Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 143

The next day, just at dawn, Washi and his team were divided into two teams. One team was led by Washi and began to return to Sujo City, while the other team was Danzo, who was alone, ready to go to Kirigakure to replace Minato.

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When Washi and his team were about to reach Konoha, the village had already begun to change.

At this time, Konoha’s consultant team was completely healed, and his left eye was replaced with an ordinary eye.

Although he was expelled from the decision-making level of Konoha, he was still secretly connected to Homura and Koharu, and some of the higher-ups decided to inform Danzo and discuss countermeasures.

Because of this, Konoha’s treatment of some ninjas was very strange.

Because of his relationship with Minato, under the suggestion of the consultant, he was directly disqualified from carrying out the mission, and he was not given the right to lead the team. Although Iruka later suggested to transfer Kakashi to the Ninja School, this suggestion was rejected by Koharu and the others.

At this time, Kakashi could only wander around Konoha every day. In addition to the ninja vest on his body and the forehead guard on his head, he was no different from ordinary villagers.

“Kakashi-sama, you are here again.” In the shop of Ichiraku Ramen, Teuchi had seen Kakashi’s hand-to-hand fight countless times this month. He greeted Kakashi with familiarity.

“Yes.” Kakashi did not look very spirited. After answering Teuchi greeting, he sat down in front of the table and said, “It still looks the same.”

Teuchi saw that Kakashi did not want to chat today, so he did not continue to ask. After nodding and answering, he turned to make noodles.

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In fact, just like Kakashi, there were also the former members of Minato’s Flying Thunder God Team, who didn’t know about Genma, Raido, and Iwashi.

These three could use the Flying Thunder God Technique together, and they were once members of the 4th Hokage Team, and under the resolution of the higher-ups of Konoha, they temporarily lost the right to carry out the mission.

Konoha was now suppressing the members of the 4th Hokage, and although Homura and Koharu were only talking about the test for a short time, they were the only ones who knew the truth.

Now, Konoha was already short on manpower, and after sealing off this batch of 4th Hokage, they were even more lacking in manpower.

Fortunately, this was not the time of war. They could still recall the ninjas at the border of each country to temporarily replenish the shortcomings of the mission ninjas.

“Kakashi, you are here too.”

Just as Kakashi received the noodles handed over, another ninja walked into the noodle shop. This person was Kakashi’s lifelong enemy, Mighty Guy.

“You also eat noodles?” When Kakashi saw Mighty Guy’s arrival, he asked him doubtfully. In his impression, Mighty Guy was not only interested in making noodles for Guy.

“Haha.” Mighty Guy laughed twice and directly skipped the topic. He would not say that he was specifically looking for Kakashi.

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When Kakashi saw Mighty Guy like this, he knew that the other party must have something to talk to him about. “What is it?”

“Haha, as expected of the man I want to surpass!” Mighty Guy put his hands on his hips and laughed, “I don’t have a mission today. Why don’t we go around Konoha a thousand times today?”

“I’m not interested.” Without raising his head, Kakashi pulled down his mask and began to eat ramen.

After drinking a mouthful of ramen soup, Kakashi continued, “I know why you are doing this. I have nothing to do. It’s good to be idle like this.”

“This… Today, I went to find the Hokage-sama, but he still did not agree…” Seeing that his plan had been seen through, Mighty Guy said, “He could only directly say what he had done today.”

“Thank you.” Although the search for the 3rd Hokage did not work, Kakashi still thanked Mighty Guy.

In fact, a few days ago, Kakashi had already looked for Hiruzen Sarutobi, but he was directly rejected by Koharu, who was also in the Hokage building. The reason was that before he had found out Minato’s intentions and whether he had contacted his trusted followers in the village, he could not remove the ban on anyone.

After this groundless accusation, Kakashi never went to the Hokage building again.

“Sigh.” Seeing that Kakashi was still indifferent, Mighty Guy could only sigh and turn to leave.

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However, just as he turned around and walked out of the noodle shop, he saw a person with white hair like Kakashi walking over.

Other than hair, this person also wore a mask like Kakashi. The only difference between the two was that this person only covered one eye and was not wearing a ninja vest.

Mighty Guy looked at this strange guy doubtfully, but he couldn’t figure out why. After thinking for a moment and failing to come up with an answer, Mighty Guy could only turn around and leave.

At the same time as Mighty Guy left, the face under the mask of this white-haired man smiled slightly. He lifted the curtain of the ramen shop and walked in directly.

At this time, Kakashi, who was eating ramen, heard the sound of the curtain being lifted again. He thought that Mighty Guy had returned. When he looked up again, he directly met the eyes of the person who had just entered the room.

“Huh?” When he saw the person with the same white hair as himself, he was stunned and almost overlapped the figure in his memory.

Impossible, how could it be him…

No, even Minato Sensei could return to Konoha again, so why couldn’t he?


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Just as Kakashi thought of this and was about to look up again, he found that there was no one in the room.

“Where is he?” Kakashi frowned and quickly stood up. He had only lowered his head, but the other party had disappeared. Wasn’t this speed a little too fast?

Just as Kakashi was in a daze, a familiar voice rang out from behind him, “Are you looking for me?”

When Kakashi heard this voice that suddenly appeared, his entire body trembled. He suddenly turned his head and looked behind him. Sure enough, the white-haired man who had just entered the room was standing behind him.

“Your voice…” At this moment, Kakashi’s voice was trembling. This voice was too familiar to him.

The person that he had always wanted to surpass was also the person who had shamed the clan.

The same white hair, the same eyes, and the familiar voice.

There was no mistake, it was definitely that person. This white hair and blue coat person was definitely his father.

The legend that was once known as Konoha’s White Fang, Sakumo!

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