.

I ran towards Asagiri.

But before I could reach her,

Asagiri, who’s facing Satan, slashed at him.


– Stoooop! Asagiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

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