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Throughout the years, Aoki Takaya has seen Kazuya make various types of faces. He's even seen his bloodthirsty self. Today, was another day that he got to see a rare emotion that he hadn't seen this friend of his make. Taka didn't know whether it had been shock or awe but this seemingly indomitable friend gawked at the assistant homeroom teacher that was assigned to class 2-B.

*tug tug tug tug* Tomoyo reacted immediately and tried pulling Kazuya's sleeves. She felt a little disturbed because she hadn't seen him like this either.

"(How can this be possible?)" Kazuya's eyes met with the teacher's eyes and both of them stared at each other for a few moments.

*THUD* Takaya took matters to his own hands and threw a textbook that hit Kazuya's face. This was the moment that Takaya knew that his friend was genuinely dumbstruck. Kazuya would have normally caught the book and throw it back.

"Hey!" the beautiful teacher glared at Takaya for throwing such a thick book around. She moved towards Kazuya and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern" Kazuya handed the textbook to Tomoyo who passed it on back to Takaya who received it nervously. "It was my fault for not paying attention to my friend's weird sense of humor. This will be my first time attending this class for the year and I'm not sure we've seen each other before. May I know your name?" Kazuya asked.

There were odd reactions all around the room. Though the question itself didn't seem that odd at first look, those who thought too much into it thought that it seemed like Kazuya was hitting on the beautiful teacher he just met.

"I'm Hamasaki Hikaru. The temporary homeroom teacher for class 2-B. And you are?" She didn't read too much into it since she was dealing with a middle school student and introduced herself. She was a fresh graduate and was only going to serve as an assistant for the real homeroom teacher that was going to be in charge for class 2-B but the real homeroom teacher had to take a leave of absence because of trouble back in her hometown.

"I'm pleased to meet you, my name is Kouzuki Kazuya" Kazuya politely introduced himself. He tried to hide how shaken he was because he was hoping that she just looked like the Hamasaki Hikaru he once knew but reality worked very differently.

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"Kouzuki Kazuya…" Hikaru was slightly startled and stepped back. Kazuya felt a tinge of hostility but it went away as soon as he felt it. "You should be one of the members of S class that attend this class" She quickly got herself back together. "I trust that with what I've heard about the members of the special class, there wouldn't be any trouble for you to catch up with the lessons?" her disposition changed a little and seemed somewhat cold.

"I don't think there would be any problems" Kazuya tried to smooth things out with a smile but it didn't change anything. It seemed as if her attitude towards him even became colder. "Confident huh…" she muttered as Hikaru went back to the front to begin the class.

"(Did I… do something to make her mad?)" he couldn't help but wonder as he continued to look at her in deep thought. There wasn't any way for them to have crossed paths in this life so why was she in his school of all places? "(This doesn't make sense… she shouldn't have been a teacher in the first place)" he still couldn't get a grasp of a situation since their lives should have nothing to do with each other.

Despite the demeanor that Hikaru showed, she was actually very nervous. Why did she have to meet with Kouzuki Kazuya of all people? Did he purposely attend the class she was in charge of? Was he here to make things difficult for her? These were the things that ran through Hikaru's mind as she avoided looking at Kazuya but observed him in her peripheral vision.

The two observed each other in their own way but except for those two, everyone else knew that something was up. The two were creating a strange atmosphere that made everyone curious. Kurumi especially was curious because she quite liked this teacher because she was unlike the usual teachers as she was still very accommodating and didn't make anyone who approached her feel like they were bothering her like most teachers.

Tomoyo felt quite conflicted as well. Ever since Hikaru had taken over their class, she felt like they finally had a teacher like Miyamoto who took care of them back when they were in the elementary department. This teacher was now feeling a bit of enmity towards Kazuya who she regarded as one of the most important people in her life. This made her a bit confused on how to treat this person.
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When she learned empathy, Tomoyo was very sensitive to how people feel, or mostly how Kazuya was feeling. With someone like him who masked his emotions majority of the time, Tomoyo could tell how normal people felt very easily. Though she initially thought that learning this was a waste of time, Tomoyo still listened to Kazuya's words. Because of this, she was thankful because it had improved her relationship and understanding of the people around her.

Tomoyo now knew who to avoid and who were genuine. This was the first time however, that there had been a conflict because while she felt that this new teacher of theirs was kind and genuine, the hint of hostility that was directed towards Kazuya, made her feel very uncomfortable.

Hikaru was still a professional so she tried to hide it as best she could. What she didn't know was that with how these children were raised, only a few of them didn't realize that something was amiss. Kazuya on the other hand was still a bit unsure on what to make of this. He was doubtful that it was because of him personally because he had never met this person in this life and on his previous life before today.

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"Did you do something to Hamasaki-sensei?" Takaya immediately asked as soon as the three of them made it to the roof of the middle school department's building during their lunch break.

"So it wasn't just me who noticed it huh…" Kazuya sighed. He was hoping that he had just imagined it but seeing Tomoyo's interest on the topic made him even more convinced. "I've never met her before today so I don't know" he shook his head.

"Are you sure?" You didn't accidentally dump her like most people that try and come up to you?" Takaya grinned before getting hit in the head from both sides. Tomoyo and Kazuya reacted as as soon as they heard the words come out of his mouth.

"Stop joking around. This is my first day back and I don't know how long it will be until I need to stop coming to school again when Tsuna-san comes back. I don't want to have a misunderstanding with the homeroom teacher with the class I'm attending so it would be better to clear things out"

"Well we do have music class this afternoon. So why don't you try to impress her there? You have an unfair set of talents that even leaves me envious which is why being such a big celebrity suits you" Takaya took a step back expecting to get hit once again but Kazuya just glared at him instead. He could feel a presence nearby so he wasn't sure because it had been very distinct. "You still haven't told me who that old gentleman really is and I'm quite curious as to why my parents seem to be happy that I met him" Takaya quickly changed to topic after he realized he was safe.

"Old gentleman? Tsuna-san is even older than your grandfather you know" Kazuya laughed. Looks could definitely be deceiving because rather than being seen as an old man, everyone else assumed that Tsuna was a man who had yet passed the age of being 50. "He's basically the strongest person you'd meet and he's been teaching me ways to get stronger. That's all there is"

"Strongest?" This was something that Takaya didn't hear before because Takaya already knew that both Tomoyo and Kazuya were receiving some kind of training from Tsuna. "I don't even know why you two even bother to get stronger. You're all set to dominate even the High school division as you are now. Didn't you train the current champion like she mentioned in her interviews?"

"I only helped. It was her own effort that got her that far" Kazuya replied. It was true that Nanami got her win from Ayame with her own effort while he was there to help her already developed style. She was taught what Tomoyo learned when she began learning from Kazuya and because of her determination, she was able to finally get that win off of the complacent Ayame.

There were mixed reactions with Ayame's undefeated streak from middle school being broken. Some were impressed with Nanami's sudden burst of improvement while some attributed Ayame's entry to the entertainment scene as an excuse for her loss to the rival who has all her time to train. Nevertheless, Jirou was the person who took advantage of Nanami's win the most and made Komori eat a lot of his words.

*tug tug tug* Tomoyo pointed at herself as soon as Kazuya took a glance at her.

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"That's right. She helped as well" Kazuya smiled and gave her head a pat. Now that he was taller than her, it didn't look as unnatural as it did a few years ago. He found it funny that Tomoyo wanted to be credited for her participation in Ayame's training because she would have remained without a care if it were her former self. She was no longer the emotionless robot everyone thought her to be.

"No wonder Akabane-san beat Kuronuma Ayame" Takaya laughed. With these two monsters training someone, it was only a matter of time before whoever they taught would take over the division those two weren't able to participate in. "How does it feel training someone that made a 'certain someone's' supposed best friend lose her undefeated streak?" a mischievous smile grew on Takaya's face.

Kazuya frowned. He took one of the chopstick he used and threw it to the side. It embedded itself in a corner wall where a sound of someone falling was heard.

"Kyaa!" Kurumi appeared from the corner and fell on to the floor after that surprise attack. "Ouch…" she rubbed her behind and noticed a shadow looming over her.

"Compared to a few years ago, following me secretly is quite dangerous nowadays." Kazuya appeared by the wall as he pulled out the chopstick. "I am dealing with devious people after all" he looked at Kurumi who immediately straightened herself out.

"S-sorry…" she bowed apologetically. "I just wanted a chance to speak to you and was waiting for a chance"

"Well here is your chance." Kazuya didn't change his expression. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to apologize for what I said three years ago. I was only thinking of myself and didn't consider how you felt" her sudden apology made Kazuya a bit surprised.

He received a call from Stockton Jonson when Kurumi first left the academy after a year of enrolment. The doting father thanked him for the patience he gave his daughter and even revealed Kurumi's intentions for following him around. He wanted Kazuya to understand that Kurumi meant no harm and he didn't explain anything to her because he wanted his daughter to handle her own matters so that she wouldn't have to rely on him for everything in the future.

Kazuya of course understood what the doting father meant but he couldn't help but put some blame onto Jonson. Though he did apologize, Kazuya was the one being pestered and the doting father only informed Kazuya when the pesky stalker left. Jonson said that one of his associates wanted to partner up with him as well as introduce Kurumi to a person that would appreciate her growing talents. This was why this annoying girl had disappeared for a few years.

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Maron of course stayed because she wanted to settle scores with Kazuya. It was unfortunate that she had yet to win any kind of competition she set. Kazuya would have wanted this cousin to have followed Kurumi when she left but the girl stubbornly stayed in the country.

"Is that so? You finally understand why I didn't want to deal with you back then huh…" Kazuya was a little amused. It seemed like this girl had somewhat the same growth as Tomoyo did even though he wasn't the one who was mainly responsible for it.

Kazuya couldn't help but wonder if there was some sort of fate that connected the two. He was responsible for the changes that the robot girl went through but Kurumi went through a similar change even though he was not the one who was mainly in charge of it.

Kazuya began to think about these things because of the unexpected appearance of Hamasaki Hikaru. Was she connected to him somehow too?

He found this preposterous because they never even met in his previous life. Though he changed some parts of the business world, this change was to happen in the future anyway. Even if he did enter the entertainment industry as Kazuno Kaguya, the ripples he made shouldn't have affected the rise of Hamasaki Hikaru's career. Just what could have happened for them to meet like this? Was this a mere coincidence?

"Yes… My tutor told me that I had a strange way of approaching things so she told me to be more honest in talking about matters I am unsure about. She wanted me to be a bit bolder so I wanted to apologize and tell you something else" Kurumi looked at him with determined eyes. She ignored the people that were gathering around after being summoned by her reaction to Kazuya's attack.

"Oh? Your tutor has a point. It makes things easier for you if you are straight about it" Kazuya agreed with this because Jonson already informed him of Kurumi's weird approach to his rejection.

"That's why I want to tell you that…" Kurumi took a deep breath.

"What?" Kazuya suddenly had a bad feeling. He wanted to stop Kurumi because even though this girl learned a few things, there were still some things that she was oblivious to. "Wai—"

"I like you. Please marry me"


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