Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 157

“Two days? That’s good. We can rest early.” Hashirama nodded slightly and continued, “At that time, Madara and I will also go. It’s better to send all of us to deal with this Akatsuki.”

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Now that Hashirama had rested in Sujo City for a period of time, his body was no longer in danger. The vitality he had consumed before had also recovered a little. This was also the reason why Hashirama took the initiative to contact Washi.

“Well, after all, the Akatsuki still has a lot of strong people. They are much stronger than Konoha.” Of course, Washi also agreed with Hashirama’s statement. It was a good thing to have more people.

Although the strength of his side was very strong, and they could defeat the Akatsuki without all the members, it was always good to have more people.

“Well, the strength of Konoha here is much worse. However, Tsunade and Naruto definitely can’t go with them. Sujo City still has to leave one or two people to watch.”

Hashirama was still a little worried about his granddaughter Tsunade. It was impossible to take her to attack the Akatsuki. If she stayed, she might encounter the rebels nearby. Therefore, Hashirama was still ready to let Washi leave two people to watch the house.

Washi had already thought about this problem, so he nodded and said to Hashirama, “Let Female Orochimaru and Orochimaru do it. They just happen to have to monitor the Suigetsu. Their research on tailed-beasts can not be stopped.”

“The two of them? That’s good.” Hashirama still recognized the strength of these two researchers.

The matter of attacking the Akatsuki was decided between Washi and Hashirama.

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Just as the Washi team in Sujo City was discussing the next battle, Kirigakure of the Land of Water welcomed Danzo, who had come from Konoha to contact them.

After a long journey, Danzo came to Kirigakure, and before he could take a sip of water, he began to talk to the new Mizukage, who was supported by Washi.

Although he was puzzled as to why Kirigakure had unknowingly changed the Mizukage, this was after all a matter of the other villages, so Danzo had no time to ask. Instead, he bluntly stated the purpose of this trip, “Mizukage-sama, I came here to seek cooperation between Konoha and Kirigakure.”


Mei heard this, but she did not react at all. Sitting in the main seat, she was staring at Danzo who looked exactly the same as the Washi team member who was in charge of monitoring upstairs, trying to find the difference between the two.

But after looking for a long time, Mei still couldn’t see anything. These two people were clearly the same person!

“Mizukage-sama?” Danzo saw that Mei didn’t reply,

He hurriedly shouted again.

“Huh? What?” Mei recovered from her shock, but she didn’t hear what Danzo had just said, so she asked him again.

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“Eh…” Danzo didn’t expect the new Mizukage to be so absent-minded, completely unlike a Hokage.

Why did the position of the Kage fall into the hands of these people?

Although Washi was very dissatisfied at this time, as a person who came to seek cooperation, he could only endure, “I am the Hokage of Konoha who came to negotiate with Kirigakure.”

“Cooperation? What is there to cooperate with our Kirigakure and Konoha?” After listening to Danzo’s story, Mei asked with a puzzled face.

Land of Water and the Land of Fire have always been in war, so how can there be any cooperation?

“Because there is a problem that needs cooperation in the Ninja World.” Danzo looked at Mei and continued, “We found the Madara. He is still alive and is preparing to attack the villages.”

“Our Konoha has already repelled the first attack of his organization, but I believe that they will soon have a second and third attack. Although our Konoha can resist his attack, what about Kirigakure? Can you resist Madara?”

After Danzo finished saying the words she had thought of during the journey, she paid attention to the expressions of Mei and Ao behind her. She thought that they would be shocked and would quickly ask her about the reappearance of Madara.

But when Danzo paused for a moment, Ming and the other two looked at Danzo expressionlessly.

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This awkward scene immediately confused Danzo. What was the situation of the other party?

I am talking about Madara, Madara Uchiha! Haven’t you heard of him?

This is such a big news. Even if you are not surprised, you should show some expression. What’s with this indifferent look?

Danzo gritted his teeth, ready to explode again, “There are not only Madara among them, but also the 4th Hokage of our Konoha, Minato, and our former Konoha’s White Fang Sakumo. Both of them joined Madara’s organization. With the three of them working together, our two villages must unite to deal with it.”

Mei and the other two, “…”

Danzo, “…”

Danzo was now very embarrassed, and Mei’s reaction was completely out of his expectations.

Danzo had previously thought that Ao would scold him for being a liar, and would wonder why the three dead people would suddenly appear and be shocked by Madara’s appearance.

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However, Mei had a calm expression on his face, as if he was watching a show. He had never thought about it.

What was wrong with this Kirigakure?

Could it be that the title in the Village of Bloody Mist had made everyone here stupid?

“Cough cough, Mizukage-sama, do you not believe what I said?” He coughed twice to break the silence and asked Mei again.

“Ah? No, we completely believe you.” How could Kirigakure, which had already been attacked by Minato and Sakumo, not believe it?

There is a person who looks exactly like you, do you think we believe it?

But so what if we believe it? I am now the puppet of the other side. Kirigakure was also greatly injured after the last battle. Even if they wanted to resist Washi and the others, they did not have the strength.

Moreover, now that Washi had the legendary Madara Uchiha on his side, even if they joined forces with Konoha to deal with Washi, Mei still felt that there was no chance of winning.

“You believe?” Mei’s reaction once again confused Danzo. Why did the other side always not play according to the rules?

“Of course, whether it is Madara Uchiha or Minato, we all believe in their existence.”

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