Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 150

Under Danzo’s strong request, the consultant team and Hiruzen Sarutobi finally agreed to his suggestion.

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After the discussion, Danzo directly set off for the Land of Water. After Danzo left, Hiruzen Sarutobi also sent ninjas to contact the other villages in order to unite the strength of the Ninja World in a short period of time.

In order to deal with the threat of Washi, Madara, and others to Konoha, Hiruzen Sarutobi had no choice but to do so.

After watching Danzo leave, Koharu stood by the door and said to the 3rd Hokage with some concern, “Sarutobi, with the strength of the other side, even if we unite the other villages, I’m afraid it will be difficult to be enemies.”

In the era when Konoha was still led by Hashirama and Tobirama Senju, there had been such a situation. However, due to Tobirama Senju’s peaceful thinking, the war did not continue. Instead, there was a short period of peace.

“If we do not unite, maybe as Danzo said, we will become the first sacrifice.” Hiruzen Sarutobi had been thinking for a long time. In the face of Washi and the others, Konoha had suffered two blows. Every time, it brought a huge loss to Konoha. The first time the Kyubi Jinchuriki was lost, the second time was a psychological blow to Konoha Ninjas.

With Konoha’s current situation, could it still withstand the third blow? This was a question that Hiruzen Sarutobi was very suspicious of.

“Ah, yes, that’s the only way.” Homura, who rarely spoke, also echoed.

Although Homura did not speak, he also agreed with this statement. Only by joining forces would there be some hope to fight against Washi. If they did not join forces, they would not even be able to see that hope.

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However, before this problem, Konoha needed to face the departure of Kakashi, so Homura said to Hiruzen Sarutobi, “What about Kakashi? Are we going to let him go just like that? According to the report from the Anbu, Kakashi is already packing up. Tomorrow at dawn, Kakashi will definitely leave Konoha with Sakumo.”

“Let him go.” Hiruzen Sarutobi seemed to have already made a plan, so when Homura asked this question, Sarutobi immediately answered him.

Hiruzen Sarutobi’s decisiveness made Homura stunned. In the past, Hiruzen Sarutobi was not like this. He was indecisive. Wasn’t this Sarutobi’s style?

Although he was surprised, Homura continued, “If we let him go, wouldn’t we…”

This time, before Homura could finish, Hiruzen Sarutobi continued, “Do you have a better plan? If we don’t let Kakashi go, will Konoha still see dawn?”

“We have no choice now. Strength does not allow us to refute the other party’s opinion.”

“Sigh.” Homura was convinced by Hiruzen Sarutobi’s words. Yes, without strength, what can we do?

“If it were for still the era of Hashirama-sama and the 2nd Hokage, maybe we would not encounter this problem. Whether it is Washi or Madara, we can find a way to deal with them. Unfortunately, Hashirama-sama and the 2nd Hokage are no longer here. Konoha can’t find a person that can shock the world.”

While they were talking, another Anbu came in the night.

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As soon as the Anbu landed in front of the window, he immediately said to Hiruzen Sarutobi, “Hokage-sama, Kakashi said he will leave Konoha tomorrow.”

“Got it.” This news had long been expected by Hiruzen Sarutobi, so he just nodded at this time, without any expression on his face.

When the Anbu, Homura and others left one after another, Hiruzen Sarutobi still stood in front of the window, looking at the bright moon in the sky alone, not sleeping for a long time.

The next day, at dawn.

Hokage Rock.

“Kakashi, you are late.” Sakumo, who was already sitting on the head of Hashirama’s statue, said.

When he sensed that Kakashi was approaching happily, he said this without looking back.

Hearing this, Kakashi did not answer. At this time, he was carrying a not-so-big bag, standing behind Sakumo, overlooking the entire Konoha.

Sakumo stood up and turned to look at Kakashi. “Do you regret it?”

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“No, I just suddenly wanted to leave, but I was a little reluctant.” Kakashi smiled bitterly under the mask and said to Sakumo.

“That’s true. After all, you have been here for twenty years.” Sakumo walked to Kakashi and patted him on the shoulder, “But we will come back. Don’t worry, it won’t be long before you can see Konoha again.”

Kakashi was a little puzzled by Sakumo’s words, “We will come back?”

“Yes, we will definitely come back. As for the specific situation, we will tell you in detail after we arrive at Sujo City.” After saying that, Sakumo took the lead and walked down the cliff. Washi and the others were still waiting for them.

But just as the two of them moved, a green figure was telling them to come closer. When he stopped in front of Sakumo, the two of them recognized him as Konoha’s Sublime Green Beast of Prey, Mighty Guy.

“Kakashi, I didn’t find you at your house just now, and you knew”

Mighty Guy, who had just stopped, had not finished speaking. His eyes were just like Hiruzen Sarutobi’s, staring at Sakumo, “This is, Sakumo-san?”

“Mighty Guy, you are still as energetic as ever.” In the world where Sakumo was in, Mighty Guy also pestered Kakashi to practice every day, but Sakumo did not dislike this kind of behavior. Every hard-working Konoha Ninja was very good.

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“Is it really Sakumo-san?” At this time, Mighty Guy’s head was a little down. He did not expect to find Kakashi and Sakumo.

“Of course, but Kakashi can’t cultivate with you today. We have something to do. Let’s talk about it later.”

After saying that, Sakumo stopped talking to Mighty Guy and took Kakashi directly to the hotel where Washi was.

“I haven’t woken up yet, right?” At this time, Mighty Guy, who was still on the Hokage Rock, was still standing in the same place, staring at the distant father and son, “Of course, otherwise how could I see Sakumo-san?”

“But I have seen the 4th Hokage, and it is not impossible for him to reappear.”

“Wait, should I tell the 3rd Hokage?”

On the Hokage Rock, Mighty Guy, who was thinking at an unprecedented high speed, was still thinking about the matter of Washi, while the two main characters had already arrived at the hotel where Washi was.

When Washi brought Kakashi into Washi’s room, Kakashi was shocked by the line-up in the room.

On the left side of the door sat Orochimaru and Female Orochimaru, and on the right was Jiraya and the young Tobirama.

Facing the door, Washi and Madara were standing by the window, looking at Kakashi, who had just joined the organization.

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