Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 164

“Prepared Puppet – Eight Waves of Needles!”

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Sasori, who wanted to kill Sakumo, did not retreat to the formation. Instead, he directly attacked Washi and the others. Sasori had been waiting for this day for a long time. Facing Sakumo, he was not prepared to retreat.

The high density of poison needles were shot out of the mouth of Hiruko to cover the entire area where Sakuma was. Hiruko did not end the attack after the poison needles were used, because he knew that the poison needles would not do much damage to Sakuma, and the dense poison needles were only to cover the next attack of Hiruko.

“Puppet Performance – Skilful Achievement with a Human Body!”

When the poisonous needles were about to reach Sakuma’s position, Sasori controlled Hiruko and revealed the machine gun equipped with his left arm and shot a wave of poisonous needles in Sakuma’s direction again.

“Lightning Release – Lightning Fang!”

In the face of the poison needles, Sakumo crossed his arms in front of his chest. Just as the poison needles were about to touch him, he suddenly waved his hand in the direction of Sasori. The range skill, Lightning Release, filled the area where Sakumo was. Sasori’s poison needles were also hit to the ground due to the obstruction of Lightning Release.

“Iron Sand – Black Iron Wings!”

While Sakumo was using Lightning Release to shoot down all the poison needles, Sasori had already descended from the sky. He controlled Hiruko, which was stretched out behind him and stabbed straight towards.

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“Hmph, the Puppet Masters of Sunagakure?” Sakumo did not know Sasori, but he recognized that he was a puppet master, and most of the puppet masters were from Kirigakure, so he directly guessed the origin of the other.

For the Sunagakure Ninja, Sakumo’s senses were not very good, and he spent most of his time fighting with the Sunagakure Ninja.

So, facing the attack of Sasori, Sakumo was not ready to leave any strength.

“None of the puppet masters facing me can return alive.”

After saying that, Sakumo waved his right hand with his White Light Chakra Sabre, and the White Light Chakra Sabre with lightning attribute chakra easily cut the tail of the dark

After getting the upper hand, Sakumo did not stop attacking. Instead, he exerted strength in his feet and continued to slash at the body of Hiruko.


Hiruko that was struck by Sakuma exploded, revealing Sasori’s body hidden within.

“Are you still a puppet?” Sakumo looked at Sasori, who was still a little young, and frowned. This guy hiding in the puppet seemed to be a puppet?

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“Konoha’s White Fang, today will be the day you die.” Sasori, who revealed his true form, glared at Sakumo. If not for this person, his parents would not have died, and Sasori would not have turned himself into a puppet and killed the 3rd Kazekage to betray the village.

Everything was because of this Sakumo, who was called Konoha’s White Fang. Everything had become like this because of him.

“I’m afraid you are wrong. The one who will die will never be me.” Sakumo held his white teeth in his hand and said to Sasori with a smile.

Every mission that Sakumo carried out had never failed, and every battle had ended with his victory. This time, there would naturally be no changes.

“Hmph.” Sasori snorted and directly took out his proudest puppet – the 3rd Kazekage.

After the 3rd Kazekage puppet appeared, he didn’t stop at all. He directly raised his hands, and the 3rd Kazekage’s special ninjutsu, Magnetic Evasion, was also released. “Iron Sand Drizzle!”

After the 3rd Kazekage puppet finished forming the final seal, sand and iron that were like waves suddenly appeared out of thin air in the battlefield. These sand and iron formed extremely thin magnetic needles in the air. After these magnetic needles appeared, they closed in on Sakumo. This formation was several times larger than the poisonous needles cast by Hiruko.

“Lightning Release – Lightning Armor!”

In the face of this endless black magnetic needle, Sakumo did not dare to neglect it. He had seen this ninjutsu in the battle with Sunagakure,

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This ninjutsu should be the Kekkei Genkai og 3rd Kazekage of Sunagakure, but now it appeared on the puppet of the other party. It seemed that the other party had killed the ninja who defected from his Kazekage?

Just as Sakumo was thinking, the lighting armor covering his whole body also resisted the incoming magnetic needle.

“Boom! Boom!”

The magnetic needle touched the lighting armor of Sakumo, making a huge roar. However, although the formation was very big, the magnetic needle did not break through the defense of Sakumo. The lighting armor deflected the magnetic needle and fell to the ground around him.

“Iron Sand Gathering Assault!”

Seeing that the Iron Sand rain seemed to have no effect on Sakumo, the 3rd Kazekage controlled by Sasori released another magnetic release. The magnetic needles that had just fallen to the ground gathered in the air, forming a huge assult. The direction of the spikes was facing Sakumo, who was still resisting the Iron Sand rain.

Sakumo, who had been defending, looked at the still condensed Iron Sand Gathering Assault, clenched his white teeth, and the lightning attribute chakra began to transfer to the dagger in his hand.

“Instant Strike!”

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Under Sakumo’s shout, Sakumo, who was still surrounded by iron and rain, moved out of his original position and instantly moved to the side of the 3rd Kazekage puppet who was using magnetic release.

With the end of the shout, Sakumo, who was in the air, swung down with his White Light Chakra Sabre, and the White Light Chakra Sabre with a lighting roar cut through the sky and landed on the 3rd Kazekage puppet.

“Iron Sand Wall!”

In this emergency, Sasori quickly let his puppet use the defensive type of magnetic release. However, in the face of Sakumo’s strongest attack, the entire iron wall of sand was like tofu, directly cut into two. The White Light Chakra Sabre in Sakumo’s hand was directly against the original body of the 3rd Kazekage.

The 3rd Kazekage puppet, who was already unavoidable, used its other range skill, magnetic release before it was hit, “Iron Sand World Method!”

As the hand seal was completed, a large enchantment formed by magnetic release iron suddenly appeared around the 3rd Kazekage puppet. Countless long sand iron thorns were rapidly growing, trying to cover the entire area.

“Do you want to help?” Jiraya, who was not too far away from Sakumo, looked at Sakumo who was fighting with Sasori, and asked Minato, who had returned to his side because of the explosion.

Minato shook his head at Jiraya’s question. He knew Sakumo’s strength, and the Puppet Master could not let Sakumo feel defeat once. “Sakumo hasn’t used his full strength, so dealing with a Puppet Master is not a problem for him.”

“Let’s pay attention to the other side.” Minato said, and his eyes locked on Obito, who had not moved at all. He really wanted to fight with Obito again.

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