Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 163

As a member of Akatsuki, now that he was trapped by Sakumo, Nagato naturally would not ignore him.

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When Zetsu was pulled out of the ground, Nagato directly commanded the Asura to rush in the direction of Zetsu.

But Sakumo would not let Nagato save Zatsu so easily. He pulled out his White Light Chakra Sabre before Hashirama as Hashirama instantly injected chakra to make it a long sabre flashing with lightning chakra. After the long sabre of chakra was formed, Sakumo then swung the blade directly at Asura and slashed it.

The Asura with armor and mechanical tools naturally would not be easily cut. When the White Light Chakra Sabre was about to touch his arm, the back of the Asura suddenly stretched out another arm, bypassing the White Light Chakra Sabre, and directly grabbed toward Sakumo’s face.

Facing this arm that suddenly appeared, Sakumo raised his sWhite Light Chakra Sabre and blocked the front of the mechanical arm.


The arm of Asura collided with the White Light Chakra Sabre, making a loud noise.

Because the White Light Chakra Sabre was injected with lightning attribute chakra, lightning followed Asura’s arm and instantly passed to his body. The body of Asura suddenly changed.

However, the Asura’s body was transformed by Nagato’s Rinnegan, so he was not afraid of the lightning attack. Although his clothes and body were damaged, it did not affect the Asura’s movement.

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“Asura Attack!”

The Asura did not let go of the White Light Chakra Sabre. Instead, it broke from the center of his arm. A few gray cables quickly stretched out from his arm and continued to move towards Sakumo from both sides of the short knife.

Facing this attack, Sakumo naturally would not sit still. However, because White Light Chakra Sabre was entangled by the mechanical arm, he could only use the lightning release to defend against the incoming cable. He made his move, “Lightning – False Darkness!”


Under Sakumo’s shout, a huge lightning spear shot out from his mouth. The thick lightning directly hit the cable of the Asura’s arm into starch, and the momentum did not decrease, continuing to attack the Asura’s body.

“Blocking Technique Absorption Seal!”

Seeing that the Asura was about to be broken, one of the six paths, Preta, quickly jumped to the side of the Asura and quickly used the seal to absorb Sakumo’s lightning.

“The other side is a bit strong.”

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Next to Pain, the mechanical man controlled by Sasori said to the members of Akatsuki with a smile on his face. Now, it seemed that the strength of the other side was greater than Akatsuki on his side. There were two ninjas who could use Wood Release, plus Uchiha Madara. There were so many strong core forces below. It seemed that just Pain and the Uchiha who used Susanoo could not solve the problem.

Was Akatsuki going to be wiped out?

“What are you all still standing there for?” Nagato saw that the attack of the other side was getting stronger and stronger, but the people on his side did not have any intention of reinforcement, and said with some anger.

Standing behind him, Zabuza no longer heard him and directly rushed out, and his opponent was Konoha’s Yellow Flash Minato.

After observing for a while, Sasori chose Sakumo, who was fighting with the Asura Path and Preta Path. Sasori would never forget this guy called Konoha’s White Fang. After all, his parents died in the hands of the other side.

In the past, he thought that there was no chance to take revenge, but now that Sakumo reappeared, he gave Sasori another chance.

After both of them chose their targets, only Kisame Hoshigaki and Itachi were left behind. The two of them didn’t know what to do for a while. The other side was a member of Konoha. Should they fight or not?

“What are you two still thinking about?” Nagato saw Kisame and Itachi for a long time without moving. So, he specifically turned his heads and looked at Kisame.

“Eh, I…” Kisame put his hand on the shark skin behind him and wanted to slash at Nagato with his saber. At this time, it seemed like it was his chance to leave Akatsuki.

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However, just as Kisame was about to swing his saber, Itachi placed his hand on Kisame’s shoulder. “Let’s go, it’s time for us to move out.”

“Ah?” Kisame Hoshigaki, who was suddenly interrupted, looked at Itachi in a daze. He had finally mustered up the courage to make a move. Now that he was slapped by Itachi, he no longer had the intention to continue swinging his saber.

“What? Let’s go.” After Itachi glared at him, he jumped forward and joined in the battle of Zetsu and Zabuza.

At this time, Kisame Hoshigaki, who was facing Outer Path alone, also gave up the idea of making a move. After looking at Pain, Kisame Hoshigaki also joined the battle with Itachi.

And just as everyone of Akatsuki entered the arena, the wooden human controlled by Washi and Hashirama had already collided with the Susanoo.

Although the strength of this expert was very strong, and he also had the powerful space-time ninjutsu of Kamui, but because the opponent was two experts who used Wood Release, both Kamui and the wood attribute were unable to find a breakthrough for a while, and the battle fell into a deadlock.

“Let me do it.”

Madara, who was standing on Washi’s wooden head, saw that the battle was getting heated. He also wanted to participate in it. So, after saying this to Washi, Madara clapped his hands on the wooden head, and a Fire Release instantly took shape. “Fire Release – Great Fire Destruction!”

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As soon as Madara made his move, he used a super wide range Fire Release Kamuiire Release was formed, no matter if it was friend or foe, half of the battlefield was directly enveloped in it.

In the face of the sudden flame, the ninjas fighting on both sides quickly jumped away, leaving only the Kamui with Susanoo in the middle of the field to forcibly block this Fire Release.

“Divine Might!”

However, for two Obito who had space-time ninjutsu, this little bit of fire release didn’t have much effect on him. Just as the flame was about to wrap around Susanoo’s whole body, a space fluctuation suddenly appeared around Susanoo, and all the flames were instantly sucked into the different space.

When all the flames disappeared, and the entire battlefield was clearly visible again, Nagato suddenly found that there seemed to be one less person on his side. “Oh no, they must have caught me.”

Just now, when Madara’s fire burst out, Sakumo took advantage of the time when Asura and Preta retreated to directly grab Black Zetsu and retreated to the side of Washi.

“Sasori didn’t come back either.” Kisame Hoshigaki looked left and right and found that there seemed to be one less member of Akatsuki.

Just as Kisame Hoshigaki finished speaking, a figure suddenly fell from the sky on Washi’s side. This person was Sasori, who had been targeting Sakumo.


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