Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 185

In addition to hanging out with Tsunade and the others, he would also learn some ninjutsu and taijutsu from Female Orochimaru and Hinata, but because of the Nine-Tailed’s interference, he had made a lot of progress in learning ninjutsu compared to when he was in Konoha.

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The reason why Naruto did this was because Minato specifically asked Naruto before he left.

Therefore, when he came back, Minato took Naruto to test the ninjutsu he learned.

Sakumo, who always had a good relationship with Minato, saw his friend like this. He also turned his head to the direction of Kakashi. This kid who was brought back from Konoha did not seem to have a good fighting ability. In the next period of time, he had to train this Kakashi.

At this time, Kakashi, who was still on the way to ask new books to Jiraya, did not know that he was already on Sakumo’s training list.

This time, because they had solved the biggest hidden danger in the Ninja World, Washi and his group returned to Sujo City and did not rush to carry out the next task.

Although Konoha had exposed their plan, Washi felt that there was no need to be so eager to solve this village that was already under the river. It was not too late to take a break and wait for Fugaku to come.

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When everyone returned to their rooms, Washi was called to the courtyard by Female Orochimaru, who seemed to have something important to do.

“Is it a problem with the laboratory? You can get the money directly from Tomihashi. He is in charge of all the money from the Land of Waves.” Washi thought that Female Orochimaru was looking for him because of her research funding, so he pushed Female Orochimaru to Tomihashi the moment he opened his mouth.

However, to Washi’s surprise, Female Orochimaru shook her head after hearing Washi’s words. “It is not a problem with the laboratory, but I have received news from Danzo-sama.”

“Danzo? Isn’t Danzo in Kirigakure? Is there something wrong with Kirigakure?” After hearing Danzo’s name, Washi asked with some doubts.

He had sent Danzo to Kirigakure. Kirigakure was thousands of miles away from the Sujo City, and there was a vast ocean between them. This guy even brought news back to the Sujo City.

“It’s not Kirigakure. Danzo-sama came from Konoha.” Female Orochimaru said, taking out a letter from her pocket and handing it to Washi.

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Washi was not in a hurry to take the letter. Female Orochimaru’s words just now made him surprised. Danzo, who should have been stationed in Kirigakure, had gone to Konoha. “Why did he go to Konoha? Why did he left Kirigakure? The people in the Kirigakure can’t go without our organization.”

“Danzo-sama’s real body is still in Kirigakure. He just sent a clone to Konoha.” After Washi misunderstood, Female Orochimaru quickly explained, “Before, Konoha sent people to Kirigakure to seek an alliance, and that person was Danzo of Konoha.”

“Danzo-sama directly detained Danzo in Kirigakure. After being detained, he sent a clone to the location of Konoha’s substitute.”

Female Orochimaru’s series of words made Washi suddenly understand. It turned out that Danzo from Kirigakure had been playing in Konoha, and the letter in Female Orochimaru’s hand came from the clone of Konoha.

“Well, let me see what he wrote first.”

After learning the specific details, Washi took the letter in Female Orochimaru’s hand and opened it. He read it directly.

The content of the letter was actually not long. The first part was about how Konoha was suppressed by him and he sent the clone to Konoha after the ambush.

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After the letter, it was mainly about the information collected after the clone came to Konoha, including the plan that Konoha was working together with several big Ninja Villages to deal with Washi’s team.

The reason why Konoha’s contact ninja continuously appeared in Amagakure’s territory was actually because of this clone, Danzo. After learning from Female Orochimaru that Washi had left the city to look for Akatsuki, he began to suggest that the higher-ups of Konoha would determine Amagakure’s location with the Sunagakure and Komugakure.

It was because of this that Washi was able to directly capture the constantly running contact ninja in Amagakure’s territory, and learned the information about the alliance plan from the other side in advance.

“I think that Amagakure is not the only place that Sunagakure and Land of Fire have to contact. Why are there so many ninjas from the two countries? It turns out that this move came from Danzo clone.” After reading the letter, Washi smiled. This method of doing things was quite effective.

After reading the letter, Female Orochimaru continued, “In addition to this, Danzo-sama has brought another piece of news recently. Konoha seems to have contacted another Uchiha, but he has not received any specific information from Hiruzen Sarutobi.”

“Have you contacted an Uchiha?” Washi frowned slightly. If he was not wrong, this person should be Itachi who had left the Akatsuki’s base.

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Because Washi’s team stayed in Amagakure’s capital for a period of time, Itachi arrived in the Land of Fire ahead of time and had already communicated with Konoha.

However, even if Itachi joined Konoha in the end, the strength of this village would not increase too much. A Hokage could not decide the direction of the battle between Konoha and Washi.

“You don’t have to worry about this Uchiha. When we go again, everything will be solved.” Washi was quite confident about the battle with Konoha. After all, in the previous two battles with Konoha, it was Washi who took advantage of them. Even in the recent battle, Washi and the others had an overwhelming advantage.

If not for the exchange between Hashirama and Washi before the battle, maybe Konoha would have fallen before Kirigakure.

“By the way, how is your research with Orochimaru recently?” After talking about Konoha, Washi suddenly remembered that Female Orochimaru and Orochimaru had been staying in Sujo City for so long, and he didn’t know what they had come up with.

After all, after returning to Sujo City last time, Female Orochimaru and Orochimaru had a lot more research targets. The Two-Tailed and Suigetsu should be able to make them research a lot of good things.

Speaking of the topic of research, Female Orochimaru calmed down. He excitedly raised his hands and said, “Not bad, we recently developed a small kind of chakra fusion through the chakra research of Tailed Beasts. However, this kind of pure chakra fusion is not stable. Compared to the stable structure of Tailed Beasts, they are much weaker.”

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