In the city, near a bathhouse, a guy with white hair was doing something shameful.

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“Jiraya san.” Just as the white haired man was watching attentively, a Konoha Anbu suddenly jumped out from behind him.
The white haired man turned his head. It was one of the three Ninjas of Konoha, Jiraya.
“Huh? Can’t you see that I’m doing something serious? What’s the matter?” It was obvious that this person from Anbu was also very dissatisfied.
“Eh…” “Did the 3rd Hokage ask me to look for you?”
“Oh? It’s the old man? Why are you looking for me?” Hearing that it was the 3rd Hokage looking for him, his expression became a bit more normal.
After hearing Jiraya’s question, the Anbu conveyed the words of the 3rd Hokage to Jiraya.
The news that Anbu brought back came from Amagakure. Asuma, who was in charge of searching Amagakure’s territory, found Tsunade who was in Amagakure Capital. Tsunade, on the other hand, told Asuma that she was attacked. Asuma thought of Sujo City and quickly reported the news to the 3rd Hokage.
For this new organization, the 3rd Hokage also attached great importance to it, so they were ready to call Jiraya back to investigate Amagakure.
“Is that so?” Jiraya put the telescope in his hand to the side and pondered. “Go and tell the old man that I will go back to Konoha in two days. We can talk about it later.”
Then, he waved his hand and said, “Well, you can go now. I have something to do.”
After that, he picked up the telescope and squatted down, regardless of whether the Anbu left or not.

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Washi did not know that Jiraya would go to Konoha together with his group the next day. When he and Hashirama arrived at the periphery of Konoha, how to go into Konoha was a problem.
“Minato and I have no problem with the transformation. It will be difficult for Tobirama and Tsunade.” Hashirama looked at the distant Hokage Rock and said to everyone.
With the transformation skills of Hashirama and Minato, they naturally would not be seen through by Konoha’s Ninjas. However, Tobirama had not yet grown up, and Tsunade was a child. Although these two people were not afraid of being recognized in places outside of Konoha, there were many familiar faces in Konoha.
The older generation of Ninjas had all seen the young Tsunade, and with her iconic white hair and appearance, it was easy for them to be recognized.
“Leave them outside the village?” In the case of not alarming Konoha, Washi could only think of this method.
Before Washi and the others made a plan, Tsunade didn’t do it. Didn’t they agree to go to Konoha?
“I want to go!”
“This…” Hearing his granddaughter say this, Hashirama was a little troubled.
“Can we go around it?” Because of Tsunade’s intense opposition, there were three people in Senju Clan here, occupying half of the entire team. Washi could only think of other ways.
“This, is a little difficult.” As a Hokage, Minato was very clear about Konoha’s defense. There were basically no loopholes in the periphery of Konoha.
“Then let’s go in directly.” Tobirama did not think it was difficult to enter a village, which was equivalent to a big family.

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“This suggestion is not bad.” Hashirama immediately agreed with his younger brother’s suggestion.
Well, since you all think that you can force your way in as the Hokage, I, Washi, naturally have no objections.
Just like that, under the suggestion of Tobirama, everyone went around to the rear of Konoha, near the training ground behind the Hokage Rock.
“Let’s go in from here. I’ll lure away the guards.” As the fastest in the team, Minato naturally took on the task of luring away the garrison.
As for Minato’s initiative, no one had any objections. After all, other than Minato, only Hashirama could perfectly take care of the garrison.
But the speed of Hashirama, aside from directly killing the others, he forgot about the other tasks.
As soon as he finished speaking, Minato disappeared in a flash.
There were three Ninjas in charge of this defense team. Because there was no alarm all year round, the three of them gathered together and chatted.
Just as the three of them were talking about which ramen in the village was delicious, a stone suddenly smashed in front of them.
“There’s someone!”

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Although the three of them were not on guard, they were still well-trained ninjas after all. The sudden appearance of a stone made the three of them jump up from the branches in an instant.
“Shinshiro, you go and take a look.” The captain of the three pointed to the grass not far away.
“Okay.” The Chunin, who was known as the new village, grabbed kunai, nodded, and rushed to the grass.
“Shinshiro, how is it?” The captain, who was still on the branch, asked after arriving.
“No movement.” He walked to Shinshiro next to the grass and did not find anything suspicious.
Just as he finished speaking with Shinshiro, another stone flew out from the side and hit the leaves next to the captain of the guard squad.
“There are enemies!” Seeing the stone again, the captain immediately made a fighting stance and rushed in the direction of the stone.
When the three guards rushed to the last bush where the stone flew out, Minato appeared in the place where the stone was.
After falling down, Minato did not stop. He moved his feet and came behind the three people. His hands moved, and the three Konoha Ninjas fell to the ground without making any sound.
“Well, Minato has solved the problem. Let’s go.” After seeing the three Konoha Ninjas fall, Washi called the other members of the team and went to the training ground of Konoha.

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When the three guards woke up, they immediately reported this matter to the garrison. However, apart from seeing two stones, they didn’t even know what the other side looked like or what he was wearing.
Just when the garrison had no clue, Washi’s team had already arrived on the street of Konoha.
“Apart from the Hokage Rock, there is nothing different.” Walking on the streets of Konoha, Hashirama felt a long-lost sense of familiarity.
“Is that me?” Because of the portrait, Tobirama recognized that the second one was him.
“Yes, it’s you. The fourth one is Minato.” Hashirama smiled and explained to his brother.
Minato was not interested in these things. Everything here was no different from his previous world.
“Washi-sama, I want to find Naruto first.”
“Are we going to find Naruto? Then let’s go together.” Washi did not dare to let Minato go alone. No one knew what Anbu Minato would do when he saw Naruto.
Although Washi had given the Minato a prevention needle before, he had not seen the real person yet.

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