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Kazuno Kaguya may not have as many fans as the more famous Kuronuma Ayame but the always mysterious kimono wearing minor celebrity had a lot of dedicated fans. These fans were going crazy after hearing and tuning into the press conference that was supposed to be about what the collaboration between the Kouzuki corporation and Kazuno Technologies were working on next.

Anri, who was the person that volunteered to handle the matter of anything related to Kazuno Kaguya had delegated the job recently to Matsumoto Kippei's research team on top of everything they had already been working on. This was because of his previous mishaps in mishandling the tasks assigned to him by Kazuya when it came to his homeroom teacher.

At Kazuno Tech's headquarters, everyone had been glued to the current state of the press conference. Everyone had been mesmerized by Kazuno Kaguya's unseen side which they had never seen before.

"The fans of the young miss are going crazy!" Kippei laughed as he too shared majority of the reactions of Kaguya's loyal fanbase.

They were all speculating that the rumor about the engagement between Kazuya and Kaguya had been a done deal. They were speculating that those who supported Kurogane Sousuke had incurred the wrath of their kimono princess who was now defending the honor of her future husband.

Though many of the fans weren't satisfied with Kazuya, all of them couldn't deny that he was one of the most perfect candidates if they ever choose a partner for their beloved Kaguya. Those who still didn't agree would have been those who refused to look into Kazuya or were just in denial.

"Kaguya-sama sure is fierce…." One of kippei's assistants commented after they watched Kaguya shut down those who tried to support Kurogane Sousuke.

"Whose sister do you think she is?" Kippei laughed out loud. He was satisfied about the current tone the conference was going. Many employees of both Kazuno Tech and Kouzuki Corp. had been pretty dissatisfied how the Kouzuki clan had been ignoring everything that was being thrown at them. It was only after hearing the explanations that they understood why the clan had taken such a stance against Kurogane Sousuke.

"Hopefully, after the press conference, that Kurogane Sousuke would shut his filthy mouth." One of the researchers added.

"That will depend on how this conference progresses." Kippei crossed his arms. "With how things are going, I believe that they had prepared for such an event to occur. If all concerns are dealt with, I think that Kurogane Sousuke's whole propaganda will be turned against him."

They continued to keep their eyes on the screen as Kaguya welcomed another guest.


"Allow me to introduce one of the main detectives that have been working with us to reveal the truth to everyone." Kazuno Kaguya turned everyone's attention to the beautiful young woman who walked up the stage.

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"Greetings everyone, I am Sanada Yuriko, one of the detectives in charge on various investigations against the Kurogane Clan." Yuriko gave a polite introduction.

Frankly, many of the reporters were already aware of her identity. She had been one of the frontrunners who had been brave enough to go against the Kurogane clan. It had been a task that no one dared to take but she showed no hesitation in showing her passion and dedication in going up against one of the most powerful clans.

"Detective Yuriko, I believe you can now share with everyone about the current progress of the investigation, right?" Kaguya inquired with confidence.

"That is correct. Upon the discovery of the tragedy that befell the Kurogane Clan, both the efforts of law enforcement officers as well as search and rescue operations were initially hindered by guards that were tasked to guard the Kurogane estate. It was only until Kurogane Sousuke had been discovered to have survived were medical personnel were able to enter the premises together with the rescue team who wasted no effort in searching for survivors."

"That's strange…" Kaguya paused. "With what happened, why would they try and hinder people who are there to help?"

"As the person who had the most authority at the scene, Kurogane Sousuke allowed officials into the premises under the condition that we must not take anything without his authority. My team was especially barred from entering the premises." Yuriko continued. "He claimed that we might 'plant evidence' that will be detrimental to his clan's reputation.

"So what happened afterwards?"

"One of the rescuers who surveyed the surroundings discovered the dead body of a person that was identified to be one of the guards. His death had nothing to do with the calamity as he had died from multiple stab wounds. The discovery turned the incident towards a different kind of investigation."

"M-murder?" Kaguya looked to have been surprised.

"Yes. It was only afterwards that we were able to find traces of explosives placed on several parts of the estate. Our findings concluded that some of the explosives that were leftover were not detonated because of the sudden collapse of the building due to the earthquake."

"Yes. I believe that was announced in one of the initial findings. Can you tell us what else you have discovered?"

"We found a shelter that had been built underground the estate but Kurogane Sousuke was very adamant about no one touching that place. Luckily, he had no authority over the matter as Kouzuki Kazuya was the person with real authority over the matter and granted us with full cooperation over the matter regarding the Kurogane estate."

"What was Kurogane Sousuke's response to the matter?"

"After Kirishima Hayato-san had denied him any power over the Kurogane clan's properties and finances, Kurogane Sousuke took a more aggressive stance in declaring Kouzuki Kazuya as the culprit. He made various reports about his claims that Kouzuki Kazuya had attended the banquet that night even though the clan had turned their visual surveillance systems on the days of the banquet."

"I see…" Kaguya looked at the stunned reporters. "Things are finally making sense… Did you find anything in the facility under the Kurogane estate?"

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"It wasn't really a secret that the Kurogane clan had built their own systems and servers and had them located in their properties. Most of the facilities underneath were servers and records of everything the Kurogane clan had kept. With it, most of the answers me and my team had been looking for had been found."

"Could you elaborate on that detective Sanada?"

"Transactions, records, evidence towards all of the cases currently against the Kurogane clan's members. Due to the cooperation between us and the Kouzuki clan, they have suffered as we conducted a thorough investigation against the clan and their evil deeds. I am here today to help clear up everything as well as publicly express the gratitude of the police force towards the Kouzuki clan for their full cooperation towards this matter." Yuriko turned towards Kyouko and gave a polite bow.

"All of the cases against them? Like the crime against the Shiroyuki family?"

"That is correct. Not only have we uncovered the traces of how the money had moved, we were also able to discover the place the escaped convict had been living in. It was one of the Kurogane clan's secret properties."

"W-were you able to catch that scary person?" Kaguya stuttered and showed a hint of fear.

"Unfortunately, he was not there when we raided the complex. We did discover something interesting in the process, an accomplice that was also suspected to be responsible for placing the explosives on the Kurogane estate."

"Can you divulge that person's identity? Is that person really responsible for those explosives?"

"The name of the person is Hashiyama Lee. He was discovered sleeping in the killer's room while his room had leftover explosives and equipment that we have confirmed to be from the same source as the ones we've found at the Kurogane Residence. Various other evidences that confirm his guilt were a set of knives that the killer used with DNA of various members of the Kurogane clan and suspect Lee's fingerprints all over them."

"By Hashiyama Lee, you mean…" Kaguya's words trailed off.

"Yes. The same Hashiyama Lee who was responsible for shooting Kouzuki Kazuya when they were still very young." Yuriko turned to look at the reporters who were either typing or writing down the information she just divulged. "He is currently in our custody and we will be releasing a more detailed report about our findings at a later date. I believe that this should help clear up the issues that have been raised against the Kouzuki clan."


Kurogane Sousuke showed himself with an expression that was full of rage.

"Kurogane Sousuke… So you decided to show up here." Yuriko's eyes narrowed and looked at him as if she had found her prey. "I suppose the team going to your residence to find you have wasted a trip. I will have to arrest you myself." Yuriko took out a pair of handcuffs.

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"THIS IS A COVERUP! You haven't even confirmed Kouzuki Kazuya's alibi and you dare declare that you have conducted a thorough investigation!?" Sousuke who was already driven to a corner held on to the last thread of truth he held.

"Kouzuki Kazuya's alibi? Wasn't that already addressed at the beginning of this press conference?" a sudden interruption from Kaguya made Yuriko who almost pounced on Sousuke turn her attention back towards the so-called fiancé of Kazuya.

"LIES!! Don't think I only arrived here! I have been listening from the start and the only thing you showed at the beginning was of yourself!" Sousuke started to build up confidence because he knew that Kazuya wouldn't be able to produce any concrete alibi.

"I had hoped that it wouldn't have come to this…. But, I did come here with the intention of clearing every single point you've tried to raise against us." Kaguya glanced at Sousuke before turning towards the cameras.

"I would first like to apologize to every single fan that has supported me. I just hope that you would all understand that this was the only method I can think of to protect those who are dear to me." Kaguya pulled the ornament that held up her hair before giving a sincere bow that made everyone confused.

"Are you trying to stray everyone from the topic?! Who would care about the fans a meager extra like you has!?" Sousuke mocked Kaguya who still maintained her bowing position.

"We don't expect you to understand."

"True. Unlike the Kurogane family, we do not take pleasure and satisfaction when we mislead people."

Kyouko and Mei who had been silently observing from the start of the press conference stood on both sides of the bowing Kaguya. The bowing girl moved both of her hands and put it in front of her face.

Sousuke grinned after assuming that he had made the arrogant emcee cry. He, along with the reporters soon realized that their assumptions were wrong as the bowing girl's movements indicated that she had been removing something from her face that they weren't able to see at the moment.

"What the hell are you doing!? Don't you think that this spectacle is going to make me stop asking abo—"

"The inquiry you're holding onto as your final hope has already been addressed from the very beginning." A male voice from the bowing girl's direction made everyone glance around the stage looking for its source. "Kurogane Kazuya's alibi had already been proven"

Kazuno Kaguya slowly raised her head. As soon as the long hair covering her face had been pulled back, everyone's eyes were glued to the face that matched the voice that Sousuke would never mistake for someone else.

"Kouzuki K-kazuya!" Sousuke shouted in shock. There was no way that he would forget the confident smug of the brat that hindered him ever since he came to light.

"That's right, 'uncle'. Kazuno Kaguya is none other than Kurogane Kazuya." He dropped the feminine act and stood proudly in front of them. "The alibi you had been desperately looking for and the reason for my refusal to address it should be self-explanatory."

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"N-no…! You've planned all of tHIs YOU BASTA— oof!"

Yuriko threw him to the ground and placed the handcuffs before Sousuke could fire off his insults.

"Though Kurogane Tenma had named me his heir and successor, it never had anything to do with affections or any kind of familial feelings. All he saw in me was my intelligence and potential as well as my position as the only heir to the Kouzuki family…" Kazuya faced everyone and began to explain his relationship with the Kurogane family.

He had given a similar version of it when he became collaborators with Yuriko but this time, the reason for Kazuno Kaguya's existence was included. Many who heard about his tragic story couldn't help but shed tears, this included fans who were initially angry after finding out that Kazuno Kaguya turned out to be a boy.

"I decided to follow the Kurogane clan's plans for me with the initial hope of taking it down from the inside. After I had discovered the scheme they hatched that led to the injuries of my friend, Shiroyuki Tomoyo, I sought the help of detective Sanada."

Kazuya declared this as keeping it a secret didn't matter much at this point. With how he had already described his relationship with the Kuroganes, he had a clear motive of bringing them down from the inside.

"Tomoyo, had been schemed against because of the rumor that she and I had been betrothed since birth. If a rumor was all it took for them to decide the fate of a person that I cared about, what would become of the others that I would meet that they didn't approve of?"

Though there were many who werent aware, those in the business circle certainly knew why the Kurogane clan had acted with such a response. It was because the rumor had originated when Kouzuki Kazuya had rejected the princess of Stockton International's proposal for marriage!

'How can the Kurogane Tenma let go of such a delicious piece of cake?' Those who understood the underlying implication of the Kurogane clan's involvement against the little girl who almost died couldn't stop their thoughts and hands from writing such a juicy piece of information.

It was only until Kazuya began speaking again that they once again fell silent.

"There is one last claim that Kurogane Sousuke made that I need to address, it is the fact that I still stand to gain as Kurogane Tenma's successor. I have already made arrangements with the help of Kirishima-san but for the most part, all of the Kurogane clan's assets will be liquidated. No money will be kept by me, this I swear on the Kouzuki clan's name."


There were many that thought that he was crazy. Though the Kurogane clan had recently declined, their assets were still considered one of the top in the country. No one had doubted him because of his declaration under the Kouzuki clan's name.

"I never wanted to be involved with the clan that abandoned me and hurt my mother. I would be lying if I said that I felt sorry for what happened to them. I sought the cooperation of detective Sanada to take the clan down one day. I never would have expected the heavens to punish the scourge that made many people suffer."

"Kazuya…" Yuriko smiled. She was happy, she felt happy for Kazuya who was finally able to give a genuine smile.

"I am finally… free…"


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