Ecstas Online

Chapter 2

Chapter 2      The sleeping beauty on the solitary island

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The earthquake damage hit various places. I returned to Infermia and summoned Hellzekter to confirm the damage situation in Hellandia. By the way, Forneus is joining us today. She’s lying down on the desk, clearly unmotivated.

– ──I confirmed all the inside of the castle, but there are no major damages. At the construction site for defense measures, there were some phenomena such as landslides and liquefaction. The effects of them are not great, but the works have stopped for the day. The schedule as a whole is expected to be off for about three days.

Adra finished the report and I nodded.

– The delay isn’t that much of a deal, so it’s not a problem. Good work.

A delay of three days, huh… I wonder if Aikawa-san won’t forgive it.

Grasha continued.

– Excepting Infermia, it seems holes were made in the ground. I don’t know the details yet though.

– Got it. Let me know whenever you have a follow-up report.

I also investigated the remains of Caldart’s collapse. It looks like a ruin, but the entrance was nowhere to be found, probably because it was buried in the rubble. I feel like there is something inside of it.

Grasha looked at the languid Forneus.

– Hey, Forneus. Shouldn’t you tell King-sama about that island you saw?

– I got tired because I went a little far away…

– “That island”? What island, Forneus?

Forneus replied as she stretched her hands, lying the upper half of her body on the table.

– I can fly in the sky, so I was sent to a distant controlled land. Then, I heard that a new island was created to the north, so I went to see it.

Looking annoyed, Forneus pointed at the map that was laid out on the desk.

──North of Caldart?

– It was about two or three kilometers from the coastline. It was a small island, but there was a castle and a castle town, and the whole island looked like a fort somehow.

I stood up and went to the side of Forneus.

– That’s interesting. Let’s dispatch a research group next time.

While saying that, I patted the head of Forneus.

– Fushuu… it feels good….

Satanachia, the one next to her, stares at her with an incredibly envious look.

– Satanachia. Are the preparations for the trip to Rowalrinna doing well?

– Eh!? Y-yes. Of course.

Was she excited? Her dark brown skin was reddish.

– I am currently editing a guidebook for the trip. Even if there are ports of call along the way, we should try adopting tourism that serves as a bit of inspection. While also selecting souvenirs for Zeragiel-sama.

You got quite motivated, Satanachia. It’s kind of charming.  However, Adra throws a cold gaze from behind the glasses.

– If you are nothing but in a frivolous mood, you will make mistakes. Be careful not to put my King in risk on the road or in Rowalrinna. It must be remembered that this is a political visit.

That’s true, but when I see Satanachia feeling despondent, I want to come to her rescue.

– What Adra says is natural. But this time is also half fun.

Eh? Satanachia expressed, raising her face.

– Your work since the arrival of Satan until I regained Infermia was truly amazing. Furthermore, after that, the castle was restored and the army was revamped, you made a wonderful work indeed. I can’t do much, but I want to show appreciation for your efforts. Think of this as a pleasure trip for you.

– My King… that is more than we deserve.

– Because you guys came along with me, I was able to defeat Satan. The Demon King Hellshaft can solely exist due to you all. I fully realized that this time. If you hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t have been able to get Infermia back.

– King-sama…

Both Adra and Grasha stared at me with tears in their eyes.

– We were constantly chased by critical situations and impatience, the days of the journey were difficult…. but it’s strange. Now they feel nostalgic, like a good memory.

Satanachia nodded with cloudy eyes.

– Because Hellshaft-sama and we, the four of us, didn’t spend that much time together before…

– Forneus had fun too ♪.

──Yeah, that’s true.

Right now, I’m acting as Hellshaft in order to raise Hellzekter’s 《LOYALTY》… hmm? Why is it so painful inside my chest… that my lacrimal gland feels hot?

– … I want to continue finding opportunities and reward you for your hard work now and then. The only work to do is the discussion between Zeragiel and me. You should have fun as much as you want. I’m going to give you a proper reward someday, but forgive me for now.

Adra takes off his glasses and presses the inner corner of his eyes with a handkerchief.

– My King… the way you are is…

Grasha also looked upwards so that no tears are spilled, and sniffed.

– Tch… geez. It can’t be helped.

Satanachia gently wiped her tears.

– Hellshaft-sama… Satanachia will be by your side the rest of her life…

Forneus raised her hands as if she had regained her energy.

– Yees! I’m looking forward to it ♪.

This is bad. If they say anything else, I’ll lose sight of myself.

– Well then, today’s meeting is over. Break up.

When I stood up, the Hellzekters stood up and bowed. In that same position, they saw off my withdrawal.

I hurried down the hall.

To the person who can recognize me the most as me.

Naturally, my legs get faster.

After peeking into a few rooms, I came to the warehouse.

– Are you here? Aikawa-san.

Aikawa was sitting in a wooden box and reading a book, but when I called her name, she closed the book as if panicking. And she put it aside to hide it from my line of sight.

– What is that?

She made her gaze loiter as if searching for something for a moment, but she immediately reached for the book she had been reading. And showed me the cover.

– It’s the book where Satan’s password was written on.

──“Item K2 for the campaign test” is written there.

– You saw it before, no? Why now?

Shrugging her shoulders, Aikawa-san bent her mouth into a へshape.

– I had nothing to do. It was my free time and for some reason or other, I took a look at it. More importantly, were you affected by the earthquake?

– I’m fine! About that, is it really a patch?

– I can’t get in contact so it’s not necessarily that.

– Then, that thing that was really… strange was an earthquake? Is that also a feature of Exodia Exodus?

But Aikawa shook her head.

– I never heard any of that. To be honest, what’s happening is also a──

Aikawa-san makes her fingers jump in the air as if she had noticed something. I’m sure she’s operating the menu.

– Huuh!?

Suddenly, Aikawa-san let out a wild voice.

– Good grief! Stop making fun of us!

– W-what happened? Aikawa-san.

– This is awful! I received an email now saying that “the earthquake was part of an update reaction”.

What an ex post facto report.

– What are the contents of the update? Wait, don’t tell me that the contents of the patch are outrageous like Santa──X?

– It’s not an extensive patch, but for the convenience of work, it temporarily diverts the data of the expansion and makes a partial application of it.

– Expansion?

– If you advance the story and meet certain conditions, it can be applied. New continents, even events, characters, equipment, job types… and all sorts of stuff. It gives the feeling of a world expanding continuously.

– But the game itself, rather, the first part you play, hasn’t been completed yet and these guys already made an expansion?

Aikawa-san pulled a wry face and pressed her forehead with her hand.

– Based on the schedule, it should have been completed a long time ago.

Yeah… it seems that I ended up being touched by Aikawa-san’s distress.

– And now this important note…

– … What, what was written?

– Players should not get near places where some data is overwritten. In the event they were in those coordinates, the player data will be… destroyed, and impossible to repair.


– What the hell!?

Caldart’s land subsidence. That thing that happened in front of 2A Guild!?

– Doumeguri-kun. How is 2A?

– They’re safe… by a hair’s breadth.

The safety of Shizukuishi, who left earlier, was confirmed immediately after that. But what the hell is wrong with those guys outside!? Do they really intend to help us?

– Ah….

Aikawa noticed something and raised her voice.

– The time stamp was three days ago… could it be that there was a delay?

– Is the mail system delayed?

However, that thing being faulty doesn’t add up. Also… I don’t know what the in-game mail system is, but maybe it’s possible to rewrite it as a time stamp.

Damn… the suspicions coming out are endless. I’ll end up losing my mind.

I told myself to stay calm and took a deep breath.

– Aikawa-san. Do you know the details of the expansion?

However, Aikawa-san frowned apologetically.

– I don’t know in detail because the person in charge is other. Besides, there are multiple expansions and limited time events…

– Eh? There are many of them?

– This kind of game ends when you get tired of it, so it has to be constantly updated. The expansions were scheduled to be launched every six months, so they were developed in parallel.

Just hearing that, it seems that I can hear the BGM named crunch. Even though the way that thing is implemented is irresponsible, HELLZDOMAIN firmly stands on the plan of making money.

Looking annoyed, Aikawa-san bit her nails.

– The development team that was in charge of the expansion was brilliant… the higher-ups started to arbitrarily change people’s assignments with strange interferences, and from there everything went crazy and downhill.

– Just listening to that, the hopes of being saved start to disappear.

Aikawa-san desperately denied it as she panicked.

– S-still, they’re mending their ways and managing it properly! In addition, the excellent development staff will be thrown to the front line!

But, still…

– Both the matters of Santa──X and this one, don’t you feel there’s something off?

Aikawa-san folded her arms and looked down.

I’m sure even Aikawa-san feels it.

Something is wrong.

Is this simple clumsiness?


No, let’s stop.

It’s not good to think too much about weird stuff.

What I have to do is defeat 2A Guild, defeat other forces, and defend Hell’s Gate.

And return with everyone alive. That’s it.



What is really going on in the outside world?




+      +      +




2A Guild was now in the North Sea. Three days after leaving Caldart. Finally the destination was in sight.

A castle floats in the sea about a kilometer from the shore.

That’s part of the expansion that appeared temporarily with this update. It was an island named Montfort.

Is this the newly emerging island that Forneus came to see?

A triangular island where only the top of the mountain emerges from the sea. The island wears the castle like a hat and wears the castle town on the steep slopes as if putting a robe on.

The misty island with a diameter of only 300 meters above the sea looked very mysterious.

– Wow… it’s amazing. It looks like Mont Saint Michel!

Excited, Asagiri shouted.

– Yeah, it does look like that.

Actually, when compared with the eye with the real one, it is different, but the mental image is the same. Maybe the designer used it as reference. Asagiri sees the vague shape of the island and gets unusually excited.

– Somehow, I feel like we finally achieved our original purpose.

Oh, is that so? Originally, it was supposed to be a world heritage educational tour using the next-gen VR education system.

– Come to think of it, Asagiri wanted to go to Mont Saint Michel.

– Yeah! Huh? How did you know, Doumeguri-kun?

– Ah, well I heard you talking about it when I went to the audiovisual room.

Asagiri stared at me in puzzlement.

Oh, this is bad. It sounds like I was eavesdropping on her, and that’s disgusting, isn’t it? What do I do if she says “are you a stalker or something?” to me?

However, Asagiri smiled with her whole face and joyfully blushed.

– I see. You remembered something like that….

Excuse me, Asagiri-san? Please do not show such an expression to others. There are many people who will misunderstanding, you know? For example, like me.

– This! It’s really that Mont Saint Mitchel in France! Namely, this is Normandy! A fierce battle unfolded here!

Arisugawa, who is next to Leonhardt who is highly excited as always, makes a grim face.

– Geez, don’t come up with something unlucky. We’re only going to investigate so there shouldn’t be any battle, right?

We didn’t come to have a happy picnic. We accepted the commission of the priest of Orzelia order and came here.

『The newly discovered island seems to have a monastery that really and perfectly suits us… can I ask 2A Guild to investigate it?』

He wanted to ask us “if monsters happen to roam there, can you tell if you can easily defeat them? However, if it looks difficult, it is not necessary to forcefully knock them down”. The reward is 30,000 sols. 3 million yen. If divided by twelve people, the job would be 250,000 yen per person. The job will take a week, including the round trip, but it’s still quite good.

——But the problem lies in the precautions of the email that Aikawa-san received.

『After the end of the work, the expansion will be removed again. At that time, please be aware that the player information on the map included in the expansion will be deleted』

The island, the place we’re about to go, is exactly that. Moreover, three hours remain until the scheduled time of the end of the work.

As things are, the consciousness data of everyone from 2A Guild will be erased. And nobody will be able to revive again.

This commission at this timing. It’s the worst.

No way… that priest is actually Akagami and commissioned this to 2A Guild, knowing the danger?

– Alright, shall we start moving?

At the signal of Ichinomiya, we started walking on the path floating in the sea. I don’t know if someone made it or if sediments naturally accumulated on the path made of soil. It was an unreliable path that would hide under seawater when the tide was high.

– Waa〜 Amazing, amazing!

Looking up at Montfort as we gradually draw near it, Asagiri’s spirits suddenly increased. She’s next to me, delighted, jumping up and down. It’s probably quite rare to be able to see Asagiri like that. She looks a little more childish than usual, and cute to some extent.

– Don’t you think so? Doumeguri-kun ♪.

And this smile filled with unconditional love turned at me.

I give up.

– What the hell? Aren’t you too spirited? Control yourself.

I could hear Busujima cursing at her behind me. Of course, that reaches Asagiri’s ears. However, it has no effect on the energetic Asagiri.

– Eh? You don’t think it’s amazing, Busujima-san? It’s cool and romantic.

Busujima unconsciously quailed at Asagiri who expressed her excitement straightforward.

– N-not at all, I don’t like that sort of thing. It’s old fashioned and uncanny.

– Is that so? Hey, what about you, Doumeguri-kun?

She casually holds my sleeve between her fingers and asks.

Asagiri-san! Such a casual physical contact with an exquisite sense of distance!

– T-that’s right. Historical buildings and ruins are human heritage, I mean, we should study them, transcending preferences. Well, it’s not the real thing, but the feeling factor is the same, I mean, the heritage in this world──

Dammit. When I begin to talk without knowing what to answer, I lose control.

– Are you stupid? I can’t handle you any longer.

Busujima quickly turned her face away and overtook us with quick steps.

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– Heey, wait〜 Meg.

From behind, Miyakoshi follows her while letting out an annoyed voice. The moment I was overtaken, I made eye contact with Miyakoshi. Is it my idea, or her eyes looked like she was staring at me?

While doing so, we arrived in front of the castle gate. Ichinomiya draws his sword.

– Okay, we’ll go through the castle gate. Be careful, everyone.

Doing a complete change from the face in high spirits that she had until moments ago, the face of Asagiri was gallantly tightened. This ON/OFF switch is perfect.

We went through the gates while keeping a reasonable distance from each other. The vanguard is Ichinomiya, and I’m the rear guard. The ten people between us form two rows, focusing their attention on the right and left sides, respectively.

We follow the cobblestone road that continues from the castle gate. It’s a narrow island like a hill. The road is naturally narrow, there are precipitous slopes and gentle curves. Buildings made of stone and plaster are lined up like walls on both sides of the road. The wooden doors and window frames fitted to the walls are on the verge of decay, indicating that a considerable amount of time has passed. Looking inside through the bent window glasses, I can faintly feel the furniture in them and the lived-in feel.

– They look like abandoned buildings….

As Ichinomiya says, there’s no sign of living things.

Hinazawa answers with a bright voice, but with a careful look as she moves her eyes quickly.

– But I don’t feel like it used to be crowded in the past, you know? Check the stores on both sides.

There are several signboards hanging from the walls overhead. Each of them had letters and simplified pictures drawn to show what the stores were like.

I advance while turning my face back in order to accomplish the role of the rear guard. But I’m not preparing for the enemy. I’m waiting for them to come.

Two and a half hours until the time limit… please, hurry up.

We climbed the steep slope and went out to a place where the visibility was a little open. We can see the opposite shore behind the roof of the stores.

At that moment, I could see the figures of the ones I was waiting expectantly. The shadows of about twenty people, crossing the road floating in the sea while raising a cloud of sand. It’s a special unit consisting of fast-moving vampires and magic beasts, selected by the leaders of the two corps who run leading them.

──I waited impatiently for you! Grasha! Adra!

I looked up at 2A Guild going up the slope.

– Guuuuuuuuuuuys! We have trouble! The Demon King Army is here!!

– Eh!?

– What?!

– Are you kidding me!?

– Ou!?

– Fuee…

Everyone let out surprised voices. And when they see them running, they change their complexion.

Asagiri turned the tip of her sword towards the Demon King Army.

– We’ll have to engage them. Don’t you agree? Akira-kun.

– Yeah. At any rate, there’s only one way home. We can’t go back unless we defeat the Demon King Army.

Yes, I’ll completely defeat 2A Guild here.

If they take their time investigating, the three hours will pass in the blink of an eye. It will take time to drive them out. The quickest way is to beat them to death and cause them to be revived in Caldart. For that, I ordered Adra and Grasha to annihilate 2A Guild in Montfort.

──To choke the life out of all eleven people.

– Replace the formation!

With the instruction of Ichinomiya, the front and back of the formation are switched. I’m the rear, placed on top of the slope this time. This makes it easy to escape. If it turns into a melee fight, I’ll immediately evade my responsibilities.

At that time, Adra and Grasha ran up the cobblestone road.

– Uraaaaaaaa! Let’s gooooo!

Baring his fangs, Grasha came rushing. Seeing him, Yuuki shouted loudly like she never does.

– W-Wolf-san!?

– !! ──It’s you.

Grasha easily jumped over the shield of Ichinomiya and Asagiri and plunged into the middle of the formation.

– Uooooooooooooooooooooooo!

His strong fist as he falls. Yuuki’s guard stops the fist just like a meteor raising flames and swooping down at her. The stone pavement underneath her collapsed and fragments flew high in the air.

– Kuu…!

Clenching her teeth, Yuuki endures it.

– Like I thought, it’s you, Yuuki! What are you doing? In a place like this?

How is throwing a punch at her and taking on her with all your strength a greeting? I want to retort, but the people in question don’t seem to care.

– I-it’s work… so we can to investigate this place.

– By the order of King-sama, we came to kill the guys on this island. That means──

Yamada swings at Grasha from behind. Yamada! You’re unusually making yourself stand out! When I think that, Grasha blew him away with a back kick without turning around. Yamada, who was blown off easily, slammed against the wall of a store, became grains of light and disappeared.

– I’ve decided that I’ll fight you again.

Grasha bared his fangs and smiled happily.

– Really. What’s wrong with me? I break into a smile when fighting with you.

– Eh…

Receiving the puzzling gaze of Yuuki, Grasha scratched the tip of his nose as if being shy.

– Isn’t it fun to exchange fists? I mean, it’s weird because there are tons of guys stronger than you. But it’s kind of fun.

Saying that, Grasha smiled broadly.

– A little while ago, when I spotted you, I immediately came jumping.

– Ah… wa.

Yuuki’s cheeks slightly blushed.

– M-me too! In… in the field, I’m always looking for Wolf-san…

Yuuki hung her head, looking embarrassed, and made a fist in front of her chest.

– I, I’m afraid of fighting… I’m not very good at it… but.

She raised her bright red face as if to muster her courage.

– I don’t d-dislike fighting with Wolf-san!

This time, it was Grasha who stared in puzzlement.

To be honest, I was surprised too. Such assertive Yuuki is super rare.

– When the front of my fist hit Wolf-san… I was happy.

Grasha smiled broadly again.

– What, what? That confidence you have, I’m going to beat the hell out of it.

Grasha put a fist in front and clenched it.

– Bring it on. Let’s have fun.

The face of Yuuki shone brightly.

– Y-yes!

She answered happily, stepped into Grasha’s bosom instantly and drove her fist into him. However, Grasha wards it off very easily. Then, the counter-looking strong fist buzzes.

Yuuki calmly stares at Grasha’s fist and avoids it with a minimum of body movement. It’s a trick that can’t be done unless she has enough guts to calmly see the fist coming towards her. The way she looks today, I can’t imagine it from the usual fearful attitude she has.

Then, the world where only two people talk with each other with fists was developed. A 1 VS 1 match that doesn’t intend to be connected at all to a party play. But it wasn’t the case to complain.

The formation of 2A Guild has already fallen apart after being toyed by the rushing magic beasts and nimble vampires. It may be possible for Ichinomiya to give instructions and reorganize, but…

– Ku…!!

Ichinomiya throws his shield away and rushes to Adra who has just killed Arisugawa and Hinazawa. Sparks scattered between the silver and red swords.

– Adra!

– You… you are that human from before.

Adra pushed the sword of Ichinomiya back with all his might. The moment Ichinomiya loses his balance, he immediately waves his sword and attacks him.

– … Guh!

Enduring the fierce attack, Ichinomiya, who opened some distance with Adra, stared at him.

– I’m Ichinomiya… Ichinomiya Akira.

– Hmm, I do not need to know your name. I do not even need to remember it.

As if to decide it with the next blow, bloodlust begins to overflow from Adra’s body.

– I’ll make you remember it even if you don’t like it… even like now.

Ichinomiya has been fired up for a long time. Then runs to show off and his whole body disappears. At this point, the loss of 2A Guild is confirmed.

All I have to do is take advance of the chaos and hide myself.

I stepped back slowly, turned on my heels and ran up the hill.

– Wa-wait!


Busujima chased me from behind. And further behind, even Miyakoshi was running.

Don’t chase me! Let me be alone! Without the cries of my heart reaching her, Busujima caught up with me.

– If you’re alone, you’ll be killed easily!

– R-right… that’s true.

Considering it’s Busujima, it was a sound argument. I go up the slope with Busujima and turn left at the fork. Then there was a staircase leading to the castle. We ran up there and got inside the castle, there was a big hall in it. I stop running at last and take a breath.

Miyakoshi also caught up with us there.

– Haa… wai… a se…

Miyakoshi seems to be running out of breath, she’s unable to speak. Her endurance is terribly low. Are you really a high school student?

Busujima muttered, overlooking the stone hall.

– This is… kind of creepy.

A hall without anything to show off. There’s only a thick pillar that supports the ceiling. Both the walls and floor have uncovered stones, a cool air drifted there. The question is how to deal with these two. It’s best to have the magic beasts and vampires kill them, but I’ll be killed together with them and that cannot happen.

– Hey, Doumeguri… what do we do now?

Busujima asked, looking uneasy.

– Eh?

Why do you rely on me? At times like this, you should be saying “I don’t want to be with this disgusting guy”──

A black shadow wavered behind Busujima.

– Busujima!

– Huh?

The next moment, a sharp sword slashed the back of Busujima.

– Ack!?

The body of Busujima falls forward and rolls. The girl in a Gothic black dress flew down as if to follow her body. The sleeves were made thin and the skirt were made short for easy movement.

A female member of the Vampire Corps ──the so-called Carmilla uniform. Her handsome face is cold and beautiful like a doll. Without altering her beauty, she carries a red sword in her hand and springs at Busujima again.

– Tch!

I reflexively wielded my sword. The silver sword repels Carmilla’s red sword.

– ──Eh?

Amazed, Busujima looks up at me.

All thanks to the item I got from Akagami. Until now, this action could never repel the sword of the Vampire Corps. And with this, the days of buying items every time I joined 2A Guild are finally over! That makes me happier than anything else! And, I suddenly noticed there.

──Shit! I didn’t have to protect Busujima!

– Watch out!

Coming to my senses with the shout of Busujima, the Carmilla immediately drew before my eyes.

– Gah!!

A sharp sword like a razor slashed my chest.

Damn! I was careless.

I hold my ground and ready my sword again. However, before that, I eat continuous chasing attacks.

Tch! This is bad. The next time I eat them, it will get pretty dangerous.

The Carmilla spread her skirt, turned around, and this time, aimed at Miyakoshi. Maybe she judged that it would be advantageous to defeat the sorcerer first. She jumps over Busujima and me, and swings down her sword towards Miyakoshi.

At that moment, I felt a cool breeze blowing from Miyakoshi.

– 『Freezing』!

Miyakoshi opened the sorcery book 『Butterfly Effect』. Then the folded cover opens and transform into a butterfly with its wings spread. A light of magic power flowed into the wings. The temperature of the room drops in an instant. An intense cold air was generated around the Carmilla, freezing her body. However, it’s not enough to stop her movement. The Carmilla’s sword slashed Miyakoshi diagonally from the shoulder.

– Hmm aaaah!

Screaming, Miyakoshi falls.

I ran toward the Carmilla, and put myself between her and Miyakoshi.

Busujima, who is behind the Carmilla, points the staff of the Divine Artist at us. 『Rose Oasis』, the favorite of Busujima. A gorgeous and cute equipment with the design of a flower blossoming on the tip of the staff. The large flower shines.

I think it’s recovery magic. I’m sure she’ll heal the wounds either on me or Miyakoshi. No, it’s obvious that is Miyakoshi, right? I have to do something about me. I put my finger on the item list to get energy. However, the sword of the Carmilla attacks.


With energy in one hand, I tried to slash at the Carmilla──just before that, my body was wrapped in a white healing light.

──Recovery magic!? To me!?

And the Carmilla’s attack passes by me and heads for Miyakoshi. The sword of Carmilla was stabbed into Miyakoshi who opened her eyes wide in surprise.

– Hey, why, Meg!? Wha──

Miyakoshi’s body became fragments of light and disappeared.

In the meantime, my sword mows down the torso of the Carmilla.

– ──!!

Raising a soundless scream, the Carmilla was reduced to ashes and vanished.

– Busujima! Now that we have the chance!

– Y… yeah.

Busujima follows me more obediently than I expected. When we go to the back of the hall, a narrow entrance is there and stairs that lead upwards continued there as well.

We went up the stairs and came to another room.

– Let’s take… a break here for a moment.

I said so to Busujima and sat down on the floor of the empty room. This is a little smaller than the hall. The structure itself is the same, but the impression is completely different because there’s a large window on the wall and light shines through it. The walls with windows are decorated with vines and flowers as a motif, giving it a solemn atmosphere. Maybe it was originally a church or something.

Busujima also sat a little further away, then dropped her shoulders and sighed.

– … I did something bad to Ageha.

She muttered just a few words.

Thanks to giving priority to heal me, Miyakoshi, who was put off, ran out of HP and disappeared. But she saved me. Not in an HP sense though, because if I had managed to do something about Busujima, then the problem would be settled. I have to become Hellshaft fast and join the Demon King Army.

– But you saved me. Thank you.

– Not really… even you saved me before, didn’t you?

Yeah. A regretful mistake.

– Was it unnecessary to do it? Somehow, my body moved of its own accord.

– Oh, it’s the same for me. Somehow I used healing on you.

Busujima suddenly smiled.

Ordinary people embraced sense of security especially when they are the same as others. I hate being the same as others. But Busujima, you’re a self-proclaimed high caste, shouldn’t you hate being with me who’s at the bottom?

– Say, Doumeguri-kun.

– Yes? Busujima-san.

Damn, how do I get rid of her…? Do I have to use Ecstas? But if she suddenly gets sexually excited twice when being with me, no matter how stupid she is, she’ll undoubtedly be suspicious of me. It would be nice if there were at least one enemy… but just two of them would be bad.

– Recently… you’ve been really close to Asagiri-san, right? Was it… like that?

She slightly dyes her cheeks and stares at me.

She told me this before. At that time, I successfully glossed it over, but… after defeating Satan, we became so close that I myself am bewildered. It’s understandable for her to doubt me.

– N-no… I don’t think so. Asagiri-san is kind, so maybe she couldn’t leave me alone or something like that. I’d say she’s extending her hand to a poor person?

A deep groove was carved between the eyebrows of Busujima.

– But that just mean taking advantage of Asagiri-san’s kindness then. You always have a lewd look on your face, and flirting with her… all the time.

Eeeh!? I had a lewd look on my face!?

– No, no! That’s not true. Flirting is… someone like a goddess who lives in the celestial world like Asagiri-san knows that she doesn’t have to associate with me!

Saying that, Busujima blatantly makes displeasure run on her face.

– That makes me angry. Why is Asagiri-san that good? That young lady may be an honor student, but that kind of thing is absolutely selfish. There’s no telling what she’s doing behind the scenes.

Do you want to praise or look down upon Asagiri!? Which one is it!?

– ──

I turned to the entrance and listened carefully.

– Wait! I hear people──

– Busujima. They came.

– Wha──Eh!?

I stood up quickly and Busujima stood up in a hurry.

From the stairs, a girl in a Gothic dress slowly appeared. A Carmilla different from the one before. Besides, there are two of them this time.

I point my sword at the two Carmilla and Busujima holds her staff.

– There are two of them this time! There’s no place to run here! What do we do!?

In my head, I reconfirm the structure of the room I confirmed earlier. This room has only one entrance. We have to defeat the two Carmilla to escape.

However, the time limit is approaching. I must annihilate 2A Guild and send them to Caldart. And if the withdrawal is delayed, Adra and Grasha will disappear along with the island.

– Watch out!

Busujima let out a shrieking-sounding voice.

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The sword of one of the Carmilla draws a sharp arc and approaches my face. When I put my sword in front of my face right away, sparks scattered in front of me. The sword judgment of the Carmilla was sharp, I was trying my best to defend against it.

– Wa, wait! Doumegu──kyaaaah!

The other Carmilla swings her sword down at Busujima. The startled Busujima ate the attack without doing anything and immediately applied recovery magic to herself.

If this continues, both of us will be killed in due course. If Busujima dies first, I’ll gladly welcome it, but I may die first.

The risk is high, but there’s no choice but to do it.

If I make her mind be in a pleasure state with Ecstas, she won’t be able to make normal decisions. Furthermore, if I use Hell & Heaven, she shouldn’t be able to distinguish it from a dream even if she thinks back upon it after reviving. Actually it seemed to be like that with Arisugawa and Hinazawa.

Now I have to believe in my adult mode!

While directing my gaze straight to the Carmilla, I move only my hand and open the menu. I find the category I’m looking to while not being noticed by Busujima.


At that moment, a luscious pink glow wrapped around Busujima’s body.

– Hyaan ♡!

– What’s wrong?

She held her chest and bent her back suddenly.

– Eh, umm… something, strange… I mean… nnh ♡.

– No way, you were attacked by the vampire’s magic!?

The moment I said so shamelessly, my fingertips were already on the next magic command.

At that time, one of the Carmilla kicked the floor, holding her sword.

Too slow!

──『Hell & Heaven!! 』

One of adult mode’s secret weapons.

The non-standard magic effect separates this room from common sense and transforms it into irrationality.

The stonework on the walls and floor slides like a puzzle, blocking the path of the Carmilla.

– !?

Stone pillars stand tall from the floor, and cages and chains rush out as if flowing out of the gaps in the walls. Those chains twine around one Carmilla. The Carmilla, whose limbs had their freedom stolen, had her legs spread and was mercilessly forced to straddle a triangular wooden horse that emerged from the floor.

From the mouth of the Carmilla, a scream that wasn’t either painful or coquettish came out.

The other one is stripped of her Gothic dress and lays face down on a table. She’s in a humiliating posture, she looks like the 大 character with both arms and legs open. Red candles light a number of candlesticks that were pushed out and offered on top of her body. The melted candles pour like rain on the back of the Carmilla. Red drops leave marks on her white skin.

A cry of sensuality and pain echoed from the sexy lips of the Carmilla.

The stone church, which seems to be honorably poor, has transformed into a room that should be called the opposite pole of it.

This place is now a torture room where I make lewd and evil judgments.

And one very interesting phenomenon was happening.

──What’s that?

Numbers showing damage emerge from the bodies of the Carmilla who suffer tortures. Namely, the opponent’s HP is shaved off by erotic attacks.

Ah, are you serious!? Really!?

Hell & Heaven had that way of being used!?

Come to think of it, although I haven’t been able to predict what the effects of Heaven and Hell will be, I’ve never been in something like falling into a crisis.

To some extent, it reflects the wishes of the user… or something like that.

I focused on Busujima.

Before I knew, Busujima was in her underwear and tied to a stone pillar with a rope. Moreover, a tortoise shell bondage that enhances the lasciviousness of her body. The white rope bites into her tanned brown skin. Moreover, because of the binding method that emphasizes the chest, the two bulges appear to swell out more than usual. And the rope that bites into her crotch stimulated the important part of Busujima.

– A, aa… ❤ ha, aaan ❤.

A hot sigh leaks from the mouth of Busujima. This situation after being compulsorily excited to have sex by Ecstas. Perhaps her consciousness was all vague too.

The problem is that I’m not Hellshaft now, but Doumeguri Kakeru. I think Busujima isn’t conscious already… but will I be okay?

Busujima looked up at me with feverish eyes.

– What… do you intend to do… to me, Doumeguri?

– N-no, I’m not doing…!!

Busujima muttered with intoxicated eyes.

– It’s fine… I don’t care.

A sexy voice flows out from her glossy lips together with a hot sigh.

– I didn’t know Doumeguri… liked something like this ufufu ❤.

– Eh!? “Like”!? It’s a misunderstanding, Busujima──

Making a grumpy face, Busujima stared at me lightly.

– You have to call me Meg, alright?

Oh right, you don’t like your last name, do you?

– Meg?

Smiling with her whole face, Busujima made her body twist.

– Hmm… yeah… even if you touch me. I’ll forgive you.

– N-no… that’s──

– You don’t find me attractive?

When I thought she was laughing at me, this time, she had tears in her eyes and looked like she was about to cry. Since some time ago, her emotional instability hasn’t been a laughing matter.

– You are, you are attractive! So please, don’t cry.

She smiled with a “ehehe” as tears accumulated. What the… I always see her having a surly face, so, how to say it, this is somewhat refreshing….

Although she said to touch her, I wondered where I should touch.

She’s in underwear and tied up with a rope. I hesitated and touched her shoulder.

– Hmm….

Busujima let out a soft voice and the number 1 emerged from her shoulder, just like with the Carmilla.

This is… damage display! !

Ah, could this be──

I crept my fingers around the nape of her neck and her cleavage tied in a diamond shape. The numbers 3 and 7 come up, respectively. I make up my mind and let my hand softly creep her chest covered with a bra.

– Haaann… there, aaan  ❤ .

This time it was 20.

In other words, it represents the pleasure of Busujima, and at the same time, the damage dealt to Busujima. That is, if I make Busujima feel it in this condition, she will disappear! And it also means that she can escape to Caldart.

Alright. I don’t have time, I only have to do it!

I started fondling the body of Busujima. From her toes to calves and thighs, from the waist to her navel, chest, arms and face. The value of her chest was truly big, but unexpectedly the number on the toes was big too.

– Aah! Haa, aan ❤ a, yaaannh ❤

Doing so, and as I find out the erogenous zone of Busujima, her face told me she was completely enchanted. Her sweaty face has blank eyes and her tongue and drool peek through the loosely opened mouth.

– D-Doumeguri… you had experience doing this?

It’s like taking an exam while seeing the answers. However, her HP doesn’t decrease more than I expected. At this space, it will likely take tens of minutes.

──I have no choice. Forgive me, Busujima.

I put my finger on Busujima’s bra. The bra was on the verge of sliding down, so it slipped off easily. A dazzling white skin appears from there. The clear sunburn marks were strangely lewd.

– Do, Doumeguri… you’re surprisingly audacioussssssss❤.

I rubbed the two-tone breasts of Busujima. Each time I did so, a number emerged.

– Ah aaahha, so bold ❤ I like it!

I put the hardened parts together and roll them with my palms. Then Busujima shook her head to the left and right and shouted in joy.

– Hey… it’s okay, you know? Doumeguri wants to… do that, right?

– That!?

I was startled for a moment. However, when I followed the eyes of Busujima, I understood what she was trying to say.

There were various types of whips on the wall.

– I don’t like pain that much… but it’s okay. If it’s Doumeguri, I can endure it.

I heard impossible words coming out of the mouth of Busujima. Adult mode is amazing, isn’t it?

Certainly, I feel that a lot of HP will be shaved in terms of appearance and damage. It’s worth trying.

Thinking that, I took the smallest whip that seems to be made of leather in my hand.

– Okay then… here I go.

I nervously whip her.

A miserable sound is made and the whip struck Busujima’s arm.

– Iaaaaaah!

Still, a big number such as 15 emerged.

Is that so? It’s not real pain, but a mental one. Even if it’s not physically painful, the feeling of being hit deals great damage.

Having a bit of confidence, I whip the stomach of Busujima.

– Aaaanh!

Then I wave it downward at her thighs and breasts.

The more I get used to it, the more sounds are made. Each time, Busujima twisted her body as she gasped.

Still, I felt bad hitting her too much, so I took a short break and brought my face closer to the body of Busujima. I carefully observed that the parts I hit had no bruises.

I unexpectedly ended up bringing my face near her two-colored breasts and I involuntarily became startled. As I observed the natural breasts of my classmate at a super close distance, I heard the anxious voice of Busujima from above my head.

– He-hey…

– O-oh… sorry. I was just seeing if you were injured──

Without caring about me who gave an excuse, Busujima asked with a worried face.

– Am I… cute? Or am I… an extremely ugly woman?

Tears accumulated in her eyes, they seem they will fall at any minute.

She was laughed at when she was a child because of her name, it became both a complex and a trauma. Now, she’s in the upper ranks of the school caste and acts like a gal.

──Humans, everyone seems to be like that.

I touched the cheek of Busujima.

– W-well… you are pretty, aren’t you?

The moment I replied so, the eyes of Busujima shone. And a lot of numbers representing damage from her chest emerged.

Uwaah!? This… is a-amazing──

The numbers stopped appearing abruptly. And the next moment, the body of Busujima shines. In front of the surprised me, the body of Busujima became grains of light and disappeared.

With this, what’s left is──

I quickly open the menu, change my equipment and the jet-black armor is put on my body. I can feel the force overflowing inside my body and my whole body expanding greatly. My point of view goes up and up. And I transformed into the Demon King Hellshaft.

I head to the two Carmilla with the whip in my hand.


– The Sweet  Painful  Poisonous taste
Fall fleetingly  Demons of the night
Lured by the fire of sin called me
It’s fine to end   Burning your life
I am the emperor of the night and ruler of pleasure! I am the Demon King Hellshaft!!


The Carmilla looked up at me, who held a whip in his hand, with eyes of hope and ecstasy.

– I hate killing my subordinates with my own hands.  I don’t want to do it if I can. But if I don’t do it ──

There’s the risk that my identity will be revealed. If that happens, I can’t be Hellshaft. I’m sorry… forgive me.

However, the Carmilla with her back reddened by the wax smiled.

– Ah… to be finished off by Hell-shama is.

The other Carmilla on the triangular horse also made her voice quiver in joy.

– Moreover, to pass away with such a climax is… like a dream.

──You two.

I whipped their bodies.

Two sharp plosive sounds resounded.

Their bodies shed light as if bursting into flames, become ashes and crumble down.

At the same time as I throw the whip away, the effect of Hell & Heaven ends. Like an absurd trick house, the walls and floor move and return to how they were before.

──I overcame this difficulty at last.

Now if the rest of 2A Guild is dealt with, the mission will be completed… I mean, Adra and Grasha won’t fail to kill them. I feel that a weight is off my shoulders a bit. Maybe because of that, I was able to relax and appreciate the inside of the room.

When I look at it again… yeah, this room is peculiar. Special, I’d say…. I walk along the wall and look at the decorations.

– Hmm?

There was a strange thing under the big window. It’s a white stone plate about 2 meters long and 70 centimeters wide. It was about twenty centimeters above the floor and had reliefs carved on the surface.

Was there something like this a moment ago?

I crouched next to it and traced the relief with my finger. A strangely cool dragon mark. Is it a family crest or something?

– Oh?

Then an unfamiliar window appeared in my sight.

『Sealed platinum──Release』

What is this? Is it maybe the name of an event included in the expansion?

The relief on the floor makes a loud noise and opens.

– Is this…?

A bright silver metal box gradually rose from under the floor. Gorgeous decoration is applied to the design that feels dignified. Its size and shape were that of a coffin.

This metal coffin strangely feels out of place in the castle made of nothing but stone.

A stone pedestal placed on the metal coffin appeared, and the coffin stopped at a height of about one meter.

I casually touched the coffin.

At that moment──,

– Wha…!?

There was a sound like something came off, and the lid floated.

The sound of scraping heavy stones and the sound of rotating metal gears continue to sound. The massive lid opens with a heavy sound. White cold air and particles of light gushed out from the opening.

Wha… what is──this…?

In that box,

That felt even scary,

A beautiful girl was sleeping.

She looks like a middle… no, elementary school student. A two-haired color that mix light blonde and pink. A platinum crown is put on her head, wonderfully adorning her clean-cut facial features. The eyelashes of her closed eyes are amazingly long, each one of them is beautiful.

Her light-complexioned skin is so smooth that it doesn’t look like she’s a human, it shines brightly. She has a small build and both her body and limbs are thin. The leotard-looking clothes that clearly makes the lines of her body stand out are the beauty and mystery of an instant, they’re neither of a child nor an adult. It represented the forbidden color and luster that an instant miracle produces.

The slightly bulging chest that symbolizes that beauty doesn’t move at all.

She’s not breathing.

However, she doesn’t appear to be rigid, and her body which has a soft skin is lying in a natural position.

It was a girl I could affirm “all of this seems to be man-made, on the contrary, if it’s not man-made, then there’s no way it can be this beautiful, right?”

… Who is this girl?

Of course, it’s a new character that appears in the expansion.


She’s really beautiful.

Platinum hemming and scale-like decoration that is impressively used in her clothes.

A gold and silver dragon medal that shines in her chest.

The Princess Platinum who wears delicate and gorgeous clothes, whose eyes are peacefully closed, who is the only one in the decayed castle and who continued sleeping as if time had stopped.

Above her head, a piece of paper was stuck to the wall of the coffin.

This is?

I tear off the paper, try examining it, and the following was written on it.

『The sad princess waits as she dreams for the day to wake up with the lips of a person』

This is really…

If kissed, she’ll become a human and… wake up?

This can’t be a fairy tale.

No, I mean, it may be an event of that kind.

There’s no doubt that the character has poor circumstances and will wake up with the kiss of a human. There’s no doubt that that’s the setting. However, who on earth is she?

Come to think of it, I’ve never seen an important human character or NPC.

It seemed that doing this event was very important. Besides, if this girl is awakened, I’ll be able to get new information.

I want some information now. I need to know more about the Exodia Exodus we are trapped in. And because it will be useful for my purpose which is waiting for rescue while 2A Guild is defeated.

Besides, if the event is carried forward, it could lead to the discovery of important items or even more important events. There may be new ways to escape from this world or hints as to why we fell into this situation.

And there’s Akagami. He is far ahead of me in knowledge and information. If Akagami seriously bared his fang at 2A Guild, as I’m now, I’d be unable to compete with him.

I made an L-shape with my thumb and index finger and twisted my wrist.

Suddenly, I cast my gaze at the face of the girl.

Her fresh and youthful lips that only seem to be sleeping. At a glance, her glossing and light pink lips seemed to be soft, I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

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Feelings of guilt surged abruptly. Even though she’s an NPC, the hesitation about stealing her lips while she’s asleep makes my determination falter.

Do it, Doumeguri Kakeru! You might get some important tips!

My finger stretched over the standard equipment of Doumeguri Kakeru.

– My King, are you here?

Adra appeared from the exit.


I kicked the floor and instantly moved to the exit. Then, I stood in front of Adra, blocking the way like a wall.

– A-Adra! W-w-what’s wrong!? What do you want!?

– N-No… I heard that you came in advance, but I did not see you… Has something happened?

– Y-yeah… I have something little to take care of. How are things going?

Running up the stairs, Grasha jumped into the room.

Nuah!? Trouble has increased by one!

I opened my hands as if to keep him back. I put my palms in front of Grasha so as to block his line of sight.

– Hmm? What is it? King-sama.

I block him by moving my hands, matching Grasha who shakes his body to avoid my hands. It feels like we are playing basketball.

– Are you hiding something, King-sama?


Not just Grasha, Adra suspects of me too!

Now that it has come to this!!

I spread my cloak and made a flashy pose.


– The three men of Infermia  The men’s group
Women are prohibited on the isolated island in the sea
This time we gather together at   The World Heritage


The two, who were filled with awe, quickly knelt.

Uh oh! If they kneel, I can’t hide her with my hands!

I showily make the flame cloak spout out from behind. From the shoulders to the back, it looks like a normal cloak, but as it goes down, the cloth sways like a flame, and the hem is completely in flames. Changing the size freely is a convenient point. Obstructing Grasha’s and Adra’s view with the cloak, I asked.

– So what happened to 2A Guild?

– Well… Nine of them were dealt with. The other two cannot be found.

Is that so? That’s fine.

– About those two, I killed them. That makes 11 people. The job is done. Thank you for your efforts.

Adra and Grasha bowed again.

– One more thing, King-sama. What is this island?

– I don’t know. However, I have a bad feeling. You guys leave this place right now. Then go straight back to Infermia.

I casually checked the time──ack! There’s only 30 minutes left!

– What about my King?

– There’s something small that needs to be dealt with. Now leave and don’t come back to the island. Are we clear!?

「「Yes sir!」」

They answered, stood up and left the room quickly.

After waiting a few seconds, I stepped out of the exit and looked down the stairs. I can’t hear any sound. It looks like they left obediently.

Now that I’m alone, I make a triumphant pose and shout.

– Alllllllllright! Today’s mission is completed! I did it! It’s finisheeeed!

I prevented 2A Guild from disappearing while also curbing their level up process. I killed two birds with one stone. What happened today is perfect! In this case, Aikawa-san will also praise me, won’t she!?


The problem is that.

I returned to the back of the room, to the coffin with the lid still open.

I look down, the girl sleeps without a change. Now that I see her again, she sure is beautiful.

A short cloak is put on to hide her heavily-exposed body and a cloth that acted as a substitute of a skirt that hung from the accessory wrapped around her waist hangs down. However, neither of both things is very good at hiding her body. This is because both the cloak and the skirt are see-through materials that shine in a silver color.

However, and curiously enough, the lining is pink and opaque. It was really a mysterious material. I want to doubt if it’s a mistake in the setting of the texture.

I reread the paper stuck on the coffin many times.

『The sad princess waits as she dreams for the day to wake up with the lips of a person』

I took off the Demon King Armor and returned to the appearance of Doumeguri Kakeru.

I hold onto the edge of the coffin and bring my face closer to the girl.

I honestly say.

As I get closer, I start to feel nervous.

The beautiful girl is about 30 centimeters away. I zoom in on her face, the destructive force isn’t incomplete.

Her small face is still small even when looking at it closely. However, with the fine details becoming clear, I cannot help being deeply moved by her delicate beauty. The change in color and the strength and weakness of the thickness regarding each hair is applied to the eyelashes and eyebrows. Despite the texture of the skin, it feels thoroughly smooth and captivating. The modeling of her face that gives a thin and hard impression while making it feel soft.

Of course, Satanachia and Forneus are also beautiful. However, I feel a kind of unique beauty from this girl. A beauty clad in something ephemeral. Also, and maybe because of the child’s body shape, it’s not a glamorous body like Satanachia’s or Forneus’.

Moreover, she carries a sad destiny on her back. Goddammit you HELLZDOMAIN! To prepare an extremely savage event in which you steal the lips of such a cute and unfortunate girl as she sleeps! However, I’m determined to accomplish this event!

Yes, this is all that is needed to advance the game. Saying so to myself, I suppress the feelings of guilt and shame.

My heart beats so fast that it hurts. My face is hot. I closed my eyes tightly.

I slowly approach her face.

At that time, someone pushed my back.


When I opened my eyes, and without me noticing it, the surroundings were dim.

I turn around, but I can’t see anything. Or rather, I could see the reverse side of the coffin lid.

It appears that, after a certain time has passed, the lid closes and returns to its original position──ah, this isn’t the moment to be calm!

The lid of the coffin mercilessly closes as if twisting my body off. My ribs make a creaking noise, and the damage-showing numbers constantly appear.

This is bad, really bad! I’m going to die! I’m actually going to die!

I saw the girl’s face in front of me.

Such a stupid way to die is not a joke!

I closed my eyes and stretched my neck with all my strength.

Go! A little bit more! Just three centimeters more──,

A soft and foamy feel spreads on my lips.

Unlike Aikawa-san’s lips, it’s an unreliable and transient softness.

I was worried whether I really kissed her or she really existed.

I spontaneously open my eyes.

Just as I thought, a girl was there.

I wondered if my heart would stop beating.

Her eyes were open.

Golden eyes fixedly stare at me.

The iris of the eyes draws a complicated pattern as if it were a computer network; fine gold particles are constantly moving and glittering. And her pupils grew, shrunk and moved many times as if to find a place to focus on. Furthermore, when I thought they became vertical for an instant like a cat’s eyes, they changed to a round shape again.

The girl was fixedly staring at me. Without panicking or losing her cool.

– Uwaah!

I threw up the lid of the coffin and jumped back greatly.

The girl sat upright and moved her neck as if to check her surroundings. And confirms that her body moves? She raises her arms and moves her fingers. Considering it’s a girl with unparalleled beauty, seeing her doing a-bit-idiotic movements was somewhat charming.

The girl tries to get out of the coffin, so she holds onto the edge of the coffin with both hands and lowers her feet towards the floor. But her feet don’t reach it. At a glance, that’s dangerous. She puts her toes down on the floor, as if sliding down halfway. However, without being able to lower one leg, she falls backwards.

– ──!!

I extended my hand right away.

To hold the girl’s body from behind.

She’s light.

And soft and unreliable, to the point I thought “Am I really hugging her close?”

– Are… are you okay?

The girl straightened herself with an awkward movement and turned to me abruptly. The surprised-looking, wide-opened golden eyes stare at me unblinkingly.

By facing each other in this way, I can actually feel again how small her build is. The hair gathered behind the head like a bumpy hair makes her look a bit taller, but in reality I’m one head taller than her. A huge ponytail extended from the bumpy hair. The ponytail, which is light blonde with pink stripes mixed in it, is thick and it seems that it reach the ground? It’s so long that that seems likely.

The girl makes her eyes sparkle and looks up at me.

– Is master Mel’s 『Darling』?


She pressed her face against my body and sniffed. What? What are you sniffing?

The girl looked up in a flash and showed a cloudless smile.

– Oh, so that’s it! Yup, darling worked hard for the rescue of Mel.

– … Err, what?

Mel? Is that the name of the child? Moreover──,

– Um, Mel? Can I call you that? Umm, who is that 『darling』?

Mel looked at me with a suspicious face,

– What are you talking about? When it comes to Mel’s darling, there’s no one other than you.

– What!?

– The fact that you were able to awaken me, Mel, is proof of that! Yes, there is no doubt.

She folded her arms and nodded as if consenting alone.

──In short, this means that is that sort of scenario?

It’s exactly like “The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods”. An event where she is tied together with the person who wakes her up with a kiss.

It would certainly be impossible unless it was an event-prepared NPC or I had MAX likability the moment I met such a beautiful girl without doing anything. That makes me happy as a player, but I feel like I’m carrying a tremendous amount of heavy luggage on my back.

– Ah… who are you? Can you give me an exp──uoh!

Mel suddenly jumped at me.

– What’s wrong? You look displeased. Does your stomach hurt?

Because she clung to my neck, I slightly panicked.

– H-hey! Mel!

A small children is just taking advantage of me. I say to myself, but she hugs me close with her delicate and soft arms, and because of that, my heart ends up beating fast of its own accord. Her sigh tickles my ears and a very good scent tickles my nasal cavities. And her lightly-dressed chest is pressed against my body. Her breasts are small, but their softness was still clearly different from the rest of her body.

Damn! The other person looks like a fifth grader of elementary school, you know? Was I a lolicon!?

However, according to the definition of lolicon, I think it’s irrelevant and ridiculous that a high school student like me calls himself a “lolicon”. Yeah, what will happen to me?

– Err, well… Mel, who are you? I mean, what kind of person are you?

Mel took her hand off me and landed, then grabbed the see-through cloth down from her waist and gave a pretty greeting like a lady.

– I’m the Princess of the Dragon Clan. I’m Platinum Dragon Mel. We can love each other for many years to come.

The Dragon Clan!!!???

Wait a minute! You were a monster, not a human!? Moreover, a princess!?

I unconsciously stepped back.

I’m not going to be eaten all of a sudden, am I…? As long as I wear the Demon King Armor… no, the opponent is a dragon, isn’t it? I don’t know what position and how strong dragons are in Exodia Exodus, but they shouldn’t be weak.

Seeing that I felt nervous, Mel inclined her head to the side, looking curious.

– What’s wrong? Darling.

– It, it’s nothing… I’ve never met a dragon before so I don’t know what the best thing to do is.

Mel clapped and nodded as if she had understood.

– Oh, so that’s what it is! Then Mel will explain it in an easy-to-understand manner.  Dragons are very strong and very smart. We are respected by humans and we are worshipped as Gods.

Like I get it and like I don’t get it…. Her knowledge and explanation are at child level just like her looks.

– Is that so…? Then why does Mel call me darling?

Mel nodded with a big smile on her face.

– That’s simple. Darling will marry Mel!

I suddenly and involuntarily choked. W-what is this child blurting out all of a sudden?

– And give birth to a baby!

I coughed violently.

– W-wait a minute! There are too many problems of all types!

– Hmm? Like what?

Like hell I’m going to take that much responsibility with a kiss… what kind of event is this?

– Ah! I mean… you’re not of age and──

Is it useless to preach the real-world laws and ethics to NPC characters in the game?  AI doesn’t seem to be that smart.

– Could it be that darling feels inferior because he’s a human being? If it’s that, you don’t have to worry about it.

That’s not it!

I don’t care about that, and were human beings inferior in the first place!?

– Mel doesn’t discriminate on a race basis. Besides, Mel is actually half dragon and half human!

– W-well… while there’s that, we have to know each other better and…

– Hmm, certainly. What is darling’s name?

You had to start from there!

– … My name is Doumeguri Kakeru. I’m more or less and adventurer, I guess?

*Wooow*, Mel shouted in admiration

– An adventurer! That’s so cool!

– Not really… not as much as being a dragon.

– With this, there are no obstacles to marrying darling!

That’s too fast!

– I have more questions to ask… For example, why was Mel sealed in a place like this? And what is this island?

With a puzzled face, Mel looked around me and the inside of the room.

– …I don’t remember.


– Um, what were you doing before that? Before entering this coffin.

Mel hung her head and groaned for a couple of seconds, but in the end, she dropped her shoulders.

– As I feared, I don’t know.

Hey, don’t tell me you have zero information? I’m not sure what to do now, I feel like I was just being pressed against a troublesome NPC!

– … Hmm?

I hear something coming from outside.

──No way!

When I check the time, ten minutes remain until the time limit.

Damn! Adra and Grasha, even though I said that much to you, why did you come back!?

I started running and went down the stairs.

– Ah! Wait! Darling!

The NPC that I intended to leave came running after me. Oh crap, the situation is going to get worse and worse. How should I explain to Adra and Grasha about Mel?

As I think so, I pass by the room where Miyakoshi froze a Carmilla, and come out to a place that looks like a small open terrace.

Ah, I was still in my human appearance. I have to wear the Demon King Armor soon.

I stop running.

There’s no ceiling, the sea breeze comes swaying with a feeling of freedom. I looked up at the sky, thick clouds covered my head. Then, when I lowered my line of sight, a wide staircase continued down from the terrace──,

Warriors with crocodile faces were lined up there.

– … !?

They are lizardmen, crocodiles that walk on two legs like humans. They’re standard monsters, but reasonably strong. Moreover, there are about thirty of them. All of them wear tattered equipment that seems to be stolen from enemies they killed. They were just like violent bandits. I can imagine them being a high-level class among lizardmen.

– There they are.

Making their vertically long pupils narrow, their small eyes gaze at me.

– Is he alone?

– There should be twelve of them.

– Search and kill them.

– Those who are not qualified to live in this world.

── !?

No way… these guys.

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Cold sweat flows down my cheeks.

These are assassins who were aiming for 2A Guild… and probably take their lives──

– Akagami… is it him?

I reflexively clenched my fist, my back teeth made a sound.

All the lizardmen have awfully strong-looking facial expressions. Since they received the absolute order of Akagami, they won’t obey me even if I become Hellshaft. And if their equipment was also strengthened… can I really fight against their number!?

– I finally caught up with you. Jeez, what would you have done if I had become lost, Darling?

Letting out a carefree voice, Mel came around.

– Hey, Mel! Run away quickly! Those guys will kill us!

Mel looked at me and the lizardmen alternately with a look of amazement. Vexed, I involuntarily shouted loudly.

– We have no time! I’ll defeat these guys in these minutes I have, you must escape from the island! So leave fast──

– Hmm? So that was the deal, huh.

Mel suddenly came out in front of me.

And looked down at the lizardmen in an overbearing manner. Her eyes are completely different from the ones that see me. The eyes of an absolute monarch who sees helpless and miserable preys. Perceiving that haughty attitude, the killing intent coming from the lizardmen waver.

– What the, that brat is…

– Is she also our slaughter target?

– Not that it matters. We have to kill all the creatures on the island, so it’s all the same.

Holding their bloody axes, the lizardmen go up the stairs.

– They look so cheerful. And yes, everyone has cute faces.

Mel showed an innocent smile on her face──and raised her eyes sharply.

– But I can’t forgive them for making darling be scared.

At that moment, Mel’s eyes glowed golden and her pupils extended vertically. Sharp fangs flicker in her pretty mouth. The lizardmen’s feet stopped as her small body began to glow thinly. Shivers creep up on my back.

It’s pure, instinctive fear.

A fear similar to the feeling of despair when facing a being with overwhelming power.

– Because I’ve been sleeping for a long time. This will be a light warm-up exercise.


A gust of wind breaks out from Mel’s body. Mel’s long ponytails and cloak are instigated by her own wind, acting violently. And a little above her buttocks ──a silver spine came out.

It looks like a tailbone that appears from under the skin, like a metal tail. And when it stretched long, it became a reptile tail like it was made of platinum, a bright and beautiful silver color that moved flexibly.

Sharp metal appears on the left and right sides of her thin waist.

Those were skeleton wings. The platinum bones were marvelously big, so much that I wondered where her small body ended. When opened to the left and right in a big way as if stretching them, a pink glowing membrane was stretched between the bones. The wings are strong and beautiful, they even make me feel awe.

Her appearance from behind that grows a tail and spreads huge wings from the waist. Her figure that emits white glowing particles from her whole body is exactly like the one of a platinum dragon.

The ruffian lizardmen, who seemed to have relatively gone through a scene or carnage, were shaking from fear.

– N-no way…

– A… dr-dragon?

At the signal of that mumble, the fear of the lizardmen lost all restraint.

– Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!

– Uawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Without caring what others thought, they screamed and ran away.

── This is bad!

If we let them go, the news will reach Akagami!

– Mel! Don’t let any of them escape!

Mel glanced at me and showed a fearless smile.

– Understood.

Fangs line up in the open mouth. The back of her mouth shone brightly.

Then, she twisted her body and shook her head with all she had as if striking towards the running lizardmen.

An explosive torrent of light rose.

It shone so much I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

The flame transforms into a stream of white light and lightning coiling around it. The beautiful and violent brilliance swallowed the lizardmen deeply. They evaporate and disappear in the blink of an eye.

Just like a light of destruction. It was the evidence of an overwhelming violence.

The stonework of the stairs comes off and goes up. Mel’s flames also blew away the shattered stones and pulverized the lizardmen who had narrowly escaped the flames. The dreadful dragon flames open a huge hole in the floor under the stairs, drilling a hole to the underground.

I, who watched the curse of events in blank amazement, came to my senses there.

– Me… Mel! It’s enough!

Mel’s flames gradually became thinner and eventually disappeared.

When silence returned, the thirty lizardmen had disappeared. Like it was a lie that they were there moments ago. The fragments of light floating in the air and the light of the remains of the lizardmen that died made me aware that they were there seconds ago.

Mel fixedly stares at me.

– Mel, you…

After staring at each other for a while, Mel said, pouting.

– You are not going to say anything? Darling?

She quickly approaches me and without hesitation, sticks her head out.

This is, don’t tell me….

I fearfully extended my hand and touched Mel’s head. Her slender and graceful blonde hair is very comfortable to touch. When I move my hand further, it feels even better. I see that Mel smiled with her whole face, she was showing a very delight expression on her face.

– We… well done, great job. There, there.

– Ehehehe, that’s right, that’s right ♪ Mel is a useful child.

Somehow, it feels like I can pat her like this forever.

──Ah! There was no time to relax or anything!

When I pull my hand away, she approaches her head as if going after my hand. Then she hit her head against my chest.

– Pat me more. Don’t be stingy.

– No, wait. This is not the time for that!

– Oh, if I remember correctly, you said you wanted to escape, yes? If so, get on your hands and knees.

G-get on my hands and knees?

– I told you we have no time to play!!

– I’m not playing. It’s the quickest way to leave the island.

As I crawl on all fours while not understanding why, Mel sits on my back. She’s light. Unusually light, despite having a big and tough tail and wings. Aren’t that made of metal?

Holding my body firmly with both hands and legs, Mel said close to my ears.

– Alright then, here we go.

The wings that grew on Mel’s waist spread out to the left and right as if stretching. And flaps her wings once in a big way. The membrane of the wings shines and a wave motion of light pushes the stone pavement.

– Uh! … Waaaaah!?

I was launched into the sky with a strong sense of acceleration.

– Wha, wha…

In front of the panicking me, the castle and castle town of Montfort, which became distant in the blink of an eye, looked like miniatures. I was about to freeze from the extreme height. It’s scary even if one doesn’t have acrophobia. I cocked my head in puzzlement and spoke to Mel on my back.

– Mel, you’re amazing…

– Yup ♪ Obviously. You can praise me more.

Mel inclined her wings and slowly circled over Montfort.

– Ah!

A strange phenomenon happened on the island and I spontaneously shouted. It’s time for the expansion to return.

The spire of the castle sways greatly from side to side. The whole island is vibrating. The surrounding sea bubbles and undulates as if to shake the entire sea. And finally, the whole island began to sink into the sea.

– Unbelievable….

It was like watching a striking movie.

However, I think it’s better to return to land quickly.

I pointed to the land and said.

– Mel! Go in that direction please.

– Roger!

She made her wings flap greatly and accelerated at once. We crossed the coastline and flew over the grasslands.

– Mel, I’m only saying this, but don’t let me go! Don’t even pretend to do it! Don’t ever let me go!

To be honest, I’m scared. If I was wearing the Demon King Armor, I think I would be safe even if I fall…. If so, I’d rather──

– Fly a bit higher please.

– ? Understood.

If we fly high enough to get time to change equipment, then all is good. I’m worried if we’re going to be too high. Anyway, I was able to relax a little. Then I felt like I was flying in the sky with wings that I had grown. It travel in the sky at a speed that is a world apart from walking on the ground.

Like this, going directly to Infermia will… no. Certainly, she’s a monster, but I’d say she’ll be considered a human. And if I believe what Mel said earlier, then she seems to be a mixed race of human and monster.

It’s necessary to establish what’s possible and what’s impossible, and consider whether it’s right to take her to the human side or the demon side.

If I had more information about what kind of character Mel is then that would be a basis for my decision… but if the person in question has no memories, then it cannot be helped.

Both sides have disadvantages. But if I take her to the demon side, she will reveal my identity to everyone. There’s a great risk in handing all information to anyone. In that case….

Pointing towards Caldart, I said.

– Mel, head in that direction next.

– Alright. Leave it to me.

Mel listened to what I said obediently and changed course to Caldart.




+      +      +




We arrived in Caldart when the sun went down.

When we came down to the nearby forest, I clearly explained to Mel to hide for a while, then I went back alone to the city of Caldart.

If I don’t return alone, 2A Guild will probably doubt me. For the time being, I have to think of an excuse.

– Ara? You came back.

I came across a member of 2A faster than I thought.

– You’ve been hiding in that small island for a long time, huh. How long did you disgracefully run from place to place? Did you shamefully beg for your life? I was wondering if you would be able to live again.

The one who incidentally appears and that I don’t want to see is almost always her.

– Hey, Shizukuishi, I’m sorry for not being able to live up to your expectations, but I did nothing of that. Since I came back here, I’ve just been wandering and eating food. After we tried acting as a group, I want to be alone for a while.

– Oh, I see. Well, I don’t want to understand your feelings, but I have the same opinion in that regard.

Shizukuishi folded her arms and sighed.

From the direction she has been walking… Is she coming from the church of Orzelia?

– What did the Orzelia priest say? Did he get disillusioned because the commission failed?

– No. It turns out that knowing that the Demon King Army was there was enough for him, it seems. “Try to not approach them for a while”, he said. And we got the full reward.

– I see… isn’t he magnanimous? That’s nice.

-Everyone went to a celebration party prepared by the priest. Are you also going?

– What about you?

Shizukuishi folded her arms and looked back at the road with a stern look.

– I don’t like… these Orzelia guys.

– You’re still not wearing the pendant you got, huh? “Hate the priest and you will hate his very vestments”, am I right?

Yeah, something like that, Shizukuishi gave an indifferent reply.

– Well, just in case, put it in your item list, it may be useful one of these days.

– I’ve thrown it away already.

You really carry out that fussiness of yours without exception!

– By the way, Doumeguri-kun.

– Yes?

– In the end, I was amazed that you succeeded in abducting a little girl. How far can people fall? When I see you, something makes me want to ascertain the people at the bottom of the social pyramid.

– You can disrespect my past self all you want, but the absence of coherence is way too…

Little girl?

── Seriously!?

I turn around like I was flipped.

– I got tired of waiting. So I came to pick you up.

Mel was standing right behind me.


Even though I told you to hide!

── Hmm?

Wait, why can you enter the city? She’s a monster, and yet.

– What on earth did you do that child? Even though this is not the real world, I wonder if you’re really a person or not, acting and going against what is ethical and humane.

– Y-you’re wrong! I mean, you’re the one saying that!

Calm down, me. Shizukuishi isn’t wearing glasses now. In other words, she can barely see Mel. It was no more than a speculation from her height because she said little girl. If I calmly deal with her, then I can gloss it over somehow!

– Hey, darling. Who’s that person?

– … Darling.

Shizukuishi frowned with all her strength hard and looked at me as if she were watching a parasite video.

– Y-you’re wrong! Shizukuishi! Don’t misunderstand!


I have to say something appropriate, and deceive her! And even if it’s for an instant, I’ll run away quickly!

– I found this girl who happened to be lost. She was sent to her guardians once, but it seems she’s been missing ever since, so I happened to see her and now she accompanies me.

– Oh, it’s the solo quest of the lost child. That’s certainly seems to be the case… but there’s something a bit strange. What kind of child is she?

Shizukuishi frowned and made her face have an evil look in her eyes with all her strength. She approaches to get a closer look at Mel.

Letting her observe any more than this is bad! I don’t want to be needlessly investigated and suspected without cause. Having my hands slip, I’ll probably be suspected but with a cause!

Mel looked up at me, pointing at Shizukuishi who was approaching.

– Hey, darling. Can I eat that?

– Excuse me!?

The face of Shizukuishi, who stopped walking, twitched. Then she silently opened the menu. She’s going to wear her glasses!? I’m right in front of you, aren’t I!?

She’s dangerous! This is more than impossible! I’m at my limit!

I held Mel under my armpit.

– W-What? So suddenly?

– Hey, Shizukuishi. I’ll escort this girl home. See you.

– Eh? Wa──

I started running without listening to Shizukuishi’s reply.

I run down a narrow alley while looking back to make sure I’m not being chased. After turning a few corners and entering an empty alley, I sighed as if I had used all the air in my body.

– What on earth is happening? Darling.

– Well… all sorts of things.

I don’t think you can understand it even if I explain it. Rather, the question is where to accommodate this girl today. There’s no way I can take her to the guild hall. In that case, there’s a hotel here in Caldart, although money is charged. And it’s best to not be seen by others.

– I see. Why don’t you bring Mel to a new castle?

– What?

There was certainly a castle in front of the sparkling eyes of Mel.

– It’s a little small, but it might be just right for two people to live in.

A certainly-medieval European-style castle, a small building as if fitting into one of the districts of the city. And it has an awfully flashy signboard attached to it.

Although it’s more or less shaped to fit the world view, it’s what is called a love hotel.

In this world, there are facilities that cater to normies. I wish I had died.

──However, I feel that the use of this facility, which I considered useless except for destroying it until now, had finally come.

This is a facility for adult mode only, so general users cannot enter. In other words, if I bring Mel there, she won’t be seen by the eyes of 2A Guild.

– It appears that you came to take a liking to it. Then, from today on, this is Mel’s house.

– Yup. Mel and darling’s house!

– Mel’s.

– Mel and darling’s!

Our views differed a lot, but I didn’t care and went into the love hotel, carrying the little girl under my arm.

Strangely enough, I felt like I was committing a crime.

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