Ecstas Online

Chapter 3

Chapter 3       Infinity Sword

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The hotel 『Nightingale』 where I brought Mel──rather, where I hid her, doesn’t fall short as a hideout. Room service will bring her food and drinks, and she can have fun with movies and games. By the way, because the atmosphere was regarded as important there, there was a screen by means of magic circle floating in the air instead of a TV.  I’ll try introducing her to Infermia next time──well, apart from that, making a senseless NPC like Mel living here was perfect.

But there was a catch.

As one can guess from the keyword “adult mode only”, this isn’t free. The denomination is yen. That is, real money. Choosing the cheapest room is 5,500 yen per night.

Whether it’s one night or two nights, it’s too expensive to make her live all the time there. For example, if she were to stay for a month, it will cost 170,500 yen.

Indeed, I clearly understood that financial power is needed to keep a lover. Although I say that, it’s not like Mel is my lover.

Even if I misappropriate the budget of the Demon King Army, I’ll have to build Mel’s house somewhere quickly. If I act as Hellshaft, I can order the Hellanders to make any preparations, even a villa, but this is not the case for that. I have to do everything by myself.

– Goddammit. This is nothing but trouble…

Swayed by the stagecoach, I looked at the scenery of the peaceful countryside. The idyllic scenery doesn’t heal the savage fatigue that lurked in my heart.

Now I’m heading to the city of Glasrena. Why? I received a letter from Akagami four days ago. The contents said: “The cathedral of Orzelia order in the city of Glasrena is being rebuilt anew, so I’d like to show you around once. And definitely come to sightseeing too”.

Glasrena is located about two days north of Laguna. From Caldart, I would have to go to Sandiano, then take a boat to Laguna and take the land route again.

For that reason, I left Mel who is immersed in games behind and teleported to Laguna. And that’s where I’m now.

At that moment, the coachman turned his face and announced in a loud voice.

– We can now see Glasrena.

I stared at the city that emerged beyond the grasslands.

Glasrena was a much bigger city than I had imagined. Unlike Caldart, it has no walls, and as I went down the road, the number of houses gradually increased; it became lively, turning into a city-like street.

I get off the carriage in the bustling town and look for the meeting place as I go sightseeing in the city.

The road was paved with cobblestones, and many people and carriages came and went. The buildings lined up are also stone-built magnificent things. There’s also an art museum and a theater, it looks like the cultural maturity is quite a big deal here. It may be one of the most progressive cities on the continent of Balgaea.

The cathedral of Orzelia order was slightly a bit away from the heart of the city.

A familiar face was in the crowd of people.

– Yo.

– Hi.

We both raise a hand lightly and greet each other. Akagami suddenly turns around and walks toward the square. I trotted and caught up with Akagami.

A lot of people were gathering in the square. Children played in the water fountain and couples talked on the benches. There were also old people feeding birds and a priest of Orzelia order talking to people about something.

– It’s a lively city, don’t you agree?

– Yeah. This is probably the most prosperous city on the continent of Balgaea. Look, that’s the cathedral under construction.

– Oh…

The building was beyond the square. It’s still under construction, but the scale of it is perfectly transmitted. The width of the building is about 200 meters. A corridor extends as if spreading its wings from both sides, surrounding the square in front of it. I was astounded by the scale, the number of portraits of gods and angels that decorate the exterior of the cathedral, and the precision of the sculptures.

– It’s… amazing.

– Hahaha, having you to say that makes me happy.

As I went up the stairs at the front entrance of the cathedral, Akagami laughed cheerfully. He’s not wearing the priest clothes he always wears. His real face is exposed, and his clothes are ordinary ones that fit in this world.

– So this is the base of Orzelia order, huh.

– Well. I’m going to erect the country of Orzelia order with this cathedral as its heart.

– A country? But there’s more or less a king here, right?

Glasrena is a kind of city-state. There are politics where the king played a central part, and there is management.

– Look, it’s like the Vatican City in Italy. Something along those lines.

We stopped in front of the entrance.

– The inside is still under construction, so this is far as we can go for today. Well, I think it will be completed soon, so I’ll call you again at that time. Now I’ll guide Kakeru to his reservation.

I smiled and thanked him lightly.

– ──Hmm?

-What is it? Souma?

Akagami glared at the square in front of the cathedral.

At the place of relaxation that we just had walked through. Apparently, a clearly-strange group came into the square, as if cutting that peaceful landscape to pieces.

There are ten men wearing black clothes and hiding their faces with masks. Even though it was in the downtown, they wore armor and carried drawn swords, causing a dangerous mood to be in the air. And yet, the masks have playful designs, such as clowns, animals and characters that I’ve seen somewhere, which creates an even eerier atmosphere. The group raised their swords all at once and shouted together.

– Die, Orzelia order! We judge you in the name of the great Hellshaft-sama!



Wait a minute! Who the hell are you!?

A priest of Orzelia order, who was near, flared up at them with an angry look.

– What nonsense are you saying!? Leave immediately!

One person of the group, a man with a clown mask, casually swung his sword down at the priest. The blue robe was torn apart, and the next moment, bright red blood gushed out.

– Gyaaaaaaaaaaaa!

The priest rolled on the ground with so much pain and shock. However, the clown ruthlessly stabs the priest from above. Letting out his last agonizing scream, the priest stopped moving.

The scream echoes in the square immediately. People ran away, caring only about themselves.

– Don’t let them go away! Dye the square of Orzelia with blooooood!

The black group attacked the fleeing people.

The peaceful square turned into hell in an instant. Instead of the fountain spewing water, blood spouts from the fallen bodies. Instead of laughter and happiness, screams and slaughter overflow.

It doesn’t matter if they are related to Orzelia order or pedestrians, women or children. They kill at random.

These guys, what are they doing by arbitrarily misusing the name of people!!??

– Souma! Who the hell are those──

– They’re Satanists who follow the Devil.

A Satanist wearing a cute panda mask caught a little girl who was late to escape. He grabs her hair and pulls her, and thrusts the sword at her face.

– Nooooooo! He-heeeeeelp!

– Hihihi, blood! Offer your blood!

The girl struggles desperately, but she can’t escape from the hands of the Satanist. The tip of the sword stuck into the girl’s back, a red bloodstain spread on her clothes.

– Damn terrorists….

Muttering so, Akagami kicked the floor and broke into a run. Just like a bullet. He runs down the stairs at an unthinkable speed for a human and kicks the stone steps. He jumped a few meters in one go.

– Haaaaah!

He pulled out the sword in the air and cut off the arm holding the girl as he twisted his body.

– Kyah!

He hugs the girl who falls to the front while landing.

– Are you okay?

– Eh… y-yes.

Akagami releases the girl’s body and glares at the Satanist who was left with one arm.

– D-damn you… who the h──

It was there that the Satanist realized that he had lost one arm.

– Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Akagami frowned annoyingly at that scream.

– M-my! My arm! Where’s my aaaaaaaaaaaarm!?

– Calm down. It will stop hurting soon.

– Don’t fuck with me! Why would there be a reason for thaaaaaaaaaaat!!??

Because the pain was too much, the Satanist leaned forward──with that momentum, his head fell off his neck.

– Iyaaaaaaaaaa!

The girl screamed and ran away.

– I caused her to be rather afraid of me, huh….

Akagami scratched his head, looking apologetic.

I was dumbfounded, staring at the series of movements.

Was his head severed when cutting the arm, no, before that? Then I turned over the point of the sword and the dropped arm. How was he able to do such a stunt in an instant?

The other Satanists gather in response to the screams of their companion.

– You bastard… how dare you…

A muscular man wearing a girl’s mask comes facing Akagami. The sword in his hand is extremely long and wide. Double the size of the long swords of the gang.

– Turn into minced meeeeeeeat!

A bold wind cutting sound resounds. Akagami held his sword horizontally with a cool face. He intends to defend against it, but he’ll be smashed at this rate.

A violent metallic sound echoed──The big sword snapped.

– Gah…?

Cold sweat emerges on the body of the muscular man.

– It doesn’t matter if it’s big.

Making the best use of the spring, he passes by the side of the muscular man in one step. A sharp flash enough to make me feel chills went through the body of the muscular man. The torso is cut in half and falls to the ground separately.

Eight people remain.

As one would expect, they’re on guard. They surround Akagami at a distance, pointing their swords at him.

A man with the mask of a clown said as if noticing.

– This guy… no way, is he Souma?

The pure-white face mask muttered as if being surprised.

– Wha… Infinity Sword Souma, you say…?

They stepped back.

Akagami laughs, looking troubled, then releases his stance and shoulders his sword.

– Don’t be so nervous. You can’t show your true strength if you aren’t relaxed, can you?

He says so as if making fun of them and surveys the enemies with a fearless expression, his waist brought down.

– Kuh! You have the nerve to look down on us.

– We’re eight. No matter how strong you are, we’re going to win! Let’s go!

Eight people surrounded Akagami and fought all at once.

What the Satanist said is correct. In battle, the side with the higher number has an overwhelming advantage. It doesn’t matter how strong one is, it’s useless if there are multiple opponents. That is the same both in the real world and in this world. Additionally, one would usually avoid 8 opponents.

However, the strength to overturn even that, Akagami has it──

Akagami aimed at a corner of the Satanists who surrounded him. He charges there in a low position, and slashes upward as if crawling on the ground.

– Gyaaaa!


He returns the tip of the sword that was raised overhead and bisects the man on the right as if hitting him down from above.


He points the sword back without looking behind. The pure-white face mask gets his stomach pierced.

This makes 3 people.

No Satanist can keep up with the speed of Akagami.

– This piece of shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

Two men wearing a cat mask and a dog mask slash at him at the same time. Akagami leaps toward them.

– ──Wha.

The distance was closed in an instant, and the two missed the timing. Before they swung the sword down, their torso was bisected by Akagami.

This makes 5 people. Three people remain.

The clown swings his sword up.

– This bastaaaaaaaaaaard!

Akagami’s sword prevents the sword loaded with all the strength of the clown. However, at that moment, Akagami’s sword broke.

──This is bad!

Akagami’s strengthening special ability is amazing. However, and because of that, the lifespan of the equipment is shortened.

– Aaaaaaalriiiight! Die, Soumaaaaaa!

The clown dispatches his sword toward Akagami──but a new sword is clutched in the right hand of Akagami.

– ──Wha.

Akagami grins at the surprised clown.

Did he replace the equipment almost at the same time as the sword broke!?

Akagami turned his body once and slashed the clown’s body. The sword and everything that tried to defend against the blow of Akagami were bisected. Because the clown seems to be wearing stronger armor than the others, the sword of Akagami broke again with the blow. He grasps a new sword that quickly emerges from the air.

──A momentary weapon exchange.

He prepares more spare swords as their lifespan shortens, and replace them one after another.

Infinity Sword Soma, huh…?

Did he calculate the lifespan of the weapon while fighting and prepare for the equipment exchange of the next weapon while killing his enemies? When? With such a fierce offense and defense, he often has room for that.

I made a sound with my throat.

Meanwhile, Akagami brilliantly made his sword move around and cut down the remaining two Satanists.

He got them all.


Superhuman speed and movement that ignored the laws of physics. Probably due to the power of the strengthened items, but… he knows his abilities and uses them perfectly.

– Phew.

Akagami put his sword in the sheath and sighed. I approached Akagami.

– You’re amazing, Souma!

– Eh? Oh, I’m not that great. More importantly, I’m sorry, for this to happen during our conversation.

He answered as if the battle just now was truly nothing.

Cheers came from the people who were watching, surrounding us at a distance.

– Soumaaaaa!

– Our Infinity Sword!

– Thank you very much, Soumaaa!!

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Suddenly and in a loud voice, the people surge forward, everyone praises and gives thanks to Souma. Even I, who got involved, am jostled.

– Ka, Kakeru. Let’s run away. At this rate, it will get serious.

– You sure? Somehow, they seem like they’re grateful to you.

– Never mind that! Run!

Akagami advances, pushing people aside. I follow his back. When we finally get out of the circle of people, Akagami beckons a little ahead.

– Quickly! This way!

What… the hell?

I caught up with Akagami and entered a cafe a little away from the square. I take place on the sofa in the back and sigh. Akagami also exhaled as if he were tired.

– Aah, I got into trouble.

– Because of those Satanists? Or the praises?

– Both… maybe?

Akagami answered, showing a bitter smile on his face.

– Even granting that, you’re popular. Isn’t that amazing? You’re like a hero.

– Stop that please, it’s nothing like that.

– Really? But your fighting style was actually awesome. You defeated the terrorists who were like random attackers alone and protected both the city and the people, so you’re praised as a hero.

Looking embarrassed, Akagami flushed and turned his palm toward me.

– Stop that already. Don’t praise me anymore!

– Welcome.

A cute waitress with light brown hair turns up and arranges drinks and dishes that we didn’t order one after another.

Akagami asked the waitress as if he was confused.

– Could it be that you got the table wrong? We haven’t ordered anything yet.

The waitress smiled cheerfully and turned her hand toward the counter.

– It’s from those customers to Infinity Sword-sama.

We look in the direction of the counter, a group of drinkers raised their glasses all at once.

– Hurrah, Infinity Sword!!

They raise strange voices and laughing voices, and get incredibly excited. On the other hand, Akagami held his head and fell prostrated on the table.

– Don’t be so indifferent. Wave your hand at least.

– Geez, Kakeru… you think this isn’t your problem.

As he says so, drinks and dishes are brought to the table one after another. To be honest, I can’t neither eat nor drink this much. I took a sip of orange juice and spoke to Akagami.

– But I was surprised. To think Akagami has two sides.

– Hmm… well. A sword can’t save people by itself. Both are needed… but will you keep this a secret, please?

– Sure thing. But you can use these two “faces” quite well.

– I guess so.

Akagami smiled bitterly and shrugged.

– … If reported more or less properly, you’ll have officially returned to 2A Guild.

– Is that so? I was wondering if there was a chance that you would be with them when you came to the Church in Caldart some time ago. You were unexpectedly fast. As expected of you. You’re truly a brilliant man.

This means that that priest was actually Akagami?

– No, don’t go out of your way to praise me.

– Why? It’s the truth.

Saying so, Akagami closed one eye.

– But I was defeated by the Demon King Army in Montfort last time, you know?

– Oh. The Demon King may have been aiming for that island.

Akagami picked up a sandwich from the dishes lined up on the table and put it in his mouth. He looked like he was thinking about something while eating it.

After the Demon King Army defeated 2A Guild, the lizardmen came around.

──Aren’t you the one who sent them?

I wish I could ask that, but it would be strange that I know that fact. As I was pondering what to talk about, Akagami opened his mouth first.

– Then, one can say that the ability of 2A Guild isn’t that great… I mean, they defeated Satan, so they clearly…

So, your intention was to judge the ability of 2A Guild with those lizardmen? If they had been brainwashed by Akagami’s absolute command, that is.

– I wonder about that. At least, I’m sure they’re weaker than Akagami.

Being a bit bashful, Akagami replies.

– You think so? Oh, but there are people who seem a bit stronger than me, you know?

Hou, like who?

– For example, Shizukuishi.


Neither Ichinomiya nor Asagiri?

– Well, if I remember correctly, she’s the best sorcerer in 2A Guild…

At any rate, the others are the hostess and German Akihabara. Their level is low.

– Really…? I didn’t know at all because I wasn’t interested when I was in the classroom. What kind of person is she?

Hmm, it’s a really difficult question to answer.

– She’s the type that goes her own way. She does have ability and is smart. However, it seems that she has gotten obsessed with the Demon King Hellshaft recently.

Well, something like that. To be frank, this looks like a meeting to diss Shizukuishi.

– ──I see. Why does she care about… so much about Demon King Hellshaft?

– Well? I don’t understand her well myself. Probably nobody in 2A Guild is that close to Shizukuishi.

When he heard my answer, Akagami laughed brightly.

Be that as it may, he only asked about Shizukuishi.

Is he that cautious of her?

– Then I’d like to ask something to Kakeru who returned to 2A Guild.

Wariness welled up in my chest. I become aware of it as if to not let him perceive I put myself on guard.

– Hmm? Go ahead, tell me.




+      +      +




Akagami’s request was simple.

The details were: “I want to dispatch new priests to the church in Caldart, so I’d like you to introduce them to 2A Guild”.

And while I’m at it, he asked me to guide them to Caldart. I was thinking of using teleport on my way back, it was a bit of a bother, but it couldn’t be helped.

Suddenly, I remembered Mel who was staying at Nightingale.

She may feel lonely, should I return early…? For some reason, I feel like an owner who left their dog or cat pet behind and went on a trip.

– What is it? Doumeguri-san.

– Eh? It’s… it’s nothing.

– Is that so? Please tell me if you need anything.

I can’t see the face with the plague mask, but I’m sure he’s showing the good smile of a person on his face.

There’s a total of six people accompanying me in this travel. Four are priests and two are escort knights. The knights are wearing silver and blue armor and have the Orzelia mark on their chests. They seem to be members of the Knights of Orzelia. It’s amazing that he even made his chivalric order. But… are they also brainwashed by Akagami?

And there’s another thing that worries me. Why does he need four new priests? There should already be one person in Caldart.

I went through the Caldart Gate as I think of something that I’m not satisfied with. Then, when I guided them to the church, the priest who stayed there and who wore a mask in the shape of a human face instead of a plague mask greeted me.

– Well then, Doumeguri-san. Can you summon all the people in 2A Guild?

– Eh? We just arrived; can it be for tomorrow?

– It’s an order we received from the Pope, so the sooner the better.

Somehow, I felt uncomfortable with his stubborn way of saying it. We traveled together for three days, I didn’t think they are bad people… but I’m terribly worried.

I left the church and started walking towards the guild hall.

However, I can’t understand Akagami.

If I only take into consideration the matter of defeating the satanic cult in Glasrena, he’s like the ideal figure of a hero who is loved by people. But what about this wariness, which can be called aggressiveness towards 2A Guild?

And is it necessary to go that far, to act as a priest of Orzelia order?

What is he going to do to 2A Guild?

As I walk while being absorbed in my thoughts, I came to the street stalls. Surrounded by the noisy hustle and bustle, I remembered that thing from that time.

Akagami who controlled a guard and made him rampage at the street stalls. His face in profile who watched that, looking happy. And when 2A Guild came──,

I stopped walking and turned back the way I came.

I returned to the church, trotting, tried to open the door, but desisted from doing so. I went around to the side of the building and stealthily looked inside through the windows lined up there.

The priest who was taking care of the church was in front of the altar. The four new priests are wearing plague masks, standing in the four corners of the church, and holding a sorcerer staff in their hands. The escort knights were on both sides of the entrance and in a position so they could block the doorway at any time.

──These guys don’t look like they’re just having a meeting….

I returned to the front, opened the door and went inside.

– Thank you for your hard work, Doumeguri-san… where is everyone from 2A Guild?

The priest standing in front tilted his head to the side.

– I called them, but it will take them some time to be prepared.

– Is that so…? Well then, let’s wait for them for a moment, shall we?

I quickly make my eyes move to the four priests in the four corners. They make no particular movements. If it’s a trap, will they move when everyone is gathered?

– But what are you going to do with 2A Guild?

– What… you ask?

– For just a greeting, having four high-level mages and two swordsmen isn’t amicable at all, is it?

The priest shook his body as if getting a shock. And the magicians in the four corners have their staffs at the ready. I panic and spread my hands.

– Whoa whoa! I’m not an enemy! Calm down──

There were sounds of armor walking from behind and sounds of swords being drawn.

I slide my hand on the menu that was left open.

– Tch! Give me some information!

Iron armor is put on my body. My status changes from human to Demon King. The tiny being called me transforms into a powerful ruler.

Dumbfounded, the priest looked up at me.

– Y-you! You are!?


– Call your greed  “God”
  After all, it’s a fantasy world
  It is fine to look for souvenirs of death
  I am the Devil and the God of Death! The Demon King Hellshaft descends!


I turned the flame into a sword and swung it down at the priest.

– ──!!

Shortly after raising my voice, the priest is slain. I kicked the ground and ran to the sorcerer in the left corner.

I’ll leave the swordsmen for later. Keeping the sorcerers alive for a long time will become a nuisance.

A magic circle emerges at the tip of the sorcerer’s staff. The next moment, my body became heavier. I felt the resistance of water like when one walks in a pool, but it felt like it was extremely heavy. Both hands and feet need all my strength to move forward.

Kuh! Is this slow!?

The sorcerer in the right corner pointed his staff at me. Flames run from the red magic circle.

– Uguooh!

A sharply sharpened, fine blow pierces my side. It was a fire arrow that attacked me aiming at that point.

Shit! These guys had this planned beforehand!

I made light of them, thinking powerful magic wouldn’t be used so as to not destroy the church, but after sealing my movement, they fire it with precision! Dammit! With how slow I am, I’m just a target!

And the next is──,

I turned my head back and saw the two knights swinging their swords up.

– Guaaaaaaaa!

I receive their slashing attacks, my feet staggered. My HP, which was 1000, had already become 750──Ah! It went down a lot.

These guys received Akagami’s strengthening ability!? If so, do I have any chance to win!? Fuck! If that’s the case, I should go for paid items, and even now, stronger is──

– Uoaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Additionally, I ate a hail of magic and swords.

It’s impossible! As things are, I’ll die in a matter of seconds!

I don’t have time to waste or buy up plain paid items.

──I only have one way left.

– 『ECSTAS』!!

A pink magic circle spread at my feet, eroding the floor of the church. A heart-shaped crest emerges, overwriting the Orzelia mark on the sorcerers’ chest.

The next moment, my body gets lighter.

The magic circle of slow that was shining at the tip of the sorcerer’s staff disappeared.

Ecstas is an adult-mode exclusive magic that greatly affects the mind. The power of the magic depends on the mental status. They’re left in an anomalous condition by Ecstas. With this, they can’t even cast magic.

I turn around and swing my sword toward the Knights of Orzelia. I felt a heavy impact in my hands, this let me know that it was a critical hit. Mental status also causes a great effect on physical attacks. The accuracy rate of the opponent’s attack drops to pitiable levels, and on the contrary, they can’t even defend from my attacks.

– Uoooooooooooooooooooh!

I swung my sword. I just thought of swinging the sword vertically, horizontally, from above, from below, diagonally, in any way, and fast. I hit the enemy even if a little faster to defeat the enemy even if a little faster.

There are six enemies in total.

If even one person escapes, it’ll be the end. My true identity will be revealed.

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One of the Knights fell to his knees and collapsed on the floor.

– Uraaaaaaaaaa!

I concentrate the attack on the other knight. I slam the sword against him as if rotating the arm.

The knight’s body was smashed.

– Nuaaaaaaah, here I go, sorcereeeeeers!

I ran towards the sorcerers who were swinging their staffs many times, about to cast magic. I hurried so much I almost fell. As I half-fall, I cut the body of a sorcerer in half.

As I fell, I stared at the next target, and when I got up, I dashed as if dragging the sword along. Then swing it with all my strength and thrust the sword at one of them.

It’s not a vivid and beautiful swordplay like Akagami’s. It’s desperate, unrefined and indecent.

But what’s that?

That’s me. In an incomprehensible situation like this, I’m a loner who just struggles desperately.

Do I care about my look and style?

But, on the other hand,

I try to accomplish my objective without fail!

I grab the moribund sorcerer and throws him at the sorcerer in the back-left corner. After that, I charged after them.

– Go to heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell!

I hold my sword and push out my shoulder. I crushed them to death by slamming them against the armor of my shoulder and pierced their stomachs with my sword. And when I swung the sword, the bodies of the two sorcerers tumbled down, becoming one.

──One guy left!

I turned on my heels and rushed to the right corner.

– This is the eeeeeeeeeeeeend!

However, a magic circle spread out in front of me.


The effect of Ecstas has expired!?

A strong lightning strike hit me.

– Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

My body is numb. A shock that felt like the circuit in my head was burned off. The sword in my hand falls to the floor and returns to flames.

– Gu… sh, it.

This magic power… it’s not normal. What kind of strengthening is this?!

I put my quivering legs forward. The electric shock whips and tortures my body incessantly. An intense pain as if being constantly beaten from the tip of my feet to the tip of my head.

I lost movement of my body, so much that slow feels cute.

Just before I was about to lose consciousness, something broke in my head.

What is this level of magic and pain?

I’m the man who defeated that Demon Lord Satan.

I am the Demon King of this world.

I am Demon King Hellshaft!

My desperately stretched hands reached the sorcerer. I grab his head and body with my huge hands, and put all my strength into them. From the palms of my hands, the damage dealt to the sorcerer emerges as numbers.

I have no time to draw my sword.

So, I’ll pinch and crush him,

Like this!

The sorcerer’s body begins to squeak. I felt a critical response in my hands. That was like the sound of bones breaking. A series of bone-crushing sounds keep reverberating from the body of the sorcerer. An incomprehensible scream burst out of his mouth.

Then the sorcerer’s body became fragments of light, shattered into pieces and scattered.

Sparkling particles of light flowed, and silence came.

– … It’s over.

I mutter as I breathe heavily.

──No. One more thing remains.

I spread my cloak. The hem that burns, becoming flame, is long, wide, extending to no end. The swaying flame spread to the floor, walls, altar and ceiling of the church; the entire interior of the church was covered with my cloak.


The cloak reached the temperature of a real flame and spread inside the church. The building is made of stone, but the interior and roof are made of wood. In an instant, it burned with a lot of smoke, making roaring sounds.

I become Doumeguri Kakeru again, open the door and look outside. The passersby are still unaware of the fire. I went outside in a casual manner and left the place. Then, I sprint through the main street as fast as I can.

For the time being, I have to fulfill the promise.

I hurried to the guild hall to bring 2A Guild to the church.




+      +      +




After looking at the burnt down church with the guys from 2A Guild, I headed in a different direction than the guild hall.

Mel might be angry because I neglected her the whole day…. I go to the shopping street and enter an arcade covered with a glass roof. A pattern is drawn in the tile-covered floor, it’s a pretty path. There are fashionable shops lined up on both sides, restaurants such as cafes and bars, shops selling clothes and accessories; works of art, small articles, stationery, souvenirs, etcetera, are sold as well.

Should I buy something…?

I stopped in front of a store selling accessories.

──At that moment,

The sound of glass breaking resounded loudly over my head.

Then, a customer who was in the arcade screamed.


I cover my head in a hurry and lower my body. My body floated gently in the air.

Wha!? What the hell!?

My body ran through the arcade at a tremendous speed. I jumped over the heads of the fleeing guests and flew high in the sky of Caldart from the exit of the arcade.

– Welcome back! Darling.

– Wha…

When I turned my head back, a big smile was there.

– Me, Mel!? What?

Laughing with an “ehehe”, Mel circled along the ramparts.

It looks like I was captured by Mel who attacked from the sky. Suddenly, I remembered a video of a black kite stealing a tourist’s lunch box.

– I smelled darling who haven’t been with me at all lately. That’s why I knew it was you right away.

– I… I see.

That being said, I, who is holding and hanging from the nape of Mel’s neck, feel very uneasy. The night view of Caldart, which flows far below, cools my chest. When I think if she lets go of my hand, I’ll die──my internal organs seem to gradually rise.

It would be great if I was hugged tightly like before, or if we were high in the air, but because I’m barely caught in Mel’s fingertips, we’re not that high. If Mel’s hand slips, it’s the end of the line.

– Me-Mel! I appreciate your flashy welcome, but bring me down, quickly!

– Can’t do that. Darling leaves Mel alone too much. Spend some time with me.

– Okay! I’ll do that!

– Then, will you have fun with me?

– Of course! T-that’s why…

Mel showed a satisfied-looking smile.

– Understood. Then we will go home.

– Uo!?

Making only one of her wings flap, Mel’s body took a sharp turn, I was swung around in a big way.

– We’ll go home! To our castle!

– T-that’s right! We’re going home! And don’t let go of me! No matter what!

Just like that, the miniature-looking spire of 『Nightingale』 drew near.

Going back to that castle now gives me a sense of security, as if I were returning home.




+      +      +




– What… does that mean?

Akagami sat down on a stone block and took off the plague mask.

Two days after the church of Orzelia order was burned down. On the ramparts of Caldart, I was facing Akagami who wore priest clothes. The stars are shining in the sky, just like that night when Akagami revealed his true identity.

I answered in a disappointing and apologetic mood.

– I don’t know… As soon as I arrived at Caldart, they said to me We would like you to summon 2A Guild”, so I went to the guild hall. And when I brought everyone back….

Akagami pulled a grim face and covered one of his eyes.

– That’s ridiculous… who on earth can do something like that…?

I folded my arms and wrinkled up my eyebrows.

– Maybe those Satanists who were acting violently in Glasrena?

However, Akagami replies clearly.

– No, it’s not them.

– Is that… so? Sorry, it was a silly idea.

Akagami waved his hand, his face still facing down.

──So what happened now was something Akagami instructed?

The next day, I, who was looking out the coming and going of people on the ramparts, noticed that three carriages with cages had arrived. The coachmen weren’t part of Orzelia order, but once they entered Caldart, they went home without doing anything.

If those were subordinates of Orzelia order, then his plan was probably to confine 2A Guild in the church in some way and take them somewhere in the carriages.

Akagami arrived a day after them.

Is this series of events happening according to Akagami’s will, or the reckless behavior of the believers?

I stare at the dispirited Akagami.

– Sorry… it’s my fault too. Maybe it’s because I relaxed my mind after arriving at Caldart. It’s my responsibility.

Akagami raised his face and smiled with upturned eyes.

– No. Kakeru’s role is to guide them to Caldart bring introduce 2A Guild to the priest. Guarding is the role of the chivalric order. The responsibility lies with the chivalric order. It’s not Kakeru’s responsibility.

– But…

– It’s okay.

I showed a smile of great admiration on my face.

– Thank you….

I ponder again and make a gesture.

– Even so, who did this…? Should I investigate in detail whether or not there was a cause for our party to be attacked?

Akagami got up and stretched.

– … As Kakeru says, it may be the Satanists’ doing.

– Eh?

– I didn’t expect them to come to this place. Those guys are certainly capable of anything. Did they escape before the guards arrived, or did they kill each other? Or something along those lines.

Wearing the plague mask, Akagami walked toward the stairs.

– Are you going home, Souma?

– Yeah. I have all sorts of things to do. I’ll contact you one of these days.

Surprisingly, Akagami left quickly.

I joined my hands behind my head and lay down on the stone wall.

As I look at the starry sky, I thought about what happened lately.

Orzelia order, Souma Akagami, the expansion pack, Montfort, Mel.

A lot of things are happening, I’m about to panic.

──Ah, come to think of it, there was also the construction work in Infermia. And the festival in Rowalrinna where I was invited by Zeragiel is about to begin.

… Do I return to Infermia?

I sit up.

– Why is there so much work for me…?

Such words leaked out naturally.




+      +      +




I, who returned to the Demon King Infermia Castle, first searched for Aikawa-san to report.


– She’s not here…

I can’t find her either in the kitchen or in the warehouse. Is she skipping job in my hideout?

As I pondered in the middle of the hallway, I heard a cool voice calling me.

– Is it something wrong, Hellshaft-sama?

– Oh, it’s you, Satanachia. I should be the one asking so. That’s some incredibly big luggage.

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Satanachia had her hands full, holding paper bags.

– Yes. I am ready to go to Vertinas. Souvenirs for everyone and Zeragiel-sama, leisure goods, food, sweets and drinks needed during the trip… I am very busy because I have only two days left until our departure.

Satanachia put the luggage on the floor for a moment and took out a thin booklet from one of the bags.

– This is a travel guide. If Hellshaft-sama has time, please take a look at it.

– S… sure.

I tried flipping through the booklet. It looks like a guidebook for a school trip, but it’s surprisingly elaborate inside. The introduction of Rowalrinna is obviously written, but that’s also true for the travel route, the highlights of the ports to stop by, even the local specialties. It’s a great way to motivate others.

– By the way, Satanachia. Don’t you know where that human slave is?

– At this time, she is right in the middle of a lesson.

– Lesson…?

Somehow, I have a terrible bad feeling.

– Yes. Physical labor is a work that has a lot of high points, but I have to say that Hellshaft-sama summoning her again and again is not charming, so I commented that she falls short as a sex slave.

– S-so… what’s the matter?

– If she is being rude to Hellshaft-sama, then it might be too late to put her back on track. For the time being, it has been decided to educate her with one of the arts. She has been training with the Dark Elf Corps for about a week.

– T-t-that’s… umm, quite smart.

Satanachia smiled very happily.

– Thank you very much! I think the training will be over soon, so what do you think? Will you try testing her?

– … I, guess.

I feel like this is already beyond salvation. Cold sweat appears all over my body, I tremble with fear. I’d rather leave this as is and pretend I don’t know.

– Lead… the way.

I, who said so as if squeezing it out, followed Satanachia and headed to the Dark Elf Corps area. This is the area where the dark elves, who were stationed in the area surrounded by the castle walls, live. At a glance, there was a suspicious red building in it, I had heard that it was a theater. We come in and Satanachia gives some instructions to the dark elf in the lobby.

– This way, Hellshaft-sama.

I opened the door and went to the guest seating. There was no one there. Making me sit in the front row, Satanachia sat in the row behind me. The lights go out right away and the curtain rises.

What on earth is going to happen now? No way, Aikawa-san will… no no, she works as the corporate slave of an exploiting company. Maybe she easily completed one or two banquet arts.

When the dance music resounded and the spotlight hit the stage, I almost couldn’t stand up. There was Aikawa-san who was beautifully made up for the theatre and wore an erotic costume.

It wasn’t the usual slave clothes, but clothes with a military uniform design. However, the lower half of the body has super high-leg leotard underwear fully exposed. It makes me wonder if she forgot to wear pants or a skirt. The part of the chest of the red jacket is also hollowed out, her saggy breasts are in full view. A heart-shaped accessory decorates the tip of the breasts, and a gold chain connects the tips of the left and right breasts.

Aikawa-san performs dance steps lightly, matching the rhythm. Her body goes up and down greatly every time. Naturally, the breasts bounce greatly with those movements. Geez, it’s a choreography one should call “Please see how the breasts shake”. And, as planned, I can’t take my eyes off of those movements. I’m confident that I’m definitely hypnotized now.
When I timidly look at her face, thinking that she sure is angry, she was surprisingly smiling broadly. Huh? So she’s not angry at all. I feel relieved.

Aikawa-san suddenly turned around.

The smile disappeared from her face for a mere instant as she turned around, and eyes full of murderous impulse pierced me.
So she is angry!
A smiling face when facing the audience and surely a raging face when turning around. In contrast to such a scary face, the butt turning towards me is very cute.
The butt that usually has a jacket tied around it and that I can’t worship easily. Moreover, the super high-leg leotard and super T-back underwear are no different from wearing nothing when seen from behind.

She repeats the movement of making her body go up and down in the same way as before.

Then the flesh of the bottom shakes up and down this time.

A-amazing… the butt moves like this!?

Not only that, she shakes her hips strongly from side to side this time. Her butt shakes from side to side. Fascinated by such movements, this time she started to obscenely wriggle her hips. Then, matching the music, she turns around and faces the front. I get excited at the same time as she moves. The chain that connects the left and right breasts moves flashy, emphasizing the dynamics and lewdness.

And Aikawa-san, following the music, performed a dance that was the result of her practice. She twists and wriggles her body, acting flirtatiously. It’s a dance that single-mindedly aims to make Aikawa-san’s body look lewd and sexy. And it was a dance aimed at making the viewer passionate.

To be honest, she wasn’t very good at it, it wasn’t sharp, and she made mistakes in the choreography right now. Thinking those things are there, her amateurishness is revealed. However, that Aikawa-san is dancing such a dance for me, and that fact made me excited even if she didn’t like it.

And the embarrassment and humiliation that she’s feeling is beyond imagination.

– How is it? Hellshaft-sama?

– Owaa!

A strange voice whispered in my ear all of a sudden.

– Oh… Satanachia.  W-well. She’s… quite good, isn’t she? This is the result of the training of the dark elves.

– Well… I am honored to be praised.

Looking happy, Satanachia joined her fingers. Then she called out to Aikawa-san on the stage.

– Congratulations. You were praised. Come to receive your reward.

Aikawa-san’s smile solidified. Cold sweat flows on her cheeks.

– What is it? Don’t be modest.

Reluctant, Aikawa-san approached the guest seating. Then knelt at the edge of the stage and brought her breasts together with both hands.

Eh? Why are you presenting your cleavage to me?

– Hellshaft-sama. Give her a reward please.

Saying so, Satanachia gave me a roll of banknotes. Obviously, it’s sol and not yen. The in-game currency.

– What do I do with this?

I asked and Satanachia blushed, looking embarrassed.

– Please put the money into the cleavage of that slave. The money will be the slave’s allowance. It is money that she can use as she likes.

Aikawa-san didn’t know that either? She opened her eyes wide. There must have been a conflict in her heart. She bit her lips for a while, but then she pushed her breasts forward.

I pulled out a 10-sol banknote from the bundle and pushed it into Aikawa-san’s cleavage.

– … Hmmm!

My fingertips touch Aikawa-san’s breasts, they are shoved into her cleavage. The feeling that my fingertips are wrapped in something soft. Moreover, this is what Aikawa-san desires. But she really doesn’t want to do it. The contradiction made me even more excited.

– You did well. Your efforts paid off ♪.

Satanachia smiled at her with sincere good intentions and without a bit of malice.

Aikawa-san has a bright red face, her back teeth make grinding sounds. Tears appeared in her eyes.

– Hellshaft-sama. This girl really did her best, so could you reward her a bit more? Put a bit of money into her panties.

– … !!

Aikawa-san’s conflict seemed to have become even more intense, but she pulled out the money from her cleavage and put her in the string of her panties. And pushed her hips out to me with teary eyes.

I pinched the string of her panties with my left hand to make space and held a banknote with my right hand.

As I held one banknote, Satanachia whispered into my year.

– Excuse me, Hellshaft-sama? Since this is never happens, can you please touch her body?

– Is, is that so…?

I extended my hand toward Aikawa-san’s breasts.

– Fuaaaaaann!

Aikawa-san lets out a seductive voice as I rub her breasts.

– Ah, a, no, aaan ❤.

Even though I haven’t used Ecstas, she’s extremely sensitive, rather, her reaction is intense.

As I rubbed her breasts, I tried to put money under her navel. Since I’m doing so with one hand, it looks like I’m forcibly pushing into it. As I taste the feel of Aikawa-san’s belly, I move to the bottom. And the fingertips, which had too much momentum, reached a place that shouldn’t be touched.

– Iyaaaaaaaaaa ❤ Aaannnnnnnn Aaaaann ❤ ❤

Aikawa-san, who wore a different outfit than usual and frowned and let out a coquettish voice, was very beautiful. Suddenly, I thought it was uncommon for Aikawa-san to wear panties.




+      +      +




– Doumeguri-kun! Why did you let them do such a thing to me!?

– Well, even if you say that to me… I thought my subordinates had good intentions…

– Good!? That!?

Yelling so, Aikawa-san pours the wine she bought with the money she just earned into a glass. And gulped it down in one go.

After that, I brought Aikawa-san to my room. After seeing such a sexy show, and because I took her home, the dark elf Onee-sans are thinking that ──we’re surely doing it by now.

Actually, she’s incredibly──mad.

Obviously, I’m sitting in seiza on the floor. The slave lies on her back with her legs outstretched on my bed, drinking alcohol proudly.

– This is like with the goblins last time! Your subordinates have no education, do they!?

– N-no. It’s quite difficult to give instructions to them… all the time.

– Satanachia supervises them directly, no!? Isn’t she a leader too!? I don’t believe that you can’t understand each other!

– Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

After that, Aikawa-san was angry for a whole eternal hour, I kept apologizing, and I managed to satisfy Aikawa-san’s by telling her that they won’t make use of slaves without permission from now on.

Aikawa-san crossed her legs and glared at me. Anyway, from this position, I see various things, my heart is pounding. Now that she was deprived of her panties, she looked the same as usual.

– Leaving that aside, what about the report? I haven’t heard anything in a while.

– Yes, there was something I wanted to discuss. As a matter of fact──

I started telling the details of Montfort. However, as the story progressed, Aikawa-san’s mood became visibly worse. Especially when I defeated Busujima with Ecstas and Hell&Heaven, that’s when the limit was surpassed.

– Just when I thought… what were you doing…

– Eh… was there a factor that made you angry?

Aikawa-san stood up vigorously, stepping firmly on the floor.

– Look here! Yes, it’s convenient, but aren’t you relying too much on adult mode!? Why do you make a female classmate submit to you, doing le…lewd stuff then you kill her!? As a person!?


– Wha!? Why is Aikawa-san saying that now!? The purpose is to break their hearts so that they don’t have the willpower to face the Demon King! I’ve been using Ecstas to overcome crisis, and even if I report it, I’m praised, aren’t I?! Why is it so wrong all of a sudden!?

Being suddenly at a loss for words, Aikawa-san’s cheeks turned red.

– T-the past doesn’t matter! The situation is constantly changing, so we have to deal with it by adapting ourselves to the requirements of the moment!

– Changing…? What has changed?

– Th… that’s….

Her face became even redder; Aikawa-san turned her eyes away.

– Aikawa-san?

Clearing her throat with a cough, Aikawa-san put her hand on her waist.

– In the first place, Doumeguri-kun! Aren’t you enjoying such crisis as excuses?

– Wha!? I haven’t done t──

The moment when I used Ecstas on Asagiri crossed my mind.

– … That at all, you know?

– Why are you looking away!?

Aikawa-san’s anger exploded again.

– Listen! You only do that to help those kids, don’t you!? You don’t do it just to enjoy erotic stuff!

– I’m! I’m m not enjoying it! I only do it to survive…

– Anyways! It doesn’t matter with whom or where Doumeguri-kun does lewd stuff, it has nothing to do with me! I don’t care! In the slightest! But, as an employee of HELLZDOMAIN, I can’t overlook the abuse of adult mode! The sacrifice of your classmates for your distorted desires!

– I’m telling you it’s not like that! Besides! I always have erotic encounters with sexier people in Infermia, so I don’t have any distorted desires for those childish girls!

Pulling a surprised face all of a sudden, Aikawa-san stared at me with her mouth still open.

– Eh… is, is that so?

I felt that Aikawa-san’s anger was rapidly extinguishing.

– Of course! It’s obvious if you compare them. The curves of the breasts and hips are completely different, and the sexiness is a world apart, they cannot be compared!

Aikawa-san blushed and looked down diagonally. She feels restless somehow, and combs and combs her hair.

– I… I see. Then, it’s okay… not that I care.

Were the contents that powerful? For me, I just stated the facts.

I mean, if you give it a thought, you’ll get it. The physique of Satanachia, Forneus and so on are impossible in reality, don’t you think? Seeing such bodies on a daily basis and having physical contact with them. Even if I’m reluctant, I’ll earn experience, and I won’t be that scared of real girls.

– Err… then, I’ll continue the report.

– Oh, that’s right. Then why don’t you come here and sit?

Eh!? Seriously? Instead of making sit in seiza, you’re letting me sit on the bed!?

– C-Can I really do that? I’m happy…

Aikawa showed a sickly-sweet smile on her face.

– Fufu ♪ Sitting next to me makes you that happy? Good grief…

Yup. I feel that the happy points are a little off, but what gives?

But now that I think about it, this──is my bed, isn’t it?




+      +      +




Two days later, we set out on a journey to Rowalrinna.

Our ship is a large sailing ship and is quite fast. Still, the one-way trip will take five days. We move from one end of the Balgaea continent to the other, on top of that, we’re heading to the Logress continent. I was readily invited, but it was a long trip that would take more than two weeks for a round trip. Naturally, I was scolded by Aikawa-san.

As a compromise, we agreed that I would return to see Caldart via teleport from the ports we stopped by on the way. I was told to return to Infermia if I had the time for it.

But, well, when it comes to Infermia, and when push comes to shove, Aikawa-san should contact me via communication gems. However, what will become of the Demon King Castle in which the emergency measures in case of crisis rely on a slave?

Considering we’ve departed already, it was going to be a good trip in which I could spend a relaxing time after a long time. By the way, today I stayed at a tropical resort island, a real vacation. I’m spending a “socialite time” that I absolutely can’t experience in the real world.

When Exodia Exodus is completed, I wonder if I’ll be able to enjoy this kind of life at home, I have big dreams, but when I imagined the amount charged, my spine shivered.

Come to think of it, how much was my amount charged?

Actually, I’m scared, I haven’t tried looking at it until now. Even if I did, my debt won’t decrease, and even if I decide something like “I’m not going to be charged at all!”, I don’t think I can keep it. Rather, because of that, I feel like a bad decision will be made and I won’t be able to recover from that.

However, because of this stress-free tour, the completely-generous me had the whim of glancing at it.

──I wish I hadn’t seen it.

– Is there something on your mind? My King.

I’m at a fancy beachside cafe. I’m sitting on a luxurious sofa under a parasol on a deck overlooking the sea. Turning into pure-white ashes in front of me, the commander of my Vampire Corps came along before I knew.

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– Adra…? I was thinking about the relationship between money and life.

– I am sorry for disturbing your profound meditation. It is very hard for me to get used to the atmosphere of this resort too. Even though this is a great chance I have received, and that I would like to spread the information, all I have in my head is the construction of Infermia and the internal problems of Hellandia.

Considering all that, you still went with that resort fashion, didn’t you? It’s pretty rare for you to wear swimming trunks and a Hawaiian shirt. I mean, I didn’t know you could take off your tuxedo.

– What are you saying? Resting is also part of your work. Besides, going around unseen lands in this way will eventually be of help for my world domination.

– ! I-I have been thinking that this trip is not just a pleasure trip!

Adra went down on his knees and took an oath-of-allegiance pose. In resort fashion.

– I am unable to understand the true intentions of my King, I, Adra, feel ashamed. The lands that my King will eventually rule. I want to confirm it only with my own eyes.

This is bad. I ended up saying something big all of a sudden!

– Hmm. But there’s no doubt that everyone’s vacation is a priority. You can spread the information while having fun.

When Adora bowed again, Satanachia came running.

– Hellshaft-sama!

The floral swimsuit with pareo looks great on her brown skin. Her platinum blonde hair flutters under the wide-brimmed straw hat. Her figure is certainly the one of a celebrity Ojou-sama.

– You are here too, Adra! Hellshaft-sama, Grasha is getting into a fight with the local mafia, the city will be in trouble!

Adra held his head with an unpleasant face.

– That idiot…

Ah… No, was he thinking that he had to do something?

– … Adra. In the same breath I said “take a rest”, I’m afraid that… will you go?

– Yes, of course.

Upon standing up, Adra turned sharp eyes toward Satanachia.

– Satanachia, you protect the King. The mafia may come to retaliate.

No sooner he said so than Adra ran away at a terrific speed.

– Satanachia. Sit down and drink something. Adra said so, but it’s the mafia after all. They’re probably the small-time yakuza in this region.

– They are… a group organized around marine creatures with high intelligence and ability, and a group of pirates that also employs adventurer-wannabe swordsmen and sorcerers. It is rumored that they also are a mercenary business.


– Well… if that’s all the problem we have…

At that moment, a huge column of water stood in the sea with an eye-piercing explosion.

– What was that!?

It’s a huge water column that reaches a height of 100 meters. The surface of the sea was surrounded by an extreme water vapor, so it wasn’t clear what had happened.

– Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

– Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

The people swimming in the ocean scream and run away. High waves surged forward to the beach due to the effect of the huge explosion.

– Uwaaaaaaaaaaa, ruuuuun!

The customers who were barbecuing on the beach are swept away by the waves together with the utensils. A little later, the seawater that soared with the explosion fell like rain.

– Hellshaft-sama! It may be an attack. Be on guard!

Satanachia held the bow-shaped accessory attached to her swimsuit.

– Blackheart Shooter!

She quickly nocks an arrow to her favorite bow that changed its appearance immediately.

When the water column fell into the sea and the sea breeze wiped away the water vapor, a giant creature floating in the sea appeared. However, its white belly is facing upward, it’s completely still. A girl with wings stands on top of it…,

– Heellsaaamaaa! Look, look! I caught a big fish ♪.

A whale-like creature with a total length of 50 meters. On top of it, Forneus was proudly jumping.

– Hellshaft-sama. It seems that it was Forneus’ Sacred….

– Yeah… now that I see it, I get it… I do get it.

I unconsciously covered my face with my hands.

– Ah, is she your companion?

An old lady with a fish-like face came trembling. Her eyes are separated to the left and right, and has whiskers like a catfish. I quickly realized that she was a sea-folk race that is common in this region. She is dressed in white clothes and looks like the priest class.

The word 「I don’t know her」 came out to my throat, but I managed to swallow them.

– Err… well.

– Oh!  How to say it… that is the guardian deity of this island!

– Saataanaachiaaa! Heellsaamaaa!! It’s so big that even if everyone eats it, we can eat to our heart’s content ♪.

I’m sorry. It seems that she’s going to eat your god. My fallen angel.

The catfish-looking old lady appeals to me while shedding tears.

– I’m sure something terrifying will happen. The curse of God… the myth that says: For three days and three nights from the night God is lost. All the calamities will hit this island. The disaster of the first night is──

Oh, this is a pattern that fights that disaster.

– Satanachia… it seems like we cannot leave this as is.

– I understand. But──

Satanachia frowned and inclined her head, looking worried.

– Will we be in time for the Vertinas Festival?

– ….

For the time being, it seemed that this would be a mission in which we would fight the local mafia and do something about the three-day curse of God until tomorrow morning.




+      +      +




At the end of all kind of turmoil, we finally arrived in Rowalrinna, the same beautiful country.

A magnificent river flows through the green and overgrowing forest, and our ship goes up the river. Then, I arrived at Schwarzkrone Castle, the castle of the Queen.

– I have been waiting for you. Hellshaft-sama.

It was Queen Zeragiel who stood at the dock and looked up at the ship. When the ship came near and I went down the ramp, I walked until I was in front of Zeragiel.

– What a surprise… the Queen herself welcomes me? How august.

Zeragiel raised her eyes slightly and smiled sweetly.

The Dark Elf Queen Zeragiel is by far the largest of the tallest elves. Her height is probably close to 190 centimeters. She has a wonderful figure that matched her height and huge breasts that are about to burst and will hit a terrifying number if simply measured.

Zeragiel gently leaned against me and pressed her huge chest against my body.

– Well, aren’t I your friend? Don’t say such a cold thing.

Uuuh! Even if I know her seductive techniques, it feels like I’m easily controlled! As expected of the Dark Elf Queen!

– Hou, I certainly wanted to hear that word while I was fighting with Satan though.

– Aan, geez… Hellshaft-sama, you’re a meanie ❤.

As if taking advantage of that, she leaned coquettishly against me and entangled my arm with hers, and before I knew it, we started walking with our arms liked like lovers.

And we walk side by side like this, this surely was how other people saw us. I haven’t tried meeting a woman other than Zeragiel who doesn’t lose in terms of mass to the Demon King Armor. If I were a human, we would perfectly be an adult and a child.

– There are many things I can’t do as I want, you know? But I will make up for it with plenty of hospitality.

As her word says, a wonderful entertainment with careful attention to the smallest detail was waiting for me.

Not only me but also the four Hellzekters were treated well with generous meals, alcohol, and elegant rooms.

Rather, I was surprised to find that there were no rooms available, but I was peremptorily dragged away by Zeragiel who said 「Now, in my room, tonight ❤」. All I can say about the conversation that was held is that the Ecstas acts I do are still insufficient.

And the next day, I went sightseeing in Rowalrinna. Seeing the core members being treated, including Zeragiel, this day tells me that they really value me and Hellandia highly. I may be able to form a formal alliance with Zeragiel and form a united front.

… I’ll never going to yield to the entertainment offensive!

Then, at night, the Vertinas Festival finally began.

The roads, rather, the streets of the castle town were dazzlingly decorated with illuminations and decorations. Although I say illumination, they emit light not by electricity but by magical power. It reminds me of the events that take place during the Christmas season in my world.

But it’s spring and it’s very warm. And confetti and not snow falls from the sky. A parade came under it. The parade that marched through the city finally arrived at Schwarzkrone Castle and greeted Her Majesty the Queen.

Then, they pray for abundance by performing their best songs and dances, and give thanks to the Holy Spirit.

I was watching the finest show in a special seat next to the Queen.

The courtyard of the castle was illuminated by magical light, producing a particularly fantastic and beautiful space. Overhead, magical fireworks ascend, drawing momentary paintings on the canvas of the starry sky.

And the dark elf girls sing and dance, matching the rhythm of the music played. It seems that they’re still young, they’re all small and cute. As the children jumped up and down with all their might along with their beautiful singing voices, smiles naturally leaked out from the spectators who watched them.

In a place a little further away from me and Zeragiel, Adra, Grasha and Forneus sat cross-legged on a luxurious carpet, watching the scene in a relaxed manner.

– How is it?  Hellshaft-sama?

– It’s really magnificent. Wonderful… I can’t help but feel gratitude for inviting me.

Saying “Oh my”, Zeragiel laughed in a high-pitched sound.

– You’re really treating me as a stranger. Meanie ❤.

Then squints and stares at me with a gracious facial expression.

– The world is complicated and often doesn’t go as expected… I am really sick of it.

– Yes, I’m fully aware of that.

– If so──

Zeragiel stretched her neck and whispered to me.

– Rather, why don’t you rule the world so that you don’t have to worry about it? You and I.


Fireworks go up in the sky.

Certainly, in the daytime, I thought that might be good, but….

I’m reflected in Zeragiel’s eyes.

How serious are you? Queen.

– … It’s a very, very interesting proposal. It deserves a serious consideration.

When I answered that, Zeragiel lifted the corners of her mouth with all her strength and smiled with satisfaction.

– Oh, Hellshaft-sama. The next parade is a must-watch.

– Hmm? Is that so?

The young dancers who were dancing until just now retreat to the side, and the next parade enters the courtyard. This time they are women with mature bodies. Even at this distance, I could guess that their physical appearance was wonderful. All of them are dressed in revealing costumes, showing off the beauty of their bodies. The golden costumes matched very well their brown skin. The most wonderful and gorgeous so far. It seemed to shape the crystallization of the beauty of the dark elves.

– This seems to be the ace team, huh.

Zeragiel happily put her hands together.

– Correct.

A team of about fifty people? When I think about “How do they move perfectly coordinated, matching the music?”, each one does a different choreography and synchronizes again. I am overwhelmed by the movements of all the members, but each person’s dance is also beautiful. Especially the woman in the front and at the center──Eh?

– Satanachia…?

She was definitely Satanachia. The Corps Commander of Hellander’s Dark Elf Corps. Satanachia smiles and performs a dance overflowing with uplifting feeling.

– Hey, isn’t that Satanachia!?

Grasha seems to have noticed too, he lets out a loud voice.

– It is her!  It’s Satanachia! Saataanaachiaaa.

I think she can hear their support. Laughing and looking embarrassed, the movements of Satanachia became even sharper.

As she rotates her body to express joy, her beautiful platinum blonde makes circles. It received the sparkling magical light, reflecting various colors and shining in the seven prismatic colors.

She jumps high to express the joy of living.

Her supple body dances in the air to express joy.

I was spontaneously captivated by her beauty.

– How is it? Hellshaft-sama.

– Oh… Satanachia, she looks happy.

– Yes. It is the first time I have seen that girl’s face be that bright.

Certainly, it seems to be a lie that when we first met, she was the type whose emotions couldn’t be read.

– On that subject, when I sent an army against the Allied Forces of Humans and Elves, Satanachia was amazing, wasn’t she?

– Amazing?

– Yes. That child begged me with a desperate face. Seeing her be that bloodcurdling, even the other children began to bow their heads with her, you know? I felt like I was the villain.

Imagining that scene, even though I didn’t intend to, a laugh came out.

– But the Queen goes out of her way to help the commoners. How admirable.

– Because they are all my daughters.


– So, sending Satanachia to you felt like giving my daughter away, you know?

I unintentionally choked.

– Hey, Hellshaft-sama? Of course, I know that accepting her as your wife is impossible, but can you kindly welcome her as your concubine? I am sure she will be helpful.

– Wha!? Sa-Satanachia…!?

– Though I might become your legal wife.

 Although I didn’t intend to, I was confused by Zeragiel who seemed to press me for an answer.

– Why… Zeragiel? Behave yourself!

Giggling, Zeragiel put an extraordinary bewitching smile on her face.

– I thought about that last night, but when it comes to your field, the field of a hero like the Demon King Hellshaft-sama, you sure are like an innocent boy.

– … !! I’m, I’m sorry!?

– Fufufuh, see? On the contrary, you ignite a woman’s heart ❤.

Zeragiel stared at Satanachia with tender eyes.

– But that child used Laguna Bringer, making part of Arzheim an uninhabitable land, and went from being an elf to a dark elf… in a true sense, she seems to have made her way through everything.

Laguna Bringer…?

I feel it’s necessary to find out what kind of hidden treasure it is.

Be that as it may, Ulriel doesn’t look like she’ll show it to me that easily.

I pulled myself together and watched the best show unfolding in front of me.

I was captivated by the beautiful glimmer of Satanachia and her companions who danced happily.

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