Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 149

In the beginning, all the villages in the Ninja World were gathered by their families, and Konoha was no exception. From the original Senji and Uchiha, to the Hiruzan, the Hatake, and the Hyuga , the family was increasing one by one, and their strength was gradually suppressing the entire Ninja World.

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Therefore, these Ninja Clans were the foundation of the Ninja Village. Without these Ninja Clans, just relying on some civilian ninjas would not be able to maintain a Ninja Village.

And as the foundation of this, the family’s control over their own people was actually stronger than existence. This could be seen from the caged bird of the Hyuga Clan that the family had a lot of autonomy to a certain extent.

This was also the reason why Sakumo dared to say this. If Hiruzen Sarutobi dared to let people stop Kakashi from leaving, then Kakashi might not be the only one who left this time.


After letting out a long sigh, Hiruzen Sarutobi continued, “If it were for Kakashi who wanted to leave, I would not stop him.”

“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” After hearing Hiruzen Sarutobi’s words, Washi also stood up and said, “Well, since we have agreed, we will go first.”

After Washi finished speaking, he did not wait for Hiruzen Sarutobi to reply, and directly took Madara and Sakumo out of the Hokage’s residence.

After walking out of the house, Washi asked Madara, who was next to him, “You did not say a word this time, why did you just follow?”

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“This Hokage is not bad.” After coming here, this was the first thing Madara said, and this evaluation was somewhat beyond Washi’s expectations.

Previously, Madara was not very satisfied with the extermination of the Uchiha clan, but after seeing Hiruzen Sarutobi, why did his tone suddenly change?

In order to know how Madara changed his mind, Washi asked again, “What? Do you think Hiruzen Sarutobi is not bad?”


“He is good at becoming a Hokage.” Madara nodded and said. “It seems that Hashirama here is not bad for Tobirama.”

For Madara, being a Hokage naturally could not be indecisive, and today, Hiruzen Sarutobi’s performance seemed to be barely passable.

While they were chatting and leaving, Hiruzen Sarutobi was also standing in his residence, watching Washi and the others who were gradually leaving. Today, the biggest shock to Hiruzen Sarutobi was the appearance of Madara. This ninja from the same generation as Hashirama seemed to be about the same age as him today.

“There are too many doubts. We have to find out clearly.” Now that Konoha was in a situation where there were internal and external problems, the gradually decreasing fighting strength had caused the advantages of Konoha to the other four villages to drop like a cliff. His priority now was to preserve the current fighting strength of Konoha.

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Of course, this included Kakashi.

After Washi and the others disappeared nearby, Hiruzen Sarutobi directly woke up the few Anbu members who were still unconscious outside the room. After the four Anbu members woke up, Hiruzen Sarutobi sent them out.

Although the moon was already in the sky, this was the time to sleep. In order to face new threats, he could only continue to discuss with Homura and Koharu.

In this kind of important matter, Hiruzen Sarutobi was still willing to trust his old comrades.

Because these Anbu brought news of Madara and Sakumo, Homura and Homura quickly jumped out of the bed and went straight to Hiruzen Sarutobi’s residence.

Other than the two consultants, Homura and Koharu, Torifu and Danzo were also invited.

Once, Tobirama’s students gathered together again. Although there was no longer Madara and Kagami Uchiha, this was also the most gathering time.

“Sarutobi, is what you said true?” When the four people came to Hiruzen Sarutobi’s house,

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Before Homura could sit down, he directly asked the Hokage-sama.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had been waiting for a long time, was sitting on a chair and smoking a pipe. The living room had already been shrouded in smoke by his smoke. “Yes, I have seen both of them.”

“Madara, how is that possible?” Danzo, who had been seriously injured several times, said with a pale face.

After several serious injuries, Danzo’s body was no longer as good as before, and without Shisui Uchiha’s Mangekyo Sharingan, his strength was even worse.

“I saw it with my own eyes, how can it be fake?” Hiruzen Sarutobi took out the pipe in his mouth and put it on the table, “Sit down first.”

“Sarutobi, you still have the leisure to sit here. That is Uchiha Madara, Hashirama died because of illness during the battle with him, and now he is still talking about it. This time, he must have a conspiracy.” Seeing that Hiruzen Sarutobi was still calm, Koharu was a little anxious.

“The previous battle must have been because of him. His goal has always been to destroy Konoha. This time, he must have come for this.”

Koharu continued to analyze. Although they were all wrong, his words made Homura and the others believe him.

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Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had been silent all this time, echoed after Koharu said, “Yes, Sarutobi, we have to think of a way.”

“Is there any good way?” Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled bitterly, “They have Minato, Sakumo, Jiraya, and Orochimaru. Now there is one more Uchiha, what can we do? Even if we put all the Ninjas in Konoha together, can we defeat one of their Senju? Or Susanoo?”


Hiruzen Sarutobi’s words made everyone speechless for a moment. Yes, the strength of the other side was so strong just from the surface. Besides Madara, who showed up this time, they still did not know how many people were hiding. Even if the five people in this room attacked at the same time, they might not be able to beat the other side.

“Should we contact the other Ninja Villages?” Everyone was silent for a long time before Homura spoke again.

“Other Ninja Villages?” After Homura’s reminder, Hiruzen Sarutobi felt that this plan was more feasible. However, it was easier said than done to unite the five great Ninja Villages. The years of battle had already made the few great Ninja Villages distrust each other.

Seeing that Hiruzen Sarutobi was a little hesitant, Danzo quickly urged him, “Yes, let’s unite all the Ninjas in Sunagakure, Iwagakure, and Kirigakure together. Only then can we have the ability to fight against Madara and Washi who used Wood Release. Sarutobi, we have to act immediately. This organization has come to Konoha several times. This is a ticking time bomb, and maybe one day it will explode Konoha.”

Danzo did not wait for Hiruzen Sarutobi to reply, and continued, “I know more about the Land of Water. This time, let me contact Kirigakure’s Mizukage.”

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