Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 182

“I clearly saw him come back with Tsunade.” Because he was standing outside the door and the door was blocked by Madara, Tobirama could not see the situation on the other side of the bed.

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However, Tsunade was already in the room. Madara could only say to the two people who came, “Are you talking about the ninja I just caught? Over there, her companions are also here.”

Madara pointed at Shizune who was still lying on the ground.

After Madara finished speaking, Hashirama followed Tobirama into the room. As soon as he entered, he saw Tsunade lying on the bed.

“It really is Tsunade.” Because Hashirama had seen Tsunade in this world last time, he immediately recognized her as his granddaughter.

“Why did you bring her back?” Hashirama never thought that the second time he saw Tsunade in this world would be such a scene.

Madara took two steps forward and sat down beside Washi. He then said to Hashirama, “When I was chasing Itachi, I met these two people and brought them back.”

“You obviously came back from robbery.” Tobirama and this Madara had never been on good terms, so Tobirama never agreed with Madara’s words.

Moreover, when Tobirama saw Tsunade and Shizune, he knew that they must have gone through some battle.

In fact, there was no need for Tobirama to say this. He could see that both of them were still unconscious. One of them was still lying on the ground. This situation was self-evident.

“No matter how I brought it back, as long as it’s fine.” Madara did not care much about this. As long as Tsunade did not suffer any injuries and was only brought back by Madara, he felt that there was no big problem.

Seeing that his brother did not speak to him, Tobirama immediately wanted to continue arguing.

But at this time, Tsunade, who had just been put down by Madara, began to wake up.

This Legendary Sanin, one of the three Konoha Ninjas, unconsciously reached out and rubbed her eyes, and just as she put her hand on her eyelids, Tsunade suddenly shook and got up from the bed, making a defensive posture.

“My chakra is not sealed, so Madara is not going to kill me?”

Tsunade was still recalling the battle with Madara. The physical skill she was so proud of was actually defeated by the opponent, and she did not even have time to use her Strength of a Hundred Seal before being knocked out by the opponent. This was something she had never encountered before.

“Madara! You…”

When Tsunade got up, the first person she saw was actually Washi, but she didn’t know Washi, so she directly called out Madara’s name.

But before Tsunade could finish her words, another figure in the room made her suddenly stop.

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Seeing Hashirama’s appearance, Tsunade even forgot that she was preparing to fight. Whether it was Madara or Washi, they didn’t seem to be that important.

No, grandpa has already passed away, how can he appear again?

Is it Madara’s illusion? Yes, it must be. I must have been hit by Madara’s illusion. Otherwise, how could I see my grandpa?

Thinking of this, Tsunade’s face suddenly changed. She raised her right foot and smashed it at Madara who was not far away from her.


Under a loud noise, the second floor of the hotel where Washi and the others were at was kicked out by Tsunade, and below the big hole was Minato and Jiraya who were still eating lunch.


When the big hole opened, Minato, who was still holding his rice bowl, instantly arrived on the second floor.

“Tsunade-sama?” Before, Minato did not see Madara coming back with Tsunade, so when he saw Tsunade, he was also stunned.



Tsunade wanted to continue attacking, but when she saw two familiar faces, her expression became even more rich. What was going on today? They had not seen each other for a long time, and only the people in her memory appeared.

Just now, Tsunade had tried to touch the illusion on her body when she was casting Heavenly Spear Foot, but she failed twice in a row. According to this situation, this illusion was either too strong, or it didn’t exist at all.

If it was the latter, then how did Minato, Sakumo, and his grandfather, Hashirama, return to this world?

If it was through resurrection, then wouldn’t it be possible for…

“Tsunade, stop.”

Just as Tsunade was thinking, Hashirama finally spoke. Just now, Tsunade’s kick directly tore down half of the hotel. If they continued to fight, the hotel they were staying in would be directly demolished by Tsunade and Madara.

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“Why? Why is it like this?”

In addition to the combat state, Tsunade still couldn’t accept this fact.

“This is a long story. Let’s go to another room and continue.” When Tsunade asked this question, Washi looked around his room. Tsunade had already made this room impossible to stay in.

Under Washi’s insistence, Tsunade could only pick up Shizune who was still unconscious. She followed the members of Washi’s team and moved to Hashirama next to Washi.

“Sakumo, let Tomihashi go and pay the money of the hotel first.” After sitting down in Hashirama room, Washi first said to Sakumo. Now Washi’s team had the shipping company of Land of Waves constantly providing financial resources. Money was not a big deal for them.


After saying that, Sakumo turned to look for the housekeeper of the team, Tomihashi.

When Sakumo closed the door, Tsunade asked Hashirama, “Is it really Grandpa?”

In Tsunade’s words, there were some expectations and some fear. She hoped that her grandfather had really returned to this world, but she was afraid that this was a complete scam. She had fallen into an unsolvable illusion.

“Of course, I am Hashirama, the leader of the Senju Clan, and the Hokage of Konoha.” Hashirama smiled and said his title. He had not used these titles for many days.

After saying this, Hashirama seemed to think of something. He stretched out his hand and pointed to Tobirama. He continued, “This is Tobirama. According to your words, he should be the 2nd Hokage.”


If it was said that Hashirama’s elderly appearance could still be accepted by Tsunade, then the body of Tobirama, who looked like a ten-year-old child, really shocked Tsunade.

Even if he was resurrected, it could not make him smaller.

“And this one, I think you already know him. He is Madara.” Hashirama did not stop his introduction. After pointing at Tobirama, he introduced Tsunade to Madara.

Then, Hashirama did not wait for Tsunade to speak and pointed at Minato, “This is Minato, you should be familiar with him.”

“And Jiraya.”


“The one who went out just now was Sakumo.”

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“Right, there are still a few people locked up. But you may not be familiar with them, so there is no need to introduce them.” Hashirama felt that there was no need to introduce the imprisoned Nagato and the others. Even if these people said it, Tsunade probably wouldn’t know them.

After saying the names of these people, Hashirama finally pointed to Washi and said, “This is our leader, Washi.”

When Hashirama introduced each person, Tsunade’s brain would be nervous. When the last Washi was introduced, Tsunade stared at the young man called leader.

Could it be that the source of all this is this young man?

No matter what method he used, the other party was able to gather so many strong people. A strength that could almost rival the five great villages, this person’s strength must be extraordinary.

Wait, the last time in Amagakure’s capital, those people.

After thinking for a while, Tsunade finally recalled the people she met in Amagakure’s capital.

From the looks of it, the two people who defeated her were very similar to Hashirama and Minato. And most importantly, she won in the casino! When she won, she was puzzled that the voice was very familiar, but she did not expect that the owner of the voice was her grandfather, Hashirama.

“Was it you last time in Amagakure’s capital?” Tsunade stared at Hashirama and asked word by word.

When Hashirama heard this, he smiled and said, “Yes, it’s us.”

“Sure enough.” Tsunade finally knew why she won that day, because she won the only person she could win.

“You guys should stop talking about this.”

Just as Tsunade and Hashirama were still catching up, Madara couldn’t bear to listen anymore. He didn’t want to listen to these miscellaneous things.

“Now that you know our organization, you only have two choices. Join or be imprisoned.” Because of Tsunade’s identity, Madara said directly.

Facing this choice, Tsunade was silent.

She didn’t know why Hashirama would cooperate with Madara, but looking at the current situation, the two of them must be in the same organization. When the two of them worked together, the Ninja World would definitely welcome a new change.

“I agree to join.”

Tsunade did not choose for long, only a few seconds later, she directly chose to join Washi’s organization.

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The reason why Tsunade answered so straightforwardly was because Hashirama was in this organization. She was a member of Senju Clan, followed her grandfather, and was also the leader of Senju Clan. There was no problem.

The second reason was because Nawaki and Kato Dan had always been a thorn in Tsunade’s heart. It was because of this that her fear of blood disease came.

Now, the people that appeared in Washi’s team that should not have appeared in this world made Tsunade see hope again. Perhaps one day, this young man called Washi could bring Nawaki and Kato Dan to her eyes?

Of course, Tsunade knew that this hope was very small. She did not think that this organization that had already looked down on the world would continue to increase their manpower. Even if they faced the direct attacks of the five villages, they could still fight with ease.

But even if the hope was small, Tsunade decided to try. What if this hope finally came true?

“Welcome.” Tsunade’s agreement seemed to be within Hashirama’s expectations. Hashirama walked to Tsunade, patted her granddaughter on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

Although Tobirama also wanted to pat her, he chose to give up on this idea because of his height.

“By the way, when we arrive at Sujo City, you might encounter a surprise.” Hashirama did not speak loudly. Tobirama, Tsunade, and Madara, who was close to him, heard this.

“Surprise? Could it be…”

Hearing Hashirama’s words, Tsunade’s eyes suddenly lit up. Could it be that they had been resurrected?

“Haha, you will know when we get there.” Hashirama’s mysterious expression made Tsunade even more determined.

However, Hashirama didn’t know that his granddaughter was wrong. What he wanted to say was that Tsunade was still playing with Naruto and Hinata. He really wanted to see what would happen when they met.

“Are you done? Then I should continue to eat.” Minato, who thought that there was a battle, quickly jumped up. After seeing that there was nothing else, he looked at the rice bowl in his hand and said to Washi.

Washi looked at the rice bowl in Minato’s hand that was full of dust. He suddenly smiled and said, “Go. After eating, we will set out to return to Sujo City.”

“By the way, after returning to Sujo City, our previous plan to conquer the village can also be implemented.” Now that Washi’s team had enough people, and each powerful ninja joined in, Washi remembered the plan to build the Ninja Village.

“Ninja Village? It is indeed time to build one.” Minato also felt that it was necessary to build a Ninja Village at this time. If they were still counting according to the team, there were indeed more people.

After establishing the Ninja Village, the branch guilds were more clear. With the strength of Washi’s team, after establishing the Ninja Village, they could even split into two teams to attack the two villages at the same time.

Minato believed that even the strongest Konohagakure would not be able to withstand even half of the team’s attack. “But has Washi-sama thought about the name of Ninja Village?”

“Do you need me to pick one?” Minato seemed to be very interested in the name. Before Washi could reply, he had already volunteered.

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