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A shadow that appeared to some carrying something stood atop a building a little ways from the burning and crumbling structures that used to make up the Kurogane residence. Another figure appeared on the same rooftop without warning and approached.

"I knew it… this was your handiwork." Tsuna sighed as he looked at the obvious culprit who had been carrying an unconscious person.

"I hoped that you wouldn't be curious even if you sensed the mana fluctuations Tsuna-san." Kazuya turned to face Tsuna wearing his usual poker face. "Am I going to get lectured? If so, can we save it for after I deal with the garbage I'm carrying?"

Tsuna was a little surprise. Though he already knew that Kazuya held no guilt towards what he had just done to the Kurogane clan, he was curious as to what was to be done to the unconscious man that Kazuya was carrying.

"Are you going to kill him?" he tried to get an idea on what his godson was up to.

"No" Kazuya shook his head. "Death is too easy for this snake."

"Just what are you up to…" knowing Kazuya's attitude, Tsuna gave up trying to think about it and asked him directly.

"We can talk on the way." Kazuya took one last look at the scene before leaping quietly into the night.


A few days passed and the news of the Kurogane clan's tragedy left even their enemies shocked at the sudden event. The banquet that was secretive and extravagant at the same time turned out to be the last celebration the Kurogane clan would ever hold.

"[The Kouzuki clan saw this calamity as an opportunity to get rid of my Kurogane clan! Kouzuki Kazuya! You will not get away with this!]"

This was the official statement of the only known survivor who attended the banquet; Sousuke. He was found unconscious near the building where he was lucky enough to escape the fate of everyone else. He launched this campaign as soon as he heard that Kouzuki Kazuya was not among the list of casualties and had been acting as if nothing had happened.

Sousuke even gathered the support of those who were left in the branch families. These were the members that were fortunate enough to not have enough power to be invited to the illustrious banquet. They were promised to succeed various high positions once Sousuke had taken over as the clan head.

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Though he was saddened about what happened to the members of the Kurogane clan, Sousuke saw this as an opportunity to get the position that he would never have gotten if such a tragedy ever occurred. With both his brother and father gone, no one would dare look down on him, even if it was that arrogant nephew of his who had caused him to suffer so much recently.

Of course, with all the accusations towards the Kouzuki clan, their immediate response was that they or any member of the clan had anything to do with the tragedy that befell the Kurogane clan. They had remained silent over Sousuke's aggressive cry for justice and stated that they will work with the authorities if ever they indeed have any need for their cooperation.

Being well aware that Kazuya had attended the Kurogane banquet, the Kouzuki clan's insistence that he did not attend their banquet only prompted to agitate Sousuke to be even more aggressive with his claims. He even made the guards that have been left in the perimeter that night to state that they indeed saw Kazuya attend the Kurogane banquet.

To make things worse, many members of the branch families that were scattered all over the country went over to the Kouzuki corporation's headquarters and began to protest in front of the building. They screamed for the Kouzuki clan to admit to those crimes and have Kazuya explain himself.

Of course, this claim was not completely unfounded. Traces of C4 were found when the authorities investigated the scene. Some that were left unexploded were found attached to pillars of the building that had been ruined by the earthquake. This of course, left people convinced that even if the earthquake had not occurred, the Kurogane clan would still have suffered a tragedy.

"[Their refusal to face the accusations just makes their guilt clearer]"

Sousuke who had gained the support of all the branch members stated in an interview. He declared that he wouldn't stop what he had been doing until Kazuya and the Kouzuki clan pay for what happened to his clan.

Though the Kouzuki corporation was not affected at first, Sousuke's efforts and their own silence over the matter had started to affect their business. Many clients who visited their headquarters would be harassed by the protesters and even those who they collaborated with were starting to get troubled.

"What an annoying fly…" Kazuya sighed as he kept himself updated of the progress. "I guess it should be about time…"

With no signs of this scandal dying down, the press conference that Kazuno Tech had announced with the Kouzuki Corporation was swarmed with different kinds of reporters who had various intentions. Though it was supposed to have been a conference about their latest innovations, they didn't stop all those reporters who had nothing to do with what they intended to discuss attend the event.

Sure enough, these reporters weren't disappointed as soon as they saw Kouzuki Kyouko arriving with Kazuno Mei and taking their seats together. Many of them were incited by Sousuke to keep pushing the conference towards the topic of the Kurogane clan.

"I request everyone to please keep quiet"

To everyone's surprise, the person who was going to be leading the conference was the younger sister of Kazuno Mei who was wearing her trademark traditional kimono. Kazuno Kaguya was one of the main endorsers of Kazuno tech so it wasn't much of a surprise that she was here. Those who were with bad intentions hid their grins and thought that it would be interesting to see how this girl was going to handle their relentlessness.

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Kaguya looked around the crowd of reporters and cameras pointed at her and quickly identified the multiple reporters that had come with bad intentions.

"Though this is supposed to be a press conference that would announce the recent developments of the collaboration between the Kouzuki Corporation and Kazuno Technologies, I would be blind to see that majority of the people that came here had come with other intentions."

Many reporters tried to avoid the piercing gaze she gave them.

"So to start off this press conference that will unavoidably stray off it's original purpose, let me lighten the mood a little." Kaguya took two magazines and showed it to everyone. She was in the cover holding on to the recent releases of the two companies. "This is the result of the photoshoot that had taken place on the same day of the Kurogane tragedy. This lasted till 2:48am because the famous photographer, Mutou Hei, had his flight delayed."

Kaguya pointed towards the large monitor above them which showed various security footages from the Aoki group's studios. Each one had their timestamps.

"I bet everyone is wondering why I'm showing this?" Kaguya smiled. "This is a move I prepared in advance to avoid future accusations because of my allegiance. Baseless yet aggressive accusations without evidence can only go so far so I'm making sure that such stupidity won't be directed my way."



"Good one!"

Many reporters tried to hold their laughter. Kazuno Kaguya rarely appeared in public so her making a joke that was also a jab at Kurogane Sosuke's lack of evidence caught them off guard. Only those who were on Sousuke's camp did not like the sudden change in the room's mood.

"Is everyone convinced of my innocence?" she gave an innocent smile and watched almost all of the reporters nod their heads.

"Are you treating the tragedy that has befallen the Kurogane clan as a joke, Kazuno Kaguya-san?" one of the reporters decided to fire back.

"You seem to be confused reporter-san." Kaguya turned to one who interrupted. "Though many people call the tragedy as 'karma', I am not making a joke out of it. The joke I'm making is directed to the idiotic claims of one person who stands to gain most of this so-called tragedy. Have you ever asked yourselves the question; Why is this person being this aggressive when he can just use the courts, laws or any official channel our country has to offer to settle matters?"

The reporter's face immediately darkened. He did not expect such a counterattack. All those who were listening also began to ponder in silence. They couldn't help but be impressed by the mysterious Kaguya whose voice had only been heard when she was delivering her lines on television.

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"Are you saying that Kouzuki Kazuya has nothing to gain from this? Aren't you misleading the people here?" one of the reporters stood up as backup.

"When did I say that? I merely asked the question of 'who has more to gain?' Kouzuki Kazuya is the illegitimate son of Kurogane Shishio. He is only entitled to inherit his father's assets while Kurogane Sousuke is the eldest son of Kurogane Tenma who is the head of the Kurogane clan. So what do you think the cause of this aggressiveness against the Kouzuki clan is? Justice? Please tell such jokes to all those who suffered injustice against such an oppressive clan."

"Aren't you merely speculating? Like you had said before, isn't evidence needed for such claims?" the reporter didn't back down and tried to apply pressure.

"Evidence? Of course I have it! Since you people have brought it up then I guess we can save the main topic for this conference for later." Kaguya smiled and turned towards the screen.

"[I swear in the name of the Kouzuki clan that I will not make any moves or create any troubles against the Kurogane clan as long as they end their feud with the Kouzuki clan and halt all hostilities.]"

A video of Kouzuki Kazuya played which made all of the reporters slightly confused. The timestamp on the video indicated that it had been taken months before the Kurogane tragedy.

"This video was taken as a prerequisite for Kurogane Tenma's will." Kaguya looked back at the now stunned reporter. "Don't take my word for it thought, allow these people to verify it." Gesturing towards the doors below the platform, a group of lawyers who were famous for shady groups such as the Kurogane conglomerate entered.

The man leading the bunch ignored the ruckus the reporters were making and politely took the mic that Kaguya held out.

"I am Kirishima Hayato, the one who handles most of the sensitive issues that Kurogane Tenma-sama entrusts me with. I am here to verify what Kazuno Kaguya has just declared. The video shared to everyone just moments ago was indeed part of the requirements that Tenma-sama had Kouzuki Kazuya-sama record in our offices."

"And why was such a video recorded?" Kaguya ignored the reporters and continued.

"Because Kurogane Tenma-sama decided to hand over his position to Kouzuki Kazuya-sama after much deliberation. These were measures he believed were necessary in Kazuya-sama's succession." Kirishima answered without hesitation. "To denounce any type of claim Kurogane Sousuke-sama might make in the authenticity of this claim, Kouzuki Kyouko-sama, who is Kazuya-sama's legal guardian has given us permission to share the footages taken when Tenma-sama had signed his new will as well as copies of it. We will not allow anyone to besmirch our reputation with baseless accusations fueled by greed."


There was nothing but shock in surprise in the faces of the reporters. Kurogane Tenma actually intended for Kouzuki Kazuya to succeed him? Then all this time, Kurogane Sousuke was pinning the blame on Kazuya because the boy had been designated to inherit all the Kurogane clan had?

"Is this evidence sufficient to satisfy you reporter-san?" Kaguya didn't miss the chance to ask the pushy reporter.

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"Then does the Kurogane Conglomerate belong to Kouzuki Kazuya now?" one of the neutral reporters decided to raise a question towards Kirishima.
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"Yes. It has already been finalized. Kazuya-sama decided to remain quiet all this time and worked with several individuals to make sure that every single issue hurled at him and the Kouzuki-clan would be given a response that will be enough to satisfy everyone." Kirishima confidently declared. "I have worked with many individuals and as Tenma-sama's trusted confidant, I experienced firsthand why he made such a decision. It is too bad that he will not be present to see just how far Kazuya-sama will grow." He added.

The reporters couldn't help but buzz at the sudden information that was given to them. Many of them started to call their superiors as this news was certainly to make the headlines. The Kouzuki clan had come prepared!

The people that were hired by Sousuke started to panic. The conversations their peers were having pretty much almost determined that Kurogane Sousuke's aggressiveness was just a desperate struggle to defame the rightful heir his father had chosen.

"What about the explosives found at the scene? Though there was an earthquake that occurred that night, it was already revealed that because of the unexpected event, some of them weren't activated!" one of the nervous reporters grasped at straws and decided to bring this point up.

"I will direct the issue of evidence once more. Do you have any evidence of your claims?" Kaguya showed a hint of disdain which caught some of the people that had been paying attention to her off guard.

"I am just a reporter that is asking questions. Why do I need to have evidence just to ask a question." The reporter replied rudely after receiving the look Kaguya had given him.

"Why are you asking such questions to someone who is supposed to be handling a press conference about the announcement of their new products?" Kaguya shot back. "Though we have shown courtesy and answered questions that have nothing to do with this press conference, please don't push your luck with questions better left for the authorities."

"Are you trying to dodge the question?" the aggressive reporter didn't give up.

"Not at all but…" Kaguya squinted her eyes and viewed identification the reporter was wearing. "Will the 'monthly video' publication you are working under release such topics?"

Everyone turned to the aggressive reporter's chest and confirmed that he did indeed attend this press conference under such a publication. It didn't take many of them to understand that there were indeed individuals who had come to stir up trouble. Many of the previous aggressors received some attention as there were dubious problems with their credentials and their questions.

"I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say that the question you've struggled to grasp was out of curiosity. I believe someone else would be more qualified to answer this question of yours."

Kaguya once again gestured towards the side and welcomed another person.


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