Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 195

After Washi and the others finished discussing the construction of the village, Tomihashi immediately left the City Lord’s Mansion to look for the City Lord of Sujo City.

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This City Lord had always been the same. Washi was able to build a Ninja Village in Sujo City, so this time, the city lord welcomed him warmly and directly took the cost of building the Ninja School and other buildings into his own hands.

The reason why the City Lord of Sujo City could be like this was mainly because of the strength of Washi and the others. With these people building a Ninja Village in Sujo City, he, who was originally just the City Lord of Sujo City, jumped to become someone on the same level as Amagakure’s leader.

With this Ninja Village, Sujo City’s position would rise sharply, and it was not impossible for him to replace Amagakure’s leader.

There were people who solved the financial problem of the construction of the village. Of course, Washi would not refuse. Moreover, after the village was built in Sujo City, the defense power of Sujo City would directly rise to the top. Even if it was on the border between the Land of Fire and Amagakure, with the deterrence of the Kage Village, after the end of the era of the five great villages, Washi believed that this area would soon become a paradise.

The City Lord of Sujo City seemed to be more active than Washi in the construction of the village. On the second day when Tomihashi found him, he mobilized the residents of Sujo City and began to flatten the land near the City Lord’s Mansion.

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Washi stood on the hill in the north city and looked at the land that was quickly flattened by everyone. He said to Tomihashi who was standing beside him with satisfaction, “The City Lord of Sujo City is quite good. After we conquer all the villages, it is not impossible for Sujo City to be famous as Amagakure.”

“But we still have to pay attention to his movements. When you stay in Sujo City, you will be responsible for monitoring him. When I am not here, report to Hashirama.” Washi naturally did not completely trust the City Lord of Su City. After all, he did not have a deep relationship with the City Lord, so Washi still needed to be careful.

“Yes, sama.” Tomihashi was quite satisfied with this task. As long as he could stay in Sujo City, even if it was the dirtiest and most tiring work, Tomihashi was willing.

The reason why Tomihashi had this idea was because the opponents they met were too strong. With Tomihashi’s strength, if he was careless and was hit by Obito’s Kamui, or Hiruzen Sarutobi’s five consecutive bullets, then he could only say goodbye to Washi directly.

After Tomihashi responded, Washi was not ready to continue to check on the progress of the village. The reason why he set to go to Konoha after three days was mainly because the fourteen days of Enchantment Plan was coming. Washi was ready to go to Konoha after this task.

“Let’s go, there is nothing to see.” Because the Enchantment Plan was about to be refreshed, Washi directly called Tomihashi and was ready to go back to the City Lord’s Mansion.

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Although Tomihashi still wanted to see the efficiency of the construction of the residents of Sujo City on this hill, he naturally could not object to Washi’s words. Therefore, Tomihashi could only follow Washi back to the City Lord’s Mansion.

After returning, Washi came to his own residence alone. Although the Enchantment Plan would not take too much time, Washi was still not ready to carry out the enhanced task outside the house.

“Is the time up?” After returning to his room, Washi’s consciousness came to the warehouse of the Hokage. The countdown on the second screen in the warehouse had all belonged to Pain, but the task on it had not changed.

“Do you want to refresh?”

After Washi asked this question, a line of words appeared on the second screen. Below the words were two options: Yes or No.


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Washi entered the Naruto Warehouse in order to complete the enchantment task, so he chose to refresh directly.

As soon as Washi said his choice, a white light suddenly flashed on the screen. After the white light flashed, the information on the screen also updated.

Hinata: ‘Ascension’ Although his father was the Hokage of Konoha, because of the manifestation of the talent of Hanabi and the rise of the Senju Clan, her position seemed to be less stable. Help Hinata become the Hokage, and after the completion of the task, she will be able to awaken the strength of the Hokage.

Sakumo: ‘The Rebel Kakashi’. After Sakumo became Hokage, his discipline of his son gradually relaxed, and it is because of this reason, Kakashi has more time to hang out with his friends. For his own ninjutsu training, Kakashi was also delayed for this reason, and Sakumo has been trying to rekindle his son’s fighting spirit. Let Kakashi back on track, after the completion of the task will enhance the strength of the already awakened Hokage Sakumo.

Tobirama: ‘Uchiha’, Tobirama’s obsession with the Uchiha can be said to have existed since childhood. In his world, he often fought with Madara’s sister Izuna, but for various reasons, Uchiha Izuna has always been hostile to Tobirama. Improve the relationship between Senju and Uchiha, the mission will be completed to enhance the strength of Tobirama.

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‘Because of the special nature of Tobirama’s task, after the task is completed, it will provide the special awakening option of Uchiha Izuna.’

This time, the awakening mission was almost the same as the last time when Washi was in Amagakure’s capital city. There were three choices, and Hinata had appeared once in the previous choice.

However, in the last sentence, Washi also found that the only difference was that there was an extra note behind the mission introduction of Tobirama.

“Provide the awakening reward of Uchiha Izuna?” Washi looked at the last note again and read it out.

This was because the people who had been awakened before were all from the Naruto Warehouse, one by one. Moreover, they were all existences who had served as the Hokage in parallel dimensions. However, this time, the rules seemed to have changed a little. A awakening mission could actually directly recruit additional characters.

If this Uchiha Izuna had not served as the Hokage, then perhaps he would be able to awaken more ninjas through this enhancement mission in the future. Those who had never had the opportunity to become the Hokage would also have the opportunity to do so in the current main world?

“The strongest of the three options is Sakumo, who can increase his combat strength by a lot.” Washi frowned and thought about how to choose these three tasks. “However, this task of Tobirama can directly awaken the characters. If I miss it, who knows when I will get it again.”

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