Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 184

After Konoha’s plan was exposed, they were going to welcome the stronger Washi team.

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The strength of Konoha was growing day by day. Hiruzen Sarutobi’s disciples, Jiraya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade, without exception, joined Washi’s team, while Danzo was locked up in the Kirigakure. His clone also successfully mixed in Konoha.

This time, Washi didn’t even need to send too many people. He only needed Minato, Sakumo, and the others, and Konoha would directly collapse.

At that time, after defeating the higher-ups of Konoha, the Hokage under Washi would have a chance to go back to the village to be the Hokage.

“The Konoha here is actually so insensible.” On the other side of Washi, Madara also heard the conversation between Washi and Hashirama. This more irritable Hokage was also dissatisfied with Konoha’s actions. “After I went there, he actually wanted to fight with me. He is overestimating himself.”

The first thing he thought of was that the other party actually wanted to fight against him. He had been in Konoha before, and the other party actually wanted to stand on the opposite side of the organization after knowing his existence. This made Madara somewhat confused.

Madara thought for a moment and continued, “Let me deal with them. Itachi from Akatsuki might have already fled back to Konoha. If we go now, we can catch him directly.”

Madara had been brooding over letting Itachi escape, and he was not going to let his target continue to be out of his control.

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“Let’s talk about this when we get back to the city. Sooner or later, Konoha will be under our control, but the most important thing now is to build the village first.” Washi did not want this sudden information to interrupt the establishment of the village. With the current strength of Konoha, even if they could rope in one or two of them, it would not help much to Konoha.

Washi believed that even if Sunagakure and Komugakure knew about their existence, they would not come out in full force and attack him with their strongest stance. If that was the case, Washi could only say that the other party was too stupid. This way, it would save him time to rush to the gate.

While they were talking, the city wall of Sujo City was already right in front of them.

“Well, let’s go back to the Lord’s Mansion first.”

After seeing Sujo City, Washi no longer wanted to talk about Konoha. After walking for a long time, he still wanted to go back to the Lord’s Mansion and lie down for a while.

Among the people, there was also Hashirama, who had been holding his waist. His body was getting worse day by day. The previous battle at Akatsuki base had overdrawn his vitality.

Fortunately, this Hashirama’s vitality was still relatively tenacious. As long as he rested for a while, his body could still recover.

“Don’t call me when you go out to fight in the future. Isn’t this establishing the village? Let me be an adviser of the elder group.” After the last time Hashirama went to Konoha, he was quite interested in the elder group of the village. He just needed to stay in the village and make ideas every day. This position was obviously very suitable for him.

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Hearing this, Washi smiled and said, “Well, this elder must have a position for you.”

“If you want to go, I will also go with you. I am also a retired Hokage.” In the original world, Madara was already a retired person. He had handed over the position of Hokage for many years, so Madara was not too reluctant to fight.

Now that Hashirama was taking the lead, Madara also felt that it was not suitable for him to participate in the battles of the younger generation.

“Didn’t you just say that you were going to Konoha?” When he entered the gate of the city, Washi turned his head and looked at Madara.

This person had just volunteered to fight in Konoha, so why did he change his mind because of Hashirama’s words?

“Consultant and going to Konoha does not conflict.” Madara certainly remembered what happened just now. He would not refuse such words, but after this battle came back, he should have a good rest.

“In fact, it’s fine if you don’t go. There are Sakumo and Minato, and when Fugaku comes, he definitely won’t refuse to go to Konoha.” Washi did not care much about whether Madara went to Konoha or not. With his current strength, he did not need too many people to fight against Konoha.

Moreover, when Fugaku woke up, the clan leader who overthrew the 3rd Hokage to become the Hokage would definitely not refuse the crusade against Konoha.

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“Fugaku? A member of the Uchiha Clan?”

Because Washi did not tell Madara about Fugaku, he did not know who would come next.

“Yes, a member of the Uchiha Clan, and a clan leader.” Washi nodded and said to Madara.

“Leader?” Hearing this word, Madara was quite emotional.

Although he had resigned from the position of Hokage in the original world, the position of leader was still kept in Madara. Although he was ready to give the position to his younger brother, he did not accept it. He only took the position of Hokage.

“Fugaku will be back soon. You can talk to him first.”

“Tomihashi, you go and open the door first.”

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While Washi and Madara were talking, the buildings of the City Lord’s Mansion had already left the corner of the street, and among the people, only Tomihashi always had the key.

Although everyone was a ninja, climbing over the wall was a piece of cake for them. However, after Washi and the others left the courtyard and came to the City Lord’s Mansion, they usually walked through the main entrance. Therefore, after Washi finished talking to Madara, he shouted at Tomihashi.

“Okay, Washi-sama, I will go now.”

Tomihashi and Haku help Zabuza who was still unconscious. Because of the previous battle, this tragic Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist was still unconscious. Looking at the current situation, it was likely that he would not believe it in the future.

Because of Tomihashi’s release, Haku, who was still a little short, almost couldn’t hold the unconscious Zabuza. If not for Shizune who was walking next to Zabuza, she would have dropped Zabuza by now.


When everyone entered the City Lord’s Mansion, they heard the noise and rushed to the front yard, rushing to Minato.

Every time Minato left, Naruto was actually quite scared. He was afraid that his father would not come back, so every time there was a noise at the gate, he would be the first to react.

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