Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 189

Right now, the sky was clear for thousands of miles. Logically speaking, there should not be thunder in the sky.

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But the reality was like this. The more impossible it was, the more it happened.

When the thunder ended, the wooden board between the two Tsunade was directly struck by lightning. The die that was just about to fall was directly smashed into pieces.

After this phenomenon ended, Tsunade stared at the wooden board that was already burnt. She clearly saw that the one on the die had already turned down, and she could clearly win. Why? Why did this happen? The die was actually split!

“How do we calculate this?” Washi, who was standing at the side, also saw this strange scene. When the entire gambling scene was destroyed, Washi looked at the sky that had returned to normal and asked the two Tsunade.

“Yes, a draw?” Hinata, who was temporarily in charge of being the referee, did not know what to do. She had never seen such a situation.

When he heard the word ‘draw’, Tsunade frowned. She had only said that the money was hers, but she had not said how to calculate a draw.

Therefore, after pausing for a moment, Tsunade asked the two people in front of her, “Then how is this a draw?”

“It’s yours.” Tsunade could only shake her head helplessly when she encountered such a rare situation. It seemed that it was really heaven’s will that she could not win.

“Hehe, then it’s mine.” Tsunade would not think about so many things. She was very happy to be able to take the money after the ‘draw’.

“I’m going to find Naruto. Hinata, are you going?” Young Tsunade, who was holding the purse in her hand, stood up with a smile and invited Hinata.

After receiving Little Tsunade’s invitation, Hinata, who originally wanted to leave this place earlier, quickly shouted at Tsunade and chased after the young Tsunade.

After Hinata left, Tsunade still sat in the same place and did not move for a long time.

When Washi saw this scene, she could not understand Tsunade’s mood. After all, it was not easy for her to win once. Now, she saw that the number of points she threw was higher than her opponent, but she was disturbed by a bolt of lightning. No matter who it was, it would probably be like this Tsunade.

Washi did not disturb Tsunade who was still deep in thought. It was better to let this fat sheep calm down.

After leaving Tsunade to sit alone in the courtyard, Washi went straight to his room. It did not take too long to go back to his room from this courtyard. Therefore, it did not take long for Washi to enter his room.

Because there were a few servants from the City Lord of Sujo City, the daily cleaning of each room was more orderly. At least, compared to the non-professional Tomihashi, it was much better.

After entering his room, Washi did not immediately lie down to rest. Instead, he first entered the warehouse of the Hokage.

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Because the clan leader of the Uchiha Clan, Fugaku, who had been waiting to be awakened, was about to wake up.

In fact, Fugaku was able to wake up so quickly because the battle between the Land of Waves and the Land of Water greatly reduced the awakening speed of the Hokage in the Naruto Warehouse.

Moreover, because of the huge space crack triggered by Obito during the battle in the Akatsuki base, Fugaku’s awakening time was shortened again.

If not for Washi entering the Naruto Warehouse on the first day of his return, he wouldn’t have known that Fugaku was already on the day of awakening.

“There’s still half an hour left.”

As soon as Washi arrived at the Naruto Warehouse, he first looked at the awakening countdown on the screen. The purpose of his visit this time was the clan leader of the Uchiha Clan who had obtained the position of Hokage by usurping the throne.

“There are still eight days before the awakening mission. All of them are quite difficult to wait for.”

However, whether it was half an hour or eight days, these two hours were relatively long. After such a long time, Washi had no interest in waiting in the warehouse. So after looking at the countdown, Washi left the warehouse.

“Let’s lie down for a while first.” After returning to Sujo City, Washi had nothing to do. At this time, he could not find anything to do. While waiting, he could only lie down and rest first.

However, the members of Washi’s team did not seem to want their leader to rest in peace. Just as Washi got up and was about to walk to the bed, there was a soft knock on the door.

Hearing the noise at the door, Washi looked up and found that the person standing at the door was the founder of Akatsuki who had joined the team the shortest time.

“Yahiko, what’s the matter?” Because of Yahiko’s visit, Washi could only give up the idea of lying in bed for a while. He could only sit back down at the table and wave to Yahiko, indicating for him to come over and sit down.

Yahiko smiled slightly at Washi’s invitation and went to sit down at the table.

“Washi-sama, I am here to discuss about Nagato and Konan.” Under Washi’s question, Yahiko did not waste any time and directly asked the questions he had prepared.

In addition to allowing Kisame Hoshigaki to return to the team, Washi and the others had also obtained quite a number of captives. The Nagato and Konan that Yahiko mentioned were also two of them.

“What? Did they ask you to come?” Although Washi said this, he knew that the possibility was not high. Yesterday, when he saw Nagato’s expression, he was still prepared to make the world feel pain.

Even though he had Konan and Yahiko by his side, Nagato didn’t want to change his mind.

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“No, I wanted to come over myself.” Yahiko waved his hand and explained.

After explaining, Yahiko continued, “Konan wants to join the organization with me, but because of Nagato, Konan can’t say anything directly. But you know Nagato, he can’t change his mind for a while.”

Yahiko knew his friend and teammate very well. Once he made a decision, it would be difficult to turn it around.

“I can recommend someone to you. He might have some effect on Nagato.” Washi said to Yahiko with a smile on his face.

When Yahiko heard this, he immediately became happy. As long as he changed Nagato’s mind and let the other party stop being extreme and act on impulse, then no matter who it was, Yahiko was ready to give it a try.

“This person is in the City Lord’s Mansion. He didn’t follow the team to Amagakure’s capital before.” Washi pretended to be mysterious for a moment before continuing, “He is the son of Minato, Naruto.”

“Naruto Uzumaki? Him?” Yahiko naturally knew this name. However, the owner of this name was still a child. In terms of strength, he could not even compare to the average Genin of the Ninja Village. Could such a powerful Naruto really have any effect on the idea of changing Nagato?

In fact, Yahiko could not be blamed for being so cautious. The main reason was that Naruto was too small, and Yahiko did not have much hope for this child.

“Although he is small, he might still have a lot of talent in convincing people.”

Of course, although Washi said so, he could not guarantee that he would be able to succeed in this place. After all, Naruto had left Konoha, and the different experiences he had would most likely weaken Naruto’s mouth and even make it disappear.

However, it did not matter even if Naruto’s speach did not work. After all, Nagato’s combat strength was not as important as it was in the beginning. In terms of comprehensive combat strength, the current Washi team was definitely one of the best in the Ninja World.

“Really?” Washi repeatedly emphasized, which made Yahiko a little shaken.

“It is not a bad thing to try anyway.” Washi nodded and once again fed Yahiko a reassurance.

Under Washi’s reply, Yahiko also made up his mind to go to find Naruto Uzumaki and try it out at Nagato.

As he was eager to test himself, he also chatted for a while before hurriedly leaving Washi’s room.

‘I hope that Naruto Uzumaki’s mouth is a talent and not a skill to learn. If this guy still hasn’t used it, then I can only personally go to battle.’ Washi looked at Yahiko’s back and thought to himself.

“After being interrupted by Yahiko, Fugaku’s time should be up soon, right?”

Thinking of this, Washi no longer planned to rest. He sat at the table, and with a thought, he returned to the Naruto Warehouse.

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“Fugaku is about to wake up.”

“Do you want to wake him up immediately?”

When Washi came to the warehouse again, the warehouse immediately sent a prompt about Fugaku awakening.

“You came at the right time.” Washi said, taking two steps towards the screen. As he walked, he said to the warehouse, “The old rules, directly wake him up.”

“He is awakening.”

Fugaku (Fierce):

He was the 5th Hokage of Konoha, but he wasn’t very bright when he got the position. The Night of Rebellion. It was the crazy night of the Uchiha Clan. That night, under the leadership of the clan leader Fugaku, the entire Uchiha Clan directly occupied the Hokage building, and the Ninjas of the Senju Clan suffered heavy losses in this battle.

It was precisely because of this battle that the Hyuga Clan and the other clans all moved toward the Uchiha Clan, and with the support of these clans, with the powerful strength of the Uchiha Clan, Fugaku was able to ascend to the throne of Hokage.

Affiliation: Washi Team

Ninjutsu: S

Taijutsu: S –

Genjutsu: S

After Washi chose to awaken, an introduction of Fugaku appeared on the screen.

“Senju Clan suffered heavy losses and joined forces with the Hyuga and Hatake Clans. It seems that Fugaku is worthy of the title of a hero.” After reading the introduction of Fugaku in the Naruto Warehouse, Washi had to admit that this clan leader who had turned the tables on him had some skill.

At least from the interface, this member of the Uchiha Clan was stronger than Yahiko.

However, from the introduction, Washi could see that Fugaku’s hatred for the Senju Clan was deeply rooted, and there were many members of the Senju Clan in Washi’s team.

Not to mention Hashirama, Tobirama and Tsunade, they were all members of the Senju Clan.

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In the team, for example, Minato was the disciple of Tobirama and Hiruzen Sarutobi, and Jiraya and Orochimaru were also in the same side. The position of Konoha’s Hokage was more or less related to the Senju Clan.

In the world of Fugaku, if not for the successful coup, perhaps the 5th Hokage throne that Fugaku sat on would also belong to the Senju Clan.

“Let’s go out and see the situation first.” Fugaku had been awakened, so Washi naturally couldn’t keep him outside. So after reading the introduction, Washi directly left the Naruto Warehouse.

When Washi’s consciousness returned, Fugaku, who had been awakened by the Naruto Warehouse, was already waiting in the room.

When Washi looked at the clan leader, Fugaku also slightly nodded at Washi and said, “Washi-sama.”

“Fugaku, right? Sit down first.” Washi said, pointing to the place where Yahiko had just sat.

Fugaku did not refuse Washi’s invitation, because in his mind, he and Washi were not strangers.

“Your Excellency, there seems to be a lot of powerful ninjas outside the house.” Fugaku had already begun to sense the situation outside Washi’s house when he was standing.

The powerful ninjas that Fugaku sensed were Hashirama, Minato, and Washi.

“They are all teammates in the team. You will see them later.” Because there would be discussions about the village, Fugaku didn’t need too long to get to know the ninjas of the Naruto World one by one.

“By the way, let me remind you that there are Hashirama and Minato in the team.” In order to prevent the two groups of people from meeting or not having a tense situation, Washi took the initiative to give Fugaku a warning.

Sitting in front of Washi, Fugaku did not care too much about the name Hashirama. This name was too far away from him.

However, Minato was a ninja of the same generation as him, and he was also the 4th Hokage of Konoha. Although he overthrew the 3rd, Hiruzen Sarutobi, he did not like Minato, who was also Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Therefore, when he heard the last name, Fugaku’s eyes flashed with a cold light, “Minato?”

“Well, Minato. But he is not Minato from your world. There is no connection between you two, so don’t bring the matter of the world to this place.”

After saying this, Washi continued to say to Fugaku, “Right, there is also an Uchiha Clan member in the team, Uchiha Madara.”

Fugaku, who had just heard the name “Hashirama”, was suddenly shocked. He stared at Madara’s name and lost his voice, “What? Uchiha Madara?”

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