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"I like you Kazuya-kun. Please marry me" the words uttered by this beautiful blonde girl echoed in the ears of Kazuya whose mind had gone blank.

He wasn't the only one. Various people who came to see what was happening as well as those who were glad to have found where Kurumi and Tomoyo were spending their break times were shocked to hear such a thing as soon as they arrived.

Kouzuki Kazuya had just been confessed to and it wasn't just any confession. It was a confession and a proposal! Those who heard it thought that this princess really didn't waste any time as she was the first to confess to Kazuya on the day of his return.

Of course, the crowd that was gathering and learning what had happened weren't all admirers of the people present. There were also those that were informing their parents, friends, of the shocking development where the princess of Stockton international just asked the Kouzuki clan's successor for his hand in marriage. This was big news to those who knew the implications of this.

"(I take back my words. She hardly changed!)" Kazuya instantly thought.

He didn't expect these words to come out of this girl's mouth just after they met again. Though Kazuya knew that this girl held some affection for him because of the friendship she had with the version of him that didn't have his past memories, he had hoped that it would disappear after she grew up.

"(Was I wrong in how I handled this?)" he doubted himself. After analyzing the version of Kurumi in his previous life, that girl was simply curious about him more than anything else. Even if they did have a friendship that was lost after his accident, this girl didn't even show hints that she was interested in him romantically.

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Kazuya was confused. He might not have been experienced in matters of the heart but he had learned enough from Miyamoto's ramblings to at least have a better understanding than his old inexperienced self. He really couldn't understand what this girl was thinking or more accurately, he believed the words that Miyamoto said that 'women were the most unreasonable and confusing creatures in the world'.

This conclusion wasn't just because of this moment. There were a lot of times where Kazuya couldn't understand his own mother and Mei's actions. Just when he thought he knew how they would have reacted, there were a lot of times where they would surprise him with a side of them that was unreasonable.

In a matter of minutes, what was happening at the rooftop of their middle school department spread throughout the whole school. Everyone anticipated to hear what Kouzuki Kazuya's reply was going to be.

Would the successor of the Kouzuki clan and possibly the Kurogane clan in the future as well agree to the proposal of the princess of the illustrious Stockton family? Will a match made in heaven be born at this moment? What about Shiroyuki Tomoyo who was the closest candidate to having a relationship with the most sought-after student in their department?

"Stockton-san sure knows how to joke" Kazuya finally broke the silence as he took the proposal as a joke. He made use of his acting skills to make those who eavesdropped believed that they were making a fuss for nothing.

Kurumi on the other hand frowned. She was given a look by Kazuya telling her to play along but how could she? The confession she mustered up her courage to give was brushed off just like that? Some of the things she was taught while she was away was how to be bolder and more confident.

"I'm not kidding" she got down on one knee and met Kazuya's narrowed eyes head on. "I, Stockton Kurumi confess my love to you, Kouzuki Kazuya and ask for your hand in marriage" she gestured with utmost sincerity which made all those who were watching admire this girl's courage.

They all turned to Kazuya to wait for a response but those who were present couldn't help but notice the heavy pressure that was growing stronger from behind him. Though Shiroyuki Tomoyo remained silent this whole time, the moment Kurumi got down on one knee, they all felt a silent pressure coming from this girl who had always been seen by Kouzuki Kazuya's side ever since he transferred to this school.

The girls who wanted to get close to Kazuya were jealous of her because she had taken the initiative when he was still new to the school and never let anyone else get close even if it was unintentional. She had complete monopoly over Kazuya before his identity was known to everyone.

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"I refuse." Just as everyone had started paying attention to Tomoyo, a crisp and familiar sentence was heard.

They all turned towards Kazuya who had regained his usual neutral expression. This had not been his first confession. Kazuya had received numerous confessions before so he had learned how to deal with them. He had recited the very words all those who had paid attention to him had heard at least once.

"Why…" Kurumi's voice trembled. she never expected to be rejected. She had been hopeful that after she had reconciled with Kazuya and showed her new self that he would be able to accept her proposal.

"I have nothing against you but your confession is something I cannot accept. You should have already gathered information about this so I don't believe you have not heard about how all the other confessions have ended" he replied.

"That's not a good enough reason! You should also be aware that if you accept my proposal, you would also be able to avoid any other confession in the future…" she tried to reason with him which made Kazuya give a sigh. He didn't expect this girl to try and negotiate his acceptance.

"Not a good enough reason? Then let me say that I am currently too busy thinking and doing other things to be concerned by things such as romantic relationships." Kazuya gave a more honest response. "You should know my current activities, position, and responsibilities. I challenge myself to do another activity other than Kendo every year, I study all kinds of books to learn everything that will help me, I move around to each of my parents' side and not to mention that I have to train myself in the middle of everything."

"I won't disturb any of that. I don't mind waiting as long as you accept" Kurumi looked at him with resolute eyes.

All of the people that listened couldn't help but admire this girl's determination. Was she an example of a virtuous wife. Kurumi said that she would wait patiently and not ask for much but for his acceptance. It was just too bad that this girl confessed to the wrong guy because any other boy their age wouldn't be able to reject such a confession.

"I will not change my mind. Not only will that be unfair to you, that will make me seem like the type of person who accepts such things for benefits. No matter your intention, you are still the princess of Stockton International. I do not wish to climb up the social ladder by using such means." He shook his head. Because of this, many of the students felt a little ashamed for what was on their minds. Some of the boys who were after Kurumi for the reasons of benefits admired the decision Kazuya made.

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"D-do you have someone you l-like?" This was the question Kurumi hesitated to but had to ask. She was afraid of his answer.

"Why do you ask?" Kazuya was quite curious. He just rejected her proposal so what point was there in knowing?

At the same time, he also pondered on this question. Though he had travelled back to his past, he hadn't thought about this at all. His focus had always been to prevent the tragedy that was to befall him and his family while also making sure that they were going to be safe once he sets out for his revenge.

The images of Mei, his companions and that treacherous princess came to mind when Kurumi asked him this question. "(Do I still hold such sentiments?)" he felt a little bitter because he was unsure. He didn't want to think about such things because other than making sure that his loved ones were safe, he had been preparing himself to come back to that world to pay back the people who had plotted against him.

He knew the time and day of his summoning so there was no doubt that if those people's plans hadn't changed, his return was in just a few years. There was only one requirement that he had to fulfill according to the information he got from the information he had at hand and that was that he had to retain his purity. Though it may have sounded absurd and embarrassing, he didn't think that it would be a problem after the life he led.

At least that was what he thought. He was no longer the poor boy whose body had been riddled with injuries. His face, body, and capabilities were the same as when he was healed by the blessing of the summoning. His life now was the silent life he had once led. He was the center of attention even though he didn't want it.

"I will wait. No matter how long it takes" Kurumi declared aloud. Her demeanor told everyone she was serious. Her words alone were enough to make Kazuya feel some kind of pressure coming from this girl.

"There's no need" Kazuya sighed as he had come to a decision because he was constantly getting cornered by this girl. He hadn't experienced such an intense confession so he had to make sure to shut this girl down completely else she might find some reason to come after him again.

"No need?" Kurumi was a bit annoyed. "Are you questioning my feelings? Do you think I am joking with you?" she clenched her fists in agitation.

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"That's not what I mean" Kazuya sighed again which made him gain more of Kurumi's ire. She wondered if her feelings were such a burden that it could make him sigh like this. "I really didn't want to say this but you've been constantly putting me in a bind." Kazuya glanced at the time on his wrist before looking at Kurumi seriously. "I already have a fiancé. It had been established long ago and both myself and my partner don't have any qualms against it." Kazuya replied with seriousness that matched Kurumi's declaration. He used his mana to exert some force in his statement which left those who heard it dumbfounded and convinced.

There actually wasn't a need to do so. Kazuya's announcement made a large enough impact that even Takaya who had been grinning mischievously at the side the whole time almost dropped his jaw. From the day he knew Kazuya, he had never told a straight lie. He would give half truths or vague answers most of the time so saying something this direct would only say that this was the truth.

Even the usual expressionless Tomoyo who was behind him couldn't help but develop a slight blush on her cheeks. She had never heard Kazuya speak about the engagement that had been settled before they were born but her grandfather already mentioned that Kazuya was aware of it and had already accepted it. She didn't hear it herself so even if her grandfather declared it, she was never really sure. That is, until now.

Kazuya on the other hand, felt a little relieved after seeing Kurumi's sullen expression. He knew that she believed his words. He didn't exactly lie because his mother had an arrangement with Mei that they would be engaged unless he found someone else. It was just that Kyouko would only allow it once Kazuya had grown to an age that she would be convinced that he was mature enough to make such a decision.

"Who… is it?" Kurumi's misty eyes were apparent but she asked in a weak but loud enough voice for Kazuya to hear. She had taken a major blow after hearing that not only did Kazuya have a fiancé, both he and his partner had no qualms about such an arranged marriage. Kurumi also suspected something as soon as she saw the strange reaction from the usually expressionless girl that always stood by his side. She wanted to confirm just who it was it that not only stole her rightful place which even made him acknowledge it enough to reject her.

"I have already spilled enough secrets. I have no intention of informing you more than this because this concerns mine and her privacy" Kazuya coldly rejected her. He glanced at this watch and as if it was right on cue, the chime that indicated their lunch break was almost over reached their ears.

*tug* Tomoyo stepped to his side and pulled on Kazuya's sleeve. He turned towards her and found a faint flush on the robot girl's face which had him concerned. Was this girl getting a cold? He placed a palm on her forehead but Tomoyo grabbed his hand and pulled him to exit the rooftop. Takaya followed after the two wanting to find out more about this juicy piece of information that was just announced.

This seemingly youthful event in the rooftop of Sacred Forest Academy was the start of something that not even those involved expected. They had severely underestimated just how much various people had been paying attention to them. Those who shouldn't have been involved in such a matter soon received the details of what had just transpired.

The heartfelt marriage proposal of the princess of Stockton International was rejected by the heir of the Kouzuki Corporation who was also the son of the most likely next head of the Kurogane Conglomerate. After the princess persisted, Kouzuki Kazuya had no other choice but to announce that he had been engaged to someone else and both of them had plans to go through their engagement without any problems.


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