Ecstas Online

Chapter 3

Chapter 3      Pagan armor

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The tallest bell tower in the city was almost a hundred meters high. When I go up the stairs inside of it, I can look down at the whole city.

– Wow… amazing….

Asagiri, who went up after me, let out a sigh at that big panorama.

We’re in Laguna, the city of water.

It’s a city found by 2A’s exploration activities, a city built on the sea. It’s very similar to Venice that I saw in a travel program on TV. Maybe the designer used it as a reference.

Brick-colored roofs are erected as if crowding the artificial islands of various sizes. The land that looks like a large island is actually a gathering of small islands. Narrow waterways divide the space, and small bridges were built to connect the islands. What divided that gathering even more was a big canal. Ships of all sizes came and went on the canal.

The scenery of the blue sea shining glitteringly and the delicate work-looking floating city above it was one of the most beautiful sceneries in all Exodia Exodus.

– It’s really beautiful! I’m glad we realized that we could go up to a place like this.

– We were lucky. We just spotted it when hanging around. I didn’t know where the entrance was, and I wondered if Asagiri knew…

– Yup. I didn’t know. I didn’t notice it at all.

Asagiri smiled, looking happy, gazing at the beautiful scenery spreading before her eyes with shining eyes again.

I see Asagiri have a happy smile on her face after a long time.

Of course she laughed during her regular interactions with 2A. However, that smile didn’t feel like always casting a shadow. Rather than smiling like she had fun and were happy, it was a smile that was careful not to make the surroundings worry about her.

– Then, nobody knows that we can ascend the bell tower?

– Probably… not. If Asagiri didn’t know.

– Is that so? Then, shall we keep this between us for a while?

– Eh?

Asagiri impishly closed one of her eyes and smiled.

– A secret between Doumeguri-kun and me.

Kuh… fluttering like this is useless!

Ah, Asagiri added as if remembering.

– But we can tell Nonnon if you want?

No, because… forget it.

– What’s that building?

Asagiri pointed to the round dome-shaped white building.

– I don’t know, maybe it’s a church or a palace? Should we try going there?

Asagiri nodded with a big smile. Asagiri goes down the stairs first this time. I thought “how long will we be safe in this city?” as I looked at her back.

Satan Army is gradually expanding its territory.

The north side of the Rammel Mountains was already under their control, it was only a matter of time until they approached Sandiano. There, 2A Guild moved from Sandiano to Laguna in the far west.

I like this city because it’s beautiful and comfortable to live in, and certainly because it’s far from Infermia. It’s surrounded by the sea. The Satan Army doesn’t have a navy. Even if it were attacked, it would be difficult to attack it in one go.

And there’s another thing. Although it floats on the sea, I can use teleport because it’s built on a tidal flat close to land.

However, the situation hasn’t changed for the better, of course.

At the end of the day, even Alexar didn’t have the military strength to fight the Satan Army. As a last resort, I decided to rely on the connections of the four Hellzekters, but….

In conclusion, this didn’t work either.

Forneus isn’t worth considering because she was exiled from heaven in the first place. So I paid another visit to Dark Elf Queen Zeragiel. Although we had an intimate meeting as usual——,

『I am sorry, Hellshaft-sama. I don’t know yet if Satan’s invasion will reach the Logress Continent… Why don’t you take a moment to see what Satan is thinking? You are in a delicate position now… 』

Objectively speaking, that would be the right decision. As expected of the Queen Zeragiel. However, for me, it’s the most regrettable thing there is. Saying this and that, I wondered if they would cooperate in the end, but they weren’t that easygoing.

I even went to Adra’s birthplace and Grasha’s home, but I got bad results there too.

As there’s no effective attack method regarding Satan, I have no choice but to break in by force. It will take a considerable military force to rout Satan’s Army until Satan is by himself and defeat him. But where in this world is a military force like that?

We had completely ran out of options.

When we go down the stairs and get out of the bell tower, a square was there. It’s an extensive and beautiful square surrounded on three sides by pillars, windows and buildings lined up orderly. After I go through the square with Asagiri and pass through the arch drilled under a building, we bump into a narrow waterway. We follow the waterway and a pool of water of about 25 meters wide and small boats called gondola are line up there. They are like taxis waiting for customers in front of a station.

Marine traffic is strong here, small boats are used as everyday transportation. The gondolas waited for customers just like taxis. Asagiri turned her face to me.

– Well then, do we go near them by gondola?

I nod and Asagiri tells the destination to the boatman who held a long paddle. When both of us boarded the long and narrow black boat, the gondola started to move as if sliding.

It goes through the narrow canals with stone walls on both sides. Moving from a point of view lower than the ground feels a bit strange.

– Hey, look at that.

I looked in the direction Asagiri was looking at as the gondola swayed to the left and right. Because the boat is thin, it reacts faithfully to the slight weight movement.

– Ah.

Having my shoulder touched, I felt the weight of Asagiri on my shoulder. Coupled with the soft sensation, the presence of Asagiri’s body is conveyed to me. I unconsciously got excited.

Asagiri was so absorbed in watching the scenery that she didn’t seem to notice at all. She gazed at the lovely colored walls of the buildings and shouted “Uwaa♪”. Balconies are lined up on the walls, each adorned with flowers and plants. From there, I felt like I could see the everyday life and lifestyle of the people living in this town without obstruction. Asagiri whispered in a somewhat sweet voice.

– It’s a little cute and nice, don’t you think…?

– Yeah. It’s really like a city that appears in fairy tales.

It’s a city that makes me have the illusion of falling in love with the girl next to me. That may be the magic of this city.

We go under a small bridge over the canal. Then, the boatman brings the gondola near the end of the canal. There was a staircase there, informing us that we had reached our destination.

Asagiri paid the bill before I tried to pay it. I got off the gondola first, turned around and tried to lend a hand to Asagiri. But it was too late, Asagiri had already left the gondola with a light movement. My extended right hand misses Asagiri.

Calm down, right arm of mine! You tried showing a good thing and were too impertinent! It’s super embarrassing not being noticed though!

– Hmm? What’s wrong?

Asagiri looked back with a bright smile.

– No, it’s nothing. Let’s go.

I pretended to wipe my hand with my jacket and walked alongside Asagiri.

The place where we got off was a small square, but its width narrows as soon as we hit the road. Tall buildings on both sides stood tall as if drawing near the road, it felt as if we walked at the bottom of a valley. When I look up, I can see the long and narrow blue sky between the buildings.

Before we knew, we got lost as we walked on the cobblestone road.

– Huh? Was it in this direction?

– To be honest, I don’t know where it is….

There are turns and forked roads everywhere, and the roads become intricately complicated. It seems we got lost even when looking at a map.

– Oh, we came out to a little open place.

There’s a canal in front of us and a small bridge is built over it. It has the shape of an arch, the center of the bridge swelled up. When we crossed it, there was a compact square and a small building with a pointed roof that looked like a church.

– It’s not the same as the ones we saw earlier.

– Yeah, it’s evident…

The building itself is normal, but what feels strange is the color of its walls. They have a bright blue color. It was a blue color that made me believe it was the blue sky. I mean, floating in the middle of Laguna is even creepy. However, probably because Asagiri was curious, she grasped the handle at the entrance.

– Do we try getting in?

– Well, it’s not something you see every day…

Asagiri opened the entrance door as it made a creaking sound.

– Wa… amazing.

There were drawings on the wall. The windows are stained glass, creating bright light colors such as red and blue. When I looked up at the ceiling, a picture was drawn there.

– They seem to be religious paintings.

Asagiri was also looking up at the ceiling.

– But they’re a bit scary….

Although they’re paintings colored with soft colors and a gorgeous golden color, the contents drawn are quite savage. Humans are burnt by fire or pierced by swords, it’s as if demons punished wrongdoers in hell. But in the drawings in this place, angels and not demons, did so.

– Are you perhaps interested in our church?

– Kyaa!

– Ah!

I was so surprised that I jumped up.

When I turned around, a man stood there without me noticing him.

– I apologize. It wasn’t my intention to frighten you.

His whole body is covered with a blue robe and his face wears a mask modeled after a bird. It’s the splitting image of a plague mask, the ones that the doctors who treated the Black Death in Medieval Europe wore.

Although the part of the eyes are hollowed, the expression of the pitch-black eyes is unreadable. The suspiciousness created by his whole body gives the illusion of standing out from the decorations of the church.

Asagiri put her hand on her chest to suppress her heartbeat.

– Sorry. We came and entered of our own accord.

The masked man shook his head and answered in a soft voice.

– Not at all. We, the Orzelia order, don’t reject those who come.

– Orzelia… order?

I inclined my head to the side. There were even religions in Exodia Exodus?

– Yes. Orzelianism is the one that puts peace, happiness, and eternity in this world together. I am also a priest of the church. I pray every day to save the world.

Yare yare, just praying won’t help or save the world.

– Asagiri, if we stay too long…

– Ah, you’re right. If you excuse us.

– Don’t worry, and please come again. If you have the opportunity, please come to our Mass.

I left the church and sighed lightly. That religious facility has something weird, I had trouble breathing, or rather, it had a strange sense of intimidation.

– What a peculiar church that was.

– Yeah. Leaving that aside, let’s find our original destination.

After we took many wrong turns, we finally reached the building we were looking for. It was a palace, but it was exactly like a museum with various works of art displayed inside. Compared with the Orzelia church that we stopped by a short while ago, I feel weirdly relieved. After we inspected it for about an hour, I went to a cafe on the open terrace nearby and faced Asagiri.

– Doumeguri-kun. Thank you for today.

– Eh? Why?

– You tried to cheer me up, no?

That’s a given, but it felt kind of uncool to affirm it.

– N-not… necessarily.

I answered so, but Asagiri still had a friendly smile on her face.

– How much time do I have?

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– What are you saying…?

Asagiri stared at her right hand that looked as if wearing a lace glove. With the hand enveloped by a red pattern, she unfastens the button of the jacket.

– H-hey, what are you doing?

I unconsciously panicked and shouted.

Asagiri told me, opening her chest.

– It has already come this far, you know?

– ────

The curse erodes over even the swellings in her chest. It looked like she was wearing another red lace underwear underneath the underwear.

– I want to make good use of my remaining time. I’d like to not have much regrets as possible. So, how much left do I have?

I clenched my fist under the table.

– … Even if I predicted it, it’s meaningless. It won’t extend the time you have and it’s a waste of time. If I had the time to think about that, it’d be better to think about how to save Asagiri.

Asagiri stared in puzzlement for a moment and laughed, looking amused.

Eh? What was funny?

– Sorry, sorry. It’s just that Doumeguri-kun said something Hellshaft would say.


Cold sweat flooded my heart all of a sudden.

I desperately made a wry smile, and screamed “Calm down!” in my mind.

– I-is that so? Not that it’s like an unsurprising opinion…

– Yeah, maybe that’s true. His way of talking is more self-important, but the contents and the explanation order were exactly the same, I guess?

– I-is that so…?

Damn, my voice quivers. No, don’t make eye contact!  Your eyes are swimming, Doumeguri Kakeru!

– B-but Asagiri. You had a nice conversation… with Hellshaft? Moreover, it seems you got encouraged by him? You said you didn’t talk too much with him before.

– Ah…

Asagiri made a face that said “oops”. After she folded her arms and groaned with an “umm”, she bent herself forward on the table and put her lips close to my ears. Asagiri’s hair smelled good.

Uwa! Hey, Asagiri! You’re being a bit too unwary! Being frank is good, but if you don’t harden your guard a bit more, the other person will get the wrong idea!

Without knowing what’s in my heart, Asagiri sent out a powerful whispering attack from a super close distance.

– I’ll tell this to Doumeguri-kun only. Nobody must know, okay?

Our faces are so close that we were about to touch each other. I nodded obediently while feeling the illusion of sensing Asagiri’s body temperature.

– The truth is… I had a nice conversation with Hellshaft. Besides, he helped me in many ways and I also cooperated with him. Speaking of being a prisoner of war, that might be true, but it felt like I was traveling with him.

──Yup. Because the matter of the cursed ring had happened, it was a tough journey… but for me, traveling with Asagiri was an irreplaceable time.

I looked around me, unnaturally worried of my surroundings, and asked in a low voice.

– Eh? R-really? With that Hellshaft?

Asagiri drew in her chin and nodded.

– Both were in trouble, so it felt like… we were working together.

– Oh, I see.

– At that time, I also, umm, wondered what if Hellshaft wasn’t totally evil, and had a human-like part in him? But…

Asagiri pulled her body away from me, and when she leaned her back on the chair, she picked up a cup with cappuccino in it. She took a sip and said.

– In the end, he was a terrible guy.

I felt defeated in my heart.

– Asagiri.

– Yes?

I stared at the cursed ring put on Asagiri’s left hand.

– The curse will undoubtedly be broken. So don’t worry about the time you have.

Asagiri fixedly stared at me. She closed her eyes as if nodding and then smiled to make me feel safe.

– Yeah… you’re right.

Her smiling eyes were slightly wet. Her cheeks had a tinge of scarlet on them. The smiling face of Asagiri was as good as the beauty of this town.

There’s no time to lose.

Even if I have to use a few overbearing means, I’ll infiltrate Infermia and get in touch with Aikawa-san. And the mystery about Satan and Santa──X──,

– What’s wrong?

– Eh?

Asagiri looked into my face, appearing to be worried about me.

– Ah!  No, I’m just thinking a little!


– If there’s something worrying you, I’d like you to tell me.

No, there’s no way I can say it.

– U-umm, i-it’s the secret about Hellshaft. Not even Ichinomiya?

– Eh? Ah… that’s right. Not even Akira-kun.

– Is that so? I was sure you would tell Ichinomiya.

Asagiri looked a little troubled. Oh right. It’s too hard to speak about this with the man you like.

-Sorry. I was inconsiderate. Please forget what I said. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.

I assumed the posture of praying with one hand and bowed lightly. Asagiri smiled, looking troubled.

– It’s not like I have to talk about anything and everything with Akira-kun.

– Oh, that’s how it is… I’m that sort of insensible.

– Rather, I may prefer to ask Doumeguri-kun for advice.

──Ehhh!? No no, you’re joking.

– Honestly speaking, Doumeguri-kun gave the impression of making a wall before… but after you came to this world, we actually started talking, it surprised me how easy it was to talk with you. And you’re a hidden doer. You secretly support Akira-kun.

I was troubled. I’m not accustomed to being praised, so I couldn’t react.

Asagiri tried the Cappuccino and put the cup on the saucer. Asagiri asked as if murmuring, staring at the swirling bubbles.

– What happened to Akira-kun recently? He has changed somehow…

– Ichinomiya? Hmm… I guess so?

I don’t get the point of Asagiri’s question. Recently…? I feel like he hasn’t changed much… Ah.

– So he has?

– Ah… no.

Although I feel it faintly, I think that Ichinomiya cares too much about Shizukuishi. Perhaps that’s… what Asagiri may be perceiving.

Could it be that she’s trying to hook me up with Shizukuishi? In that case, if I say that I’m on good terms with Shizukuishi, then that condition should satisfy her.

– … I’ll indirectly take a look at him.

– Okay. But it’s not like you have to do something, understood? If you notice anything.

– I’ll make sure to not be suspected.

I smiled lightly.

– Even if the person you like is a handsome man, that same thing must worry you to death, right?

Asagiri smiles small and looks away. She put her hands on her cheeks and looked at the cityscape of Laguna seen from the open terrace.

Her face seen from the side has the mouth hidden by her hand and her facial expression is hard to read. However, the gaze that stares at the cityscape is strangely sharp.

I talking about love and the like is something laughable. However, I felt that Asagiri’s eyes were a little different from the mood of a maiden who is in love and thinks of the man she’s in love with.

– Ah, Asagiri-san, Doumeguri-kun!

– Huh? Alice-chan.

Arisugawa dressed like Alice in Wonderland like usual quickly came rushing. When he came near the table, he put his hands on his mouth and inclined forward as if acting flirtatiously.

– You were in a place like this. Everyone who left to investigate came back, so we were talking about having dinner together today.

– That’s right. Then do we go back together?

When I stood up, I raised my hands lightly.

– I’ll have to decline.

Asagiri looked a little dissatisfied, but I refused, saying there was something I had to do by all means. We have to cancel the cursed ring as soon as possible.

However, we’re now at a stalemate. I’m looking forward to Aikawa-san’s information….

I stood up straight in front of the cafe and saw off their retreating figures.

Come to think of it… I feel like Arisugawa has become more girlish since the last Hell & Heaven thing.

Rather, shouldn’t it be better for him to become a woman completely? There was the cosmetic surgery in Sandiano. Oh, but to completely change gender, adult mode is a must──,

I went away, staring at Alice’s retreating figure.

──There is, isn’t it?

A way to trespass Infermia. However──.

– I hope it’s not too costly…

Cold sweat flowed down my cheeks.




+      +      +




In the high-ceiling Gothic-style corridor, the lights of flames flicker. This is the lair of the devil in Exodia Exodus. The cusp of hell that appeared above ground. That’s the Demon King’s Castle Infermia.

As I’m an average adventurer, I walk into the castle that didn’t take 3 minutes to walk in with a solid pace.

The Infermia I know well. Be that as it may, its appearance from the scenery I always see is different. Probably because the position of my point of view is low. After all, now I took off the Demon King armor.

I came by teleport and walked down the hallway, feigning ignorance. At first, I was afraid of being noticed, but I passed by several demon beasts and dark elves, and when I could confirm that there was no problem, I felt better.

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──However, I have to find Aikawa-san quickly.

The problem is, where is she? I went to the slave room where Aikawa-san always slept, but it was completely empty. Next, I went to the kitchen were the chances of encountering her is high, but she wasn’t there either.

If she’s not in the kitchen… then maybe she’s cleaning the inside of the castle. If so, it’ll be troublesome to look for her. When I thought so, I barely heard the laughter of a woman.

That voice… Aikawa-san?

The voice came from behind an iron door. It wasn’t completely closed, probably they forgot to do so. I approach the door and listen carefully. But I can’t hear the voice anymore.

──Was it my imagination?

I thought so, but I feel uneasy. When I opened the door and looked inside, a narrow staircase led down. A cold and moist air drifts from downstairs.

As I feel an eerie presence, I go down the stairs quietly. After descending for a while, I hear a voice. A harsh and thick voice, the voice of a woman.

This voice… there’s no doubt, it’s Aikawa-san!

When I descend the stairs, there is a straight corridor connecting to it and on the right side there are doors with iron grill windows lined up.

──Come to think of it, I’ve heard that there is a torture room, but… is it here?

I approach the door the voice came from and stealthily peek inside through the window.

– Fuhihihi, w-what a nice woman.

– H-hey, I’m up next.

*TN: The text of the goblins is in hiragana and is more broken than kansai dialect, so I actually have no idea what they are saying.

Two small green goblins showed vulgar smiles on their faces. A woman whose arms were hung high was in front of them. It was the figure of my boss and slave and one that I see for the first time in a while.

──Aikawa-san! I’m glad… you were safe.

Her black hair is disheveled and her face and body are completely dirty. The clothes that were originally tattered were severely torn, and almost nothing remained of the jacket wore around her waist. The shirt on the upper half of her body has gone, only the black choker remained. The white breasts that makes me examine her expression there shake every time she struggles, fueling the sadistic desires of the goblins.

Her feet are on the floor, but the chains extending from the ceiling restrain her arms, it was impossible for her to escape by herself. Still, she pulls the handcuffs as if trying to run away desperately, but the chains connected to the ceiling just make noise.

– S-stop already… If you go any further, I’ll go crazy.

Seductiveness ran on the face that pleaded and frowned painfully. It looked more beautiful than usual, despite having soot on it and being dirty.

– He, hehe… t-that’s not going to happen. It so happens that we can use a slave as we please. And it’s our turn.

– Because of that, we’ll have fun.

The goblins spread their hands and made their fingers squirm disgustingly.

– *Eek*… s-stop… please…

Aikawa-san twists her body, trying to escape. However, her arms are chained, she’s unable to even hide her body.

Damn! What are they going to do?

I gazed at Aikawa-san’s face, which trembled with fear. What kind of torture has she been given until now? No way, it’s look like an ero doujin….

A goblin reached out to Aikawa-san’s body to back up my expectations.

– Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

He started tickling her.


– Kyahahahahahaha! No! It ticklesssss! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahi, hihi, I can’t I can’t breathe! Noooo hahaha!

Aikawa-san moved her body tempestuously as she laughed and shed tears.

Was this the first time I hear her laughter…?

– N-no! My sides are my weakness! Not theeeeeeere.

The goblins blushed, fascinated by Aikawa-san who begged, disheveling her hair. Every time she struggled, her breasts danced up and down, left and right with sudden shaking, and her important part peeked through the old cloth wrapped around her waist.

… What a horrifying torture. And these goblins, you bastards are too enthusiastic.

But at this rate, won’t she really fall into dyspnea?

As I thought so, the Goblin pulled his hand away. An exquisite timing.

Aikawa-san hung from the chain and breathed strongly again and again.

– … S-stop right now… or I’ll go and tell what you did to your boss!

– Geh?

The goblin backed off with a startled face.

Aikawa-san smiled with a face that said “I got you!”.

– If you keep doing it, I won’t be merely mad. But if you release me right now, I’ll say nothing. What will you do?

The goblin got near her and said in a low voice.

– Understood.

Aikawa-san sighed as if being relieved.

– Yes. I’m glad we can understand each other. Then can you unchain me?

However, when the Goblin turned his back on Aikawa-san, he picked up a rust sword leaning against the wall.

– ──Eh? Wait…

– I understand that this is the best method.

The goblin walks up to Aikawa-san, dragging the dirty sword.

– You should be dead.

– That’s the best.

Aikawa-san’s complexion turns pale.

– No… don’t do anything stupid… no, no!

The goblin thrust the sword at Aikawa-san.

– Nooooooo! Help! Someone help meeeeeeeee!

I-it’s too sudden, goblins!

──Can I do it?

The goblins are fortunately low level. They’re level 3 so it’s okay.

Having said that, my strength is lower than theirs. I, who took off the armor of the Demon King, am level 1. But since they’re my opponents, I can use that trick when I join 2A Guild Party.

I opened the item list from the menu.

──Billing item 『Stronger』.*

*TN: Stronger is the furigana reading for attack power strengthening drug.

If I use this thing, my attack power will increase by 1. My default attack power is 20, but the attack power needed to fight these guys is about 30. I hit the button repeatedly and consume 10 Stronger. One costs 500 yen, so the total is 5,000 yen.

What can I buy for 5,000 yen?

That thought crossed my mind for a moment, but there’s no way I can’t compare it with Aikawa-san’s life.

When I confirmed that my attack power had increased, I opened the door and leapt inside. A blow to the back of the goblin to my left before I was noticed.

– Gugyaaaaaaa!

Surprise attack is the basic of basics. I slam the sword against his back many times in a row. He turned around toward me and hit him one last time there. The goblin fell, raising one last agonizing scream. The remaining goblin saw me with surprised eyes.

– Wh… what, you…

The goblin turns his sword at me. However, his reaction is slow. I take the initiative and the goblin fired back. I stop the Goblin’s attack and I release a reverse hit with my sword. The goblin falters, a chance was created. I swing the sword as if pressing him for an answer.

The goblin counterattacks again, but his HP has been scraped off by me since the beginning. Even if we continue the rally of offense and defense, the difference won’t be reduced. The goblin fell down and stopped moving while swinging his sword four or five times. I took a deep sigh and sheathed the sword.

Aikawa was stunned, watching over the course of events. When I steal the key from the goblin, I extend my hand to remove the chains Aikawa-san hangs from. Aikawa-san mutters, staring at my face seen from the side.

– Do…Doumeguri-kun?

Chains removed, Aikawa-san, who became a free woman, looked up at me.

It’s natural to be perplexed. I’m not wearing the Demon King’s armor now──but I don’t look like Doumeguri Kakeru either.

To speak figuratively, my hair color is silver with a length that reaches my shoulder, and my right eye is blue and my left eye is red. The costume is also a custom-made masterpiece. The long leather coat and sword carried on my back are the only ones in this world. There’s a silver armor that looks like a prosthetic arm on my left arm. A pattern and a beautiful gem are placed on the back of my left hand.

I open the menu and choose the default from the newly added item of my appearance selection.

I do so, and after a while, my appearance returned to the usual Doumeguri Kakeru.

– I’m sorry for being late. Are you okay?

– Doumeguri-kun…

Aikawa-san gazed long at me in blank amazement.

– … Aikawa-san?

Long tears ran down Aikawa-san’s cheeks which didn’t move as if it they had solidified.

Aikawa-san hugged me all of a sudden



She gave me a surprise kiss.


What happened!?

The soft lips of Aikawa-san.

A slimy thing comes in between my lips.


Aikawa-san’s arms are filled with strength as if to not let me go again.

She stiffened, I was unable to push her aside or pull my body away.

Our tongues touch each other and move as if being entangled. The smoothest parts of the tongues licked each other as if confirming each other. A sweet numbness runs from my waist to my back.

How long are we going to do this?

When I forgot about time, our lips separated.

I stared at the woman in front of me, as if I was spacing out.

Who is this woman?

She’s very beautiful and delicate.

A woman much older than me.

Kissing… so she did it like this.

A kiss that felt like transmitting emotion.

The strength of the arms that clung to me in ecstasy feels lovely.

Her wet eyes stare at me, wavering.

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They even make me wonder if this woman is the one I know.

– A-Aikawa-san…

I called her name to make sure.

The woman opens her eyes as if she had come to her senses.

──At that very moment, I was slapped.

– Too late! You stupid! How couldn’t you come to save me sooner!?

I apologized while rubbing my cheek.

– I’m sorry. All sort of things happened…

– J-jeez, y-you’re useless! W-work is speed, but the important is──

Aikawa-san covered her breasts, folding her arms as if she had remembered. And then said as if giving an excuse while not looking me in the eyes.

– A-and, what I did just now… it was an impulse, rather I did without thinking… s-so forget about it, okay? Understood!?

– Just now..? The ki.

Aikawa’s face turned red as if it were burning.

– I told you it was nothing! I said it, didn’t I!? You contumacious child! There’s nothing, nada! Are we clear!?

– Y-Yes, Ma’am…

Overwhelmed by her terrible menacing look, I answered while drawing back. Yeah, there’s no doubt. This person is the Aikawa-san I know.

– S-shall we move for now? If we get carried away, the goblins will find us again.

Even if you tell me that… Even if we return to the slave room, I feel like I’ll go through the same thing again. Is there a place somewhat… safe?

– It’s a bit uncomfortable, but there’s probably a room Satan doesn’t know about.

– That’s good. Let’s go there.

I opened the menu and changed my appearance again. When I leave the torture room with Aikawa-san, I pretend to drag a slave and descend to the underground inside the castle. The place I descended at is, at first glance, a dead end. However, when I press a part of the wall, the wall at the end opens horizontally.

I invite Aikawa-san in and push the switch on the wall. Then the stone wall moved horizontally again and closed the entrance.

– What is this?

– It’s a newly built basement room. That’s why I don’t think even Satan knows of it. The entrance is hard to grasp, and it can be locked from inside.

It’s an empty room built recently, but it has a desk, a chair, and a bed, for the time being.

– I see… it’s like a hidden room. Why did you make something like this?

When I was in my room of the Demon King’s tower, Hellzekter came often and I couldn’t calm down, so I made my own room unnoticeable by everyone.  Incidentally, the elf figure and the like I saw in Sandiano, I can buy them and decorate the room──no, forget it.

I went out for a moment and brought food that seemed to last long and clothes for slaves. Aikawa-san returned to the usual slave style, and I took a deep breath. She complained that I had to bring proper clothes if possible, but this was the only thing I got quickly, so give me a break and don’t ask too much.

– Hmm?

Aikawa-san, who sat in the chair, made her eyes go from the top of my head to the tip of my toes many times.

– W…what?

– There are a lot of things I want to talk about… but other than that, I’ve been wondering for a while… what’s with that appearance?

– Oh, this?

Aikawa-san stares at this appearance that should be too cool even if I say so myself as if staring at something odd.

– Could it be that’s what they call cosplay?

– It’s not! Cosplay can’t fool Satan and Hellander! This is really a transformation.

– A transformation? What?

– I’m a human despite surpassing humans, I’m the great hero who set foot into holy land. That’s my current appearance. Despite being a person who protects God, in order to protect the world and the princess (lover), I’m the strongest and invincible swordsman who deliberately fell to the path of evil and──

– Sorry, but that’s enough.

Aikawa-san raised her hands as if saying “I give up” and shut down the setting of this character comprised of 3 A4 sheets.

– In short, we can say that this “ideal me” was written in the dark history notebook of Doumeguri-kun?

– Y-you’re wrong! This is! The player character of the game I was playing in private apart from Exodia Exodus! It’s my avatar!

– It’s the same thing.

– … Gu.

– So how an avatar of a different game is in Exodia Exodus?

– Well… that’s right… there was a paid item in a shop in Sandiano that allows you to fully customize your appearance. When I used it, it was possible to change from race, so I changed from human to demon. Thanks to it, I can walk around Infermia without being suspected by Hellanders. The looks… I always wanted…

– “The strongest I could think of?”

My cheeks burn. Why did I choose this style? But at first I thought of making a safe monster or something, you know? It’s the truth, you know? But the transformation ticket is expensive. If that’s the case, will I look cool? I thought.

– But your face and body haven’t changed so much.

– “If Aikawa-san doesn’t recognize me, I’ll be troubled and heartbroken”, I thought, so I left them as they were.

The face of Aikawa-san looking at me like that was clearly drawn back.

– So, is your fighting strength really the strongest?

– No, the substance is like a human and the level is 1 as usual.

Aikawa-san’s shoulders fell, losing strength.

– But well, you came to save me. I’m grateful.

Aikawa-san smiled softly as she gave her thanks. Her smile wasn’t the face of my demon boss, but the face of a tender Onee-san.

– … Aikawa-san. It’s time.

– Yes. Let’s exchange information first.

Aikawa-san’s face changed completely. I explained what happened, from the arrival of Satan to the present in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

– ──Well, that’s what happened to me. As for Aikawa-san… what’s the deal with Santa──X in the end?

Aikawa-san showed a serious expression and opened her mouth, seemingly uneasy.

– According to the content of the email I received, Santa──X was a difficulty within their expectations, but there were some inadequacies. And apparently, fixes are proceeding favorably.



– Then… are you saying that Satan has no connection at all with Santa──X?

– Either Satan’s revival is the right fix. Or it’s an obstacle within their expectations.

──That’s so stupid.

– Why would the revival of an NG character be the right fix? And what about the communication function with the outside world that was supposed to be implemented?

– They wrote this as a supplement. “We cannot take responsibility for events that cannot be assumed by the development team regarding phenomenon that produce changes dynamically such as changes done by in-game play or done by autonomous programs. We will do our best to repair it, but that’s the best we can do”.


– What the hell is that? They say it in a roundabout way, but they’re just saying that they aren’t responsible, but they’ll put efforts to investigate it positively! That’s──

– Excuse for their own interest.

Aikawa-san showed a sarcastic smile. I got that her eyes were loaded with strength, and that she held her anger back.

– Actually, new troubles often occur when bugs occur one after another due to partially deleted data and malfunction, and when the integrity of the code written by multiple programmers has weak parts, so this situation is too much for them to handle. Despite the development situation and the budget gone, they did the impossible to get the schedule done in time.

– Then, that Santa──X… what about it?

Aikawa-san folded her arms and thought a little.

– In a positive way, if they had made every effort to do something in haste in the middle of a difficult situation, the result would have caused new troubles. Or, there are more serious problems we know nothing about, and despite they dealt with it, a little more significant and new malfunction occurred. In a negative way… they just wanted to feign that recovery is progressing. For example, like delivering an emptyαversion.

Damn! No, calm down. It’s just our guess… it’s a crisis. People’s lives are in danger. As expected, it’s impossible to take appropriate measures like that.

Showing a dry laugh, Aikawa-san shrugged her shoulders.

– Maybe they’re laying the responsibility on each other outside. I have the feeling that the writing of the email is a little different from the previous one.

As I took a deep breath, I told myself to collect myself. If I’m careless, Aikawa-san will vent her anger on me.

– Aikawa-san… what do you think we should do?

– Let’s see… for example, running from place to place without making a stir as much as possible, not getting in trouble with Satan and wait for the next patch.

– What if the fix is full of bugs again?

– We have no idea what the expected data for the next patch will be.

– That’s… certainly true.

– The only thing we have to do is solve the urgent problem.

Yes. That’s the only thing we can do now.

──Defeat Satan and save Asagiri.

– Aikawa-san, I’ll give you this.

I took out the communication gem from the item list and handed it to Aikawa-san.

– This is?

– It’s an item that allows conversations even when we are separated. There’s a gacha in the newly developed town.

Ah, said Aikawa-san, replying with a subtle smile.

– But this will put us in a good position. This will make the capture of Infermia much easier.

After testing the communication gems, I decided to walk around the castle again to get information about Satan. I was worried about leaving Aikawa-san alone, but it can’t be helped. If something happens, we decided to call me via communication gems.

I walked through the excessively spacious Infermia while wondering where to go.

Even so, I wonder what Satan plans to do. He said something like fighting God or sacrifice all living things for victory….

As expected, it’s too risky to go to my room. Then, the council room, possibly during an audience.

I decided to head there during an audience, which seems to have the lowest hurdle.

I walked through a long corridor, went up the stairs, and finally arrived at the audience.

──What the? There are too many people, I mean, demons.

The entrance to the audience was opened, a large number of Hellanders, vampires and magic beasts are gathered inside. In the center of the room surrounded by Hellanders, there was a figure that looked like a visitor. The figure wearing a blue robe on his head kneeled, bowing his head toward the stairs. The throne of the King is at the end of the stairs going up. His unforgettable appearance was in the only seat.


I waved my way through the Hellanders and go to the center. However, when I reached the front row of the rubbernecks, I was stopped by unfamiliar black knights.

Rather than being stopped, it’s more correct to say that I couldn’t advance as I was overwhelmed by the intimidating air of the black knights. The other Hellanders do the same. The black knights’ armor was full of dents and rusted as if they had been abandoned for decades. They’re like corpses in armor. I felt a miasma similar to ominous ghostly air and painful breathing from the knights.

──Maybe these guys are NG characters too. And they’re considerably high level.

Six black knights surround the visitor, making a circle. With his face still looking down, the visitor said as if singing.

– Great Demon King Satan. We, the Orzelia order, are delighted from the bottom of our hearts for your return.

Orzelianism? Somewhere…,

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Saying so, the visitor raised his face.

──That guy!!

A face wearing a plague mask appeared under the blue robe.

That guy… is definitely the one who was in the church that I inspected with Asagiri in Laguna.

Satan responds with a voice that echoes from the bottom of the earth.

– Orzelianism, huh? … A heretical party that haunts the streets. You have my time. If it’s boring business, your sect will know that today will be your last day.

The priest of the Orzelia teachings spread his hands exaggeratedly and raised a delighted voice.

– Marvelous! Because of that, we give a gift appropriate for you!

– A gift?

When the priest snapped his fingers, a cart loaded with a large crate entered from the entrance.

──What, is that?

A big cloth covered it, I don’t know what’s under it. The ones who came pushing the cart were two people dressed in the same robes as the priest. Unlike the priest, these two men wear masks that look like human faces. The priest grabbed the cloth put on the crate in a good mood.

– This is a new shield for the world ruler Satan-sama!

– Nu!? That’s.

Satan groaned.

What came out from under the cloth was ──armor. An aggressive armor with a sharp silhouette.

Its color is dark gold.

The armor, which has a strange impressiveness, releases a fighting spirit as if a monster had fearsome strength.

Armor for defense. That hides an aggressiveness that felt as if it were about to completely devour an enemy, swooping down on them at any moment. The Hellanders, who gathered for the audience──gasped at that existence at the same time.

Satan, too, stands up from the throne unconsciously.

– That armor isn’t an ordinary armor.

The priest bowed respectfully.

– Yes. This is a treasure and a holy relic passed down to our religious organization. The vessel of God’s body. Namely, it is our God itself.

– This is your God?

When Satan stepped forward, the floor shook. With sound of footsteps and tremor-like vibrations, he approaches the armor. The priest turned his hands to the armor to encourage him.

– Please wear it.

– ……

The next moment, the armor came to the front. Commotion rose from Hellanders. And the armor is put on Satan’s body as if it had its own will. As if an invisible hand put the armor on Satan.

Gold armor is put on the legs, arms, and torso, and finally the helmet flies down to cover Satan’s face. Satan’s living appearance completely disappeared, and a new Demon King with his entire body wrapped in metal armor appeared.

His appearance is similar to the giant Hellshaft. No, it was far more fiendish than Hellshaft’s Demon King Armor. An armor as if it had the form of atrociousness hidden inside of it. It was massive and sharp. And emitted a miasma and even a bizarre ghostly air.

──This guy….

A shiver ran in my heart.

Instinct and not reason, told me.

He’s dangerous.

The character who was the Demon King before Hellshaft.

The Demon King who became NG.

However, he’s not a being in that dimension anymore.

I thought if there was any method of conquest.

Even if I say so, he’s the replacement of the Demon King. He’s basically equal to Hellshaft.

The presence or absence of magic is the difference between the two Demon Kings.

If only I could solve it, I thought.

But what about that is in front of me?

Rather, he’s a peerless existence who completely ignores game balance.

Cold sweat oozed from my whole body.

A blue light runs through Satan’s armor. That is the color of the robe of the Orzelia order. That color ran all over the armor. A line of blue light shining in the spaces carved in the gold armor. When it reached the helmet, a blue light was lighted on the holes of the darkness-like eyes.

– Hmm… it fits me.

Satan stared at his hand and muttered.

– By presenting this to me, does it mean that you are abandoning your god?

The priest waved his hands, looking pleased.

– No no, that is unthinkable! Rather, it is the opposite. We have obtained a new God.

– A new God?

– We have worshiped a shapeless God through holy relics until now. However, he is here now!

The priest turned his hands to Satan.

– The descent! Of the great and supreme being Satan-sama!

Satan raised his voice as if groaning.

– So this is what you mean. Are you mocking me?

A strong hot wind blew violently from Satan’s body.

– Uwaaa! You are wrong. Do you not know about our doctrine?

Saying so, the priest spread his arms.

– There are too many unnecessary lives in this world. Our mission is to give relief to unnecessary souls and leave only the necessary souls in this world. And what Satan-sama is about to do now is our mission. That is what our God has become.


What is he blurting out? That guy.

I felt like Satan laughed under the helmet.

– I see. So you thought of me as your God?

– I am convinced of it. As a proof of that, our God is exactly like Satan-sama.

– Fu… you praise me.

– When you challenge the God of the heavens to a fight, this armor shall be used as Satan-sama’s power. The armor blocks any kind of magic. And it completely nullifies divine light.

Again, stir rose from the Hellanders.

──Divine light? Doesn’t that mean that Forneus’ Sacred won’t work!?

– Furthermore, as for physical attacks, it has the effect of increasing the defense of Satan-sama in proportion to the attack received. Even if the armor breaks, Satan-sama will get even more defense!

What the hell is that! With a thing like that, no matter what I do, there’s no way I can win!

– Fufu, this gets more and more interesting. Will you pray for me to kill another God?

– Please kill! All Gods except Satan-sama! The only God and Demon King in this world. Only Satan-sama will carry both on his shoulder!

– Fuhahahahaha! I’m pleased. Very well. I will become your God. Demon King and God. God and Demon King. As the God Demon King Satan!

The priest rubbed his forehead on the floor.

– I am terribly grateful! Indeed, our God Demon King Satan!

– But are you okay with it? From now on, I plan to destroy every human on the Balgaea continent. All human beings will be sacrificed for the ritual magic and the preparation for the battle against God. If that happens, you’ll die soon.

──What did he just say? That guy… will sacrifice all humans…!?

However, if this troubles the priest, he should take the armor off. I thought so.

But the priest showed a smile of delight on his lips and raised a voice of great joy.

– Marvelous!! Magnificent! Martyrdom is the greatest delight for us believers. We live according to our doctrine and die according to our doctrine. We will become part of Orzelianism and become eternal with Satan-sama!!

Satan raised a loud laughter at the joyous cry of the priest.

– Fuhahahahaha! I like that insanity! I like it, that Orzelianism.

I was partly confused. Who the hell is this guy?

I’ve never seen an NPC like him.

The human NPCs I’ve seen so far were simple beings though with a few differences.

In a manner of speaking, they’re extra.

The excellent AI of Exodia Exodus made me even feel they were living people, but they were normal people living in the cities.

But this guy is different.

He’s different from those called religious leaders.

And his thoughts and actions also made him different from other NPCs.


Who is he?

– God Demon King Satan-sama. In line with this, I have something to ask of you.

– What? Tell me.

– Can I take this chance and ask you to recognize our Orzelianism as the national religion?


– Fufu, very well. You can do as you like.

The priest affixed a thin smile on the mask’s mouth.

– I am incredibly happy.

I turned on my heels and left the audience as if pushing my way through the Hellander.

A state religion in Hellandia, in this world?

Uncontrollable emotions such as anxiety, anger and frustration surged in me.


That’s certainly a damaging religion.

But it wasn’t only an unpleasant sensation.

I shake my head as I walk down the hall.

Cool yourself off, Doumeguri Kakeru. Don’t get your priorities wrong. What’s important now?

That is, accelerate the invasion of Satan’s army. And──,

Satan became invincible. That was it.


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