Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 158


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Hearing Mei’s words, Danzo suddenly stood up and stared at Mei. He asked in fear, “They have already been here? You have fought, and that Washi still left people in Kirigakure. Does that mean…”

The more Danzo thought about it, the more terrifying he felt. According to this line of thought, Kirigakure might have already been conquered. The previous generation of Mizukage suddenly became this Mei now. Perhaps the previous generation of Mizukage had been killed by Madara and the others!

“You are right.”

Just as Danzo’s breathing became more and more rapid, Danzo came down from upstairs and stood at the corner of the corridor with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

“It’s you!”

When he was in Konoha, Danzo had seen this ninja who looked exactly the same as him. Now that he suddenly saw him in Kirigakure, it really shocked Danzo.

The truth was already very obvious. The organization that Washi was in made Kirigakure become a vassal, and he was now a wolf!

However, looking at the current situation, Washi and Madara were definitely not in this Kirigakure. If there were only a few people here, he might have a chance to escape.

Danzo, who had already made up his mind to run away, looked at the position of the other party. In front of him was the new Mizukage of Kirigakure. At the corner of the right corridor was the person who looked exactly like him. If he directly ran out, there was still a chance.

Just as Danzo thought of a way out, his feet suddenly stepped and he directly retreated backwards.

“Where do you want to go?”

Before Danzo landed on the ground outside the house, a voice suddenly came from the direction of his back.

Hearing the voice, Danzo looked back and saw that this person was precisely the stable Danzo who had just turned the corner of the corridor.

How could this person be so fast?

Danzo was amazed in his heart. He had already used his fastest speed, but this person had already directly come to the direction of his back. This speed was simply too fast.

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In fact, Danzo was not right. The person standing behind him to block the way was not the person he had just seen. The person behind him was actually just a clone that was firmly hidden. After Danzo entered the building, the clone said,

He had already been guarding this place for a long time.

“Don’t even think about stopping me!” Just as Danzo was about to approach this clone, he quickly took out a handful of kunai from his waist and swiped it at Danzo’s clone.

“Earth Release – Earth Flow Wall!”

The clone blocking the way was the steady and well-hidden clone of Number Seven. He was good at using Earth Release. After Danzo drew out the kunai, he directly formed a seal with his hands. An earth wall rose with his voice, isolating the two people on both sides of the street.


Danzo slashed the earth wall with kunai, and he also borrowed this force to jump to the side, ready to continue to escape.

Of course, the seventh clone who wanted to capture Danzo would not just block the other party’s way. His goal was to directly leave Danzo in Kirigakure and stay in this blood fog.

“Earth Release – Double Suicide Decapitation Technique!”

Just as the seventh clone finished speaking, Danzo, who had just borrowed the force to run a distance away, suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed his ankle.


When this hand pulled down and was about to pull Danzo into the ground, the ankle in his hand suddenly turned into a pile of wooden stakes. Danzo’s real body had used the substitute technique to escape the range of the heart beheading technique.

How can this kind of ninjutsu be effective against me?

Danzo, who had already rushed to the roof, did not forget to look down on the clone of number 7 who had just used the heart beheading technique.

However, Danzo could not be arrogant for long. Just as he jumped up and was about to jump onto the outer wall of Kirigakure, two ninjas jumped down from the two sides of the wall at the same time.

The two of them each held a long blade in their hands and slashed towards Danzo from two different directions.

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Facing the attacks coming from both sides at the same time, Danzo did not panic too much. Having experienced many battles, Danzo was already used to this kind of surprise attack.

However, when the other party was about to get close, two familiar faces appeared in his field of vision, and Danzo was suddenly stunned.

In this trance, Danzo’s Body Flicker Technique slowed down a bit. When he successfully teleported to the city wall, his left wrist had already been cut.

“Shadow clones? How could there be two of me? But whether it is wearing or sensing chakra, they don’t look like shadow clones at all.”

Danzo, who was standing on the city wall, covered his arm and looked at the two attackers who were rushing towards the city wall in fear.

And these two people were the other two clones that were firmly hidden, number 6 and number 8.

“You can’t run away.” After Number 6 landed on the city wall, he raised his long blade and said to Danzo.

Number 8, who was standing next to him, also said at the same time, “Give up. As long as you stay in Kirigakure, we won’t do anything to you.”

Although Steady Danzo did not show up, he was not ready to kill the same Danzo. After all, both of them are Danzo.

However, Danzo was obviously not ready to accept the other side’s kindness. Although his arm was injured, he would still continue to fight.

I am the student of the 2nd Hokage, I am a ninja of Konoha!

With this thought in mind, Danzo endured the pain and raised his hands to his chest, ready to cast ninjutsu.

However, due to the injury to his arm, the speed of his hand seals was greatly reduced. When Danzo had just formed the first seal, two steady clones once again slashed at him with their blades.

“Wind Release – Wind Blade!”

Wind Release was extremely fast, not to mention that everyone was still on the narrow city wall. The Wind Blade that Danzo had used to endure the pain was directly hit on the right leg of the clone.

Even though it was hit by the Wind Blade, the clone did not stop at all. It held the long blade and continued to rush at Danzo.

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“It really is not a shadow clone!”

When Danzo saw that his Wind Blade did not cause the other party to turn into white smoke and disappear, he immediately understood that these people were not shadow clones, but real existences.


Just as Danzo understood, his two arms were stabbed. The intense pain caused him to stop forming hand seals. He took several steps back, but his mouth still stubbornly said, “I will not compromise.”

At this time, the two clones of Danzo also came to the city wall. The four clones stood in four directions, surrounding Danzo.

“Is that so?” The third clone, who was wearing the Anbu uniform of Kirigakure, smiled and said to Danzo. “We won’t do anything to you. As long as you stay in Kirigakuree, you will not be hurt.”

“Dream on!”

Danzo gritted his teeth and glared at these people who looked exactly like him. “Who exactly are you?”

“Us? Of course it’s Danzo.” The four clones replied in unison.

“Damn it.”

When Danzo heard the other party’s answer, he cursed angrily.

If you are all Danzo, then who am I? Do you really think I am so easy to deceive?

“Only I am the one who is determined! Village! Group! Hide!” Danzo stared at his opponents and shouted at them one word at a time.

“Haha, who isn’t?”

The four clones were amused by Danzo’s words. From what you said, could it be that we are still fake? Although we are clones, we are real collective.

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“Alright, the game is over.”

Just as the four clones were mocking Danzo, a person covered in armor appeared behind them, and this person was precisely the stabilizer who had never shown himself.

“Danzo-sama.” After hearing this voice, the clones all lowered their heads and respectfully said to the newcomer.

“Danzo-sama?” Holding back the pain, Danzo looked at the man standing on the battlements and asked in confusion.

Was it another self-proclaimed Danzo? How many of these people were hidden in this village?

Last time in the Konoha war, he thought that the other party was just a few clones. Now it seemed that it was not the case. Could it be Orochimaru’s new research results? He could already copy the people that had existed?

It seemed that Minato, Madara, and Sakumo, who had appeared before, might also be the same as these ‘Danzo’. They were all replicas! Damn it! I can’t bring this news back to Konoha. Now that five people have come, Danzo didn’t think that he could escape.

“Give up.” Standing on the battlements, Danzo calmly said to the Steady Danzo. Out of consideration of the same root and source, he really wanted to leave the other side alive.

But Danzo was not ready to appreciate it. He was ready to die. He stared at the man wrapped in armor and said resentfully, “No one can threaten me. No one can make me be sentenced to Konoha!”

“No one!”

“Self-Cursing Seal!”

Danzo roared. His entire body charged towards the firm and Steady Danzo True Body. Because he had activated the Self-Cursing Seal just now, the four clones were frozen in place. As for the stable group, they immediately broke the seal. “What do you want to do? The Reverse Four Symbols Sealing?”


Danzo, who was preparing to use the Reverse Four Symbols Sealing after the Self-Cursing Seal, heard this and a trace of cold air rushed straight to his brain from the soles of his feet. He did not tell anyone about this seal. It was impossible for others to know that he could use this ninjutsu!

“Yes, it is the Reverse Four Symbols Sealing. None of you will be able to escape!”

After saying those harsh words, Danzo no longer talked nonsense, “Reverse Four Symbols Sealing!”

The blood on Danzo’s body was ready to spurt out. At the critical moment, Steady Danzo calmly stretched out his hand and said with a smile on his face, “Reverse Four Symbols Sealing!”

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