Ecstas Online

Chapter Pr


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Asagiri runs, holding her sword to save her companions who fell behind her.

She’s brave, but from my point of view, who knows the truth, I can only say it’s reckless. Asagiri hasn’t noticed that Satan has destroyed the guy’s data. But even if she knew, Asagiri would have done the same. That’s the type of person Asagiri is.

In front of Asagiri’s line of sight is a monster that should have become an NG one named Satan.

──A monster. A word used readily in this world. Because everything from low level to high level is treated as a monster. In the end, using that word feels trivial. It gives a small fry feeling. After all, they’re pretty much existences that give XP.

But this one is different.

A kaibutsu.

A bakemono.

*TN: Both words mean monster in English, however, kaibutsu it’s more related to things that are already categorized as monsters (sharks, dinosaurs, etc) and bakemono is acquired, like you do something that makes you a bakemono.

Originally, those are words to name extraordinary beings that were beyond human knowledge and that human power can’t match.

The being called Satan, who suddenly appeared, was surely worthy of being called as such.

But there’s a word more fitting that those.

──Demon King.

A giant body about twice the size of Hellshaft. A body that feels as if it contained the energy of volcanic activity in it. The outside seems to be made of hardened lava. The horns that extend from the sides of his face to the front to intimidate. And giant bat-like wings on his back.

His figure is exactly of the devil. A sinister, fierce, desperate and overwhelming presence that feels as if it shaped and gathered all the wicked hearts, ambitions, desires, anger, sins, and wickedness of people.

A transient ruler who reigned as the King of Infermia for a while before Hellshaft was appointed as the Demon King. The Demon King Satan.

Asagiri slashes at Satan.

At Satan’s feet, a smoky light rises from the corpse of a trampled, dead NPC. It feels as if Satan emitted an aura.

The corpse of the character disappears, becoming particles of light after a while. However, the phenomenon that is happening right before my eyes isn’t just a production of death. That light is the result of the data that composed the character being disintegrated. The texture, the model, and the code of the program collapse, disintegrate, and disappear, becoming particles. Using them as data again can’t be possible, it’s a real death.

The glowing smoke that wraps Satan was like the hatred of the dead and like the sacrificial incense that celebrated the resurrection of the Ancient Demon King Satan. And Asagiri is about to become a part of it.

I started to run to Asagiri and shouted.

– Stooooop! Asagiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!

Why the Demon King Hellshaft is worried about Asagiri? Why is he desperately trying to stop her? If someone were to ask me that, there’s no doubt they’ll have such suspicions. My calm judgment tries to stop me. But my voice was shaking off that control.

But my voice doesn’t reach her.

A loud noise roared and drowned out my voice.

– Guuooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

It was a sound I had never heard. A voice that resembled a destructive sound that rubbed rocks against rocks and continued smashing them.

Satan stretched his neck and raised a roar, opening his torn mouth all the way up to the ears.

It was a voice that felt compelled to stir up the fear of the listeners. There are many rows of sharp fangs growing inside the huge open mouth. My spine trembles, and cold sweat rise to the surface of my whole body.

I run and extend my hand toward Asagiri.

However, Asagiri endured the shock of the roar and jumped into Satan’s bosom. Asagiri’s sword gets in the range, and the moment it entered it, the deadly sword runs with perfect timing.

– Lightning!

At that moment, Satan waved his arm.

– !

It’s not a move that tried to kill his opponent. The light movement was something you do when driving a bug away. The casual blow Asagiri’s body away.

– Asagiri!

The broken sword revolves in the air. And Asagiri’s body comes flying towards me at a tremendous speed.

– …!

I caught her body in my arms. Even my body was blown away to the back as it was.

– Guuh!

My firm legs slide on the ground, digging up the earth. Although I caught her, the HP of Asagiri was scraped off by the strong shock.

– Uh… Hell, shaft?

Asagiri groaned painfully.

– Are you okay, Asa──

What, is this?

I gasped at the transformation of Asagiri’s equipment. The clothes and simple armor that Asagiri put on are disintegrating. Like the NPC trampled by Satan, it’s disintegrating into the character strings of the resources and programs that they were composed of.

──Right, this is,

By losing durability, this equipment is 『dead』.

At that moment, my whole body shuddered. I grabbed Asagiri by the collar, and tore off her clothes.

– Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I can hear the scream of Asagiri, but I don’t pay attention to it. If this vanishing extends not only to the equipment but also to the wearer themselves──that may not be the case. But there may be.

Asagiri may end up disappearing like those NPCs and really die.

I tear off Asagiri’s jacket and belt.

– W-what are you doing! Stop! You pervert!

Asagiri rages in my arms. Without caring about it, I tore off the skirt and threw it away. It seems her underwear is safe. When I feel relieved, I happen to see that the shoulder straps of the white bra disappear.

Dammit! Forgive me, Asagiri!

I dug up the front of Asagiri’s bra and tore it off with all my might. The chest that was being held down out jumps out. The white and beautiful breasts shook greatly, and even the pale pink part at their tips was exposed.

– Hyaaaaaah!?

Asagiri hid her chest with one hand right away.

– Y-you…

With teary eyes, she raised overhead the sword that had been separated and blown away by Satan. However, the sword is broken and can no longer keep its role. Inflicting damage is──!?

The sword gradually started to disintegrate from where it was broken and the vanishing was about to fall into the hands of Asagiri who holds the handle.

– Get your hands off the sword! Asagiri!

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– Eh──?

Asagiri stared at me with surprised eyes.

– Kuh!

I hit Asagiri’s hand on the spur of the moment and sent the sword flying.

– Ouch! W-what──

Asagiri followed the sword that had been sent flying with her gaze. She unconsciously extends her hand, but can’t reach the sword that fell to the ground. And the handle of the sword that disintegrated is reflected in Asagiri’s eyes.

– Wh… what is happening?

For Asagiri, it should be a phenomenon she has never seen before. As she moves her gaze, the scraps of Asagiri’s equipment scattered on the ground also disappear, becoming character strings of resources and programs.

– What… what did you do? Hellshaft!

– It’s not me. It’s him.

I turned my head and Asagiri followed my gaze. What is in front of her eyes is the devil himself.

– The Ancient Demon King, Satan.

– The Ancient Demon King…?

At that moment, I heard multiple footsteps running from behind.

– Hellshaft-sama! Are you alright!?

When I turned around, I saw a dark elf looking up at me with seemingly worried eyes.

– Satanachia… fear not.

– King!

– King-sama!

Immediately behind her there are Adra and Grasha. And finally, Forneus, who came from the sky, landed on the ground.

– Ah! Hell-sama, is carrying a human in his arms again! Jeez, Forneus also wants to be carried in your arms!

No, that’s just not possible now!

Grasha scowled at Satan, and said, spitting out.

– Ah, that’s the one we saw at the underground cemetery, right? Why is he alive and moving?

Adra readied the red sword made of his own blood while fixing the position of his glasses.

– In any case… he is no different from a target to eliminate.

– Wait!

– My King?

Even these guys are the same as Asagiri’s equipment. If they’re killed by Satan, their data will be destroyed and they’ll disappear. I won’t be able to see them again. I won’t be able to talk to them. Yes, they’re NPCs. I know that. But——

– … Don’t get involved. He’s my prey.

Adra wrinkled up the glabella as if being confused.

– But… it is not my intention to question the power of my King’s power, but it is unclear what kind of power he has. Striking him thoughtlessly is dangerous, is it not?

Grasha grinned and licked his tongue.

– That’s right. To begin with, shouldn’t it be better for us to test this guy’s power?

On a closer look, Grasha’s hair stands on end. Maybe he perceives the terrifying power of Satan. And because he’s a strong enemy, his battle instinct is strongly stimulated.

– It’s pointless. Eliminate the elves who have entered the castle. Leave the humans and that guy to me. Are we clear!?

– ──I understand.

– Tch… I have no choice, huh.

– Good luck.

– Humph.

Giving their answers, the Hellzekters run into the castle building. Although I gazed at their retreating figures with a feeling of relief, I thought that the words of Adra and Grasha had a point.

Certainly I, no, nobody in this world knows the true strength of Satan. It’s too dangerous to challenge him to a fight all of a sudden. It’s correct that I want to try his strength.

Thinking so, the perfect situation was being born.

– What the hell is this monsteeeer!?

People that try to surround Satan and start a fight with him appeared. They are a race that is shorter than humans and has wider shoulders, a bulky chest and thick neck. Their tough bodies are much more robust and physically stronger than humans.

They are the dwarves brought by the elves as 2A’s reinforcements. With large axes and swords in hand that would be difficult for a human to lift, they encircled Satan’s enormous silhouette.

– I don’t understand it, but it feels like we can collect ore if we defeat it.

– Yeah, we dwarves we’ll take care of it! Don’t hand him over to the elves or humans!

The dwarves slowly closed the ring surrounding Satan. Satan unhurriedly turned his head and looked around. But he’s not cautious of the dwarves. If anything, he appears to be getting a view of the scenery.

I couldn’t read the expression from his demon-like face, but I felt as if he was looking around the castle of Infermia with a bit of nostalgia. And his face stops at one point. Beyond that is the Tower of the Demon King which can be called the heart of Infermia. The tower where I live.

What on earth is he thinking? No, does he have a thought routine before that? It’s said that he became NG during development, but I don’t know how far the making went.

As I watched attentively, holding my breath, Asagiri, who’s in my arms, said whisperingly.

– Hey, I’m tired already, so will you bring me down?

I cast my gaze down, Asagiri was fixedly staring at Satan.

– … You’re right.

It may be dangerous to be alone and defenseless, but it’s better than staying here. I gently brought Asagiri down to the ground.

– Join your companions quickly and retreat. It’s your loss.

However, Asagiri doesn’t move from there. She hides her chest, trying to fold her arms and fixedly stares at Satan.

– What is that? According to the Hellzekters, he doesn’t seem to be your companion.

Not running away means that she hasn’t given up the hope of breaking through Hell’s Gate? She may think that the arrival of Satan is an internal discord between demons. If so, it’s no wonder she thinks there’s still a chance… but it’s really dangerous, I want to supplicate her “Retreat, please!”.

I took my eyes off Asagiri and stared at the dwarves who were trying to pick a fight with Satan.

– You see. Those greedy dwarves will tell you. More importantly, if you were there, you would die.

– You say weird things. As if you were worried about me.

Kuh… You’re sharp in places I don’t like!

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The moment I think about what to say, the dwarves moved.

– Uryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

They swung down the huge axes and swords all at a once as if arranged. Big blows with all their might into them. They are full of gaps, but the power is perfect. Because he’s surrounded, Satan can’t avoid all the attacks.

However, right before the dwarves swung their axes down, Satan opened his mouth. The back of the throat glows red inside the wide open mouth. As if the energy of the magma in his body burned like a blast furnace. What flows out from his mouth is the call from hell. A terrifying voice chanted the keyword to activate magic.

-『Hell Flame』

In an instant, a huge pillar of fire erupts from Satan’s feet toward the sky.

– Uoh!?

A fierce hot wind struck me. I turn my body sideways on the spur of the moment and protect Asagiri from the hot wind. An explosive roar shook my entire body.

The pillar of fire reaches the sky and pierces the clouds in the skies. It was as if the flames of hell were about to burn even the heavens to nothing.

What was this ridiculously powerful magic…?

Without time to notice the magic circles that spread at their feet, the dwarves were burned by the flames of hell and disappeared. They probably didn’t even notice they were dead.

You can’t revive from those flames. It burns the soul, it’s literally a flame of demise.

The pillar of flames disappeared, and a circle of flames remained on the ground.

Cold sweat rose to the surface of my armor.

Not because I witnessed the death of the dwarves. Satan, who gave death to the dwarves, was fixedly staring at me. Satan opened his mouth.

– Who…

Did he talk to me?

– Who are you?

At that moment, a wind blew from Satan’s whole body. An unpleasant-smelling wind, similar to the putrid smell of a corpse, passes by, licking all over my body. At that instant, I felt like the cells in my body were frightened.

Don’t be flustered! Don’t be scared! Doumeguri Kakeru! Now you’re the Demon King Hellshaft. You don’t need to lose your nerve before a rejected character like this.

– My name is Demon King Hellshaft. I know you. Ancient Demon King Satan. But you were the Demon King in the distant past. You have lingering attachments to this world and as such, you’ve strayed. You should go back to the underground cemetery soon.

– Demon King… Hellshaft?

A red light is lighted in the eye sockets bored in Satan’s face.

– So people who aim for my throne has appeared… fufu, this world hasn’t lost its value yet.

– Wha…

The light in the eye sockets shines brightly, and the mouth with fangs lined up opens up to the ears. It was truly a terrifying and brutal smile.

– That ambition is good. That recklessness is good. That madness is good. I praise you, Hellshaft. I came back to this world from the bottom of the earth, so this is worth it.

This guy not only knows his circumstances. A conversation has also been established! So a dialogue pattern and AI were also implemented!? Moreover, he even comes with changes in his facial expression!

A roar of hell roars from Satan’s mouth.

– Kill and steal to your heart’s content!! That’s the fate of those who live!!

His voice makes my body quiver. If I were a timid user, that intimidation would have stopped my heartbeat. And coincident with the roar, a gust of wind attacks.

– Kyaaah!

The gust made Asagiri’s hair go crazy. The wind pressure feels even painful. He didn’t use any magic. It was a fierce fighting spirit that even caused a physical phenomenon.

I stood in front of Asagiri to protect her.

Asagiri now has almost zero defense. It would be fatal if she were to be flooded with even one hit from the enemy. It wouldn’t be a problem if it were of a normal monster. But if it was an attack of Satan….

Satan held out his hand towards me.

– 『Hell Crimson』!

– !!

Flames gushed out from Satan’s palm. No, flames and the like aren’t simple. The dreadful heat and speed are red beams rather than flames. That brilliance comes flying towards me.

I try to dodge it for an instant and paused. It’s useless, I can avoid it, but Asagiri will die.

– Kuh!

I spread my cloak, turned my back on Satan and covered Asagiri.

Under my body, Asagiri was surprised and opened her eyes.

– Wh-what are──?

– Don’t move!

When I shouted so, a shock and a burning heat struck my back.

– Guwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

My mouth screamed of its own accord.

– What’s wrong? Make a serious effort, Hellshaft. Muster all your strength. Without using your soul as a weapon and without being prepared to offset each other, you will not be able to injure me not even once!

The red beam continues burning my back. Even when preventing it with my flame cloak, it’s not good at all. It mercilessly shaves off my HP. The ground burned with the extreme heat, creating a gust of wind. The sound of flames wrap my whole body like a thunderous roar. My back is hot as if burning. Not only that, it feels as if a club hits my back on and on. My head is vague, my legs trembled.

– He, Hellshaft!?

Asagiri blurts out as if she were confused. There is anxiety showing on her face.

– Don’t, worry. I──

I decided to protect you. You’ll live and return to the original world. So I,

– I’m, the Demon King, Hellshaft, this level of magic, is of no concern at all!

At that moment, Satan’s magical effect was cut.

– Gu, a…

I fell to my knees.

– Ah… Hell, shaft…

Asagiri murmured with a flustered look. She unconsciously tried to extend her hand to me, but she changed her mind and her hand stopped halfway.

I heard Satan’s voice as if echoing from the bottom of the ground in my ear.

– … The Demon King is a title that only those who are qualified to fight God are acknowledged with. Even if you live tens of thousands of years or revive hundreds of millions of times, you’re in a situation where you can’t reach it at all. You disappointed me, Hellshaft.

I stand up with trembling feet. My knees are about to give way, but I try to overlook them.

– You were a Demon King long ago… now, this castle, this country, Hellanders, all belongs to me, the Demon King Hellshaft. Understand that you don’t have a place where you belong already.

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– It seems that you are the one who doesn’t understand.

Satan puts up his arms in the sky and opens his wings greatly to the left and right. A black shock wave was set free from Satan’s body. It spreads like a ripple around Satan.

What was that just now?

– You said I don’t have a place where I belong, didn’t you? The castle, the country, the soldiers are now yours.

– … It’s true. The flow of time is cruel. Give up, Satan.

Satan seemed to smile a little.

– Are you the Demon King of delusion or a clown, Hellshaft?

Satan bent himself backward, extended his arm forward and ordered.

– Come, my army Hellanders! Gather in front of the King!

It was exactly the style of a king. A thought saying “No way” crosses my mind.

Satan looks down on me full of confidence.

What? What’s the confidence of this guy? Conviction rather than self-confidence. Moreover, the build of this character arc. Is this guy really a character that became NG in the early stages of development?

No, before that, why was this guy revived? In terms of timing, it only seems to be the effect of Santa──X. But why?

Questions run around in circles in my head. Damn, I’m confused and my thinking ability has dropped. However, I thought that if Santa──X was applied, the rest wouldn’t matter. I have no plans for the matter of the rest and the like.

As I lose my way in the maze of such thoughts, demon beasts, vampires, dark elves, and undead soldiers gathered from around Infermia.

I was shocked.

My Hellanders are…

– What… the?

They line up in front of Satan and turn to me. As if protecting Satan.

– Wha… you! What are you doing? He’s the enemy! Defeat Satan!

But Hellanders don’t even do the slight movement. Like a loyal servant waiting for orders from his master. The elves who survived gaze at the interaction between Satan and me, without knowing what’s going on.

– Can’t you hear the command of Hellshaft!?

Satan raises his hand forward.

– I don’t need to do it myself. Kill that guy.

The Hellanders came attacking me all at once. A tiger-like demon monster that came running first jumped at me.

– Shit!

Unavoidably, I cut at the demon beast. However, Hellanders are gathering one after another. Two hundred, three hundred, no, more than that. Dealing with everyone will take forever.

– Hellze──

I hesitated to call their names. Hellzekter, my most trusted subordinates.

──No way, those guys too?

At that moment, my spine grew cold.

– Kyaaaaaaa!

The scream of Asagiri brings back my consciousness.

A bone soldier, an undead, was about to touch Asagiri. I took Asagiri in my arms and sent the undead flying. But other undead cling to my feet, hang on my arms and crawl on my back, trying to block my movements.

– Aargh, you’re irritating!

I spread my flame cloak and shake free from them by sheer force. The undead broke into fragments and rolled on the ground.

Were the undead scared? They maintain a distance from me.

Seeing me defending Asagiri, Satan seemed to have frowned.

– You bastard, you’ve been holding her in your arms from the beginning.

Satan takes notice of Asagiri in my arms. Asagiri’s body was under strain and became tense.

– That human… you’re the woman who came slashing at me when I resurrected.

I leaned diagonally and hid Asagiri from Satan’s eyes.

– … She’s just a prisoner of war. Don’t pay attention to her.

Satan showed a wicked smile on his face.

– No, a lowly human rose against me. I’m ought to reward her.

When he extends his right arm, ink-like black darkness gathers in his palm. It was a strange and eerie darkness. I felt an uncanny voice echoing from the darkness. Those are screams of curse, hatred, pain and lamentation from the dead in hell.

– You should receive. The ring of wedding with death.

The black darkness in the palm looked──as if it had disappeared. An afterimage remains in my eyes. It left a black trail then drew an arc and jumped into the space between my arms.

No way!?

– Asagiri!!

– W-what… is this?

On the icefish-like beautiful finger of Asagiri.

A black ring was fitted on the ring finger of the left hand.

What is this?

– T… take it off! Take it off!

Asagiri held the ring between the fingers of her right hand and pulled it with all her might.

– Ku… it’s, useless. I can’t get it off… ah!

A red pattern spreads from the ring to Asagiri’s white skin. The shape was beautiful, but it felt sort of evil. The red pattern that looks like a body paint stopped on the back of her hand. Asagiri stared at her left hand with frightened eyes.

– What, what… what is this?

What on earth is this!?  What did you say earlier? Wedding with death?

– Satan! This ring, don’t tell me…

– That’s a proof of the promised death and wedding. The so-called curse ring.

Curse, you say?

– The curse ring will slowly absorb the woman’s life and draw a pattern on her body. Even when attacked. And when the pattern has spread throughout her body…

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My clenched back teeth made a grinding sound. I felt that I was seething with anger.

– If it spreads… what if it spreads throughout her body!?


– That woman will die.


– ──!!

– That’s the reward. You may as well fully enjoy the creeping death and fear.

– Asagiri…

Asagiri was dumbfounded, staring at the black ring put on her finger. However, she immediately raises her face and declares resolutely.

– What are you saying? I’ve experienced that a lot of times since I came to this world. If I die, I’ll be revived right away and I’ll defeat you!

You’re wrong. You’re wrong, Asagiri! You must not die with the effect of that ring!

– My flame burns even the soul to nothing. Abandon the desire you call life after death.

And Satan said bluntly as if declaring.

– Now, I will face a war with God! Therefore, the Demon King Army recruits all who lives in the Balgaea continent! Offer your body and life to victory! All creatures are the cornerstones of bringing me victory! Every living thing should tremble with the joy of becoming my sacrifice!

Satan effortlessly puts his arm forward.

– All of you exist for the sake of my victory!

The Hellanders came attacking me again. Without time to hesitate, I turned on my heels and began to run. I can’t care about this anymore. It’s impossible to fight this number while protecting Asagiri. Besides──,

I looked back over my shoulder and glared at Satan.

Fighting him is even more impossible.

Ichinomiya and Shizukuishi, the survivors of 2A, were at the point I was running. Did they notice me? They stood up and faced me, looking up at me with surprise. I shout at them.

– Run away you too!

– Wh-what?

Ichinomiya, who held his sword in a hurry, let out a stupid voice. Shizukuishi is also confused.

– Run away… eeh!?

I run beside the two who become confused.

– If you’re killed by Satan, you can’t revive again! If you value your life, escape immediately!

Even the elves and dwarves, who continued skirmishing in the castle, began to escape after hearing my words. Since they were inferior in number from the start, they may have decided that fighting more than this is impossible. The number of elves and dwarves retreating gradually increases, flowing to the exit of the castle like the flow of a river.

– Step aside! You’re in the way!

I send flying the Hellander that stands in front of me with a ramming attack. Each time, I make Asagiri shake her body in my arms.

– Kya!

– Curl yourself up as much as possible! Don’t receive damage!

I ran through the chaos with the elves and dwarves running away, and Hellander chasing me. And Shizukuishi jumps out of the castle through the hole in the wall.

Outside, the battle between the elves’ and the dark elves’ armies continued. I go through the confused fight. There were elves who were surprised to see me, but then they were swallowed up by the flow of the evacuation.

I gain distance from the battlefield and run in the wilderness at full speed.

I have no destination.

I have no plan.

I lost the castle and the country.

My subordinate the Hellanders,

And those guys.

Even Adra, Grasha, Satanachia, Forneus.

When I entered the forest, I lost my pace. Even if I turn around, there’s no shadow following me. There’s no sound other than the sound of the wind shaking the trees.

My pace gradually slowed down and eventually I came to a stop.

Satan’s voice was revived in my ears.

War with God. All living creatures should give their bodies and lives… was it? What the hell is he going to do? No way, does he intend to sacrifice us? Before that, does God exist in Exodia Exodus?

…… It’s no use. I can’t understand it even if I thought about it.

But why something like this ended up happening? Shouldn’t everything have been settled on the night of Christmas Eve if the patch Santa──X was applied?

Why did the character that was supposed to be NG revived?

──And that girl I saw the moment Santa──X was applied.

Who on earth was she? Maybe the data simply encountered an error because it was all white and full of noise in front of me.

…… Is Aikawa-san safe? Aikawa-san is the only one I can rely on now. However,

I can’t go back to Infermia anymore.


Asagiri in my arms was looking up at me.

– Ah…

After the application of Santa──X happened, I ran around a lot, but in the end, the only thing I did was let Asagiri, whom I sworn to protect, get engaged with death.

What am I doing?

– Heeey. Reply at least.

Asagiri frowned as if she were irritated.

– Oh… what is it?

– So, what are you going to do with me?

– …

What should I do?

I can’t think of any concrete method.

But this is all I can say.

──I’ll save you. Definitely.

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