Ecstas Online

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4      ASAGIRI RIRIKO



The festival lasted three days and three nights. Still, I was a little worried about Infermia and Caldart, so I left Rowalrinna as if to shake free from the restraining Zeragiel.

When I stopped at the nearest port on the continent of Balgaea, I decided to stay overnight there and teleported to Infermia.

– Nothing in particular has happened. It’s peaceful here.

Aikawa-san, who was working in the vegetable garden inside the castle, replied in a relaxed manner.

– That’s wonderful. Now that we’ve defeated Satan, I don’t see a threat appearing right away.

Contrary to my expectations, when I thought she would agree with me, Aikawa-san looked grave.

– That’s… good but.

– ? … Then, I’ll be going to Caldart for a while. If anything, I’m more worried about them. Because I destroyed the church, I don’t think he’ll move immediately.

── I, who thought so, was being overly optimistic.

– What the hell is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!?

No one from 2A Guild was in the guild hall, which is where they were supposed to be. And there’s a letter left behind by Asagiri.

This really gives me a déjà vu feeling!

『Err, I’m sorry, but once again, we’re leaving first. We were invited by a person of Orzelia order, and we decided to go to the city called Glasrena. They say it’s an important ceremony, and the date has been determined, so it looks like the departure date cannot be shifted. I’m sorry. But since it’s you, Doumeguri-kun, it might be easy for you to catch up with us (haha). For that reason, I’ll be waiting. Do your best!! (lol)』

Oh wow, for some reason, she’s smirking.

However, that ceremony is still the inauguration ceremony of the cathedral.

Inviting 2A Guild at this moment is…. It’s impossible for me to say that I don’t have a bad feeling. Besides, the priests who ambushed 2A Guild in the church. It’ s natural to think that that’s also due to Akagami’s instructions.

But when I take in consideration the estimation of those around him and his devoted and heroic way of fighting in Glasrena, I wonder if he’ll really do anything irreparable to 2A Guild.

And… I understand Akagami’s feelings.

Wanting to come to another world, throw away the past, and start again from the beginning in a place where no one knows you. That feeling isn’t unusual. Those who aimed for changing their image and becoming more social and extroverted upon entering high school were the majority.

Also, the time would come when one, the unrewarded, would be rewarded. Wishing for that was a natural desire.


For that reason, when it comes to sacrificing all his classmates, it’s a different matter.

Even if the other party are NPCs, it doesn’t feel good. In particular, the more sophisticated the AI is, the closer the NPCs are to humans, reaching the point where one feels reluctant to kill them. Moreover, living human beings form 2A Guild. They are people who are his acquaintances, who exist in real life and whose bodies are still alive.

──It’s impossible.

No matter what comes out of his mouth, actually dirtying my hands isn’t something I can easily do. Besides, Akagami has cheat-like powers. 2A Guild shouldn’t be scary for him. There should be no reason for him to feel like threatening 2A Guild.

There shouldn’t be──and yet.

– Anyway… I shall go after them.

It’d be nice if I could catch up with them on the way from Laguna to Glasrena.

I teleported to Laguna and decided to calmly wait for 2A Guild to come.




+      +      +




– You caught up with us after all! As one would expect from Doumeguri-kun.

A small village halfway between Laguna and Glasrena. It was there where I caught up with 2A Guild──or pretended doing so.

The sun has set completely; the surroundings are already dark.

There was only one inn in the village, so when I visited it, Asagiri welcomed me. Since the number of rooms is small, only girls are staying at the inn. I’m told the boys will be camping in a nearby campground.

– Huh? Doumeguri-kun. You caught up with us.

Arisugawa showed a smiling face from behind Asagiri who stands at the door. When I raised my hand lightly and responded, Arisugawa also waved his hand back and walked to the back of the corridor.

After seeing off Arisugawa’s back returning to his room, Asagiri turned to me.

– Have you eaten dinner yet?

– Nope. But I have packed lunch with me, so I’m fine.

– You should eat properly, you know? Oh, that’s right. Will you enter for a moment?

Eh, but isn’t this the so-called women’s dormitory (sort of)? As I was confused, she forcibly grabbed my hand and pulled me in. Then, I’m immediately taken to the kitchen.

The kitchen was a largish dining kitchen with a table for six people. Asagiri looks at me over her shoulder while starting a fire in the kamado.

– Sit down and wait a little bit. I’ll make you something now. I can only do simple things though.

– Eeh!? You mean… Asagiri’s home cooking?

– Yup. You don’t like it? Like I thought, do you like Alice-chan’s home cooking better?

– No, no! That’s not it, I mean, I’m sorry for making you go out of your way to do this.

Fufuh, Asagiri laughed and went towards the pot.

About fifteen minutes later, Asagiri’s handmade carbonara pasta, Caesar salad and stewed meat were lined up in front of me.

– You must be hungry, so I made these in a hurry. I’m sorry that the stew is the leftovers from dinner. But this was also made by me.

– D-doing that much… thank you.

– Please enjoy.

I wind up the pasta with a fork and bring it to my mouth. The taste of eggs and pepper spreads in the mouth, the rich flavor is irresistible.

Asagiri sits opposite me, smiling delightfully and staring at me as I eat.

– This is good.

– Really? That makes me happy ♪.

The next is the stewed meat. The flavors have gone through, and the food texture that crumbled in my mouth was irresistible.

──That reminds me, it has been a while since I ate Asagiri’s food.

I remembered the days when I continued escaping with Asagiri who was cursed by Satan.

Although I was there as Hellshaft, eating and sleeping with Asagiri for several days was an irreplaceable routine. At that time, I ate Asagiri’s home cooking every day. Because of that, Asagiri’s cooking skills may have improved.

– Asagiri, you got better at cooking. Everything is really tasty.

Uh oh, I thought after saying that.

– Doumeguri-kun, have you ever eaten my food?

– W-well… that’s.

– Oh, I see. You probably thought I couldn’t cook at all, don’t you?

Asagiri glares at me with scornful eyes while showing a smile on her mouth.

– S-sorry! But it’s really tasty!

– Fufu, thank you. I hope it was worth practicing.

Asagiri helped me by making a convenient interpretation, and I finished the rest while panicking in my mind.

I took a break after having a cup of tea after the meal and decided to head to the boys’ camp.

– This way, Doumeguri-kun. It’s dark so watch your step.

– O-okay.

Along with Asagiri, I walk through the raised footpath in the field for vegetables. There was a forest spreading in front of me, and the road continued as if going through it.

I told her that she should tell me only the location, but… she overwhelmed me, saying she would lead the way.

The moon is bright, so it’s not a pain to walk at night even without a lamp.

As I went through the forest, the meadows spread out and the narrow river made sounds of water.

– ……Hmm?

Countless blue lights floated as if wandering around the slow-flowing river.

──Are those… fireflies?

– Wow… it’s amazing. Don’t you think, Doumeguri-kun?

Asagiri makes her eyes shine sparklingly and walks towards the lights. I followed Asagiri and went to the center where the lights wandered.

It was like walking in the starry sky.

The soft drifting lights swim gracefully around us while spreading small particles of light.

– It’s very beautiful….

Asagiri chose a camping sheet from the menu and laid it on the lawn.

– This is a rare chance, so why don’t we appreciate it for a moment?

– S…sure.

I sat next to Asagiri with a tense and awkward movement. However, the river flowing while receiving the light of the moon and the lights swaying gratefully caught my heart in the blink of an eye and erased my nervousness.

– It’s really… beautiful. Or magical I should say…

– Yup. This world and… the landscapes are much more beautiful than our world.

Certainly. Since it’s a created fantasy world, the landscapes are flashier and reflect the ideal, so they naturally become a display of landscapes that are more beautiful than reality.

– I agree. When it comes to choosing something like the 100 Landscapes of Japan here, it would be hard.

– Ahahaha, the 100 Landscapes of Balgaea? How would they be chosen?

– … Asagiri will choose them.

– Eeh? Me? That doesn’t represent everyone.

Oh, she’s right. Well, that’s usually the case.

– Is that so? That’s a very big responsibility.

Asagiri laughed happily.

A gentle air flows between us. Have I ever enjoyed talking trivial stuff with Asagiri with such a calm feeling?

– Doumeguri-kun. I’d like to tour the landscapes around the world, of this world.

– … Yeah, I know. 

– It’s hard to choose by myself. Will you help me?

──Does she mean “together”?

Traveling together with Asagiri again… but this time as Doumeguri Kakeru. …… Hey. The mood is quite good, don’t you think?

After eating homemade food, I was invited to see a romantic scenery, and now the promise of a trip for only two people. Think objectively: would she go that far for a man she’s not interested in at all?

No, wait, wait. Calm down, me. If I have the wrong idea and I’m pertinent, I’ll lose face, right? At any rate, the person I’m talking about is Asagiri. The good-looking guys who court her are a dime a dozen. Why is Asagiri looking at me? Hey, look. When you think about it, you’ll see that it’s impossible. The goddess-like Asagiri that is equally kind to everyone. It’s not a promise or anything. It’s just a frivolous talk. Hanging out with me this time is like lip service.

I looked at Asagiri as if I was stealing a glance at her.

– !

Asagiri was staring at me with a hot gaze. Her cheeks are slightly dyed and her moist eyes are shining. It’s as if a star is appearing in her eyes.

– Hey… Doumeguri-kun.

My heart throbbed just from having my name called. My face is hot. I’m sure even my ears are red. I want to get closer to this girl in front of me. I want to touch her. Such unbearable desires overflow from the bottom of my being one after another.

I can’t think properly and I don’t know what I’m trying to do. It feels like my consciousness leaves my hands and starts to move of its own accord.

──Something is strange.

– Somehow… my head.

I feel dizzy.

A pale light passes between us while scattering drops of light.


– A-Asagiri… this is bad. These things are monsters.

Oh crap… I’ve never seen these little things that just shine like this, so I was careless. Maybe this effect is confusion or bewitching… shit, I can’t think straight.

– Let’s stand up… and run away immediately.

Asagiri is tilting her head with an intoxicated facial expression, probably because she can’t understand what I’m saying. I took Asagiri’s hand and tried to make her stand. However, the moment Asagiri stood up, her knees became weak.

– Uwaah!

Without being able to support Asagiri, I was pushed down.

– …. Are, are you… okay?

Asagiri stared at me with out-of-focus eyes while being on top of me. Then, she tried to sidle up to me and approached my face.

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– Doumeguri-kun….

Asagiri’s face was in a position where I could touch the tip of her nose.

– Asagiri, you’re… confused by a monster effect. Maybe… we should run away from h──

The continuation of my words was blocked by Asagiri’s lips.

– ○X▲!? □♦!!


I don’t understand what’s going on. The only thing I see is a very close Asagiri with her eyes closed. However, the feeling I felt on my lips was without a doubt Asagiri’s lips──and when I thought about it, my confused head became even more confused.

Asagiri piles up her lips on mine many times as if she were pecking at them. Her tickling, but pleasing lips pulled back after who knows how many times.

– Asagiri…

If I stick out my face, the face of Asagiri will be in a place where I can touch her again. Asagiri’s eyes shine as if wishing for something.

I approached my face as if being attracted to her and our lips overlapped again.

This time I was more aggressive than before. My tongue stretches and tries to pry open Asagiri’s lips. I don’t even know what I’m doing. All I had in mind was the desire to feel Asagiri more.

Asagiri made her body quiver, but in response to my knock, she slightly opened the entrance, her lips. I make my tongue slide into that opening. Once I get in, Asagiri can’t close her lips. The movement of Asagiri’s tongue, which was confused and tried to repel the invader, changed to a movement that sought each other’s tongue and became intertwined.

We tasted each other’s mouths without worrying about the drool hanging from the corners of our mouths. The inside of Asagiri’s mouth was very soft and sweet, making me want to stay connected forever.

Our faces separate as if wanting to take a break.

Asagiri sat up while breathing heavily; now she was straddling me. And looked down at me with a red face.

– Hey… can I?

She touched my chest with her thin and beautiful fingers.

– Do as you like.

Her fingers slightly sink into my chest. Pushing up her clothes from the inside, I couldn’t take my eyes off the bulging and strained breasts.

I extended my hand while having the desire of wanting to touch her. I felt like I heard a voice in a corner of my head saying “you mustn’t”. However, that voice gradually became distant, and eventually became completely unnoticeable. It was more important to touch Asagiri’s breasts than that.

My hands grab Asagiri’s breasts without hesitation.

– Aanh! ❤

Excitement and pleasure are delivered to my palms. This is the feel of Asagiri’s breasts.

I touched them with Hellshaft’s hands, but it’s my first time as Doumeguri Kakeru.

Never getting tired of them, I kept rubbing Asagiri’s breasts thoroughly.

– Nnh ❤ Aah, ah, hey… is it okay? From above… the clothes.

I don’t know what’s okay. But I answered reflexively.

– Is-is that so? Sorry.

My fingers unbutton Asagiri’s clothes. Asagiri squinted and watched my fingertips attentively.

The front of her coat opened, and the dazzling skin of Asagiri and her pink underwear showed up. I extended my hand to take off her underwear and lost the destination of my fingertips.

– The hook is… to the front.

When I was told so as if to guide me, I put my finger on the hook of the bra. I couldn’t take it off because I got flustered, but the hook came off with a light sound, and Asagiri’s breasts, which had been pressed down, jumped out forward.

– … !!

I unconsciously caught my breath. A large pair of white hills with pink tips. Beyond the two round things, I can see the embarrassed smiling face of Asagiri.

– Ehehe… you saw them.

She threw out her chest as if to say “go ahead”.

Following my lust, I stretched my hand to the bare breasts of Asagiri. When lifted from below, the smooth skin seemed to stick to my hands. Feeling the weight of her breasts, I rubbed Asagiri’s breasts to my heart’s content.

– Haah! Anh, unh, it’s, it’s okay, do as you like ❤.

– Yeah, Asagiri, Asagiri!

I rubbed her raw breasts thoroughly as if kneading them while calling her name as if I were talking in delirium. Asagiri frowns and makes a painful face. However, what comes out of her mouth is a voice of joy.

– Nnh ❤ More, anh, the t-tips too.

I pinched and pulled the hardened and pointed tip of the breasts.

– Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaannh ❤.

Asagiri makes her body bend loosely back and forth and makes a coquettish voice resound. With that voice, my head regains its sanity for a moment.

– Oh… Asagiri. I’m doing this to the honor student, to the pure Asagiri… but I can’t stop, I can’t stop. I’m sorry, Asagiri.

However, Asagiri showed a smile that mixed the tenderness of a goddess and the lewdness of a succubus on her face.

– It’s fine. Don’t worry… I’m also… a normal girl, you know?

Those words make my head cloudy again.

– And──I’m not really a good girl like everyone says.

Asagiri took off the jacket from her shoulder. Her upper body, which wore no clothes, was very dazzling. Asagiri shakes her hips against my abdomen as if to rub my crutch.

– Nh ❤…  there are things I can’t tell everyone… anh.

Things you can’t tell?

– Well… everyone has one or two things that can’t be told to anyone, right?

– …

Asagiri just keeps letting out sexy sighs, she doesn’t reply. I pinched the tip of Asagiri’s breasts with my fingertips as if to press her.

– Aan ❤ B-besides, this isn’t… my first time doing this kind of thing.

My chest hurts.

Could it be… that Asagiri already did it with another man?

– Even though it was the enemy… I don’t get it, but I ended up doing that kind of thing.

Oh… you mean me──Hellshaft, huh.

As Hellshaft, I used Ecstas to trampled down Asagiri. I stripped her naked and wanted to apply lotion to the completely naked Asagiri.

Asagiri leaned forward. Her breasts rested on my face.

The even skin tone before my eyes feels suffocating.

– I-I’m sorry… I can’t put strength in my waist.

Asagiri supports her body with both hands and sits up. Her two big breasts move away from my face. However, it seems that she can’t get up completely, and her breasts, which hang in a hanging-bell shape due to gravity, keep jiggling in front of me. They’re like fishing bait for fish. Asagiri must be expecting me to take the bait.

When I raised my chin and looked up, there was the face I felt from Asagiri. Her cheeks are red; she’s smiling ecstatically. Her hair stuck to her sweaty forehead, and drool hung from the corners of her loosely-opened mouth. A look that I cannot imagine from the everyday Asagiri. The bright, pure and correct Asagiri making such a facial expression that has fallen into pleasure. That fact raises the temperature in my brain.

I stretched my neck and put one of the glowing pink tips in my mouth.

– Haaaaaaaannnnnh ah ❤.

No milk should come out. Despite this, a sweet scent spread in my mouth.

I also rub the other breast with my hand.

– Aun! S-so good.

Asagiri twists her hips and presses her body against mine strongly.

– Ah, ah, ahh, I’m, I’m…!! ❤ Unnnnnn!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Curling up her back, Asagiri made her body quiver.

A voice similar to a sob is played through the gap, through the clenched teeth. For a moment, she made her body twitch as if electricity were running all over her body, but eventually she grew weak.

She hugged my head and leaned over me as if collapsing.

– Asagiri…

While tasting the soft feel of the breasts pressed against my face──the fog cleared from my consciousness and my normal thoughts gradually came back.

– A… Asagi, ri?

Looking up, Asagiri became pale and sweated like a waterfall.

– Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

– Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Jumping back as if being repelled, she hurriedly fixes her personal appearance. I stood with my back turned towards Asagiri so as not to look at her. Come to think of it, the firefly-like lights disappeared before I became aware of them. Did they go somewhere?

– U-umm…

I fearfully turned around, Asagiri fell prostrated on the ground, feeling down.

– I’m, I’m sorry! Asagiri.

I instinctively kneeled down on the ground.

– Do… Doumeguri-kun?

– I don’t get it… I lost control of myself with Asagiri! I’m really sorry! Though I don’t think apologizing will be enough!

I thought that with this, I had lost the best ally I have in 2A Guild. But──

– … No. Maybe those lights were monsters. So, if anything, it’s my fault. Rather, it is I who have to apologize to Doumeguri-kun.

I quickly raise my face.

– W-what are you talking about? I did such a terrible thing to Asagiri──

Asagiri blushed and stuttered.

– B-because, if I hadn’t said “let’s appreciate it”, Doumeguri-kun wouldn’t be in that state… so it is I who, err… didn’t prevent you from doing so.

– No, but.

Asagiri hit the sheet used for camping.

– Ah, end of the discussion! That was an accident, neither of us is in the wrong! That should do it, right?

Asagiri stood up and stored the sheet. Are we really okay? I stood up feeling anxious. Because, despite the effect of the monsters, I did that kind of thing, you know? I don’t think I can be forgiven so easily….

– Then I’ll be going back. The campsite is along the road, so you’ll reach it in five minutes if you keep going.

To say it bluntly, Asagiri turned her face away suddenly in a bad mood.

Oh, she’s angry after all….

I talk to Asagiri’s back as we started walking, wondering what to say to apologize.

– But Asagiri… you really disliked it, no? Now you hate me…

– I don’t hate you!

She raised her voice and replied without looking back. Maybe it’s just a lie or she feels anxious about it. But I was a little relieved.

– Ah, but I have to say this.

She came to a stop and turned around abruptly.

I reflexively hold my breath. No matter how painful it may be, I am prepared to accept it. Say anything! I shouted in my heart.

Asagiri’s face dyed bright red. Her upturned wet eyes were looking up at me. Asagiri raises one index finger and presses it against her lips.

– Keep this a secret… from everyone.

There’s no feeling of anger on her face.

There was embarrassment and, strangely──a happy facial expression there.




+      +      +




The ones waiting in a row for 2A Guild to arrive in Glasrena were a large number of citizens, a spectacular ceremony, and a welcome from Orzelia order.

The square in front of the cathedral is filled with the citizens who gathered to see it. Orzelia’s chivalric order was lined up in front of them, probably because as a terrorist measure against the Demonists*.

*TN: I’ll be using Demonists instead of Satanists from now on.

The spectators greeted us with great cheers as we came in front of the cathedral.

– Wooooooow!

We’re really being welcomed as heroes, it’s incredible!

Ougiya waved his hand to the gathered citizens following the momentum of his welled-up excitement.

Hinazawa talks to Yuuki without being that dissatisfied as others would have thought.

– Well, the shallow playboy is getting too carried away, but I don’t dislike it.

– Yeah… but it’s kind of scary.

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Busujima and Miyakoshi are also triumphantly putting on airs, walking on the red carpet.

– This somehow looks like that. Like when movie stars and celebrities gather together.

– I thought! That too! Have we really become celebrities in this world?

Everyone from 2A Guild is totally ecstatic. Even Asagiri and Ichinomiya are smiling at the line of Orzelia believers.


Only Shizukuishi is walking silently with a sullen face. She could be a little more amicable though.

But supposing it’s the matter of the church in Caldart──as I read it, it’s a trap to capture 2A Guild, and if that’s the will of Orzelia order… I don’t think they’ll just send us home.

I stole a glance at Orzelia’s chivalric order, the escorts.

Their number is quite big. If Akagami participates too, then they surely are using reinforced armament. If that’s the case, 2A Guild has no chance of winning. But that’s fine too. Since their data can’t be eliminated, only Satan can. If they’re defeated, they’ll be revived in Caldart, and that’s no different from escaping.

A priest who was waiting in front of the cathedral happily opened his arms.

– Welcome, 2A Guild.

A plague mask and a blue robe, the regular style of the priests. Yup, I really can’t tell whether the one in those clothes is Akagami or not.

– This way, please. I will guide you into the cathedral.

Some time ago, I was able to only see the exterior… I’ve never seen the interior.

When we entered a door that was ten meters high, we were lost for words.

An impressive world was spreading so much that we had our hair standing on end.

Anyway, the scale of everything is huge.

The ceiling and wall in the back are faraway, but the altar, pillars, and ceiling paintings in the center are huge, the sense of distance can’t be grasped. Only when we try getting close to them, we were surprised at their huge size.

And beautiful and flashy paintings and sculptures that completely fill each and every gap. The guy who made it must be monomaniac or has a phobia about gaps.

Compared to this, even the Demon King’s Infermia Castle is also sober. This is another world in Exodia Exodus which is another world.

If this is shown, then many people will feel like the god called Orzelia actually exists. I can understand that they really believe in the illusion that their prayers will save the world.

By doing this much, then lies become true.

Even though I wasn’t a believer, the air felt sacred, and the light flowing in through the stained glass appeared to be the light of God coming from heaven.

– This way, please.

There’s a huge sculpture at the very back. The statue of a goddess sitting on a chair. A golden light shines from her back; a figure that is praised by an angel while clouds suddenly appear. It’s very real, like it would move at any moment.

Is this the image of the god of Orzelia?

In front of that, there’s a full row of Orzelia order’s believers. They all wear blue robes and masks. However, the color and flashiness of the robes and the shape of the masks are slightly different. Apparently, the difference represents the rank. And standing in the center is the most beautiful woman wearing a deep and bright blue. Her mask was simple and because of that, I was able to see her beautiful face.

The priest who guided us led us in front of the woman and introduced us.

– These are the people from 2A Guild who came from Caldart.

The woman smiled sweetly and looked at our faces.

– Nice to meet you, everyone. I am Christina, the 16th Pope.

Was the Pope a woman──?

The other guys also murmured with the unexpected appearance of the Pope. One usually imagines an old man. That goes for me too. However, a young and beautiful woman is likely to become more popular with the masses.

Her appearance with a gold cane in her hand and a crown on her head is majestic, she doesn’t feel like she’s a Pope for decoration.

By the way, Akagami said that he was on good terms with the Pope… what does he mean with “being on good terms with such a beautiful woman?” Whatever it is, I don’t care. The problem is that the Pope is an NPC.

In other words, if we’re talking about Akagami, then he can control her with his absolute command ability.

The Pope closes her eyes as if to bow and greet.

– I would like to build a good relationship with you all. Would you please help Orzelia from now on?

Ichinomiya came forward as our representative.

– Yes, thank you for your support toward 2A Guild. If there is anything we can help you with, please tell us without fail.

The Pope opened her eyes and stared at Ichinomiya.

– Actually, I have one thing I would like to ask. It is great that this cathedral was completed, but its structure is growing rapidly, so we are in trouble because there are not enough guards. Recently, the acts of terrorism by the Demonists have increased, and our defense is extremely shorthanded.

– We as guards?

– Yes. I would like you to take charge of some security. It will take about a month to levy new guards. During that time, you will not be able to leave the site, but you will be guaranteed a comfortable life.

Asagiri said as if to confirm.

– Does that mean we can stay overnight here but we can’t go outside?

– Yes. However, we will prepare the highest quality room for each person. And assign you a dedicated chef for cooking, yes? You cannot go outside, but I do not think you will get bored because there are plenty of amusement facilities. Of course, we will give you a proper reward.

Busujima whispered into Miyakoshi’s ear who is beside her.

– Isn’t it amazing? Staying at a place that looks like a castle is the best.

– I know right? Like real socialites, you know? I say yes~.

However, and probably because she was excited, her voice was so that we heard her.

– I’m with you! I’ll do it too!!

– Yo! This looks fun!

They yell in unison. Moreover, because the amount of compensation presented after this thing was considerable, the taking of the job was decided.

– We have reached to an agreement. Then──

The Pope raised the gold cane in her hand. When the tip of the cane shone, everyone’s chest shined.

– ──This is.

The talisman previously given by an Orzelia priest. That jewel began to shine.

– Now everyone is free to walk around the cathedral and its annexed facilities. However, there are some places that are forbidden for you, so you cannot enter there. Also, you can no longer leave the grounds.

This pendant is an item that grants access. In other words, we were wearing this necklace before that?

I tried to remove it, but the system didn’t let me.

– After a month, the mobilization restrictions will be lifted as the work is completed. At the same time, you will not be able to go to the back of the cathedral.

Ougiya pouted in dissatisfaction.

– Hey, wait a minute. I don’t want you to interrupt my freedom of your own accord.

– For a short period of time, you will be treated in the same way as the monks in the cathedral. You need to abide by the same commandments. Besides, I am sure I mentioned the restrictions earlier. Wait, are you telling me that abiding by them was a lie?

– No… that’s not… what I mean…

Ougiya is lost for words.

– Then everyone, we are all good. I shall guide you to the back of the cathedral, where the general public is not allowed to enter.

When the Pope turned around and was about to walk to the back──

– I refuse.

A cold voice resounded in the cathedral.

Shizukuishi Non was glaring at the Pope with the grimoire she habitually used in one hand.

– Even if you say so, the agreement is already completed. Taking off that pendant is──

──That’s right.

The pendant doesn’t shine on Shizukuishi’s chest.

Because she──

『I threw it away already』

She got it and swiftly threw it away without equipping it even once.

For the other guys, even selling it was dirty cheap. It would be helpful even if one used it for the time being. I thought I should have it just in case, but only Shizukuishi was different.

She didn’t trust those who resented Hellshaft.

Shizukuishi turns on her heels, makes her black hair flutter and heads for the exit.

– And Demonists? That sounds nice. If anything, I’m more interested in them.

– What?

Angry voices arise from the priests.

– ──!?

A chain suddenly appeared from below her feet and twined around Shizukuishi’s body.

– This is…

Shizukuishi looks around quickly. One of the present priests stretched his hand to Shizukuishi with a grimoire in one of his hands.

– Minion of the devil! Don’t think you can leave silently! You will be imprisoned in the dungeon for 100 or 200 years!

Shizukuishi stared at the grimoire opened by the priest. A cover with human eyes drawn in the center of a pentagram. An eerie design reminiscent of human bones and blood and flesh as a whole. And the chains restraining the book move like they were living things.

Shizukuishi smiles broadly. Coupled with a stern look that wrinkled up the area between the eyebrows, she looked like she had a fiendish smile.

– Listen… 『Necronomicon』 is a sorcery book that isn’t suitable for noble and correct priests.

– S-shut up! For a fellow of the devil like you, it’s necessary to control poison with poison!

If the sorcery book used is a high-level one, then power will increase even with the same magic. The Necronomicon is a very powerful sorcery book. However, not many people want to use such an eerie one. It also had the characteristic of exhausting the mind a lot. An equipment that choose the person to use.

If that’s the case, that priest is an NPC with considerable mental power.

Asagiri changed her complexion and shouted at the exchange, which was becoming an even more dangerous situation.

– Please stop! You too, Nonnon!

Then she appealed to the Pope.

– Please, Pope-sama! Please stop. Nonnon is really a good girl, she just has a sharp tongue!

The Pope replied without changing her countenance.

– Fear not. We will not kill her.

– But──

At that time, the chain that restrained Shizukuishi blew off as if bursting.

– What!?

The loosened chains raise smoke and crumble. In the smoke, Shizukuishi also opened the grimoire. A pentagram and an eye are on the cover. And a chain that moves like a living thing.

– You… you have the same grimoire!

The priest was at a loss for words.

Shizukuishi showed an evil smile on her mouth.

– ──The same? Fufu, please stop joking.

Shizukuishi combed the hair on the back of her head upwards and swept it to the side. Her glossy black hair flows smoothly.

– What edition is yours? fifth edition? fourth edition? The third edition is the best, no? But not mine.

Not only the priest was surprised, I was surprised as well.

When it comes to grimoires, the original is the most powerful, and the power grows weaker with each passing generation like the second and third editions. When it comes to manuscripts, the level falls completely.

I once set up a quest and tried to entrap 2A Guild. The product item I offered at that time, the Necronomicon, is Shizukuishi’s Necronomicon. But that one should have been a cheap fifth edition….

– You’re bluffing!

A magic circle emerges in front of the priest. And flames started overflowing from there.

– 『Flame Tempest』!

The same magic circle appeared in front of Shizukuishi. Then casts the same spell.

– 『Flame Tempest』!!

Both flames collided. Tornados of flames collide. Normally, and at this rate, the magic of both sides will cancel each other out.

– Wha?

The flames of Shizukuishi swallowed the flames of the priest in the blink of an eye. And the scorching whirlpool goes towards the priest.

– This sort of thing is…! Ridiculous!

The flame drill, which rotates at a tremendous speed, engulfed the priest’s body. The priest’s robe burst into flames, the plague mask was blown off, and rolled on the floor.

When the priest’s body disappeared inside the flames, the plague mask also disappeared, becoming fragments of light.

– My Necronomicon is──a first edition.

She closed the evil sorcery book.

However, the situation isn’t settled with this. The surrounding knights are seething with anger and place their swords in their hands.

Could it be that this is Shizukuishi’s aim? She’ll be killed by a group just for instigating them a little. Even the guys from 2A Guild who have been weakened by Orzelia will open their eyes when seeing this situation. Shizukuishi herself intended to withdraw to Caldart slightly earlier.

──Now, what will you do? Pope-sama?

The priest who was holding back behind the Pope came out all of a sudden. And whispered softly in the Pope’s ear.

– Pope Christina. Let’s overlook this with deep mercy. Her heart is enthralled by the devil. But we will definitely try to convert her.

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The Pope was listening to the words intently. And suddenly spoke loudly──

– Don’t lay your hands on her! The girl is a lost and miserable lamb. Warmly see her off!

The killing intent disappeared from the chivalric order that was about to spring at her. They pulled their hands away from the swords, straightened up their backs again and stood in a row.

– … This is so boring.

Shizukuishi muttered annoyingly and left. The Pope smiles at 2A Guild who follows Shizukuishi’s back with their eyes until she is out of sight.

– To think something like this would happen. I can’t help but be surprised.

Suddenly coming to his senses, Ichinomiya apologized.

– I apologize… for the behavior… of our companion.

We came to celebrate the inauguration of the cathedral and we killed a priest. That’s, well, apologizing doesn’t make up for that.

But the Pope urged him to raise his head.

– Don’t worry. That priest who committed one-sided violence first is in the wrong. Certainly, I feel the presence of the devil from that girl. But the priest and his manner of doing things was wrong. It is us who are sorry.

Saying that, she bowed her head a little.

– Well then, let’s regain control of ourselves… and guide the people from 2A Guild.

With a sigh of relief, 2A Guild follows the Pope.

I look at the priest who whispered into the Pope’s ear.

Then he raised his index finger and put it on his mouth.


Like I expected, it’s you, huh.




+      +      +




There were no lies in the words “we will prepare you high-class rooms”.

They were as luxurious as the mansion of a European aristocrat. Sitting alone on the fluffy sofa, I think about the course of events.

This is a prison.

No matter how splendid the room provided is or how delicious the food served is, the fact that we are locked up doesn’t change.

What are you going to do, Akagami? As he said before, 2A Guild has disappeared from this world in a way. By locking up us in a special space called “church”.

However, it will be for a month. What does this mean?

I closed my eyes to try imagining all the possibilities. But all that comes to mind is the possibility of a bad end.

Damn, no matter how much I think about it, this doesn’t make sense. Should I boldly escape by transforming into Hellshaft? No, even that has no point.

Concerning crisis occurring from here on, it’ll be extremely hard for me to deal with them alone. As I said to Aikawa-san earlier, me wanting to have an ally in 2A Guild has become an urgency. I wasn’t serious at that time, but the situation changed.


What comes to my mind is Asagiri’s smile.

The play I performed to remove Satan’s curse. Seeing through that, I dispelled everyone’s misunderstandings. And after that, I got closer to Asagiri. When I noticed, Asagiri was often nearby me, and the number of times she talked to me increased.

Something incredibly unexpected happened on our way here, but she still forgave me. She was bashful, but it didn’t appear like she loathed me. The trust and kindness Asagiri has towards me is──I think it shouldn’t be misunderstanding or presumption.

If it’s Asagiri, then I can trust in her.

If so, she should understand my behavior.


I’ll reveal everything to Asagiri. And——,

No, calm down!

Even if I confide in her, I have to get the consent of Aikawa-san first.

More importantly, now I have to wait. Akagami will definitely come to see me soon.

The sound of a knock resounded at that precise moment.

The door opened and Akagami came in extremely naturally.

– Kakeru, I came to visit you.

– … It’s fine if you came to visit me, but will you give me a proper explanation, please? What on earth is going on?

– Ahaha, I’m sorry. I was thinking of calling all members of 2A Guild once to get them to learn by heart how to behave in this world. Kakeru is with them, so if you have preferential treatment then Kakeru will be suspected in various ways and that will trouble you, no?

Akagami sat on the opposite sofa while laughing.

– Well, yeah… thank you for the consideration. So, a short course will be held, right?

– Yes. Little by little while I get them to work. Actually, I had tried summoning them before once. That’s why I asked Kakeru for guidance.

– Oh, when the church was burned… did the priests at that time intend to take 2A Guild to Glasrena?

– Yup. To put everyone to sleep with magic. I was thinking of using a large-scale magic with multiple people to make everyone lose consciousness and bring them in the meantime.

──In the end… it was your suggestion. Akagami shrugged his shoulders.

– But I stopped using high-handed means. Because I thought that if I invited them, they would be delighted to come.

– But there was one exception

– Yeah, a sore spot.

He covered his face with his hands and said as if lamenting.

– To think I would fail to catch one person… I’ve come this far; I’m not going back.

– Well, Shizukuishi is that kind of person.

– Yeah… that’s not bad.

When Akagami raised his face, he smirked.

– I took a liking to her. Shizukuishi-san.

– Well… even if you say so, she went back.

Akagami shook his raised finger from side to side in front of his face.

– I have lookouts. They won’t let her escape from the city. I want her to receive my hospitality.

He carelessly says without shame. But this confidence. Does he have a way to catch Shizukuishi…? I sill can’t tell what’s more convenient for me: if I should let her escape or keep her here….

– But Souma isn’t going to show himself to 2A Guild?

– No… that’s not necessary. Kakeru will be my substitute. Please keep telling me what the circumstances of 2A Guild are.

This looks bad… at this rate, I’ll be unable to move.

–  I can do that, but don’t go as far as imprisoning me…

As if noticing that, Akagami lengthened his hand toward me and grabbed the pendant on my chest. His hand glows lightly.

–  Sure. This will do. You can now go outside at will.

– Wow! Really?

– If you don’t have free access, then I won’t be able to go out and have fun with Kakeru.

– That’s true. Thank you. Show me your great efforts outside again.

Akagami scratched his head with a bitter smile.

– I told you, drop that already.

Laughing lightly, Akagami made a bit-serious face.

– Kakeru. I’ve been thinking for a long time.

– Hmm? “Why don’t we protect this world? You and me.

──This guy,

What are you saying all of a sudden?

Protect? Protect what?

I took a little breath and said.

– That’s impossible.

Akagami opened his eyes wide as if he had received a shock.

– I’m not a hero. The one who protects the world is you Akagami, right?

– Is… that so? But you are──

– I’ll help you.

– Eh?

– I don’t have the ability to protect the world. For that reason, I’ll support Souma. That’s a task proper for me. But helping the hero to protect the world sounds important somehow.

Saying that, I laughed. However, Akagami didn’t laugh. He kept quiet and stared at me. When I was worried that I had said something awful, Akagami muttered a few words.

– Humans can’t be trusted, neither in our world nor in this world.

Akagami cast down his eyes and showed a dark expression.

I felt that the old Akagami in the classroom came back.

– But if there was someone one could trust… they would be irreplaceable assets. And the best weapon.

Akagami raised his face and held out his right fist.

– Kakeru, if it’s you, I can do it.

– Yeah.

I also held out my right fist and hit his fist with a bump.

Akagami’s eyes were slightly wet. Standing up vigorously as if to hide them, Akagami went towards the exit.

– I’ll come again tomorrow night. At that time, let’s go out to the city.

– I am looking forward to it.

– Soon, I’ll have to go to the Elven Country on the Logress Continent, so I have a lot of things to discuss with──oh, let’s talk tomorrow. See you.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, the space for one person only came back.

I stood up and let out a big sigh.

What the hell, are we pretending we are friends now?

Gaining trust and getting closer to Akagami is going just as planned. Thanks to that, I understood all sorts of things. The Pope of Orzelia order is Akagami’s puppet. It can be said that Orzelia is effectively controlled by Akagami. What is he going to do with that power?

I grasped my right hand and stared at my fist. The sensation of making my fist meet Akagami’s fist remains. He likes this world. He wants to protect it from foreign enemies. He wants to preserve the world he loves in the state he likes for eternity. I understand those feelings well.

I walked to the window.

It may be a cozy world. But what about 2A Guild?

That’s right. Once a month has passed, what will he do?

What would I do if I were Akagami?

After a month, he won’t have to worry about 2A Guild.

In other words, the complete deletion of 2A Guild──,

A person stood outside the window.

– ──Eh?

A white figure is floating in the total darkness.

Two golden lights shine on the shadowed black face.

– Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

As if being unable to stand up due to the surprise, I fell backward.

A g! A ghost!?

In the cyberspace!?

M-maybe a phenomenon is happening! But scary things are scary!?

The window opened and the white figure jumped in.

– Daaaaa────rliiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggg!

– Guah!?

The platinum lump head-butted my abdomen and blew me away to the sofa.

– Good grief, I looked for you everywhere. Did you get lost?

– Me-Mel?

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I dumbfoundedly looked up at the beautiful platinum girl who was straddling me. The beautiful girl, Mel, was looking down at me with a smile.

– Y-you… why are you here?

– I told you already, I said I came looking for you.

From Caldart? To here?

– You truly found me… you’re amazing, for real.

When I said that, Mel threw out her chest, looking triumphant.

– Hee hee ♪ That’s right, that’s right.

Still on top of me, Mel moved up and down as if she were riding a horse.

– Then go home. You’ve neglected Mel for too long. You know that.

– I’m sorry… but I still have things to do. I’d like you to go home early.

What the? These words are the ones of a husband who is apologizing to his wife for going home too late due to overtime even though they are newly married!

Hmmm, Mel groaned and folded her arms.

– Then I’ll tell you this. Mel will help you. What’s so difficult to do?

Even if you tell me that….

– I’m grateful for your consideration, but it’s a little bit difficult… for Mel.

When I said that, Mel inflated her cheeks.

– What are you saying! Mel is a proud platinum dragon princess! If it’s an errand of darling, then it’s easier than breathing out fire!

Why do you look so self-important when you don’t even know your own circumstances?

I said half-carelessly.

– In short, I’m wondering if there is a way to completely delete the data of a character──to kill them completely so that they can’t be revived.

– Oh.

With a blank face, Mel tilted her head to the side.

Her eyes tell me she can’t think of anything. Though pretending to be thinking about it is cute.

– About it, you can use the sword of the elves called Ragnabringer.

– … ?


Hold on,

– … Mel?

– There is no need to modify the source code. Anyone can use it because it has a user interface function that allows you to directly disconnect and delete data while logged in.


I jumped up and grabbed Mel’s shoulders.

– … !!

However, I can’t say anything.

I stiffened; I can’t open my mouth.


What are you talking about?

– Was darling worrying about that? More importantly, what’s so surprising about it?

– Ah……

Why so forthrightly?

Are you kidding me?

– Why… do you know that?

Mel frowned and made a serious face.

– Even if you say that, I can only say what I know. I don’t know why I know that. It’s like being asked why you know how to eat a meal.

Cold sweat emerges on my forehead.

My head spins, I don’t know what to do.


Who on earth are you?

– Hey, darling. How long will you stay here? Go home soon.

Mel shakes my body but I can’t answer.


Pull yourself together.

A user interface function that allows you to directly disconnect and delete data!?

I don’t know why Mel knows that.

However, while having no reason, her words had a persuasiveness that didn’t let me say yes or no.


Used by Satanachia to make a part of the elven country uninhabitable──

I hold my head.


『Soon, I’ll have to go to the Elven Country on the Logress Continent, so I have a lot of things to discuss with──oh, let’s talk tomorrow. See you』




+      +      +




I ran around in Infermia looking for Aikawa-san.

I told Mel to return to Caldart for a moment, and I immediately teleported back to Infermia. As soon as I wore the Demon King Armor, I ran around the castle.

– Are you in here!?

Aikawa-san was in the warehouse again.

With a surprised face, Aikawa-san stared at me.

– What’s wrong? Appearing so suddenly. You’re back already? I haven’t heard that the ship has come back though.

– That doesn’t matter, I have bad news! Actually──

I quickly talk about 2A Guild being actually in a confined state. The information about Ragnabringer I heard from Mel. And Akagami planning to go to Arzheim.


– Aikawa-san! I wasn’t really serious before, but now that we’ve come to this, I think it’s better to reveal my identity to Asagiri only and ask for her cooperation!

– …

I didn’t expect her to nod immediately. However, her reaction was unexpected.

Without making eye contact with me, Aikawa-san showed a ponderous expression on her face.

– It’s okay. Asagiri should appeal to everyone, like when she mediated between me and 2A Guild this time. Besides… I’ve been very close to Asagiri lately. I mean… she’s always close to me and we talk about anything──

Aikawa-san raised her face. For some reason, she had a pitiful expression on her face.

– Umm──listen, Doumeguri-kun.

– Yes. I don’t think you can trust her even if I say this. And that it’s hard for you to believe that a loner like me who is at the bottom of the school caste is so close to Asagiri and has gained her trust! But──

– You’re wrong!!

I became speechless at the sudden sharp shout.

– …?

– That’s not… what I mean.

Aikawa-san pulled out a book from the shelf. Then opened the page with the bookmark.

The book that Aikawa-san has been reading these days.

– That’s… the book with Satan’s password written on it, right? Rather than that, what is going to happen from now──

– I just thought this password was a randomly generated, meaningless character string… but when I looked at it, I noticed something.

Aikawa opened that page and showed it to me.


Err… is this the password that Aikawa-san told me via the communication gem?

– Was it like this? Anyway, that situation… I don’t remember it at all.

Aikawa-san brought paper and a pen from a nearby desk.

– I thought there were too many “I”, but… there are “A” and “R” too. I felt that it was inclining to randomness, and I thought it was strange that numbers weren’t used.

– That may be the case… but if it’s random, how can something like this occur?

Whether or not she heard my counterargument, Aikawa-san continued.

– It may be just a coincidence, but if we add a space every three characters from the “S” at the beginning and try reading it.

– Huh? S… Three letters… next is A, then N, T──


A trembling ran down my spine.


– T…that’s a coincidence, isn’t it?

– If SANTA is used as a stop, and we divide them into four groups of three letters each, then the last one is “O”, right?




– Read each group of characters in turns from the beginning. And leave O as the last one…

– Eh…

I noisily swallowed saliva and laughed forcibly.

– Ahahaha, I don’t like this. This kind of thing is like a detective novel for children. Aikawa-san, did you hide this from me and played with it?

Aikawa-san stares at me with a painful face that seemed it would start crying at any moment.

I smile brightly. However, my voice trembled for some reason.

– G-good grief, this isn’t typical of Aikawa-san… isn’t it a normal thing to read random characters strings as a coincidence, or an accident?

– That’s true… I also find it a coincidence. There’s something I want to check though.

I followed the letters with shivering fingertips.

– Things like forced interpretation and distorting the intended content are common──

I felt like my heart was crushed by someone.




Asagiri Ririko.

There was a buzzing in my ears.

I’m suffocating.

Before I knew, I was holding my breath.

Even though my whole body is sweating, I’m cold.

The world loses its color and sound.

In a world where I couldn’t hear anything, only her voice reached my ears.


– Hey, Doumeguri-kun… is this a coincidence?

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