Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 201

“I won’t agree.”

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After seeing that there was no hope of obtaining the Taijutsu, the expression on Tajima’s face changed back to his previous cold look, just as he had thought before, without benefits, there was no cooperation.

“This is not up to you!”

Because it was a possession to complete the task, Washi did not have so many scruples. Even if the task could not be completed, Washi would at most lose this opportunity to enhance.

After saying this, Washi, who was still driving the peacock, suddenly leaned forward, and his right hand once again reached toward Uchiha Tajima.

However, this time, Uchiha Tajima was not as defenseless as before. He reached out to block Washi’s hand, but just as his hand reached out, Washi, who had the Eight Gates, had already bypassed his hand and touched his shoulder.


Uchiha Tajima, who was hit by Washi, was sent flying and fell to the edge of the tent.

“Fire Release.”

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Lying on the ground, Uchiha Tajima wanted to use fire release to counter Washi, but just as he was about to make a hand seal, he was hit on the shoulder again and directly removed his control of his hands.

Ninjas who could not control their hands naturally could not make hand seals, and the difference between Taijutsu and Washi was too big, so Uchiha Tajima was directly disarmed.

“Fighting with the Eight Gates at close range, you think too much.” Washi didn’t think much of Uchiha Tajima, who only had Three Tomoe Sharingan. This kind of strength simply couldn’t defeat the Uchiha he possessed.


Washi was just about to squat down and check again, but from the door curtain of the tent, a person suddenly rushed in. This person was Uchiha Tajima’s son, Uchiha Madara.

“You don’t have to be excited, your father is just temporarily unable to use ninjutsu.” Washi did not directly receive Madara’s attack, but dodged to the side and dodged.

After Washi dodged his attack, Madara turned his head to look at Tajima, who was lying on the ground, but only glanced at him. Then he asked Washi, “What are you trying to do? I saw what you said to Hashirama.”

Although he had not yet woken up, Madara seemed to be more concerned about the future Ninja God.

“He said he would see you at the usual place in the afternoon.”

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“I think you should know where it is.” Washi repeated the words that Hashirama had said to him.

Madara frowned and said, “You really do have a connection.”

“Madara, the union of the ninja clan is inevitable. And you don’t want to die in the battle, do you?” Unable to convince Uchiha Tajima, Washi turned to persuade Madara, “I think you should know this better than your father.”

Madara was originally not going to pay attention to Washi, but when Washi mentioned the name of Izuna, Madara began to think.

Madara was the eldest son of the Uchiha Clan, and there was the younger sister of Izuna and two younger brothers. One of the younger brothers had died in the battle with another ninja not long ago, so when Washi said this, Madara remembered his younger brother who had just passed away.

“Madara, don’t listen to him. Dying in battle is the glory of the Uchiha Clan!” Although his fighting strength was reduced by Washi, his mouth did not stop. After Madara came in, he began to shout at him loudly.

However, Madara’s words seemed to have a negative effect. Madara did not want to exchange his brother’s death for any glory. Each of them could live well, which was what Madara wanted.

Therefore, Madara did not listen to his father’s words, but said to Washi, “Will the clan listen to you?”

“I think, they will listen to you.” Washi said to Madara with a smile.

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If Madara agreed to lead the clan to unite the clan, then Washi could also use wood release against the clan. Although this would extract the life force of this Uchiha, compared to Gamabunta, this Uchiha’s life force was obviously not strong. After using wood release, this Uchiha Xiu could not hold on for long.

Therefore, Washi had to persuade Madara. As long as the Uchiha Clan did not object and only targeted one area, Washi felt that he had enough time.

“I can give it a try with you.”

After thinking for a short while, Madara directly agreed with Washi’s idea.

On the ground, Tajima shouted a few more times, but he did not make Madara change his mind. On the contrary, Madara turned his head to look at his father, revealing a pair of eyes that were different from the Three Tomoe Sharingan.

“Mangekyo Sharingan!”

After seeing this pair of eyes, he was stunned. Regardless of the plans of Washi and Madara, he directly got up from the ground and came in front of Madara. He absent-mindedly said, “Mangekyo Sharingan, it really is Mangekyo Sharingan!”

It had been a long time since the Uchiha Clan had seen the existence of the Mangekyo Sharingan. The reason why he could know that Mangekyo was more powerful than the Three Tomoe was because he had read many documents of the clan.

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What he did not expect was that the owner of the Mangekyo was his eldest son, Madara.

“Madara, with the Mangekyo Sharingan, we can do it.” Uchiha Tajima did not think about the safety of his sons. The battle between Uchiha and Senju was the most important thing to him.

However, Madara did not let him continue. He directly reached out and stopped Tajima who wanted to continue to persuade him, “Father, I don’t want anything to happen to them. I don’t want to use the lives of my clansmen to open one eye after another. So, what happens next will be up to me.”

After saying that, Madara directly activated his own Mangekyo, and controlled Tajima.

After controlling Tajima, Madara turned to look in the direction of Washi. Although what Washi said was very consistent with his heart, Washi was still not very reliable. A guy who was very likely to join the Senju Clan could no longer act in the clan.

Therefore, after using his Genjutsu to control Madara, he quickly used his Genjutsu on Washi.

“Detected Genjutsu attack, resisted.”

In this space that was different from the parallel world, the energy of the Naruto Warehouse was still very large, and it could directly block Genjutsu.

Because of the defense of the Naruto Warehouse, Madara’s Mangekyo Sharingan Genjutsu failed to successfully control Washi.

“Genjutsu? Do you think Genjutsu can control me?”

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