Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 142

Madara, who was wearing a coat of flames, continuously approached Obito who was sent flying. The withered weeds were instantly ignited under his feet, and the flame balls that were as big as the soles of his feet continued to accumulate as he continued to advance.

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After walking close to Obito, Madara continued, “You are too weak.”

“You only have one Sharingan, and you can defeat me. You can not even use Susanoo.”

The defeat of Obito, who lacked a Mangekyo Sharingan, did not make Madara excited at all. Instead, he felt that this battle was not perfect.

Obito, who was leaning against a giant tree, stared straight at Madara, recalling the time when he was saved by Madara. Everything he said was fake. Perhaps this was a part of his plan. Moreover, it was only a part of one of his plans. Who knew who this guy had recruited other than himself and Minato?

“It’s over.” Standing in front of Obito, Madara canceled the fire spell on his body, and said to Obito with a normal expression.

“Hehe.” Obito snorted twice and said, “Everything is not over yet! Madara Uchiha!”

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After saying this, Obito once again forcefully activated his Kamui power, gradually fading away from this mountain covered in flames.

At this time, Washi and the others had already cast Water Release to extinguish the flames all over the mountain. When everyone poured out a path, they just happened to see the fluctuation of the space when Obito left.

“Gone?” Washi saw that Madara was already walking back, so he stood in place and asked.

Madara who had already sensed the arrival of Washi and the others nodded and said, “This person who impersonated me is not strong, but space-time Ninjutsu is indeed amazing, and can directly teleport to other places. But if he wants to find the other Sharingan, I will fight him again. But before that, he should not blind his eyes.”

“Then we have to wait. Maybe it will be more reliable if you let him directly use the Rinnegan.” Washi did not think that Obito would really go to Konoha to remove Kakashi’s eyes. If he really wanted to say it, the chance of him removing the eyes was higher. “And when we return to Sujo City, we will go directly to the other side. No matter whether he has a second Sharingan or not, we have to deal with him.”

Sakumo, who had already learned a lot of information about this world, heard the two talking about the Sharingan and interrupted, “His other Sharingan is on Kakashi, right?”

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“Yes, on Kakashi’s body, it is also the Mangekyo Sharingan. And because of the existence of this Sharingan, your son’s chakra has been consumed by it.” Washi turned around and explained to Sakumo.

The Ninja of Konoha has always been suffering from the Sharingan seizing its chakra. Kakashi, who is not an Uchiha, can’t control the opening and closing of his Sharingan. If he wants to keep this eye, he must bear this result.

This was also the reason why he didn’t have enough chakra to use a few ninjutsu.

“Then isn’t Kakashi in danger?” Sakumo was already worried about Kakashi who was still in Konoha. If the one who just escaped didn’t give up his Sharingan as Washi had expected, then Kakashi would immediately face the attack of the ninja who could use Space-time Ninjutsu.

“They were teammates back then.” Washi waved his hand and said, “Minato, who stays in the village, is his teacher. But if you are worried, you can go to Konoha when we pass by.”

Speaking of this, Washi seemed to think of something, and continued to say to Sakumo, “By the way, if you want to go, don’t be too casual. Last time, we had a fight with Konoha because we went through the main entrance.”


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Before, when Washi and the others passed through Konoha, their contact with Konoha was not very friendly. This time, he brought along Madara, who seemed to be a little violent, and did not know what would happen. However, if not for necessary, Washi was not ready to contact Konoha’s people on his way back.

Even if Sakumo really wanted to enter Konoha to see his son, he could still go in from the place where he first sneaked into Konoha. This Sakumo was also a Hokage, so he definitely had a way to deal with Konoha’s barrier. As long as he could directly sneak in like Minato last time, he should be able to smoothly enter Konoha.

“No problem.” Sakumo did not mind how to enter Konoha.

Just as Sakumo agreed, Madara, who had not spoken for a long time, said, “Do we need to go to that rotten Konoha? Why should we sneak in? We just need to take it down before we destroy the Akatsuki.”

Madara was still as generous as ever. After knowing that the Uchiha Clan here had been destroyed by Konoha and the Akatsuki, he had always wanted to rebuild the order of Konoha.

This trip back to the city was a good opportunity, taking advantage of the passing time to clean up Konoha without wasting any time.

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“I think so, but Hashirama wants to put Konoha in the last place.” Washi did not have any special feelings for Konoha. Whether it was the first conquest or the last conquest, Washi felt that it was nothing.

“Is that what Hashirama thinks?” After Madara knew that the reason why he did not immediately fight Konoha was because of Hashirama, he nodded slightly, “That’s fine. After all, we built that place with bricks and tiles.”

Hearing this, Washi quickly looked at Madara who was speaking. “Your position has become a bit faster?” It seems that Hashirama’s words have a lot of influence on Madara. I don’t know what Hashirama did in the Naruto World to make this ruthless person quickly change his mind.

“That’s settled. Let’s go back again.” In addition to the assistance mission, Washi had been to Konoha several times. However, other than Danzo, who did not fight, Washi and others were either fighting with the Akatsuki or Konoha.

“Washi-sama, can I go directly to Kirigare?” After being disturbed by Obito, Danzo already felt that this place was not very safe. Every day, there was a risk of being monitored by outsiders. His opponent also had something as strange as Space-time Ninjutsu. He might as well go to Kirigakure now.

Washi had expected Danzo’s sudden enthusiasm. After his two clones were destroyed by Obito, he was definitely cautious and wanted to leave this place.

“Well, tomorrow you will go directly to Kirigakure. Madara and I will return to Sujo City.”

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