Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 141

Just as Madara had used Great Fire Destruction to cover the entire mountain, Washi and the others had already walked out from the tunnel that Danzo had dug. When they came out, they saw the flames all over the mountain.

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“Has the fight already started?” Washi, who was the last to walk out of the tunnel, said as he looked at the flames that soared into the sky.

“Washi-sama, the person that Madara mentioned earlier should be Obito.” After Danzo said the words “Madara”, Danzo had already guessed who the person monitoring was.

Other than this student who had been playing the role of Madara and controlling Akatsuki, there should be no one else in this world who would choose to play the role of Madara.

Washi nodded and said, “If there is no mistake, it must be him.” Looking at the current situation, he has not left after attacking Danzo and has been monitoring nearby. “

After hearing what the two said, Danzo was a little scared. He had never found the person monitoring him.

“I thought he had left. He has been busy building walls for the past two days. Only two clones have been dispatched to patrol outside. Sigh, I was too careless.” Danzo sighed and said.

In order to guard against another attack, he had placed his focus on the three walls. He did not care much about the surrounding patrols.

Speaking of this clone, Danzo suddenly turned his head to look at Female Orochimaru, “That’s right, I have lost two clones, so I have to hurry up. Right now, seven clones are not enough.”

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Female Orochimaru did not expect that the topic of conversation would actually fall on her. However, facing the burning gaze of Danzo, Female Orochimaru could only say, “No problem, we already have two tailed-beasts. The research of your clone will definitely speed up. When I go to Kirigakure next time, I will definitely have one.”

After obtaining Female Orochimaru’s confirmation, Danzo was satisfied. The more clones he had, the more sense of security he would have.

“Let’s talk about this. Let’s go over and take a look.” Because the mountain where Madara was fighting was still constantly making loud noises, Washi did not know what the situation of the Blind Madara was like, so he directly interrupted Danzo’s intention of continuing to ask questions and greeted everyone.

Under Washi’s urging, everyone began to rush to the mountain where Madara was fighting.

Along the way, everyone saw a burst of fire on the mountain top. Even if they were standing hundreds of meters away, everyone still felt the temperature around them suddenly rise. They stepped on the grass under their feet, making crisp sounds. It was obvious that all the water had been evaporated.

“Are they always using Fire Release?” Sakumo walked at the back of the group. When everyone stopped, he looked at the increasingly hot flames and said. “Madara-sama should not only know Fire Release.”

Hearing Sakumo’s words, Female Orochimaru also joked, “Maybe this is the way to meet the Uchiha?”

“Haha, that might not be the case.” Danzo said with a smile.

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Washi did not pay attention to the laughter of the Uchiha, but he did not go directly to find Madara. The flame inside was too big, and the danger of approaching was not small.

“Fire Release – Dragon Flame Technique!”

Just when Washi was still thinking about how to extinguish these flames, YMadara’s voice suddenly rang out from within the flames. After his voice fell, four fire dragons suddenly flew into the sky, and then flew in four different directions, attacking towards the position of Obito Uchiha.


Because Dragon Flame Technique had locked onto all of Obito’s escape routes, he could only directly use his Mangekyo Sharingan to expel these four fire dragons into a different space.

“This is your Mangekyo Sharingan ability, right?”

When Obito used Kamui to transfer the flame, Madara was already close to his clansman, and as he spoke, he swept his right foot towards Obito.

Because he had just used kamui, before Obito could react, he was directly hit by Madara, and his whole body flew backwards.

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“It seems that your Sharingan is not complete. Is it because of the lack of an eye?” Just now, Madara had only sensed the burst of chakra of Obito’s Sharingan, so he asked Obito. “How did you do that?”

Obito Uchiha, who was sent flying, did not suffer much damage. He stood up again and glared at Madara, “Haha, haha.”

“You forgot so quickly…”

“You can go now.” Before Obito could finish, Madara waved his hand and said, “When you find your other eye, come back to me. Although I can’t use the ability of Mangekyo Sharingan, you still can’t be my opponent.”

“Haha, Uchiha Madara.” Hearing this, Obito smiled instead of being angry. “Even if I only have one eye, I can still defeat you.”


Obito, who had just used his Mangekyo Sharingan, once again forcibly activated Divine Might, and his target directly locked onto Madara who was in front of him.

After this Sharingan ability was activated, the space on the side of Madara’s body began to ripple, and his entire right hand was instantly distorted by this sudden appearance of space-time ninjutsu.

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“Uchiha Flame Formation!”

Just as Madara’s right hand was about to be torn apart, the clan’s fire formation once again soared into the sky.

The dark red barrier was shrunk very small by Madara. From the outside, it looked like it was wrapped around his body, which made Madara extremely dazzling in the bright flames.

Moreover, after the fire formation rose, Obito was directly isolated outside the fire formation!

Although the space created by Kamui was constantly tearing the fire formation, after each tear, the endless fire immediately filled the gap, and Obito Uchiha’s Kamui was still unable to break through this fire formation.

“I have been studying Fire Release for a long time, and I have met many ninjas in space-time.” Madara, who was wrapped in a dark red flame formation, spoke slowly and slowly. “Therefore, I improved the formation. Although this new formation consumes a lot of chakra, as long as I still have chakra, you won’t be able to break through my defense.”

“Give up, Obito Uchiha.”

“You can’t defeat me. Even if you have the Mangekyo Sharingan, I am a blind Madara Uchiha.”

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