Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 194

“Let’s set the name of Ninja Village first.”

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Washi did not waste any time on the name of Ninja Village, and directly decided on the word ‘Kage’ that Madara mentioned.

“After Ninja Village was established, the Ninja School was handed over to Hashirama and Madara. Naruto and Hinata, directly enter the school to train, and they do not have to go out for the following tasks.” Previously, Hashirama had always been very interested in being a teacher of the new village, so Washi directly took advantage of the situation and arranged Hashirama and Madara into the Ninja School.

Of course, Hashirama was very satisfied with Washi’s arrangement. He nodded with a smile and said, “No problem.”

“The Senju Clan is responsible for the defense of the village. Tomihashi and Yahiko are also included in this defense team.” After Washi arranged Hashirama’s position, he began to arrange the others in the team.

Sakumo had long known about this position, but the addition of Yahiko and Tomihashi was something that Washi had never told him before.

“I don’t need to say anything about Female Orochimaru and Orochimaru. All you need to do is research.” Everyone in the team knew about the work of Female Orochimaru and Orochimaru, so they were not surprised by their arrangement.

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After giving instructions to Female Orochimaru and the others, only Minato, Jiraya, Tsunade, and Danzo, who were far away in Kirigakure, were left. “The rest of you will be part of the operation team with me. You will be responsible for the next mission of the Ninja Village.”

“However, according to the situation of the mission, the other people who have been arranged will also be temporarily transferred into the mission team.” Right now, the number of opponents that Washi and the others needed to face was not small. If they were to fight together with a few parties, there would still be a lot of people needed. Therefore, Washi did not decide the location of everyone just like that.

“Oh right, Tomihashi, go and contact the City Lord of Sujo City later and tell him that we will establish a Ninja Village in the northern city.”

Previously, the City Lord of Sujo City had already looked for Washi many times. What he wanted to discuss was the establishment of the Ninja Village. So this time, after Washi settled the Ninja Village, he was prepared to let the City Lord of Sujo City pay some money to continue expanding the City Lord’s Mansion. He would build the Ninja School, the training ground, and the Ninja Hospital.

Tomihashi, who had no right to speak in the meeting, could finally say something at this time.

“Well, that’s it. Since the village has been decided, let’s disperse first. Three days later, we will go to Konoha in the name of the new village.” Although Washi returned to Sujo City, he still remembered clearly that Konoha had contacted the other villages to attack his organization.

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Of course, Washi would not forget this kind of big matter, so after setting up the regulations of the village, he locked his target on Konoha.

This time, Washi was not like the previous two times when he pointed to Konoha. Because of this action, Washi, Minato, and the others felt that it was time to reform Konoha.

This transformation was definitely not just a shock, but a change from beginning to end.

Whether it was a response or a consultant group, they had to be replaced. This time, Hiruzen Sarutobi had to be expelled from the position of the Hokage, and the substitute Washi had thought of was Minato, who was the first to join the team.

“The Ninja School has not been established yet, so Madara will go with us to Konoha. In addition to Madara, Minato, Sakumo, and Fugaku will go with us.” This time, Washi didn’t call too many people. First, Hashirama had already expressed that he didn’t want to continue the mission. Second, Tsunade and Jiraya were native people of the main world. They weren’t that bad at Konoha.

On the other hand, Yahiko still had the job of convincing Nagato. If Nagato hadn’t changed his mind when Washi returned from Konoha to the city, then Washi wouldn’t give him more time. The effect of the Rinnegan was very big. It had always been on Nagato who was outside the organization. It was better to let these eyes return to their original owners and return to Madara.

Even if Madara was not a character of this main world, he was still from the same system. It was reasonable to accept this pair of Rinnegan.

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“Sama, if we go to Konoha, count me in.” After Washi settled on Minato and the others, Kakashi, who was sitting behind Sakumo, suddenly spoke to Washi.

“You want to go too?” Washi had the same idea as Jiraya and the others. Even if these people went to Konoha, they would not be able to do it. Bringing them along would not have much effect.


Of course, Kakashi also knew that there would be a big battle this time, but he still did not refuse. Instead, he nodded to confirm his choice.

“Well, then you go with him. Anyway, Sakumo is also here.” For someone like Kakashi who volunteered, Washi naturally would not refuse.

Among the people called by Washi, the one that Washi was most assured about was Fugaku. The Uchiha, who had overthrown Hiruzen Sarutobi’s position as Hokage, would definitely not show mercy in this battle. As for Minato and Sakumo, although they were also from a parallel world, they were still different from Fugaku.

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“Well, that’s it. Let’s go.” Washi glanced around the hall and found that no one took the initiative to ask for a fight. He stood up and walked out of the hall.

The meeting was actually not long. It was mainly because before this, Washi had already discussed with everyone about the establishment of the Ninja Village. Therefore, before this, everyone already had their own thoughts. This meeting was just to directly decide what they had already thought of.

After this meeting, for Orochimaru and Female Orochimaru, there was actually no change. They still stayed in the laboratory to study their own things.

Among the people, the one who had changed the most was Tomihashi. This Sunagakure Ninja who had always been the housekeeper of the team finally had his real position this time. From a captive to a guard member of the largest organization in the world, he was on equal footing with Kakashi and Yahiko in one fell swoop.

Of course, Tomihashi could only think about these things in his heart. Even if he was now a member of Yahiko and the others, he still knew that he was inferior. He was just a Jonin, so it was better not to be too arrogant in the village.

After all, there were only two people in this village who were weaker than him. Naruto and young Tsunade, these two people had strong backgrounds that could not be compared. As for the rest, even the weakest Tobirama and Hinata were people who could treat Tomihashi as a toy hammer. The title of Jonin might become the backbone of other Ninja Villages, but here, it was better to be a good servant.

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