Chapter 22 - Zero Handling

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 TeamTraveling was very boring, especially when there was child like Tsunade, who would stop and run from time to time, making the whole team fall into a state of stagnation.
However, because of the leisure time on the road, Washi also had the time to learn some Ninjutsu from Hashirama and Minato. Although Washi’s chakra level had just reached the standard of Jonin, it was not a problem to cast some intermediate Ninjutsu. Hashirama’s Wood Release, Washi also learned. Just as Hashirama said, Washi was not restricted by Kekkei Genkai. He had the Naruto warehouse, and could directly practice Wood Release.
“Tobirama, go and hold your granddaughter. Don’t let her run around again.” After the team stopped again because of Tsunade, Washi couldn’t stand it anymore. He quickly let Tobirama to stop the overly active Tsunade.
After receiving Washi’s task, Tobirama walked to the side of Tsunade who was picking flowers. He hugged her with both hands and carried her on his shoulder. Although Tobirama was not much taller than Tsunade, Tobirama was still very strong. A young Tsunade’s weight seemed to have no effect on him.
“Second Grandpa, let me go…” Tsunade was very unwilling to be hugged by Tobirama. She had not played enough.
“Don’t play for now. When we get to Konoha, I’ll take you to play.” Tobirama said as he turned Tsunade over.
“Really?” Tsunade heard Tobirama’s words and looked happy.
Tobirama didn’t know what Tsunade was thinking, but he still nodded and said, “Of course, Second Grandpa is a man of his word.”

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“Then, let’s go to the casino. I know where the casino is. Second Grandpa, I will take you there.” Speaking of the casino, Tsunade’s eyes shone with a golden light.
“Sigh.” Hashirama, who was listening to the two of them, sighed and covered his forehead with his hand. How did this granddaughter learn this from him?
Compared to Senju group, Minato was much more serious. He came back to Washi and said, “Washi-sama, there is a city ahead. Let’s rest there.”
“This should be the nearest city to Konoha, right?” Through Minato and the others, Washi roughly knew some information about the geography of Land of Fire.
“Yes, after this city, we still need a day to reach Konoha.” Minato nodded.
Finally, we can get there…
After walking for almost ten days, Washi felt that he could lie in his room for two days.
“However, I met an acquaintance in the city.” Minato walked beside Washi and whispered.

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“Acquaintance?” Hearing Minato’s words, Washi stopped. Someone who could be called an acquaintance by Minato was definitely not a small character. “Who is it?”
“Jiraya Sensei!” Speaking of this name, Minato was also very emotional. One of the three Konoha Sanin who train him into the Hokage was actually more qualified to be the Hokage than him.
“Jiraya?” Hearing this name, Washi was stunned. Was he fighting against Konoha’s Sanin? First, Tsunade and Orochimaru came to Konoha, and now, they met the last one of Konoha’s Sanin, Jiraya.
However, this time, there was no conflict between the two sides, so Washi felt that it was impossible to fight.
“I didn’t find you, right?”
Minato shook his head: “No, Jiraya Sensei is… looking for inspiration.”
Speaking of his inspiration, Minato was a bit embarrassed. He paused for a moment.
However, after hearing Minato, Washi understood what Jiraya was doing. This Toad Sage was definitely looking for material.
“Don’t disturb him. We’ll live on the other side of the city.”

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Washi did not want to cause any disturbance around Konoha. If they started fighting, it would not be easy to enter Konoha.
“Okay.” Minato also knew that this was not a good time to cause trouble, so he agreed. Although Minato still wanted to see his teacher, he could still take his time.
The most important thing was that he could not tell Jiraya his real identity, so that he would be wary of his contact.
“The closer we get to Konoha, the fewer Ninjas searching for Itachi.” When Washi entered the city, there were no ninjas standing at the city gate like before. The atmosphere here was much more relaxed.
Because of Konoha, there was no doubt that this village was the strongest in the world. For some traitors, it had a strong deterrent force.
“Well, this thing is not bad.” As soon as he entered the city, Hashirama saw a store selling around Konoha. Inside, there was an item with a Konoha crest on it.
The wooden sword in his hand was kunai, and the portrait of Konoha’s Legendary Ninja was being sold.
“Tobirama, look, you’ll be like this in the future.” In this shop, Hashirama found Tobirama’s portrait at first glance. The white haired, blue armor, Tobirama Senju, crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the entrance of the shop with red eyes.

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After hearing Hashirama’s words, Tobirama raised his head to look at the portrait, but after seeing the portrait, Tobirama frowned, “Is that a Konoha crest on your head? I still think that Hashirama’s crest is better.”
Obviously, at this time, Tobirama still did not agree with the existence of Konoha. In his eyes, it was still his family – Hashirama Senju.
“I think it’s not bad.” Hashirama patted Tobirama on the head and said.
After saying that, Hashirama took Tsunade from Tobirama and pointed to a portrait in the shop, “Look, our Princess is also here.”
“What?” Tsunade was obviously more interested in the wooden weapon. After Hashirama’s reminder, although she looked up, she only glanced at it and then looked at the wooden sword in her hand.
“Sir, this, 150,000.” The shop owner kept staring at the sword in Tsunade’s hand. He rubbed his hands in front of him and said to Hashirama with a smile on his face.
At this time, Tomihashi consciously walked to Hashirama’s side, took out 150 from his wallet and handed it to the shop owner.
“Hey, thank you, sir.” The shop owner who received the money quickly bowed and returned to the shop.
“Don’t play anymore. Let’s go find a hotel to stay.” Washi, who couldn’t walk, said to everyone. He hadn’t practiced physical skills before. Other than Hashirama, he couldn’t compare with ninjas like Minato at all. Each and every one of them walked for a day as if they were playing.

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