Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 202

Although Washi said so, Madara would not let him go. He used his Mangekyo Sharingan to look at Washi beside him, trying to use Genjutsu to control him.

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Unfortunately, Washi was not affected by Madara’s Genjutsu as he said.

“You really are not under the control of Genjutsu.” Madara was a little surprised. This was the first time he encountered an existence that could resist his illusion after awakening the Mangekyo Sharingan.

“You are not the Uchiha Xiu from before. However, no matter who you are, I choose to cooperate with you.” In Madara’s eyes, Washi was very strong, and his Genjutsu could not be attacked, and his physical skills were higher than ordinary people.

Madara did not care whether the other party was a real clan member or not. As long as they had the same ideals as him, Madara would not care about these things. “Tomorrow, we will go meet Hashirama.”

From Madara’s words, Washi also heard that he was different from the one in the original world. This seemed to be very important to the alliance. It was unknown whether it was because of Washi’s words or the words of the Uchiha Tajima that were more honored than his son’s life.

In any case, Washi’s plan went on normally. Originally, he was prepared to kill all the higher-ups and represent the Uchiha to join forces with Senju, but now it was different. He only needed to push Madara and let him control Uchiha and Senju Clan. Then this mission could be smoothly completed.

And what happened after was just as Washi expected. After he met Madara and Hashirama, he successfully convinced the other party.

However, because Hashirama could not do anything to Butsuma, Washi once again took the role of surprise attack, and this time, the target was also the Senju Clan, as well as his consultant team.

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Compared to the previous argument with Uchiha Tajima, this time, with the cooperation of Hashirama, Butsuma was quickly subdued by Washi. Moreover, under the accompanying Madara Genjutsu, Butsuma was directly defeated, temporarily becoming the puppets.

With the leaders of both sides, Washi’s plan was completed, and the two great ninja clans completed the alliance under the urging of the leaders of both sides.

Moreover, without any of the four brothers dying in Senju Clan side, Washi directly completed the enchantment mission.

“Uchiha” mission completed, Enchantment Plan activated. “

“Increase target: Tobirama Senju (teenager).”

Enhancemrnt direction: 1. God of Water Release: Make Tobirama Senju directly reach the highest level of his Water Release and combine it with all the Water Release Ninjutsu he will train in the future, 2. Flying Thunder God: As the creator of Flying Thunder God, Tobirama has to skillfully use this ninjutsu, 3. Contracted Beast: Provide Tobirama with a Contracted Beast.

One of the three enhancements could only be chosen.

Other: Additional special reward – awakening Uchiha Izuna. This is the obsession of Tobirama Senju. Uchiha Izuna from this world will be awakened and go to the main world.

Compared to the enhancement reward of Minato, the reward of Tobirama was obviously much stronger. More importantly, there was an additional Uchiha Izuna, which could let Washi pick up a character for awakening for free.

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At this time, Tobirama was not the main fighting force for Washi, so it was not too important to increase his fighting strength.

Moreover, with the current chakra of Tobirama, even if he was given Flying Thunder God and peak Water Release Ninjutsu, it might still be a burden for him. The chakra of Tobirama could not support him frequently using these ninjutsu.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment in the Naruto Warehouse, Washi directly chose that special reward – awakening Uchiha Izuna.

“I wonder what expression Tobirama will have when he sees this Izuna?” When Washi chose to awaken Uchiha Izuna, he also imagined the expression of Tobirama.

“I have chosen a special reward – to awaken Uchiha Izuna.”

Awaken the non-Hokage character, Izuna, please wait a moment.


This time, the reward extraction of the Naruto Warehouse was somewhat slow. After Washi chose it, he actually needed time to prepare. However, when he thought about how it took a lot of time to wake up the Hokage, Washi felt relieved.

“By the way, you can call Tobirama over first.”

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Because of the relationship between Izuna and Tobirama, after leaving the Naruto Warehouse, Washi went straight to the courtyard where Tobirama used to be.

When Washi arrived at the courtyard, Tobirama was indeed training in the courtyard.

The always proud and arrogant Tobirama had been at the bottom of Washi’s team for a long time. Every battle was broken through by the opponent. Moreover, the strength of the people in Washi’s team was different from ordinary people. Except for a few children and the Sunagakure Ninja, the rest of the people were not people that Tobirama could fight against.

This kind of encounter made Tobirama very much want to improve his strength. Every day, when others were resting, Tobirama would contact his throwing skills in the courtyard.


Washi watched Tobirama throw a few kunai in the corridor. After he spoke, he interrupted the other person’s practice.

“Washi-sama?” Tobirama, who had stopped practicing, turned his head and looked in the direction of the corridor. “What’s the matter?”

“Of course I have something to do. Please stop for a while and come with me.” Washi waved to Tobirama and said.

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Although Tobirama was puzzled, he followed Washi out of the courtyard. While walking, Tobirama asked Washi, “Why is Washi-sama looking for me? Is there a mission?”

“There is no mission. Your current mission is to improve your strength first.” Because the strength of Tobirama was at the bottom of the team, Washi generally would not arrange any missions for him. Even if he went out to catch rebels in the past, he would not have the share of Tobirama.


Although he knew that Washi would say this, Tobirama still sighed. His own strength was still not enough.

“But I have another thing to tell you.” The corners of Washi’s mouth curled up, and he said to Tobirama mysteriously.

Seeing Washi like this, Tobirama became even more puzzled. If not for a mission, what could happen? Could it be that he wanted him to enter the Ninja School? This was not possible. In any case, he was still at the level of Jonin in this world. How could he go to the Ninja School to study?

Tobirama wanted to refuse directly, but Washi continued before him, “Uchiha Izuna is back today.”

“What! Uchiha Izuna? Really?” After hearing the name, Tobirama’s eyes suddenly lit up.

However, perhaps because he had seen several different people from his memory, Tobirama became a little wary. After a short moment of excitement, Tobirama said, “Is it Izuna from my world? The one who is so short.”

Tobirama said. He also stretched out his hand and gestured at the height of the Uchiha girl. The height of Izuna, Tobirama remembered very clearly.

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