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“By the way, we don’t know where he is.” The group of people who were about to look for Naruto suddenly found a very serious problem. They did not know where Naruto was currently living.

The room Minato lived in before he died was a public property of Konoha. Minato’s own house was also destroyed when Kyubi was attacking Konoha, so Minato could not know where Naruto was.

“Sama, I’ll go ask.” Tomihashi volunteered.

However, Washi did not agree with him. Although Naruto was called a Kyubi in Konoha, it did not mean that the higher-ups of Konoha did not pay attention to him. There must be an Anbu monitoring around Naruto, and a few foreigners directly asked about his residence in Konoha. It was the same as saying to the people of Konoha that I came to find you.

“Let’s go to the ramen, we should be able to get some information there.” Without disturbing the Anbu, Washi could only think of the ramen with his hands.

Compared to directly asking Naruto’s whereabout, Tomihashi asking about ramen on the street did not attract anyone’s attention. After asking for the address, they directly went to the door of the hand-made noodle shop.

“Hand-made ramen? I haven’t eaten it for a long time.” When Hashirama saw the signboard of ramen, he said with a smile. “It’s just that this shop is a bit small. Our ramen has an entire building.”

Washi glanced at Hashirama, who was talking. Hearing his words, he remember the time and space of Hashirama. He was rich.

“Let’s go in and take a look.” Washi still wanted to be curious about the legendary character of Konoha. He could be safe and sound in several wars. Maybe he was a hidden Kage Level expert. Of course, this was only Washi’s one-sided speculation.

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“Father, there is a guest.” The daughter, who was only ten years old, was lying on the table. When she saw Washi and the others entering the store, she quickly turned to her father and shouted.

“Guests, please sit.” At this time, it was around three o’clock in the afternoon. There was no one in the ramen shop. The owner was called Teuchi. He turned around and quickly greeted.

Because he was afraid that Tsunade and Tobirama would be recognized, Washi specially used a smaller trench coat for the two to wear. As for Minato and Hashirama, because they were afraid of being noticed, they used the Transformation Technique after entering Konoha, becoming two middle-aged men.

“Boss, give me six bowls of ramen.” After Washi sat down, he said directly to his opponent.

“Customer, do you want some soy sauce or pork bone ramen?” With so many customers coming down, he was quite happy. He wiped his hands on the apron and came to the front of the stage to ask Washi and the others.

Washi pointed at the painting on the wall and said, “This one, one bowl per person.”

“Okay.” After Washi made the order, he put down the apron, turned around, and began to make noodles.

“Boss, this noodle shop has been open for a long time.” In order to inquire about Naruto, Washi began to close in with his hands.

After hearing Washi’s question, he began to make noodles while answering, “Many years, at that time, the 4th Hokage was still there.”

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When he talked about the 4th Hokage, Minato’s body obviously shook. He had not heard this name for a long time.

“What a pity, if not for that year… Sigh…” Talking about the 4th Hokage, he could not help but sigh.

“Cough cough, I wonder what your name is?” When he mentioned Minato, Washi had no choice but to stop him. At this time, it was better not to provoke Minato too much.

“Teuchi.” While speaking, Teuchi was already done with a bowl of ramen. He turned around and walked over. “Which guest wants to eat first?”

“Me, me!” The young Tsunade, who was sitting on the bench with the table, couldn’t wait any longer and slapped the table with both hands.

He was afraid that others would eat his ramen.

As the second grandpa of Tsunade, Tobirama, of course, would not sit idly by. He stood up, took the ramen from his hand, and placed it in front of Tsunade. “It’s a bit hot. Do you want second grandpa to blow it for you?”


Teuchi was shocked by Tobirama’s self-claim just now. Second Grandpa? What kind of address was this? The adults next to him did not know how to manage the two children.

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However, this was someone else’s business. It was not his to deal with. After Tobirama took the ramen, he turned around and continued to work.

Six bowls of ramen did not take too long. However, when the last person who got the noodles, Tomihashi, just moved his chopsticks, Tsunade pushed the bowl forward, “I want more.”

“Give her another bowl of noodles, Boss.” Washi was already used to this foodie, Tsunade. He said while eating.


Someone liked his ramen so much, so naturally, Teuchi was happy. He smiled and turned around to continue working.

“Mister, I…”

Just as he turned around, the curtain of the ramen shop was gently lifted, and a Konoha Ninja walked in. However, just as he took half a step, he seemed to be frightened by the line-up of the ramen shop. This was the first time he had seen so many people.

“Iruka, why are you here so late today?” The one who came was an old acquaintance, and his eyes widened a little, “Still the same?”

“Yes.” After Iruka nodded and replied, he went to sit in a corner of the shop.

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“How is it today? There must be a lot of students in the Ninja School, right? You must be busy, haha.” With an acquaintance, the words he used became more and more.

Iruka collapsed on the table and said listlessly, “Sigh, it’s too much. It’s so tiring to be a teacher.”

“By the way, the one from the Uchiha Clan, and… How is Naruto today?” After placing the new ramen in front of Tsunade, she was not in a hurry to continue working. Instead, she leaned in front of Ika.

When Naruto was mentioned, Iruka’s expression changed instantly.

“Are those children bullying him again?” Obviously, Teuchi was still concerned about Naruto.

“Er… En.” Iruka didn’t know what to say, but he just nodded.

Next to the two of them, when Naruto appeared, Minato’s ears stood up. When he heard the word “bully”, he unconsciously turned his head and narrowed his eyes slightly to look at Iruka.

Teuchi looking at Iruka nooded, Iruka smiled and said, “Oh, it’s okay. When Naruto comes later, I’ll treat him ramen and celebrate for entering the Ninja School, haha.”


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