Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 179

“Hurry up, someone is coming.”

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When the masked man moved, Washi immediately found the figure of the other side.

At this time, the only one who dared to come near the Nine-Tailed was the masked man who made the Nine-Tailed out from Jinchuriki’s body.

“Sure enough, I met Obito again.”

Before Washi could finish his words, he suddenly felt that the appearance of this masked man was somewhat different from that of Uchiha Obito.

“No, this is not Uchiha Obito. This should be the world created by the warehouse according to Minato’s world. Then this masked man is the one who was killed before!”

Nonou Yakushi with Rinnegan, since you died last time, don’t blame me for being impolite this time.

Although Gamabunta still hadn’t recovered after casting Gate of the Great God, Washi believed that there was no problem blocking Nonou Yakushi’s attack.

After all, the Nine-Tailed Seal did not take too much time, and if he was lucky enough to directly kill Nonou Yakushi, the Nine-Tailed Seal quest could be skipped directly, and Minato’s awakening plan could be considered completed.

Just as Washi was thinking about it, Nonou had already rushed to the front of Nine-Tailed, and was about to rush to Minato and Kushina to break their seals.

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However, Washi was standing next to him, and he would not let Nonou easily cross over to interrupt them.


At that time, the long sword in Susanoo’s hand was controlled by Washi, and it suddenly swung forward, directly blocking the path of Nonou.

Because Susanoo was too big, this long sword was more than one size bigger than Nonou, so when this long sword blocked her path, Nonou could only stop at the top of a giant tree.

Damn, how could there be such a strange contracted beast?

Nonou stood at the top of the tree and looked at Washi who was standing in front of her. She was a little annoyed. She had never heard of such a contracted beast in Konoha.

‘No, the Nine-Tailed is about to be sealed. I have to stop them.’

Unlike Obito, Nonou was not here to test him. She released the Nine-Tailed in order to destroy Konoha, so Minato and Kushina’s method of sealing the Nine-Tailed was not the result she wanted to see.

However, Nonou was not in a good mood. The contracted beast she was facing was not only strange, but also powerful.

Just as Nonou was about to force his way through, Washi directly controlled the Susanoo to release another Wood Release, “Wood Release – Silent Killing!”

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Under Washi’s shout, several huge wooden strips suddenly sprang out around Nonou. Each one was as thick as her waist. Under the control of Washi, these wooden strips directly attacked in the direction of Nonou, intending to give it to Tree Bind Flourishing Burial in one fell swoop.

However, Nonou, who had a Sharingan, was not someone who could be easily controlled by a Silent Killing Technique. When several wooden strips rushed towards her, this Nonou Yakushi used a secret technique of Rinnegan to Wood Release, “Shinra Tensei!”


Under the push of Shinra Tensei, the Silent Killing Technique used by Washi using Gamabunta was directly bounced off, broken into several pieces and scattered all around.


Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was standing behind Gamabunta and relying on his massive body to resist the Shinra Tensei, was once again shocked.

To him, today’s world was truly too crazy. All the things that only existed in memories or legends were presented before his eyes.

“3rd Hokage, don’t just watch the show. Help me as well.” Because of the use of the Gate of the Great God just now, Gamabunta was not very suitable for movement. He only used ninjutsu on the spot, but in fact, he had been overdrafting his body.

“Ah? Okay.”

With Washi’s reminder, Hiruzen Sarutobi hurriedly jumped up.

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He jumped to the treetop, and Nonou, who had just used Shinra Tensei, stood not far from him.

“Just hold on for a while. When the seal is over, everything will be fine.” Washi did not look at Hiruzen Sarutobi who was already moving, but stared at the opposite side, Nonou, and said to him.

“Just hold on for a while?”

Hiruzen Sarutobi was a little puzzled by Washi’s words. The target of the other side was obviously coming to Konoha, and their strength was very strong. If it was only for a while, it would not have any fundamental effect.

Could it be that this mutated Gamabunta had too many tricks up its sleeves and had yet to be used?

If Washi knew what Hiruzen Sarutobi was thinking at this time, he would definitely praise the ability of his imagination for being so powerful.


Washi’s goal had always been to complete the awakening mission. As long as the Nine-Tailed were sealed, his mission would be considered complete. After the mission was completed, everything would return to nothingness. What difference would it make if he could not defeat this Nonou Yakushi?

However, Hiruzen Sarutobi did not know about these things. At this time, he was already fulfilling the mission that Washi had given him.

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“Fire Release – Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!”

Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was known as a ninja doctor by the world, immediately used a B-rank fire release technique. Among the thousands of ninja techniques that Hiruzen Sarutobi had mastered, this ninjutsu was also among the best.

In the face of such a ninjutsu, Nonou naturally wouldn’t resist it, because she had just obtained the Rinnegan not long ago, so her control of the Rinnegan was still not too strong. After using the Shinra Tensei once, she was not able to use another Rinnegan secret technique for a short time.

However, not being able to use the Rinnegan was not too bad for Nonou, because on her body, there were still cells from Hahsirama. The cells of Hahsirama could bring her endless vitality and could use some of the weaker Wood Release.

Therefore, when Hiruzen Sarutobi’s Fire Dragon Flame Bullets came over, Nonou Yakushi directly raised his hands and hurriedly made a seal. “Wood Release – World of Trees Wall!”

Under Nonou Yakushi’s shout, a barrier formed by many huge wooden vines suddenly grew in front of her.


Hiruzen Sarutobi’s Fire Dragon Flame Bullet violently smashed against Wood Release’s barrier, creating a loud explosion. However, although the sound of the two ninjutsu’s contact was loud, the result was not too ideal for Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Although Wood Release’s barrier was already charred black, it was still as solid as before and was not destroyed by the impact of the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet.

Washi, who was playing the role of Gamabunta, rolled his eyes at Hiruzen Sarutobi who was beside him. Was this old man not strong enough or was he playing me? “It seems that I still have to rely on myself.”

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