Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 183

“You want to name it?”

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Washi naturally knew about Minato’s talent in naming. This 4th Hokage was good at everything, but in terms of naming skills, he did not seem to have any progress.

However, this time, Washi wanted to hear what Minato wanted to name, so Washi continued, “What name do you want to name?”

“I have already thought about it before.” Minato smiled proudly. He had been thinking about the name of Ninja Village for a long time, but now that Washi had said it, he had a chance to show off. “Let’s call it the Legendary Ninja Village. What does Washi-sama think?”

As soon as Washi heard this name, he knew that it was very consistent with Minato’s aesthetic standard. He only needed one thing to name it, and that was too long!

For Minato, as long as the name was long enough, he would be very satisfied.

“Can your name be a little simpler? Have you ever seen a Ninja Village with that long name?” Washi said to Minato, a little speechless.

“A little simpler? I have already simplified it.” Minato looked at Washi and asked.

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Already, it was simplified?

Washi was stunned. He really did not expect that the name of Ninja Village was simplified by Minato. If not for simplified, what kind of name would it be?

“I used another name before, but I was afraid that you would say the name was too long, so I simplified it a bit. The name before was called, and the name was The Legendary Nine of the Strong Ninja….”

Minato wanted to read out the name he had given before, but when he just read a few words, he was quickly stopped by Washi.

When Washi heard this, he knew that there would be countless embellishments later on. As long as Minato dared to think about it, the name could continue endlessly.

In the future, when they met another Ninja Village, they did not need to do anything. Just the name alone could intimidate the opponent.

“This name will be decided after we go back to Sujo City. When the time comes, you can promote the name you gave to Hashirama and Madara. If they all support it, I will agree.” Washi, who didn’t want to continue discussing this topic, could only delay the question until he returned to Sujo City.

However, what Washi did not expect was that his words did not disappoint Minato. On the contrary, the 4th Hokage was still very happy. He smiled at Washi and said, “Well, I’ll go find Hashirama-sama and Madara, and let them see this name first.”

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“Well, you go.”

When they were talking, Hashirama took Tsunade away from the room, and Madara naturally followed them, so they were not in the room now.

Under Washi’s ‘encouragement’, Minato felt that victory was already in his hands. If the name of Ninja Village was decided by the name he had given, it would be great.

I hope you won’t be ridiculed by them.

Washi looked at Minato’s back and thought it was funny.

Although Hashirama’s naming sense was not very good, the last time he was in Amagakure Forest, Hashirama had already ridiculed Minato, and Madara, needless to say, was even stronger than Hashirama.

And most importantly, the seniority of these two people was still a bit high. Even if Minato was ridiculed, he could not fight back. In this case, Washi could only wish Minato good luck.

As Washi expected, when the overjoyed Minato found Hashirama and Madara, he promoted the name he had given to the two of them.

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But the result was obvious, not only Hashirama and Madara ridiculed Minato, and also Tsunade, who had just joined the organization, also ridiculed him.

This experience made Minato very sad. He had been thinking about this name for more than a month, but he did not expect that when he said it, he would be beaten to pieces by everyone.

However, Minato did not give up. After all, there were still Naruto and the young Tsunade in the city. These people also had the right to vote. Maybe they could recognize this name.

Just as Minato was looking forward to the name of the village he had chosen to pass, Hashirama chatted with Tsunade, and Jiraya and Yahiko continued to rebel against Nagato, the whole team began to return to the city.

This time, the number of people they returned to increased again, but because the village was about to be established, the number of people increased a bit, and Washi felt that it was not bad.

The more people there were now, the easier it would be to distribute the positions in the future. If the entire organization was still like the previous few people, then after he established the Ninja Village, each person would have to do a few jobs.

On the way back from Amagakure’s capital to Sujo City, Washi also encountered many Ninjas from the Sunagakure and Konohagakure. When these ninjas saw Washi and the others, they all hid far away. However, every day, these ninjas would constantly shuttle through the forest and the road in Amagakure’s territory. Washi looked at the number of times these people moved, and it seemed that the five villages were having a close conversation.

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“Is there still so much?” When they were about to reach Sujo City, Washi and the others met a group of ninjas from Sunagakure. Washi looked at the Ninjas who were shuttling through the forest and said to Hashirama beside him.

Not long after leaving Amagakure, Washi caught a group of Konoha’s Anbu who had experienced the war at the periphery of Konoha, so they immediately recognized Washi and the others.

Although there were Hashirama, Minato, and the others in this team, as Hiruzen Sarutobi’s direct Anbu, their discipline was quite strong.

No matter how Washi and the others asked, they did not tell them what the mission was, and in the end, under Madara’s suggestion, Yahiko used his Genjutsu to tell them the truth he knew.

At that time, Washi and the others also knew that Hiruzen Sarutobi was looking for cooperation with several big Ninja Villages, in order to resist the organization of Washi and the others who could face the whole world together.

“Hiruzen Sarutobi seems to have been lying. This 3rd Hokage has always wanted to destroy us.” Washi had already expected the plan of Hiruzen Sarutobi, or the entire upper echelons of Konoha.

Konoha had always stood at the top of the world, and they had once fought against several countries. They were not a Ninja Village that was willing to submit to others. It was reasonable for them to turn the tables and plan to defeat Washi and the others.

Unfortunately, the alliance of the Ninja World had not yet been activated, and it seemed that they were already facing a crisis.

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