Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 181

After choosing the reward for the mission, Washi’s consciousness did not leave the mission world immediately. However, the control of Gamabunta had been lost. At this moment, he was in the sky above Gamabunta and Minato. He looked down at the people below like God.

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After Washi came into contact with Gamabunta, this Mount Myoboku Toad, which had used up a lot of its vitality, instantly fell to the ground. The Susanoo around its body also disappeared because of Washi’s departure. When it hit the ground, there was no protection at all.


Minato was holding his child, and when he heard the loud noise next to him, he quickly turned his head to look in the direction of Gamabunta.

“Well, why do I feel so painful?” Gamabunta was lying on the ground, his eyes looking in the direction of Minato, and his voice was weak.

“Maybe it’s because your battle with Kurama is too intense.” Beside Gamabunta, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had been observing him, explained to him.

Hearing the words “fight with Nine-Tailed”, Gamabunta was suddenly stunned, “Fight with Nine-Tailed? Me?”

“Yes, you also used Susanoo and Wood Release. I have never seen you use them before.” Minato also came to Hiruzen Sarutobi’s side, and said to him.

“Ah?” Hearing this, Gamabunta couldn’t wrap his head around what they were talking about.

What Wood Release and Susanoo, how can a contracted beast like me use even one of them?

Just as the characters in mission worlds were talking, Washi, who was above them, also received the message from the Naruto Warehouse.


“Do you want to leave?”


Since the task had been completed, Washi naturally had no reason to stay in this world anymore. He also wanted to return to the main world to see the strength of Minato who had gained new abilities.

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And just as Washi chose to withdraw, his consciousness immediately left the sky above Gamabunta and the others, returning to the Naruto Warehouse.

“Mission reward has been selected, One-Tailed Chakra – partial.”

On the screen of the outer wall of the Naruto Warehouse, there was a new message. The One-Tailed Chakra that Washi had chosen in the mission world had been added to Minato.

Below this line of words, there was a smaller prompt, “The next Enchantment Plan will start in 14 days.”

“14 days, two weeks, not too slow. If there is such a reward every time, it is still good.” Washi was quite satisfied with the reward for this mission. This mission could only be carried out once every 14 days. If not for the fact that the three rewards were all the same type, Washi would still be able to accept it.

Now, the strengthening mission could not continue, and Fugaku’s awakening was still in the countdown. Therefore, Washi had nothing to do in the Naruto Warehouse. After looking at the screen on the wall outside the warehouse, Washi directly left the warehouse.

When Washi returned to the hotel, Minato, Sakumo, and the others had not yet returned. After they were driven out of the room by Washi, they went to the room where Yahiko and Nagato were.

And because he wanted to know how much stronger Minato was, Washi directly stood up and was ready to ask Minato about the situation.

However, just as he got up, the door of the room was pushed open, and the person who pushed the door was Minato, whom Washi was going to look for.

“Sama, I feel that there seems to be something wrong with the chakra in my body.”

As soon as Minato entered the door, he directly said to Washi.

As soon as Washi heard Minato, he knew that the Naruto Warehouse had sent the mission reward to Minato.

“Do you feel that your chakra has suddenly become very abundant?” Washi looked at the panicking Minato and said with a smile.

“Yes, is this you, Washi-sama?” Minato was stunned when he heard this.

He hadn’t told Washi about his chakra, but Washi already knew that the only possibility was that this change came from the leader of the organization in front of him.

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Washi nodded and said to Minato, “Yes, it’s the ability I transferred from your original world. The chakra in your body comes from Tailed Beasts, but it is different from the power of a Jinchuriki. This chakra completely belongs to you, and will not be affected by the Tailed Beasts.”

The Jinchuriki in the main world was different from the chakra in Minato’s body. Even if the Jinchuriki got along well with the Tailed Beasts, the power did not come from himself. If the Tailed Beasts didn’t want to give Jinchuriki chakra, the strength of Jinchuriki would drop a lot.

Moreover, if he were to face the existence of Akatsuki who could draw out the Tailed Beast, it was very likely that he would face the danger of his life.

Therefore, the Tailed Beast chakra in Minato’s body was a bit higher than that of the people in the original world.

“Tailed Beast chakra?” After Washi finished speaking, Minato quickly felt the surging chakra in his body.

Because he was in a hurry just now, he didn’t have time to feel it. Now that his attention was focused on it, he felt that the chakra in his body was really similar to the Tailed Beast he had come into contact with.

Just as Minato was still feeling it, Washi once again said to him “With this Tailed Beast chakra, it should be able to increase your Flying Thunder God and Rasengan, right?”

“Yes, if the chakra is always so abundant, my Flying Thunder God and Rasengan can be used all the time.” Minato was also very happy when he said that. The amount of chakra he spent on these two ninjutsu was not small. Even if he was a Hokage and was very strong, when using this type of ninjutsu, his chakra was still not enough.

Therefore, with the help of this Tailed Beast chakra, Minato could imagine that the name of Konoha’s golden flash would become more and more famous in the battle field.

Even if he faced Kamui again in the future, Minato believed that his space-time ninjutsu would be overshadowed by his Flying Thunder God.

However, the space-time crack that would appear at this moment made Minato somewhat afraid. Thinking of this, Minato said to Washi, “Washi-sama, the number of times and scale of the dimensional rift has appeared is obviously more frequent and huge. If we use the Flying Thunder God multiple times, will it be more uncontrollable?”

“This is a problem, but we don’t have to worry about it now. Even if we don’t use it, the other party will continue to use space-time ninjutsu. The increase of this rift is inevitable.” Washi had no way to deal with the mysterious space-time rift. Now there was no way to remove this rift in the Naruto Warehouse. The only thing the warehouse could do now was to continue to increase the strength of the Hokage to deal with the invasion of other worlds that might continue to increase.

And the Enchantment Plan was also born in this situation.

“Okay, I got it.” Of course, Minato did not want his Flying Thunder God to become a forbidden technique. If he could not use this ninjutsu in the future, it would not be a small blow to him.

After saying this, Washi remembered that Minato went to Yahiko and Nagato’s room before, so after letting Minato sit down, he asked him, “How is Yahiko?”

“This…” Minato didn’t know what to say.

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After organizing the prophecy, Minato continued to talk to Washi, “Nagato still doesn’t believe that Yahiko is Yahiko, but when I left, I seemed to be a bit shaken. I don’t know what the relationship between the two of them and the girl called Konan is.”

“By the way, when I left, Jiraya-sensei also went to their room. According to what you said, Yahiko is also a disciple of Jiraya-sensei. If he said it, it might be better.” Minato, who didn’t know much about the situation, could only say his guess.

However, after hearing Minato’s words, Washi only slightly hesitated.

It would be better if Jiraya tried to persuade him, but it didn’t sound right at all.

In the main story that Washi knew, Jiraya died at the hands of Nagato, and this disciple didn’t hold back when facing his teacher.

This time, when the two come to meet in advance, there was no telling what would happen.

“Let his disciple take care of it himself.” Washi didn’t want to see Nagato and Jiraya arguing. He had already heard of a bag of rice on several floors in the original main story.

In fact, Yahiko and Jiraya were similar to what Washi had guessed. They were discussing whether to make the world feel pain or to feel love.

Although Yahiko was resurrected, Nagato still wanted to practice his strategy of letting the world feel pain. He believed that only in this way could the world return to peace. Of course, Yahiko and Jiraya did not agree with his words.

After a fierce debate, Yahiko and Jiraya, who did not have the ability to talk, finally did not persuade Nagato. But now Nagato was in their hands. After sealing Nagato’s Chakra, Yahiko and the others still had time to continue arguing with Nagato about a bag of rice.

This debate lasted for two whole days in the capital of Amagakure, and the one who ended this argument was one of the strong people in the team, Madara.

The team member who went to Itachi returned to the hotel where Washi and the others were at. He was holding two people in his hand, but this person was not the Itachi he was chasing, but the future Hokage that Washi had met when he first arrived at Amagakure.

“This is Tsunade? Shizune? Why did you bring her back?” When Madara entered Washi’s room, Washi recognized the unconscious person in his hand.

The luck of these two people was not only in the gambling field, but every time they met Washi, nothing good seemed to happen.

Last time, he was taught a lesson by Hashirama and now he was directly a captive of Madara. After being knocked out, he was brought to Washi.

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“I didn’t find where Itachi went, but I met them on the way. They seemed to know me and Hashirama, so I brought them back.” Madara’s words were very light, and a simple word showed how simple the battle was at that time.

“Do you know who they are?” Madara asked Washi after throwing Tsunade and Tsunade to the ground.

Seeing Tsunade being treated like this, Washi didn’t say anything and directly answered, “One is called Shizune, the other is called Tsunade. This Tsunade is Hashirama’s granddaughter, a member of the Senju Clan.”

“A granddaughter of Hashirama?” When Madara heard Tsunade’s identity, he paused for a moment. He did not expect to catch a granddaughter of Hashirama when he went out. His luck seemed to have improved. “Wait, shouldn’t Tsunade be this short?”

Madara said and used his hand to measure the height of Tsunade in the city. Madara remembered the young Tsunade very clearly.

“That Tsunade is not quite the same as this Tsunade. The Tsunade from Sujo City came to this world just like you, so this one you threw on the ground is the one that belongs to this world.” Although Madara could not see, but when Washi spoke, he pointed to the still unconscious Tsunade on the ground.

“This…” This situation made Madara a little embarrassed. It was not good to beat up Hashirama’s granddaughter.

After thinking for a moment, Madara squatted down and pulled Tsunade up again. After moving her from the ground to the bed, he said to Washi, “Do you want to go to Hashirama?”

“You can do it yourself. If you don’t say it, he will probably know. Didn’t you notice that Tobirama has disappeared?” When Madara came, Tobirama was also in Washi’s room. When Tobirama saw the two people in Madara’s hands, he directly disappeared from the room.

Obviously, this 2nd Hokage of Konoha went to find his brother.

“Damn it, I shouldn’t have brought two people back.” Now that Tobirama had gone to inform the secret, even if he threw Tsunade out again, it would not change the fact that he had beaten up his granddaughter. At this time, he could only bite the bullet and see how Hashirama would react.


Just as Washi expected, when Madara finished speaking, the door to Washi’s room was opened again. Tobirama and his brother were standing at the door of the room.

“Brother, it’s there.” Before entering the room, Tobirama pointed to the floor and said to Hashirama.

When Tobirama left, he saw Madara throw Tsunade on the ground.

“Hey, where is she?” After Tobirama pointed out, he found that Tsunade was no longer on the ground.

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