Ecstas Online

Chapter 2

Chapter 2      A devilish system

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– I have a few things to do in Sandiano. You’ll wait in Gralstock.

I told Hellzekter I had to go off on my own the day after I left Asagiri in Sandiano. And now, I take off the Demon King’s armor and walk down the main street of Sandiano.

What I have to do here is manipulate the information regarding 2A.

After all, 2A knows that I’m supposed to be imprisoned in Arzheim, the elf country, as a hostage.  However, in reality, I escaped from the prison as Hellshaft with Satanachia who came to pick me up. From the elves’ perspective, when Hellshaft and Satanachia sneaked in and caused a ruckus, Doumeguri Kakeru also disappeared. They’ll get even more suspicious if I don’t convey consistent information first before they get to hear speculations from the elves.

And one more thing. It’s necessary to make them understand that if Satan kills them, they can’t resurrect. I think Asagiri has already told them, but it’s just to be sure.

And the thing about the curse ring put on Asagiri’s finger. I’ll make them gather information about ways to cancel it. Since Hellzekter and I are working to defeat Satan, I call this a two-sided operation that leaves 2A to cancel the curse. It’s not a dangerous mission, and the more the persons there are the better, so I think it’s perfect for them.

I took a deep breath in front of the hotel where 2A was staying and opened the front door.

– Doumeguri!?

The moment I opened the door, Ichinomiya stood up and shouted my name. And all members of 2A turned their gazes at me all at once.

Uoh!? What!? Don’t be surprised! Dammit, I felt like they were taken by surprise.  I feel like wanting to turn 180 degrees and run away.

It seems they were having a meeting in the lobby. 3 4-person couches formed a U-shape, and two 1-person sofas were in the remaining empty space. Those are the seats of Ichinomiya and Asagiri. It seems that all of them are gathered… the only one missing is Shizukuishi.

Asagiri gazes at me, looking surprised.

– Why are you here… Doumeguri-kun?

– Well, the thing is that the Demon King Hellshaft attacked Arzheim so I ran away and came here.

– Eeh!? When?

It’s no wonder that Asagiri is surprised. After all, she was with Hellshaft until yesterday.

– Soon after everyone left Arzheim. The gate of the cell got so damaged it broke, I thought it was dangerous to be there, so I ran away. When I went to the harbor, a cargo ship was departing, so I got on it stealthily and escaped.

──I explained: All good until then, but because I went to an unknown harbor, it took me some time to come back to Sandiano. And this time, I asked.

– Somehow, I feel ashamed of doing something like escaping from prison… anyway what happened in Infermia?

A heavy atmosphere came and descended there.

Ougiya Takuya scratched his back while making a bored-looking face.

– Hmm, I’d say we were sort of victorious but lost the match? Well, you weren’t there so you wouldn’t understand it, but we had it very hard.

Miyakoshi Ageha also smiles with irony.

– How nice~ after you spent a carefree life in the elven prison, you could fully have fun traveling alone~. Doumeguri is really lucky~ I’m so jealous~.*

*TN: The kanji used for “prison” also means vacation home/villa”.

Busujima Meg, who’s next to her, also opened her mouth to follow suit.

– A… u.

But she closed her mouth without saying anything. What was that?

Ichinomiya threw in a bright laughter before anyone continued making snide remarks.

– Hahahahahaha… to be honest, it didn’t work.

I dropped my shoulders, looking so vexed.

Hinasawa Naru buried her small body in the couch and turned a smile toward Ougiya as if making fun of him.

– You were instantly killed. Moreover, your way of dying was like the one of a skyrocket.

*Pff* sounds and laughter rose from everywhere.

– N-nonsense! You’re wrong. I did a splendid work before that! Besides, Hellshaft and Hellzekter combined forces, no? It was impossible. I mean, that’s a proof that they regarded me as dangerous! Aren’t I amazing?

Hinasawa hugged the shoulders of Yuuki who was sitting next to her.

– The one who was actually amazing was Uiko. She had a serious battle with that Grasha, you know? Can you fight head-on with that monster?

– Na-Naru-chan. S-stop it…

Yuuki complained in a voice that was about to cry. Well, I certainly thought that her explosive power was amazing. I’ll have to remember that when she cries, she gets stronger. If I make light of her, I may pay the consequences.

Upon hearing the story, Yushima Leonhardt, who was sitting opposite her, raised his fist high.

– Yeaah! I wanted to see that action! It’s pathetic that I ended up dying before that!

Izumi Arisugawa, who’s next to him, showed a powerless smile on his face.

– Ahaha… me too. I probably wasn’t that helpful.

– I didn’t do it neither too good nor too bad.

Yamada? Huh? This guy… what was he doing?

A conversation about the battle bloomed for a while. But I was the only one in the meeting worried about Asagiri who didn’t move while smiling thinly.

Around the time when the conversation died down, Ichinomiya began to speak in a serious voice.

– Come now, we’ve talked too much. Let’s continue what we were talking before. Doumeguri, listen you too.

I point to an empty seat, to that empty space? I didn’t have the energy to cut into everyone’s circle, so I listened while standing.

– Ririko… No, we have a serious problem. It’s so serious that we have to solve it with all that we have.

Ichinomiya gazed at Asagiri sitting beside him. At the black ring put on one of her fingers.

He spoke about the appearance of a monster outside the norm called Satan. In the middle of that, Ichinomiya and Asagiri told exactly the facts they got, including Asagiri’s own story.

The only difference was that Asagiri was traveling with Hellshaft. Asagiri said that the reason why Hellshaft kidnapped me was that he was interested in Satan’s cursed ring. And when Hellzekter came to pick him up, he said he had lost interest in me and left me in the dungeon in the Rammel Mountains. Other than that, I had no contact with Hellshaft in particular and spoke the least possible with him.

And Ougiya replaced me when it came to worrisome but difficult-to-ask questions.

– Well, it’s impossible to travel with Hellshaft, isn’t it? In a sense, it’s a terrible experience. So, umm, what was it like?

At that moment, I felt that the temperature in the room had dropped by about 3 degrees.

– What… was it like?

Ougiya asked with a nasty smile he grandiosely made.

– I mean, what kind of guy is Hellshaft? Because you two traveled alone for a couple of days, right? So a lot of things happened, right?

I was about to let out a strange voice unintentionally.

I fearfully looked at Asagiri, a cold smile appeared on her face. However, her eyes were dead serious. Rather, it was an absolute-zero derisive laughter that made the viewer freeze.

– Humph, you’re interested in that. I don’t want to remember if possible though.

Ougiya waved his hands nonsensically while panicking.

– Hyeh!? Ah, no, you see, what I mean is, it’s not that is impossible, it’s a standard question when it comes to things like this, so, did you… said that for politeness’ sake?

*TN: This as a whole was a headache to understand. 「ひえっ!? あ、いや、その、なんていうか、無理にってわけじゃ、こ一ゆ一ときのお決まりの質問ってか、だからあれ、あれだよ、えっと……社交辞令?」

Hey, stop there already! You fake Mohawk! Die!

– Politeness’ sake? I don’t care about that.

Uwaa, there’s no doubt the ice age is coming to this tropical resort! A blizzard will devastate the lobby!

– There’s nothing that would satisfy your vulgar imagination. But that’s right. If I had to say what Hellshaft felt like.

I couldn’t look straight at Asagiri, and turned my eyes away instinctively.

– He’s the wooooooooorst.

A blade of water pierced my heart. And Asagiri said hatefully.

– I’ll show that Hellshaft will be defeated by my hands. I swear.

Ougiya trembled and suddenly bowed.

– Yes sir! Thank you very much!

Hinasawa stood up, clung to Asagiri from the side and embraced her head.

– Yes, Ririko! You poor thing, you really went through something very painful. Whatever it might be, please tell all your worries to me! Okay?

– I won’t say anything.

Asagiri didn’t lose her cold look as she shook her head to the left and right.

– Don’t be that cold, Ririko.

Stop insisting, Hinasawa… well, because that’s her character, she’s forgiven.

Ichinomiya intervened desperately with a troubled face.

– Anyway, let’s think about how to remove the cursed ring. Do you have anything in mind?

Arisugawa raised his hand humbly. Oh, you’re motivated, Alice.

– Well, what if we try more or less all the detoxification items?

– Nein, we’ve tried everything already. If it keeps going, Asagiri’ll be in a pinch!

– Leon-kun. Your way of talking is…

Miyakoshi combed her hair upwards languidly.

– That’s right… A diet therapy, maybe〜?

The face of Arisugawa becomes brighter.

– If so, then count on me!

Ichinomiya nodded.

– Certainly, in regard to meals, there are menus that improve physical strength and increase magic power. It’s not impossible, but the problem is how we find that dish.

– No! Rather than that! Shouldn’t it be better to eat everything?

Ougiya may have intended to say something good, but it’s realistically impossible. There’s a limit to how much one can eat, and we don’t know how much she can eat until the time limit of the curse. A menu that seems to be effective doesn’t mean that it will be eaten by conjectures.

Then the situation became still as death.

Eh? Hey, is that it?

Someone suggest “let’s go get information about unknown items, new recipes, and cursed tools”!

Asagiri softened her expression suddenly.

– Like I thought, the crisis worsened. Even everyone is troubled.


Ichinomiya had a face that said “what are you talking about?”

– That’s not a problem. We have to do something.

– Well, it’s distressing but it doesn’t mean it’s painful, I’m not okay at all. Besides, if Satan kills us, we can’t revive, can we? It will be terrible if everyone is in danger.

I remembered the night I spent with Asagiri.

『I’m not okay』

Saying that, she shivered with fear of death and shed tears.

『… I don’t want to die』

──She wasn’t okay at all.

I took a look at everyone.

All stared at Asagiri, seemingly worried. An expression of sympathy was in their eyes. Feelings of compassion. But at the same time, despair can be seen too. I feel the atmosphere of resignation.

Perhaps they came to a conclusion inside them? They didn’t say it clearly. If they were to do that, they would be called heartless and cruel guys. That’s why they look positive, but they gave up in their hearts. They’re calmly waiting for the game over to come naturally. I felt such a presence. To that evidence──,

Asagiri stood up and clapped.

– Shall we end for today? Everyone has lots of things to do. If you come up with a good idea, just let me know.

After Asagiri said so, a relieved atmosphere springs up from everyone. Yeah, as if to say they were set free.

It’s not like I’m peeking into their hearts, you could call it my impression, that’s all. But my ability that reads the subtleties and atmosphere of people’s hearts is good. An aloof is sensitive to the emotional movements of others, huh.

Everyone stands up, muttering “is there any good method?” unanimously. Although they didn’t state it in the meeting, idle talks like this are common to talk comfortably.

But, if that’s the case, there’s salvation. Even these guys shouldn’t be willing to want to abandon Asagiri. I passed through everyone and approached Asagiri. Hinasawa was still shaking Asagiri’s body.

– Cheer up, Ririko! I’ll search for pharmacies all over Balgaea continent.

– Come on, Naru-chan…

I immediately said without missing the chance.

– Isn’t that good?

– Eh? Doumeguri-kun?

Asagiri turned to me with a surprised face. Hinasawa looked suspicious.

– Good…? What I said?

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– Yeah. Maybe the information we know can’t deal with the ring. So I thought that Hinasawa’s idea is correct in theory.

Asagiri said with a troubled look.

– But it’s actually impossible going around the entire Balgaea continent.

I gazed at Ichinomiya, as if requesting his opinion.

– The whole land seems impossible… but if we divide the work among all of us, then we can search to some extent.

As expected of the good-looking Ichinomiya. However, the frowning Asagiri said as if appealing to him.

– But isn’t that in vain? Moreover, this is a curse of the Demon King Satan, the possibility of being healed by items or food is low. And we can’t put everyone in danger. I don’t know what danger awaits us in unexplored lands.

An unexpected report from Asagiri.

Everyone values themselves. Everyone seems to hate exposing themselves to danger for the sake of others. So, I muttered.

– But this isn’t just Asagiri’s problem, is it?

Ichinomiya patted my shoulder, looking glad.

– Exactly. This is everyone’s problem.

I imagined that “one for all and all for one” thing, but my aim is a bit different.

– Because Satan replaced Hellshaft and became the Demon King, right? That means he will do the same as Hellshaft. He’ll try to rule this world. He’ll attacks us like when Hellshaft invaded Caldart. But this time, we can’t revive. Maybe he’ll put a ring on all of us and advertise the dreadfulness of the Demon King around the world.

The lobby became quiet and everyone’s complexion clearly changed.

Hinasawa showed a stiffened smiled on her face.

– Anyone or everyone all of us can be after Ririko…. W-well, that might be.

– Eh… t-that’s….

Yuuki hid her hands and trembled. She already has tears in her eyes. I declared to make double sure.

– That’s why Ichinomiya said that it’s everyone’s problem from the beginning, and because of that, everyone thought about it seriously too… right?

When I looked at Ichinomiya as if asking for help, he looked a little reluctant, but he immediately pulled himself together and started talking to everyone.

It’s a good opportunity to investigate the continent of Balgaea again. We’ll basically visit cities without going deeply into the dangerous areas and focus on collecting information about shops and quests. We don’t have much time, so I’ll make a plan first for dividing us into groups and the assignment of areas to explore. We’ll meet here again in three hours.

Then the meeting really ended.

That’s the first part.

Now I just have to convince Ichinomiya that I’ll search alone. This may be troubling and surprising, but──,

– Doumeguri-kun.


– Thank you. For taking me into consideration.

Is it my imagination… or her usual smile felt a bit frail?

– That’s… more importantly, are you really okay? Are you sick or have some pain…?

. No. Not at all. My max HP dropped, so aside from that, I’m the very image of health itself. So don’t worry. On a side note…

Asagiri frowned as if she were troubled.

– There’s this thing about Shizukuishi-san.


The name I don’t want to get the closest to! Moreover, what’s with this pattern of being relied on?

– It seems that she’s been in low spirits since the last fight in Infermia. Yesterday, when I came back, she came to see me, and when I talked to her, she… got in a bad mood and secluded herself in her room.

Ah… somehow or other, I can imagine that.

– That’s why I can only rely on Doumeguri-kun about Shizukuishi-san.

Rely on? What are you asking for? It’s too vague!

If I leave it like that, I’ll receive her request to “deal with her”!

– Why me? If she didn’t lend an ear to Asagiri, then what can I…

Yet again, Asagiri patted my chest lightly.

– Please.


Ignoring the scream in my mind, Asagiri went out of the lobby.

One more troublesome work, huh.

However, because she has a sense of inferiority, I want to make Asagiri’s come true if possible. For the time being, I went to the reception, picked up my room key, and confirmed the location of Shizukuishi’s room. So there are available rooms? Each one of us had private rooms instead of a large room like last time.

At the very end of the second floor…? Hey, the rooms are opposite each other again?

I walked towards the stairs, thinking it was a bad coincidence. Then, at the bottom of the stairs, there was someone leaning against the wall idly. When it noticed me, it pulled their body off the wall as if panicking and walked towards me.

– What’s wrong, Busujima-san?

– It’s nothing. I just happened to pass by.

She stares at me with a displeasured face.

– Oh, I see…

Happened to pass by…? You stood like you had time to spare? So why do you stop in front of me? Is this extortion?

– What were you doing before you came here from the elf country?

– Excuse… hmm?

Why are you asking that?

– Well… as you said before, you came by getting on a ship at the harbor. It’s as if you weren’t troubled at all neither on the ship nor at the harbor.

Hmm, she said so while staring at me as if fixedly surveying me. My heart started to beat faster and faster.

What? Do you know something? Is she suspecting of me? About what? Damn it! I shouldn’t have been particularly caught by her. Strange. What on earth happened? Remember. Think of a way to deal with her!

– You see…

My heart skipped a beat.

It’s coming!? Damn! I don’t know what’s coming at all!

– What happened with… Asagiri-san?


Busujima brought her thin eyebrows together. It feels like she’s blushing a bit.

– I’m telling you, what’s your relationship with Asagiri-san? How did that happen?

My heart pounded greatly once.

The days I spent with Asagiri as Hellshaft crossed my mind.

──Calm down. Hellshaft did that. There’s no relationship between Asagiri and me, so it should be pointless reading too much into what she says.

– Well… I don’t know well, but about what you said… there’s nothing. This is our first time seeing each other since I parted from everyone in Arzheim.

Busujima turned her mouth into a へ shape and showed a worried expression.

– Hmm… I see. Okay.

Yes, as Doumeguri Kakeru, I’ve had no interaction with Asagiri. But then what is this? Is she tricking me into something?

– Why are you asking something like that?

Busujima panicked for a moment, and immediately turned her eyes away.

– I-it’s nothing… it’s just that, for some reason or another, you seemed to have a good relationship with Asagiri-san. Somehow I felt it was different than before.

Suddenly, I felt like my heart was grasped.


Certainly, I spent time with Asagiri as Hellshaft. Thanks to this, I should have increased my affinity with Asagiri in my mind.

But that’s something only I know. That was an experience between Asagiri and Hellshaft. Because it’s impossible that she feels much closer to me, it’s impossible that her attitude has changed.

Even I should have the same attitude.

Then how, did she get that?

My chest suddenly got cold.

– I don’t think so. At least I have no idea….

– I see. Well, that’s seems to be the case… yeah. Then all is well.

I felt like Busujima’s facial expression softened.

– Well then.

Busujima turns her back on me and returns to the stairs. Her manner of walking is so light that she seems to move giving small hops.

Damn… what the hell. To think she saw through me.

But as for me, I haven’t changed my attitude, and my intention is “act flawlessly”.

Is she really an Esper…?

After I heard the sound of Busujima going up the stairs and closing the door, I began to walk.

My conversation with Busujima was short, but I was exceedingly tired. However, and depending on how I look at it, it might have been nice to have gotten a warning before meeting Shizukuishi. Shizukuishi is probably sharper and clever than Busujima. A more dangerous opponent.

In any case, I have to focus my mind more than ever. The slight blunder will become my undoing.

I stopped in front of Shizukuishi’s room.

I can roughly imagine the reason that caused her to stay indoors. The Hellshaft she yearned and regarded as sacred was defeated by Satan and ran away. However, the “regarding a Demon King as sacred” was a strange example.

Well, she seemed to be disillusioned somehow. Moreover, after that, there was a bonus: he eloped with Asagiri. That also caused her to be ill humored.

Given that he was highly valuated from the start, it was only natural that the stock suddenly crashed greatly in one go when things didn’t go well for a moment.

But well, it’s convenient for me. It would be a great deal of trouble if I were followed around by someone like her. There’s no telling when she’ll make me trip up.

… When I think so, it gets more and more troublesome to talk to her. Isn’t it safe to shut in until we escape from this world?

In the end, I hesitated, but still, I came to the conclusion that I mustn’t break my promise with Asagiri. I’m amazing. What a sincere gentleman I am. It’s not something that can be easily done. As expected. I. am. Amazing.

I gently approached my fist to the door of Shizukuishi’s room and grasped it lightly. And a terrifyingly soft touch X2 that felt anxious about Shizukuishi who is inside. There’s no reaction. Then I brought my mouth near the door and whispered as if we were having a secret talk.

– Hey, Shizukuishi.

No reaction again. Hmmm, there’s no reaction despite being called this much? Asagiri’s ideal results weren’t obtained, but the promise was fulfilled. I may not have met her expectations, but I tried. This is the best result I can get. I have no regrets.

I turn around, unlock my room and go inside.

Aah, I’m tired. For the time being, I’ll negotiate with Ichinomiya before the day is over and merge with Hellzekter tomorrow. Before that, it’s been a while since I take a bath with my real body.

At any rate, in my journey with Asagiri, I took baths while wearing the Demon King’s armor. The water in the river was cold, but there were a handful of hot springs, and those were the paradise. However, when I’m Hellshaft, it feels more like washing a car than taking a bath. Those were rare situations, but they hadn’t even a piece of elegance.


At that time, I noticed a strange noise.

Is this… the sound of a shower?

What, they forgot to stop it when cleaning?

I opened the bathroom door.

– …………………………………………………………………. !??????????


I say frankly as I see her.

When I opened the door, Shizukuishi, who was seated cross-legged doing Zen meditation, was using the hot water of the shower as meditation under a waterfall.

I don’t know what she’s saying, but I don’t get it at all. Somebody help me.

Is this a dream or an illusion?

Shizukuishi was sat on the floor in the bathroom, her eyes closed. Naked. She’s taking a shower, hot water flows down her face, her neck and down her clavicle along her chest. Drops of water drip from the tip of the breasts sticking out, and the hot water that flew down the cleavage is sucked into the space of the legs put together from the navel.

I should close the door and pretend that didn’t happen for now. I try doing so. When I thought so, the eyelids of Shizukuishi opened.

It was impossible for Shizukuishi’s eyes to be more opened. Very white eyes. The very picture of surprised eyes. And when she opens her mouth, she mutters in a soundless voice, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly.

And as her face turned red, tears welled up in her eyes.


– This pattern agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!?


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+      +      +




– How many times! Will you!? Peek at me taking a shower until you’re satisfied!?

– This ascetic practice… was taking a bath?

– ……!! …… guh.

Shizukuishi clenches her teeth as she turns bright red out of embarrassment.

It’s certainly dozens of times more embarrassing than just being peeked at while taking a bath. I also did this when I was a kid. An imitation of ascetic practice.

After we saw in person in the bath, and ate Shizukuishi’s slap with all her strength, I was interrogated in the room. Shizukuishi wore my room’s bathrobe and sat cross-legged on the bed. Meanwhile, I’m sitting in a chair, facing Shizukuishi.

I quickly identified the reason why Shizukuishi was taking a shower in my room. Unsurprisingly, and naturally, this was a bug again. Apparently, my room and Shizukuishi’s room shared one bathroom.

This hotel is a trove of bugs. Those who upload to video-sharing sites will be happy.

– But you look better than I expected.

– … What do you mean?

– I heard that you’ve been in your room all this time since Infermia was captured. I thought that maybe you were feeling depressed.

Shizukuishi turned her face away, looking annoyed.

– … It’s obvious, isn’t it? Hellshaft lost.

– …

Shizukuishi’s burning anger extinguished as if cold water had been poured on her.

– Yeah… that Hellshaft-sama lost. Not only that, he escaped from a more powerful enemy without worrying about his reputation…

Was it really that disgraceful!?

– It’s already over. Everything… even Hellshaft-sama is defeated, and when the time comes, he ends up running away. If so, then someone like me…

– Shizukuishi…

Shizukuishi turned her face down, grasping her fists tightly.

Shizukuishi longed for Hellshaft. I don’t know that much, but Shizukuishi has troubles in the real world. It appears that she idealized her own figure that could survive troubles and obstacles by putting it on top of Hellshaft who has overwhelming strength and surmounting power. It does feel like the defeat of Hellshaft is the end of her dreams and hopes.

– That attitude that can surely be called insolence. A reckless and steel force of will that pushes and tramples others underfoot for his own goal. That was my ideal… yeah, I wanted to become that, I wanted to approach that existence, but…

Shizukuishi raised her face, and showed a stiffened-looking, ironic smile.

– My ideal is dead.

Dammit, you just go and say things you want to say. I don’t like running away. In that case, yeah, nothing could be done. Jeez, you don’t care about people’s hardships.

I stared at Shizukuishi’s smile, which was about to burst into tears at any moment now. This girl only imposes her ideals on others and complains when it doesn’t go her way. She thinks she was betrayed because other people she didn’t know were different from her imagination, no more than that.


Why does my chest hurt so much?

Why is it mortifying? I smashed her dreams and hopes.

She’s just a troublesome and socially incompatible person who ostentatiously displays that she’s equal to me. Besides, it’s also a trouble for me to move as Hellshaft. So getting disillusioned with Hellshaft and losing interest in him was rather a blessing. Even though it should be——,

Shizukuishi turned her face down again, and shook her shoulders, looking frustrated.

– Not only that… he ran away with Asagiri-san… to fall so low, he doesn’t look like a delinquent that runs around the outskirts of a downtown accompanied by a mistress.

Hey! What’s with that analogy that sounds like an old Japanese movie!? What’s happening to your knowledge in hikidashi!? Isn’t there something a bit more appropriate to a female high-school student!?*

*TN: Hikidashi is the variety of knowledge and experience useful for handling things impromptu.

– And yet … Asagiri-san, proudly speaks about that with me!

The back teeth of Shizukuishi made grinding sounds.

No, I don’t think she’s proud of it. Rather, what does she win with that?

– So, to clear away your worldly desires, you meditated under the nearest waterfall?

Shizukuishi’s face turns red.

– Sh-shut up! I’m done, get ooooooooout!

I rolled into the corridor as if I had been kicked out by that voice. And the door of the room closes, making a loud sound.

Yare yare. Since there’s nothing I can do, should I confirm in advance the search plans that Ichinomiya has set up?

I headed to the reception to confirm the location of Ichinomiya’s room.

──Or better I say, Shizukuishi. That’s my room.




+      +      +




I was safe, I got permission from Ichinomiya and Asagiri to act alone.

If only there were a chance of exploring with a party of three people, with Asagiri! Since Shizukuishi isn’t participating, a person would naturally be left alone, so the conversation went surprisingly smoothly.

And at midnight, when I slipped out of Sandiano, I wore the armor of the Demon King in the dungeon of the Rammel Mountains and joined Hellzekter who were waiting in Gralstock. Then we started our journey to defeat Satan.

We head to the plains on the west with the Rammel Mountains on our left. Walking on the peaceful rural landscape with the four Hellzekter is terrifyingly uncomfortable. But it was also easy. Even if I don’t give any instructions, I get treated to this and that. Even when we come across a monster, they subdue them voluntarily to get ingredients and items, drinks if I’m thirsty and food if I’m hungry, and since they find comfortable resting places, I leave the guidance and all up to them. Anyway, this is more than satisfactory.

To be honest, it feels way better and it’s much pleasant than traveling with Asagiri.

We’re now heading away from Infermia to escape from Satan’s army. However, we can’t escape forever. The problem is how to turn and counterattack.

We advanced on a cobblestone road, but before I realized, it became a simple pavement with gravel spread out, and eventually it became a dirt road. As we walk like this, there seem to be enough places where I might need to improve the roads.

It’s not bad to look around the country with my own eyes.

As I did so, the sun went down, and because of that, today’s inn is a campsite. I completely got used to a camping life.

– I am sorry, Hellshaft-sama. For causing trouble like this…

Satanachia came to me, looking apologetic as I was idling by the bonfire.

– What? It’s not bad to sleep under the stars. I’m the one causing trouble for you.

– That’s… I am no worthy of those words. We will be eating soon, so please wait a little longer.

I see, so it’s going to be elf cuisine? No, dark elf cuisine? What if the menu appears to be somewhat energetic? What should I do? However, the three Michelin stars is definitely decided before eating the home cooking of such a beautiful woman.

Satanachia sat down next to me. Even her ways of seating are lascivious and erotic. I unconsciously traced the curves of her chest and waist with my gaze.

– ? Is there anything I can help you with?

– N-no. Come to think of it, you went out to hunt with Grasha earlier, right?

– Yes, we got fresh and good sword salmon and behemoth meat. I hope it suits your taste.

Any high-level monster is an ingredient in front of these guys. In particular, Satanachia’s bow and Grasha’s hunting abilities are perfect for survival.

By the way, if I were to speak of what Forneus is doing… she’s sleeping with her head placed on my lap. No matter how much I touch her hair or poke her cheeks, she just keeps sleeping. A complete sound sleep.

– Funyu… aall… the delicious apples, are of… Forneus… yup.

What’s with her…? She’s cute though.

– Fuuuh, the hot water was great.

Grasha came around, hanging a towel around his neck.

– Right, go take a bath too. A nice hot spring appeared in the river at the back.

*Rustle*, Satanachia sidled up to me as if shifting.

– Hellshaft-sama… I will wash your back later ❤.

– O-okay…

– Thank you for waiting, my King. Dinner is ready.

Adra in an apron came with a plate in both hands.



You were cooking!? Not Satanachia?

– I hope it suits your taste.

– Y-yeah…

– Grasha, Satanachia, your portions are in the kitchen, so go get them. Oh, Forneus’ portion too.

Grasha ran while licking his lips. Forneus also rises slowly.

– Funyaa… my meal….

Satanachia hurriedly stopped her as she was about to plunge into the bonfire with unsteady steps. Forneus almost roasted herself.

Adra smoothly lined up the plates in front of me. They all look delicious and they are beautifully arranged. They even looked as if they were shining sparklingly.

– Then, I will explain the cooking.

Eh, I need an explanation for the dishes? It’s not like it’s an electrical product. No way, if I eat in the wrong order, he will get hurt?

– Starting from this, here we have carpaccio and grilled belly of sword salmon, and meuniere cream sauce. Sword salmon is a valuable item called red pink that can only be caught this season. Because it stores nutrients for egg-laying and goes up the river, it is very fatty. In Infermia, it is difficult to taste it when it is caught, so it can be said that it is a taste unique to places one stays at during a journey. Carpaccio olive oil is an Amar variety from the area of Sandiano. Pepper is sprinkled on it, but that is up to your liking. The cream sauce is Adra Original, which is a blend of four types based on the Rimgoat milk of Grindel Plateau. Please enjoy it.

– S…sure…

– Now the meat dish.

You’re still going!?

– This is a Behemoth roast steak. It has already been seasoned, so please enjoy it as it is. About the stew… I invented an image of the meeting between the King and me. I selected the finest part of the meat-ruler Behemoth for the King, additionally, and although it gave a fight, it wasn’t enough, however, I patterned the blood onion, which is the best to enhance the meat, after me. And the morning glow as well as the blood that flowed into the Killer Tomatoes that day. I named it『Dawn of loyalty』.

*TN: While editing the chapter I kind of “understood” what he tried to say, I’m having a hard time putting all the pieces together. If you want the raw text, here it is. 「こちらはべヒーモスの 一ロステーキ。味がついておりますので、そのままお召し上がり下さい。それとシチューですか……こちら、私とキングの出会いをィメーシして考案致しました。肉の王者たるべヒーモスの最高級部位をキングに見立て、それに競い合おうとしながらも力及ばぬ、しかし肉を引き立てるに最高の相手であるブラッドオニオンを私になぞらえております。そして、あの日の朝焼けと、流れた血潮をキラートマトに。題して 『忠誠の暁』」

Adra spoke with strong feelings and a distant look.

– I… I see. –T-that’s really a good name.

It was nice to have it explained, but honestly I don’t know what’s what. I mean, what was that encounter between Hellshaft and Adra? I can’t imagine it at all from this stew.

Grasha and Satanachia come back with plates in their hands.

– Oh man, Adra, you’re only great at cooking!

– I am really looking forward to it. Don’t you agree, Forneus?

– *Yaaawn*, food.

– You were just enjoying yourself with the King. Thank the King.

It looks beautiful, but… what does it taste like? I mean, this guy is a vampire, no? Like, what if all the contents are raw and clogged with blood?

– Then I’ll eat…

「「「「Thanks for the food」」」」「Thanks」


Why are you saying “Thanks for the food”!? Aren’t you demons? Be more… ack!

– As I thought, it does not suit your taste?

Adra asked with a worried look.

– No… it’s nothing.

I first tried the sword salmon carpaccio.


It’s good! It’s very good! I want to give you 100,000 gems as a reward!

Next is『Dawn of loyalty』.

──What is thiiiiiiiiis!? This is insaaaaaaaaaaaane!

Suddenly I felt I saw the scene of meeting Adra, which I shouldn’t remember, in my mind. It’s hard to say it, but compared to this, Asagiri’s dishes are amateur dishes. Even Alice, the iron man chef of 2A, had no way to deal with this. The level was already different. The cooking is the same but this has a good flavor! It’s superb! Ultimate! Supreme!

It goes without saying that I ate everything.

As I was laying back, Adra brought me coffee. I’m really more than satisfied.

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– My King, about what we will be doing…

I changed my way of thinking from break mode to work mode.

– Yeah. First of all, I want to decide on a course of action. Do you have anything in mind?

– I am concerned about the current movements of Hellandia’s and Satan’s forces. Even if we attack, I would like to have a little more information about their current strength and deployment.

──Certainly. There’s no harm in knowing how Satan’s government system has changed.

To be honest, I want to get in touch with Aikawa-san as soon as possible. That’s the best way to get reliable information about Satan. I can use teleport to move to Infermia, but I’ll be spotted right away. That guy mustn’t know that I can teleport. I don’t want to lose that advantage, and it would be bad if Aikawa-san falls into danger because I acted poorly.

– That won’t work. Wouldn’t it be better to gather soldiers quickly and start a war?

Grasha scratched the back of his ears, looking bothered. It’s rare for these two to have the same opinion….

– Satanachia, Forneus, what do you think?

Satanachia put her finger into her mouth and thought.

– Let’s see… in any event, I think we should secure a safe place to hide in case push comes to shove.

– I have fun traveling with Hell-sama, so I want to go everywhere with him〜 Forneus is thrilled ♪.

There was one useless opinion, but each one had a point.

– Satan’s hands should quickly reach Hellandia and its surroundings. We’ll go around the areas beyond his influence, look for collaborators to help us and form a new army. Information from inside Hellandia territory can be obtained indirectly from collaborators.

All four Hellander replied “understood”.*

*TN: The author wrote Hellander here.

I can’t relax too much. Even while we’re doing this, Satan’s curse continues to corrode Asagiri’s body. However, in the last battle, I knew deeply within me that my fighting ability is no match for Satan. For some reason, unless I find an effective way to defeat Satan, I’ll definitely lose even if we have a rematch.

However, at that moment, the cursed pattern would cover the whole body of Asagiri──,

Still, I have no choice but to fight.




+      +      +




After that, I went around every place with Hellzekter, and after seeing it was a suitable time, I went back to Sandiano to confirm Asagiri’s state. The pattern of the cursed ring now extends from Asagiri’s left arm to her back, reaching even her right arm.

However, the information obtained was no valuable.

2A’s search team that regularly returned brought back some items and information each time, but none were particularly effective.

And it was hard to find a soldier or a collaborator that sided with Hellshaft. Ironically, due to the unsuccessful capture of Infermia by the alliance between the human’s and elves’ armies, the strength of the Demon King’s Army reverberates across the Balgaea continent. Now there was no individual who would rebel against the Demon King Army, namely, Satan Army.

The Christmas and New Year events were over, and I actually felt that I didn’t like time passing so fast.

– So this is the town of Alexar…?

I walked in the desert town of Alexar, wearing the mask made by Asagiri. It’s a trading town in the Alek Desert in the center of the Balgaea continent. It’s a town that prospers as an important point of transportation that connects east and west, and many people and information gather there.

The town’s structure resembled a lot the atmosphere of towns in the Middle East and Egypt seen in photos and videos.

Stalls and people crowed the town made of beige stone. If the European style is removed from Caldart, I feel like it would be like Alexar.

– Will I be able to find a collaborator here…?

The Hellzekters are doing something else, they’re in search of people who will fight Satan. It was decided that I would meet them at the bar in an hour.

I’m by myself, I go from shop to shop, looking for something useful. Adult mode items that can only be used by me. I’m sure there are useful ones among them. I’ve been looking for them, but in reality, I can’t find any.

So this town is also useless…?

When I was about to give up, an object I had never seen came jumping in my eyes.

What, what is that?

There’s a square box placed in the storefront of an item shop. A glass box with a brass frame.

It has a small handle on the front and a scale similar to a meter. Somehow it had a steampunk-like design, and it looked like it felt a bit out of place in the world of Exodia Exodus.

My curiosity welled up so I approached it and looked closely at the box. Round capsules are tightly crammed in the glass box.

No way… is this?

A metal plate is affixed on top of the handle. I bent forward and read the characters carved into it.


『1 time   300 yen』


This is gachaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

How! How can you provide a terrifying thing, you Hell’s Domain!?

It may be natural to provide it commercially, but coming across it in a situation like this will break my heart! People’s lives are at stake here! Right when I’m trying to survive this seriously…!



What if there’s really an incredible and important item hidden here?

…… Hmm.

Do I try it once? Well, it’s 300 yen.

I grab the handle and make it rotate once by twisting my hand. When I turned it around while feeling a mechanical response in my hand, I hear a sound effect and received a message saying that 300 yen was charged.

I turn the handle all the way while strangely feeling a tough realism. Then, a round capsule came rolling out of the outlet.

Well, it’s not that great. Because when I get this sort of expectations, I get disappointed. Getting a rare item is really rare. Most of them are trash and only normal ones come out. Nevertheless, it’s the pinnacle of stupidity to expect a rare item and be charged to hell to keep spinning the gacha. It’s totally ridiculous. It’s an action I can’t understand.

When I opened the capsule, it contained two purple gems.

What’s this?

When I picked up the gems, an explanatory text was displayed before me.

『Communication Gems《Ultra rare》: You can talk with a person far away』


Hey hey! These are super helpful! Since there are no mobile phones in this world, I can talk even if we’re far away! I can have good morning and good night greetings with Asagiri anywhere! I don’t know if she will do it though!

Seriously though, if I’m able to get in touch with Aikawa-san, then the capture of Infermia will be much easier. The problem is how I give this to Aikawa-san….

I gazed down at the gacha machine.

To think there was an item for that among them. No, on the contrary, there may be even more amazing items! What if there is an item to defeat Satan or rather, escape from this world!? This thing has a money-saving vibe! So convenient… fufufu.

I turned the handle of the gacha.


──Thirty minutes later.


I fell to my knees on the ground as if I had crumbled down.


Why nothing comes ooooooooout!!

What remained in my hands were more than a dozen of healing medicines. Only that.

When I turned it 3 times, I was unworried that the rare appeared first.

When I turned it 10 times, I was discouraged when I got a medicine. However, if I take in consideration that I got communication gems, I got my money’s worth. I thought so.

When I turned it 30 times, I felt like I was losing my composure. I thought I’d do 10 more and stop.

When I turned it 50 times, I vowed I’d do 5 more and definitely stop.

When I turned it 60 times, I thought it was too late to pull back.

When I turned it 100 times, I began to cry.

Uoooooooooooooooo! Oh, give me back my 30,000 yen!

It’s not like I’ve summoned succubi!

It’s just a gacha! Besides, I didn’t get anything good except the first one, the communication gems!

30,000 yen disappeared in 30 minuuuuuutes!

I staggered as I stood up.

Still, I extend my hand to the gacha blurred with overflowing tears.

If I stop here, I’ll just have lost money.

I won’t.

I won’t run away.

Yes, I once read the secret technique of gacha on internet.

About how to get the item you want without fail.

That is,

──To turn it until it comes out.

Uoooooooooooo! Let’s go! Gachaaaaaaa!

– Demon King Hellshaft!?

At that moment, a familiar voice brought me back to my sanity.

– ……What?

I look at the person who talked, three people were there: Hinasawa Naru, Arisugawa Izumi and Yuuki Uiko.

Geh! Why are they here!? It wasn’t planned for them to relax and stretch their legs out this much!

Arisugawa readied his cane as he flustered.

– W-why is Hellshaft here…?

However, Hinasawa threw out her chest, looking triumphant.

– Whaaat? We felt like wanting to come here, no? That’s the right answer ♡.

Don’t change the plan based on your mood! I’m having a hard time not batting on your route!

However, Hinasawa is the only imperious one, Arisugawa got cold feet and Yuuki was on the brink of crying.

– H-he’s scary… Naru-chan. Let’s run away.

Ignoring the frightened Yuuki, Hinasawa said to me with a daunting pose.

– Asagiri Ririko, our friend and the one you took around many places, is about to die. I’d like you to tell me how to break the curse or who Satan is. You’re the Demon King, so you really know that much, no?

– … Unfortunately, I don’t know.

– I can’t believe that! Because you experimented with Ririko, right?


– Because you’re interested in how people die from the curse, you took Ririko around many places as a laboratory animal, no? Ririko doesn’t talk in detail about what happened when she was with you, but it’s obvious that you did something awful. After all, Ririko looks awfully heart-breaking.


– Despite this, she works too hard and behaves cheerfully. It’s not trivial at all, she pretends she’s okay and that it doesn’t affect her… it’s so evident that she really can’t help being scared. I don’t want to see such Ririko.

…… You noticed that?

– You may not give a damn about humans, but Ririko is my friend! We may not be able to defeat you, but we’ll follow you until you tell us!

Declaring so, Hinasawa squared her shoulders and glared at me.

……I see. Hinasawa, you also… are a good person.

– Uiko, go back right away and tell everyone!

Yuuki silently nodded and began to run as fast as she could.

By the time Yuuki gets in touch with them, I won’t be here so there’s no problem. However, being shadowed by Hinasawa and Arisugawa is troublesome. I have to shake free from them here.

Should I defeat them here?

No, they’ll be sent flying to Caldart, which will interfere with the schedule of the investigation. There’s also the penalty that they won’t level up for a while if they die. I welcomed that very much in the past, but now it can be a factor that narrows down the search range.

If so, do I do it? It’s been a while──since I used that.

I open the menu and display the magic category.

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– Are you listening? We’re serious, you know? The life of our friend is──

Hinasawa, I understand your feelings. But I’m serious too.

『Age verification──This is an inappropriate feature for people under the age of 18. Are you sure you want to use it? ]

I pushed the “confirm” button vigorously.

-『Hell & Heaven』!!

Suddenly, the common sense in the world changed completely. There was a sound similar to a giant gear turning and the sky started to rotate in circles.

–  Wh-what? Is this!? Hinasawa-san!

– Don’t ask me!

The sky rotates as it falls. That drew clouds and became a tent, a roof. Then, walls rose from the ground, enclosing us. And a theater was finished right away.  The walls are over-decorated and images of beautiful naked women adorned it, it was magnificent.

A large recliner emerges from the ground, making me sat on it to hold my body. Is this a special seat to appreciate what is about to happen?

At the center of the amphitheater, Hinasawa and Arisugawa keep huddling together.

– What is he going to do with us…?

– Who knows… but I have a bad feeling.

The naked images along the wall began to move, affirming that feeling. Those images transformed into fairies with thin wings similar to wings of insects on their backs.

– Uwaaaah, w-what is this!!?

– I don’t know! T-this seems to be magic!

– T-that’s right!

The moment Arisugawa raised his magic wand, it disappeared.

– Eh!?

And the next moment, the equipment of Arisugawa that looked like Alice in Wonderland disappeared──,

– Eh…?

He became a bunny girl.

– Wa-wa-waaaaaaaaaaah!?

Arisugawa turned bright red and screamed. He tries to hide his body, but he doesn’t know what to do. A blue enamel outfit tightly sticks to the slender body of Arisugawa. Fishnet tights are on his thin and slender legs. And enamel high heels as expected. The contour of Arisugawa’s body I see for the first time. That being said, he’s a man, so if his clothes are taken off, it would be the body of a man.

But why his waist was so thin? He has no hips, but because his waist is thin, it looks relatively wide. Moreover, the size of his butt I see when he turned back. Coupled with with the rabbit’s tail and the sharply cut bunny suit, it looks like a girl’s butt.

Alice in Wonderland became a white rabbit, and not a blue rabbit?

Hinasawa, also surprised, stared at Arisugawa.

– Alice, so you had a hobby like that…

– !? Y-y-y-y-y-y-you’re wrong! Not even I get it!!

– I think it’s a good hobby.

– I said it’s not!!

At that moment, the equipment of Hinasawa changed completely too.

– !?

This time, it was a red bunny girl. It has the same design as Arisugawa but in a different color.

– W-what is this!?

A red bunny suit put on her undeveloped loli body. This had the smell of crime.

The fairies surrounding them extended their hands and touched their bodies gently.

– Hey, don’t touch me.

Four fairies hold the hands and arms of Hinasawa who struggled. Then, the fairies holding her arms started caressing Hinazawa’s flat chest.

– Don’t, wait… seriously, stop… ♡.

– U, uwa… waaaaa…

Arisugawa tries to hide his eyes with his hands, but his hands aren’t free because they’re caught by the fairies. And like Hinazawa, his chest is gently caressed.

– Hi, hya, no…

The fairies grabbed Arisugawa’s chest with their supple fingertips, and pulled down the bunny suit to expose his chest.

– D… don’t, ah, but…

It seems that Arisugawa himself doesn’t understand whether it’s necessary for him to be shy or not.

And in the same way, the fairies’ fingers go for Hinasawa’s bunny suit.

– Any more than this and… noo… oooo! Nooooo!

Without lending an ear to Hinasawa’s complaint, the fairies exposed Hinasawa’s chest without reservation.

– Yaaaaaaann… stop it already!

Light pink color slightly appeared on her white skin. Her breasts are exactly the one of a pure girl. The fairies gave the feeling of “can we present our work at a fair?” They stared at me with a face that seems to want to ask that. When I silently nodded, the fairies took off Hinasawa’s bunny suit again.

– Noooooo! T-this is really too much! I haven’t shown myself to anyone yet!

But the fairies have no mercy. They lifted the small and light body of Hinazawa from the left and right. The fairies that held the left and right legs try to open Hinasawa’s legs.

– You absolutely mustn’t! It’s too──!?

One fairy covered Hinasawa’s lips with her lips.

– Nnnnnh!

I could hear Hinasawa’s muffled voice, but as her throat went up and down, swallowing something, she became more docile.

When the fairy separated her lips, drool stretched out between them.

– Hah…  fa… an ♡. Even though… I said… you mustn’t.

It looked like alcohol rather than the effect of Ecstas got her drunk. Fairies caress the very young limbs of Hinazawa all over.

– Hyaa, a, aaan, I already said you mustn’t ♡.

When Hinazawa combed up the twin tails with her hands, she bent her body, trying to show her armpits. Her wet eyes shed a bewitching light that doesn’t suit the age she represents.

– Ufuun ♡ You bad adults, doing something like this to such a small girl… ufufu, you can’t, you know ♡.

Her voice, gaze, and gestures are clearly inviting the fairies despite saying “you can’t”. Either Hinasawa got intoxicated by the fairy’s saliva or she’s in a state of confusion. Hinasawa straight up tempted them herself rather than accepting the act of the fairies. Although her body looks young, she seems to have a sense of pleasure appropriate for her age.

– I’m sure this is a dream… so… well, aaanh, it’s okay ♡.

The area around the cheeks and eyes are dyed red and makes her sweaty body bend loosely back and forth. Her appearance was way too inflammatory, it made me feel the danger as if sharing a forbidden pleasure.

The fairies opened Hinasawa’s crotch wide and put their fingers there. They pinched the thinnest part of the bunny suit and slid it sideways.

– Haaa… an.

Hinasawa sighed deeply.

She narrows her eyes and stares at me with a sexy look.

It was Hinasawa who saw through the fishnet stockings.

A tall fairy with a cane stood in front of Hinasawa and Arisugawa. She looked as if she had the majesty of a queen. The fairy queen smiles gently at them.

– Now, I will give a test to you both.

Arisugawa stared at the fairy queen with a surprised look.

– Sh-she talked…

The Queen said without caring about him.

– Attack this child.

– …Eh?

– Huh!?

Hinasawa’s response was dull, but Arisugawa let out a short scream as if he were truly astonished.

– If you can do that, then only you will be saved.

Arisugawa’s throat made a gulping sound. He replied with a trembling voice as he sweated cold.

– I, I can’t… do that. That kind of thing… I can’t do it.

Arisugawa turned his face that was about to cry to Hinasawa.

However, Hinasawa’s eyes greeted that with a dangerous light housed in them.

– Hi-Hinasawa-san?

– Alice, you’re a boy, no?

– Y-yeah.

– If you are a boy, then risk your life for a girl. That’s what a splendid man is, no? You want to be like that, right?

Arisugawa faltered as if he was troubled.

– Y… yeah, I guess.

The eyes of Hinasawa shine glaringly. And Hinasawa said to the fairy queen.

– Then I’ll attack Alice!

– Yeah… eh? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeh!?

Arisugawa was surprised and replied involuntarily.

Hinasawa shook off the hands of the fairies and stood on the ground.

– Don’t worry! I’ll turn Alice into a good girl!

– That’s completely different from what you said just now!

Hinasawa reached for the cane of the fairy queen, and the queen willingly handed her the cane. Its tip is round and smooth, and it’s a little angular──ah, wait, don’t tell me.

– Wait! Calm down, Hinasawa-san! I-I’m a boy, aren’t I!?

– Fufufu, you won’t fool my eyes.

– W-what do you mean!?

– Nooooow, take off your clothes immediately without grumbling about it!

Hinasawa tore the tights of Arisugawa.

– Hiih! H-help me, Hinasawa-san!

Hinasawa showed a sadistic smile at Arisugawa, who begged forgiveness with tears in his eyes. Then she snapped her fingers and the fairies turned behind Arisugawa. Hinasawa, at what point you subjugated the fairies!?

– Hmm. You cry, yet your body reveals what you really want…

– Really want? I don’t get it!

– Well, it’s just saying that it wants to try it once ♪.

Hinasawa grabs the crotch part of the bunny suit and tears it off with all her strength.

– Hyaaaaaaaaah!?

Hinasawa shouldn’t have such strength. As expected of Hell & Heaven. A magic that can read the situation.

Then again, Hinasawa tears the thighs, looking happy. Then, a big white butt with a beautiful skin appeared from below the blue bunny suit of Arisugawa. Arisugawa stared at Hinazawa with a red face and eyes that couldn’t believe it.

– Please! Please! Stooooop!

– It’s okay, it’s not like it’s the end of the world!

Hinasawa’s cheeks blushed and her eyes are out of focus as if she were confused. I don’t know if she’s drunk or excited about this act.

– No, no no noooooo.

I appreciated their exchange from the special seat.


I was touched by you who care about Asagiri.

But now you are,

What I call: the worst.

– Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!

With the screaming of Alice, the effects of Hell & Heaven marked the end. The walls and ceiling fall down as if the theater had been demolished. The figures of Hinasawa and Arisugawa were hidden in the storm of rubble.

The rubble of the theater, which were piled up like a mountain, disappeared, becoming light. And in the ruins of the theater, only the fallen Hinazawa and Arisugawa remained.

They’ll probably have an argument when they wake up, but it will surely be solved by calling it a dream.

However, did Arisugawa really become a girl?

Only Arisugawa himself and Hinasawa know that.

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