Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 156

They are all Hokage?

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Sakumo’s words made Jiraya fall into deep thought. Things seemed to be getting more and more complicated. He had to think about it when he went back. Why did all these people say that he was Konoha’s Hokage?

Washi was not ready to answer Jiraya. The new Hokage had appeared. He had to go in and see who it was.

When Washi sat down at the table, his consciousness returned to the Naruto Warehouse. On the screen of the warehouse wall, the information of the next Hokage had appeared.

“Naruto Warehouse, reserve 790/800.”

Waking up, Fugaku (Fierce), 41 years old, peak:

Konoha’s 5th Hokage was not satisfied with the Chief of Konoha’s police department. He planned a rebellion. With the help of Shisui, Itachi, and Kagami, the night of the rebellion was no less cruel than the night of the Kyubi Village. Half of Konoha was destroyed because of this rebellion.

With this battle that had turned the world upside down, the Uchiha finally ascended the throne of Hokage.

“The Uchiha is the real master of Konoha.”

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He is executing the plan. The remaining time to wake up is 19 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 41 seconds.


Looking at Fugaku’s introduction, he should have roped in Shisui Uchiha, and then turned the tables with the help of Itachi and Kagami Uchiha?

He didn’t expect that Fugaku would have a chance to turn the tables, but now that Yahiko had been awakened, it was not impossible for Fugaku to turn the tables and get the position of Hokage.

However, the next time he fought with the Akatsuki, Yahiko and Fugaku stood up. Their impact on the Akatsuki might be even stronger than the battle.

However, Fugaku still had twenty days left, and it was still a little long. Perhaps by the time he arrived, Washi and the others would have already taken down the Akatsuki.

Thinking of this, Washi gradually withdrew from the Naruto Warehouse. In addition to the countdown displayed on the screen, there was nothing to see.

When Washi returned to the hall, he found that Sakumo and Yahiko were staring at Jiraya, not knowing what Jiraya had done.

“What’s wrong?” Washi looked at the three people who were in a deadlock and asked.

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“Sama…” Yahiko smiled awkwardly and handed a book to Washi.

Washi glanced at the name on the book. This book was the famous “Icha Icha Paradise” in the original world. Washi was about to reach out to take it. He also wanted to see what this famous “Icha Icha Paradise” had written.

But before Washi could get the book, Sakumo, who was sitting next to Jiraya, took the book.

After flipping through a few pages, the expression on Sakumo’s face became more and more rich. In the end, he even slammed the book on the table.

“Jiraya, how can you write this kind of book? When we were in Konoha, I saw Kakashi reading your book. I didn’t expect it to be like this. This kid, I have to teach him a lesson.” As Sakumo said this, he stood up and walked out of the room. Needless to say, Sakumo must have gone to find trouble with Kakashi.

The three people in the room looked at Sakumo leaving, but they did not stop him. They had to deal with their own matters.

Jiraya didn’t care about it. He didn’t think there was anything wrong with the book. After Sakumo left, Jiraya handed the book back to Washi and continued to talk about his intimate series of books. “I have a new book ready to be sent out. Do you want to take a look?”

“What book?” Yahiko said with some anticipation.

Although he had been frightened by the letter of appointment before, Yahiko was still very interested in the content of the book after Jiraya mentioned the word ‘new book’. Maybe this new book of his teacher would be back on track.

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“Let me show you.” As Jiraya spoke, he took out the book from his pocket and handed it to Yahiko.

Yahiko, who took the book, looked at its name ‘Icha Icha Paradise’, and knew that the book was not much different from the one he had just read. “Sensei, why do you always write this kind of book?”

“What, is it not good?” Jiraya did not think that there was anything wrong with his new book.

Yahiko did not know how to answer this question, so he could only answer stiffly, “No, nothing is wrong.”

“That’s good. I’ll get someone to send it out in a few days. Kakashi should like it.”

Just as Jiraya was advertising himself, the rest of the people gradually came to the hall because of the meal.

The first to arrive was Minato. He was followed by Naruto and Hinata. These two children who stayed in Sujo City were usually quite good at playing. However, because Hinata was much older than Naruto, he only treated Naruto as his younger brother. On weekdays, he encouraged Naruto to go back to Konoha to find his companions.

The ones who came were Hashirama and Nadara, who were with Tsunade and Tobirama.

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After Orochimaru and Female Orochimaru arrived, Sakumo and Kakashi finally came. They had just gone to Kakashi’s room to search for the prohibited goods. At this time, their faces were not very good.

“Our team has more and more people each day.” When everyone sat down, Washi said to the people who couldn’t sit down at the long table.

When Tomihashi, who was carrying food to the table, heard this, he said with some difficulty, “Washi-sama, now I am the only one taking care of the City Lord’s Mansion. It is a little insufficient.”

Previously, because of Washi’s departure, there were only a few people left in the Sujo City, so Tomihashi could barely handle it alone.

But this time, Washi suddenly brought so many people back, which made Tomihashi a little busy. Not to mention taking care of the room, even these three meals a day would take the life of this superior ninja.

“This is indeed a problem.” Washi felt that Tomihashi’s words were not bad, and it was a little difficult to not add a few people in charge of taking care of it.

At this time, Washi also remembered the Sujo City Lord who had previously given up the City Lord’s Mansion. Later, he could ask Tomihashi to find him directly and ask him to arrange a few people over there.

After thinking it over, Washi directly instructed Tomihashi after the meal. After knowing that he could increase a few helpers, Tomihashi left the City Lord’s Mansion full of joy and went straight to the Sujo City Lord’s Mansion.

“Washi, when are you going to find that Akatsuki?” At the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion, Hashirama, who had just watched Tomihashi leave, asked Washi beside him.

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