“He probably won’t come today. After all… ah…” Ikura remembered what happened to Naruto at the entrance of the Ninja School and sighed.

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Teuchi knew about Naruto’s situation in the village, so he didn’t ask anymore and turned to prepare noodles for Ikura.
“What happened to him today?” After Teuchi left, Minato did not care about the remaining half of the noodles in the bowl. He moved the stool next to Ikura and asked.
Minato’s sudden approach surprised Iruka a little. He looked up from the table and said, “Who?”
“Naruto.” When it came to Naruto, Minato’s tone was already a bit bad. He could tell from the conversation between Iruka and Teuchi that Naruto did not seem to be doing well in Konoha.
“Naruto?” Iruka did not expect that other than Teuchi, there would be someone who would care about Naruto, “Just like the first half of the year, today at the entrance of the Ninja School, he was said to be a Kyubi, but…”
Before Iruka could finish his words, Minato stood up and was about to hand the ramen to Iruka, almost dropping the bowl in his hand on the table.
“Min… Sit down first.” Washi, who quickly grabbed Minato, almost called out Minato’s name in front of Iruka.
“What’s wrong?” Iruka still did not understand the situation. Why did the person in front of him look like a different person after hearing Naruto?
Minato, who was held down by Washi, breathed a sigh of relief after calming down his anger and slowly sat down.

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“Let me ask.” Washi moved the stool between Minato and Iruka. He handed the noodles he put down to Iruka’s face before continuing, “We just came to Konoha not long ago. We don’t know much about Konoha. We just heard about the Kyubi.”
“I see.” Iruka, who had a relatively simple brain circuit, reluctantly believed Washi’s words.
“We want to ask, has the Ninja School started?” Washi did not directly ask about Naruto, but instead asked about the Ninja School.
Speaking of the Ninja School, Iruka was interested, “Yes, it has only started today.”
“I also said to let our kid enter the Ninja School. It seems that he missed it.” While speaking, Washi pointed to Tobirama who was still taking care of the baby Tsunade.
“Huh?” Iruka, who was eating ramen, turned his head and looked at the wrapped up Tobirama. “The new school is not right now. This issue is signed up in the first half of the year. You only have next year. You still have to check the chakra attribute. You may not be able to enter the Ninja School directly.”
“So that’s how it is.” Washi looked like he didn’t understand anything and nodded in agreement.
The two of them chatted without end. After Iruka finished eating the noodles, the two of them were considered to be close.
“Alright, I have to go.” After eating, Iruka stood up and prepared to leave.
At this time, Washi also stood up and sent Iruka to the outside of the curtain. As he walked, he said, “We just came to Konoha. Is there any place for us to go?”

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“A good place?” Iruka frowned, thought for a while, and then continued, “Hokage Rock, and the forest over there are all good.”
Iruka was not usually a person who ran around, so he only answered Washi’s questions in two places.
“Where are Senju and Uchiha place?” Before we came, we were very respectful to the two founding families of Konoha. You are a teacher of the Ninja School, and these two families must also have people under you. ” Washi stepped forward step by step, ready to ask for the location of Naruto.
“Haha, there is.”
Iruka scratched his head in embarrassment, “The Uchiha Clan is over there. Alas, it’s a pity that he’s the only one left. Oh right, there’s also the Nara Clan. Over there, Akimichi Clan… Naruto…”
Speaking of his own studen, although they had just entered the school, Iruka already had a very thorough understanding of his future disciples.
“I see. Thank you. We will go and see these big families.” Washi smiled and thanked Iruka, then returned to the noodle shop.
After entering the shop, Washi took the lead and came to Minato’s side, “Let’s go, we found Naruto’s location.”
Minato, who couldn’t help it, slowly nodded, stood up, and followed Washi out of the noodle shop. Hashirama and the others had already eaten, so after seeing Washi leave, they also followed.

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“Over here.” Washi, who had gotten the position from Iruka, led the group around the street and finally saw the room he had seen in anime.
Minato looked at the small room, which looked a little shabby, and his face sank. Without waiting for Washi to continue speaking, Minato moved his feet and arrived at the door of the room with the vortex mark on it.
“Kushina…” Minato looked at the emblem on the door and unconsciously thought of his wife.
“This Minato, didn’t we agree not to rush up? Tomihashi, take me up.” Because there must be the existence of Anbu around. Washi had already said that he should not act rashly. Unexpectedly, after coming here, Minato still couldn’t hold back. Washi, whose physical skills were a bit inferior, could only let Tomihashi take him to Minato.
Hashirama and Tobirama, with their granddaughter Tsunade, slowly walked up the stairs.
Just as Washi landed next to Minato, Minato knocked on the door of Naruto. At this time, the surrounding Anbu immediately became alert. The life and death of the Kyubi Jinchuriki was related to the safety of the entire Konoha.
“Who is it?” As soon as he came back from the Ninja School, Naruto appeared in front of Minato.
As soon as Naruto appeared, Minato’s face suddenly changed. Just now, he could feel the Nine-Tailed Chakra in Naruto. This was understandable. After all, Uzumaki had extraordinary talent in sealing.

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However, the scene in the room after the door opened made Minato’s eyes filled with anger.
He, the son of the 4th Hokage, was actually treated like this in this village, which he had even sacrificed his life to protect.
“Who are you?” At this time, Naruto was a little confused. The people in the village had always ignored him. Why did they come to his house today?
“We are your father’s friends.” Washi squatted down and said to Naruto with a smile on his face.
“Father’s… friend? My father is?” Naruto asked suspiciously.
“Huh” If it were for before, Minato could understand that it might be due to the village’s considerations, but it was not a reason for Naruto to not know who his father was.
Oh no…
After seeing Minato’s reaction, Washi realized that something was wrong. Although he had reminded Minato before that the situation was not good, but now, after seeing it with his own eyes, the impact on Minato seemed to be somewhat beyond Washi’s expectation.
At this time, Minato completely broke out after hearing “Who is my father”. Minato turned his head, and his eyes were cold as he looked at the alert Konoha Anbu.
I, Minato, sacrificed everything for Konoha, in exchange for the pain that should not be given to Naruto.

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