Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 203

“Of course it’s your world’s Izuna, but don’t fight, she’ll be here soon.” Washi said as he pressed his hand down.

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As soon as he finished speaking, the two of them returned to the room where Washi was.

After reminding Tobirama not to run around for the time being, Washi directly entered the Naruto Warehouse. The reward he received from the previous awakening should have been prepared.

Sure enough, when Washi entered the Naruto Warehouse, the second screen of the warehouse wall showed the words “reward has been completed. Do you want to receive it?”


Washi had been waiting for the reward, so after receiving it, Washi naturally agreed very straightforwardly.

“Uchiha Izuna is awake.”

Uchiha Izuna (Extra Awakened Character, age 11):

She is not the Hokage of Konoha, but her strength is also very strong in Konoha, and because of Madara’s character, she has always been the only shining point of the Uchiha in Konoha.

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Affiliation team: Washi team

Ninjutsu: A

Taijutsu: A-

Genjutsu: A.

It was unknown whether it was because of the fact that Izuna was not the Hokage, but she did not introduce much on the screen. It could even be said that it was very simple.

However, Washi did not care much about this introduction. As long as he could wake it up, the introduction was not a big deal.

Therefore, after reading the introduction, Washi directly left the Naruto Warehouse and was ready to go back to his room to see what would happen when the two met.

When Washi returned to his room, what he expected did not happen. Tobirama and Izuna did not sit down to catch up, and Tobirama did not ask the other party excitedly.

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The truth was that after the two met, the Uchiha Izuna pulled out the sword on her waist and slashed towards the direction of Tobirama. If not for the fact that Tobirama was already prepared, this blade would have solidly cut the body of Tobirama.

“Stop, stop, stop, what are you doing?” Washi, who had just come out of the Naruto Warehouse, quickly called out to Izuna, who still wanted to continue attacking Tobirama.

“Washi-sama, he is a member of Senju Clan.”

This Uchiha Izuna was only 11 years old, so she was in the same era as Tobirama who had just arrived in this world, in the era when the two clans were fighting.

Although Uchiha Izuna and Tobirama Senju were familiar with each other, for the sake of his clan, naturally, he would not show mercy.

“He is a member of Senju Clan, but we are in the same organization now. Don’t attack Tobirama anymore. Put away the sword and sit down to talk.” Of course, Washi wouldn’t let the battle continue, so he directly called Uchiha Izuna to his side, and then pressed down on a stool, “Tobirama, you sit down too.”

At this time, Tobirama was looking at the long-unseen Uchiha, so he was a little stunned. After Washi called him, Tobirama pulled a stool and sat down.

“An organization? We and Senju?” After hearing Washi’s words, Izuna looked at him in disbelief. She had actually become a teammate with this kid?

Izuna was surprised, but there was no trace of emotion on her face. At this time, Tobirama tried to make an indifferent expression, wanting to make Izuna feel that he was not happy because of her arrival.

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Washi saw this expression and felt a little funny. When Izuna did not come, whenever he mentioned the Uchiha Clan, he would be very interested, but when she really arrived, this guy pretended to not care.

However, Washi could understand how Izuna looked like. The one sitting next to him was really good looking, and she could be considered as one of the most beautiful person in the Naruto World.

Washi saw that Tobirama had no intention of replying,

So he continued, “Yes, in the organization, you are teammates. Moreover, not only the Senju Clan, but also the Hatake Clan and the Uzumaki Clan. In addition to these big clans, there are also many members of the Non-Ninja Clan in the organization.”

“Then, are there any members of the Uchiha Clan?” Compared to the Ninja like Senju and Hatake, what he wanted to know more was the situation of the Uchiha.

In the face of his question, Washi answered, “Of course, Madara and Fugaku are in the organization.”

“Brother is also here!” After hearing Madara’s name, she immediately stood up from her chair. Compared to Tobirama, Madara’s name was obviously more shocking to her. “Where is he? I want to find him.”

After learning about Madara, she no longer wanted to continue chatting with Tobirama. Instead, she wanted to find her brother Madara.

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“He is in the third room on the right. If he is not here.”

Before Washi could finish his sentence, she had already rushed out of the room and headed in the direction of Madara.

When Izuna left, the expression of Tobirama immediately became disappointed. It was obvious that Izuna did not value him. It was a waste that he had been thinking about her.

“What, disappointed?” After seeing the expression of Tobirama, Washi suddenly smiled and said, “It’s good that she can come. Why do you still have this expression?”

“When Izuna finds Uchiha Madara, I will let her go to the Ninja School to study. When the time comes, I will let her study there for a while.”

Washi, who had seen the Uchiha’s panel, naturally knew Izuna’s current strength. All of the A’s attributes were a bit worse than that of Tobirama. After all, Tobirama did not stay in the main world for nothing. Under the guidance of Hashirama, Minato and others, Tobirama’s strength had improved a lot. Half of his foot had stepped out of the realm of Jonin.

Even so, when Washi said that he would send Izuna to the Ninja School to study, Tobirama suddenly looked up at Washi and said, “Do you want to send her to the Ninja School? Then I want to go too. I have some doubts about the Water Release, so I can go in and train for a while.”

After Tobirama finished speaking, Washi directly rolled his eyes at Tobirama. This guy actually had the cheek to say that he wanted to learn the Water Release Technique. Do you still need to learn the water escape technique from others? Right now, Tobirama was not strong in the team, but his understanding of the Water Release Technique was indeed S-Rank. Even Kisame Hoshigaki, who often used the water escape technique, could not compare to Tobirama.

And it was this Water Release expert who actually said that he wanted to go to the Ninja School to train the Water Release Technique.

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