Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 178

“More than one Uzumaki Clan member, what do you mean?”

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After repeating Washi’s words again, Minato was instantly stunned. The meaning of his contracted beast was already very obvious. It wanted to let the 3rd Hokage to carry out the task of sealing, or rather, to take part in the task of sealing.

“Yes, it’s your child, Naruto Uzumaki. He is also a member of the Uzumaki Clan. Although he is young, he can still successfully seal the Nine-Tailed.” Washi’s knife was placed in front of the two of them, and it had a very strong sense of threat.

For a moment, Minato couldn’t believe that this was really the contracted beast – Gamabunta, who had been fighting alongside him all this time.

But now was not the time for him to worry about his identity. The threat of Nine-Tailed was right in front of him. It was better to wait until he dealt with the Nine-Tailed, and then ask for his thesis.

After making up his mind, Minato wanted to return directly to Konoha under Washi’s urging, but just as he was about to leave, Kushina grabbed Minato’s hand.

Kushina held Minato’s hand, raised her head, and looked directly at Washi, who had just defeated Nine-Tailed, and said, “I can directly seal the Nine-Tailed, why do I have to call back?”

After confirming that she could seal the Nine-Tailed alone, Kushina did not want her son to participate in this matter. Sealing the Nine-Tailed was not a good task.

“I said I need it, so I need it. There is no reason.” In order to ensure the completion of the task, Washi would definitely not take the risk to let Kushina go to the battlefield directly to complete the seal task.

Under Washi’s insistence, although Kushina said a few more words to him, in the end, the two of them compromised. Minato set off in the direction of Konoha to find Naruto Uzumaki, while Kushina, who was weak, stayed where she was and waited.

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After Minato left, Kushina, who had been holding her body, directly sat cross-legged on the ground.

“I have seen Gamabunta many times, and you have never been like this.” After sitting down cross-legged, Kushina still looked at the huge body in front of her and slowly spoke.

“You are not Gamabunta, right? Gamabunta is just a contracted beast, just a toad from Mount Myoboku.”

“But you know Susanoo, and the Wood Release of Hashirama-sama. Such powerful strength should not have come from it.”

After sitting down, Kushina kept talking, but because of the serious injury in her body, Washi, who was resting with his eyes closed, did not have the mood to answer Kushina.

Seeing that Washi did not answer her, Kushina gradually lost the intention to ask, just sitting there in a daze, looking at the Susanoo outside of her body, thinking about something.

On the other side, because Minato was very fast, when the 3rd Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was about to return to Konoha, he had already caught up with him.

After briefly describing what had just happened to the Nine-Tailed, Minato took away Naruto from Hiruzen Sarutobi’s hand. Because Naruto was still young, he didn’t know if he could withstand the Space-time Ninjutsu Flying Thunder God, so Minato could only walk in the direction of Washi.

And behind him, Hiruzen Sarutobi also followed. When the 3rd Hokage heard that Gamabunta was using Susanoo and Wood Release used Hashirama, he immediately followed Minato to the site.

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When the two came to the Nine-Tailed again, Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn’t believe his eyes. What happened today was more exciting than what he had encountered in his previous life.

If not for the fact that he was sure that he wasn’t affected by any illusions, Hiruzen Sarutobi would definitely not believe that everything was real.

“I’ve brought Naruto, can we seal him now?” Minato walked to Kushina and helped his wife up, then looked up at Washi and asked.

“No problem, we can start the seal now.”

Once again, Washi was waiting for the arrival of Naruto. With this newly born member of the Uzumaki Clan, Kushina’s seal should be relatively easier.


After saying that, Washi moved his body to the side, completely showing the Nine-Tailed in front of Minato and the others.

At this time, because of the suppression of several of the Gate of the Great God, the Nine-Tailed could not move at all, and its head was tightly stuck to the ground. In addition to the sound, it could not even see what was going on with Minato.

When the word seal reached the ears of the Nine-Tailed, the most powerful existence among the beasts began to fiercely resist.

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However, the firmness of this door was not something that could be broken by just one of its Nine-Tailed. In the fourth Ninja War, the Ten-Tailed were not able to break free from this Tree Bind Flourishing Burial, let alone you, a Nine-Tailed.

While the Nine-Tailed were struggling, Minato had already brought Kushina and Naruto closer to the Nine-Tailed.

As a member of the Uzumaki Clan, Kushina was quite proficient in sealing. Because Washi used the Gate of the Great God to suppress the Nine-Tailed, Kushina did not need to use the Tree Bind Flourishing Burial. Instead, she directly crossed the seal and began to form the seal of the four symbols.

At the same time, Kushina also said to Minato, “Minato, you come too. You are responsible for sealing half of the Nine-Tailed on Naruto.”

“You better divide the Nine-Tailed’s chakra into two parts.” While Kushina was forming seals, Washi did not forget to remind her.

If the Nine-Tailed’s chakra was only divided into two parts, and there was no distinction between it, the young Naruto would definitely not be able to withstand the tyrannical chakra of the Nine-Tailed.


At this critical moment, Kushina only made a sound, and then concentrated on the task of sealing.

“Four Symbols Seal!”

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The seals of the Four Symbols Seal were not too complicated, and the couple quickly completed the seal. When the two seals were completed at the same time, the two forces began to pull the Nine-Tailed that was imprisoned.

“Damn it!”

“You guys are trying to seal me up again!”

The Nine-Tailed, who was being pulled by the two sealing spells, finally began to shout non-stop. It did not want to go back to the dark and quiet prison. This time, it might take decades to come out and breathe fresh air outside.

However, Kushina and Minato did not care about the Nine-Tailed. Their seals did not stop because of the roar of the Nine-Tailed.

The huge body of the Nine-Tailed was being pulled into two halves by the sealing spell. Half of it went towards Kushina, while the other half went towards Naruto.

At this time, the masked man who had been watching the show from afar could not sit still. How could the Nine-Tailed that he had worked so hard to create be sealed back so easily? He had awakened the Nine-Tailed, not just to deal with the dozen or so members of the sealed class.

“We can’t let their seal work.”

The masked man frowned, not caring about the strength of the other party. He directly kicked down and rushed in the direction of Washi and Minato.

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