Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 190

For the name of Madara, Fugaku naturally was not unfamiliar. After all, for any member of the Uchiha Clan, Madara was a name that they could not avoid.

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And for Fugaku, it was even more so.

He wanted to get the position of Hokage all the time and wanted to revive the reputation of the Uchiha Clan, which was more or less related to Madara.

If not for Madara choosing to cooperate with the Senju Clan, if the position of Hokage which should belong to the Uchiha Clan was not taken away by the Senju Clan, how could it be such a difficult scene when he took over the position of clan leader?

In Fugaku’s eyes, the decline of the Uchiha Clan originated from Madara’s decisions, but the fact that the Uchiha Clan could reach the peak of the Ninja World and become the top clan of Konoha together with the Senju Clan was also closely related to Madara.

Therefore, Madara was a complicated existence for the Uchiha Clan.

“He is here now, isn’t he?” After thinking for a moment, Fugaku began to ask about Madara.

“Yes, right here. Are you going to find him now?” Washi was not too surprised by Fugaku’s reaction. After all, any member of the Uchiha Clan would not be too calm after hearing the name Madara.

Fugaku nodded and said, “Yes, I want to see him.”

“Okay, you go. If you can’t find him, you can ask anyone in the courtyard. Right, you are not allowed to fight here.” Although Washi did not think that the two would fight, he still reminded Fugaku just in case.

“Okay, sama.”

Fugaku responded and left Washi’s room.


After Fugaku, the new Hokage left, Washi remembered that in the warehouse, the Hokage who was about to wake up was already waiting for him.

After closing the door to his room, Washi returned to the warehouse.

On the outer wall of the warehouse, the next candidate had appeared on the screen.

Washi walked forward and looked at the screen. “Naruto warehouse, inventory 789/800.”

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Awakening: Kushina Uzumaki (avenger), 27 years old, peak:

The 5th Hokage of Konoha, after Minato sacrificed himself to seal the Kyubi back into Kushina’s body, this naturally talented member of the Uzumaki Clan began her journey to rise.

After taming the Kyubi that only had half of its chakra left in her body, she had an unprecedented amount of chakra. She volunteered to be the 5th Hokage, and all kinds of forbidden techniques were learned by this trusted Hokage. Whether it was the Shadow Clone, Flying Thunder God, or Edo Tensei, she was already familiar with them.

Now was the time for revenge…

In the process of executing God’s plan, the remaining time to wake up is 19 hours 55 minutes 14 seconds.


Kushina Uzumaki….

These two words that Washi had never been connected to were now on the outer wall of the Naruto Warehouse.

Now, it seemed that the 5th Hokage of Konoha, Kushina, was the same as the Minato in his team, walking on the path of revenge.

And this Kushina seemed to be a bit slower than Minato. In the introduction of the Naruto Warehouse, she seemed to have just finished learning all kinds of forbidden techniques and was preparing to fight for revenge.

“Is there a person who wants to face the Black Zetsu and Madara? This time, he won’t be like that Itachi, directly attacked at home and then start the a.s.signment.” After reading the introduction, Washi thought to himself.

This kind of consideration was not without reason. Once Kushina chose to fight head-on, the battle would be inevitable. Once a battle occurred, as long as she faced the big teams in front of Madara, Konoha would probably not be enough.

Therefore, ever since Danzo’s assignment, Washi might encounter this kind of mission again.

However, there were many people in the organization now. Even if there was a assignment, Washi could just directly throw a few people in to help. With Madara and Minato, Washi believed that he could still fight against the strength of Akatsuki.

“I hope you won’t have any accidents in these twenty days.” Washi took one last look at the screen, and after muttering to himself, he directly left the warehouse.

When Washi left the warehouse, Fugaku, who had been awakened before, had also found his ancestor, Madara.

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When the two Uchiha met, there was no scene of sparks hitting the earth that Washi had imagined. Instead, Madara invited Fugaku into his room and poured him a cup of water before sitting down.

“You are also an Uchiha, right?” As soon as he sat down, he asked Fugaku.

Fugaku took the cup of water that Madara had just poured for him and stared into his eyes, nodding, “Yes, I am the clan leader of the Uchiha Clan, Fugaku.”


Madara had already learned some news about Fugaku from Washi, so he already had an impression of this name.

Madara paused for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and said to Fugaku, “I heard that Fugaku in this world died in the hands of his own people.”

Fugaku, who still did not know the specific situation of this world, was shocked when he heard this news. He quickly asked, “What’s going on?”

“The Uchiha was bullied in Konoha here, and got the position of the Military Police Force. But because of this position, the Uchiha could not advance at all. From beginning to end, they could only sit in this position.”

This news was also learned from other people, and it seemed that he had personally experienced it.

However, Fugaku also knew what he said. After all, before the night of the rebellion broke out, he, the leader of the Uchiha Clan, was also the captain of the Military Police Force. He had been sitting in the position that Madara mentioned.

“The only way for the Uchiha Clan to obtain more power is to take it from the hands of the Hokage through their own hands.”

As Madara said this, he was also a member of the Uchiha Clan. After coming to this world, this was the first time he chatted with his own clan.

“So, they began to plan a rebellion and began to prepare to overthrow the Hokage of Konoha.”

Until here, the information that Madara talked about was no different from what Fugaku had experienced. These things were all things he had experienced.

However, what came next was different from what Fugaku knew about the world.

“However, they failed. There were two traitors among the Uchiha. One of them was close to the will of fire mentioned by the Hokage, and the other slaughtered his own people.”

“What? Traitor?” When Fugaku heard that there were two traitors in his clan, he suddenly stood up, and the cup in his hand fell to the ground.

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“Yes, traitor.” Madara looked directly at Fuyue with his blind eyes, and then told him the names of the two, “One of them is called – Shisui Uchiha, and the other is called – Itachi Uchiha.”


When Madara told the two names, Fugaku’s breathing suddenly became rapid. Although he said that it was impossible, these two names were the most likely to betray him.

After all, when he was in the air, Shisui Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha were very appreciative of the will of fire that the Hokage talked about. If not for his thunder-like means and his previous sowing discord with Danzo and Hiruzen Sarutobi, the script of the night of rebellion might be as Madara said.

“When you came to this world, you should know that nothing is impossible.” Madara’s mood did not change at all. Although he was dissatisfied with the encounter of the Uchiha, it was not enough to disturb his heart.

Today, he had his own purpose in telling this to Fugaku.

Because of his relationship with Hashirama, Madara was not easy to directly fight against Konoha. However, Fugaku was different. He had no ties with most of the people in the team. He could directly go to the forefront of fighting against Konoha. Moreover, Fugaku, who had experienced the night of rebellion, would not show any mercy. Perhaps this was the best chance to change Konoha.

“What about Itachi and Shisui? Where are they?” Fugaku, who was very angry, clenched his teeth as he asked Madara.

Madara was not as anxious as Fugaku. He picked up the kettle again and poured another cup of water for Fugaku before continuing, “Shisui Uchiha is dead. He died in the hands of Danzo, and his Mangekyo Sharingan was taken away.”

“Damn Danzo!”

Fugaku clenched his teeth. He was extremely angry. He did not expect the Uchiha in this world to be so unbearable. Shisui Uchiha, who had reached the Mangekyo Sharingan stage, had his eyes taken away by Danzo.

“However, his eyes have been taken back by us. He is now in the hands of the two Orochimaru in the team.” Madara gasped for breath as he spoke. When Fugaku cursed Danzo, he told him the news on the back.

After saying that, Madara did not wait for Fugaku to continue speaking. Instead, he directly said, “Itachi became a spy for Konoha and joined Akatsuki. Oh, I wonder if your world has Akatsuki?”

“We just defeated Akatsuki. So, Itachi, might have returned to Konoha.”

The news of Madara’s brain made Fugaku somewhat unable to digest it. There were too many twists and turns in Madara’s words, and he had to think about it for a while.

“Drink a cup of water first.” Madara’s mouth slightly curled up. Fugaku’s performance was very consistent with his imagination. The next thing was to see his performance when he went to Konoha again.

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Fugaku glanced at the glass of water that Madara had pushed in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief.

“You must have a purpose, right?” Fugaku asked Madara after taking a sip of the water.

As the only person in the team who had taken the position of Hokage from the rebellion, Fugaku was not stupid. On the contrary, this Hokage was very smart. After a short period of anger, he regained his rationality.

What Madara said seemed to have been planned long ago. When he arrived, he told him everything. There must be some conspiracy behind this.

Even if the other party was Madara, the glory of the Uchiha Clan, Fugaku would not easily believe him.

After Fugaku guessed some of his goals, Madara was not angry. Instead, he laughed, “Haha, as expected, you are worthy of my cooperation.”

“Yes, the organization will attack Konoha next.” Madara stood up and looked at Fugaku, “I won’t participate in this battle, but you will participate. There is nothing left in Konoha right now, so I hope that you will participate in this battle.”

Before Madara finished his words, Fugaku said, “You want me to destroy Konoha in this operation?”

“You are very smart.” Madara replied with a rare smile.

Fugaku did not immediately refuse Madara’s plan. Instead, he faced Madara and asked, “Only I know?”

Madara slightly nodded and said, “Of course, you are the only Uchiha here. In addition to you, all the other Hokage come from the Senju Clan. Only we are standing together here.”

“And Washi-sama.” Fugaku frowned and said.

“Of course, there’s also him. Without him, we can’t stand here and talk, but apart from Washi-sama, we also need to recognize the others.” Madara agreed with Fugaku’s words. Of course, Washi was the leader of the organization, and Madara would not oppose this.

However, apart from Washi, the people from the Senju Clan were not too friendly. Even if they were in the same team, there were still factions, and naturally, the Uchiha Clan would have their own place.

“I will think about your suggestion. Before leaving for Konoha, I will give you a reply.” Fugaku never thought that this meeting with Madara would be like this. He just wanted to chat with this legendary clan member, but he didn’t expect that these words would come up with a plan.

After saying this, Fugaku put the cup of water on the table and turned to leave Madara’s room.

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