Chapter 100 - The War is Going to Begin

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Although the marine had previously suffered a major defeat at Water 7, the marine organization department was still very high.

In less than half an hour after the notice of Sengoku, the marine had prepared ten warships, nearly 10,000 marine, and five Vice Admirals.

Although this time two Admirals joined the demon slaying order, which was Sakazuki and Issho, and the presence of the Marine’s Chief Instructor Z, but the marine still maintained the usual practice of bringing a full complement of five Vice Admirals.

Momonga, Onigumo, Strawberry, fire burned mountain, Dalmatian, five headquarters Vice Admiral was summoned, accompanied by Sakazuki boarded the warship to Sabaody Archipelago.


As the command of this demon slaying order, after boarding the ship, Sakazuki directly ordered the marine forces to leave the port and go straight to Sabaody Archipelago.

The scale of this battle was not as big as the big battle in the Water 7, but ten warships went out simultaneously was still very rare. When the fleet led by Sakazuki came to the sea around Sabaody Archipelago, the surrounding pirates also realized that something was wrong.

Run, it’s a demon slaying order!”

“Get out of Sabaody Archipelago!”

Although the number of the demon slaying order launched very few times, the deterrent for the marine was very big.

Every time the demon slaying order was launched, it meant the demise of a region. This kind of devastating attack was more thorough than what the pirates did.

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The most recent demon slaying order launched was in the West Blue Ohara Island.


This island with the world’s largest collection of scholars and books, because of the interpretation of the text of history, threatening the rule of the World Government, the World Government directly issued a demon slaying order.

Overnight, the island of scholars, which had recorded a thousand years of history, was destroyed. Even on the map, it was impossible to find traces of Ohara.

Because of such a lesson learned, those pirates who were sailing to the Sabaody Archipelag, preparing to enter the New World from underwater, hastily turned to leave the marine’s strike range after the coating.

Even the pirates who had already docked went to the pier after hearing the news that the demon slaying order was about to be launched, and were ready to leave this right and wrong place in a hurry.

“Damn, I should have known better than to go to the island!”

Get out of the way, let me pass!”

The originally bustling Sabaody Archipelag pier was suddenly filled with people, all the pirates crowded in the same area, trying to escape early.

The color of Buggy’s face, which had arrived at the pier because of the pirates’ disturbance, was already white with fear.

“Mr. Sakazuki, let’s go quickly too!” Although Buggy wass very dissatisfied with Sakazuki, if it were not for this guy wanted him to leave behind, he would not have to worry about the marine’s demon slaying order here.

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But in front of Sakazuki, Buggy still didn’t dare to accuse the other side. He could only point to the pirates who kept leaving from the pier and suggested to Sakazuki.

But Sakazuki didn’t seem to be afraid of the marine’s demon slaying order. He glanced at the marine warships that were still a few dots on the sea and said, “Buggy, our task is to guard Sabaody Archipelago.”

Hearing Sakazuki’s words, Buggy immediately gritted his teeth. Although his mouth did not dare to say, his heart was slandering, ‘What is that mean by guarding Sabaody Archipelago? That was not what I wanted to do! It was you who insisted that I stay!

I knew it would not be good to stay, if you had not watched too closely, I would have left!

Buggy’s heart was full of dissatisfaction with Sakazuki, but outwardly he could only said, “Mr. Sakazuki, that is a demon slaying order, the whole island will disappear!”

“As long as I’m here, Sabaody Archipelago will not disappear.” Sakazuki did not move, still standing in place, not the slightest intention to leave.

The more calm Sakazuki was, the more anxious Buggy became. The marine ships were about to start blocking the dock, so if they didn’t go, they really couldn’t leave.

The anxious Buggy kept turning his head, looking at the approaching marine warships for a while, and then at the Sakazuki who was close at hand.

“Why don’t I go and inform the captain, he said to inform him when the marine comes.” In a brief moment of thought, Buggy seemed to find a breakthrough.

“No, you can’t catch up even if you go now, the captain should have already arrived at Fishman Island.”

Sakazuki knew the sailing time to Fishman Island very well, even if Buggy went after him, he would never be able to contact Wexford.

“Prepare for battle.” After rejecting Buggy’s request, Sakazuki took a step forward and walked on top of the pier.

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When it came to combat, Buggy’s head hurt. Since being wrapped into Wexford Pirate group, Buggy had not seen many of these big battles.

In the Windmill Village, Loguetown, and Water 7, these battles were more intense than one at a time. This time better, the marine directly over to launch the demon slaying order, and did not even want to keep the island.

The more he thought, the more scared Buggy looked at the back of Sakazuki after creeping towards the nearest pirate ship.


Before Buggy could take two steps, Sakazuki’s voice came over, “What do you want to do?”

“Nothing, nothing ……” Buggy, who wanted to muddle through and leave with those pirates, saw that his plan was broken, and could only look at the pirate ship that was about to leave the pier with a longing face, leaving tears that did not dare to move.


“Boom boom!”

Just when the Buggy Pirates regretted that they had not boarded the pirate ship to escape from the Sabaody Archipelago, the marine warships that had begun to blockade the Sabaody Archipelago began to shell the fleeing pirate ships.

“We’re not from Sabaody Archipelago!”

“We’re just passing through!”

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Although these pirates tried their best to explain, the fleet of the demon slaying order led by Sakazuki would not listen to these pirates’ arguments.

‘Not even a single plank shall sail away from Sabaody Archipelago.’

Akane issued a directive to ten marine ships. Just like Ohara, Sakazuki was not prepared to let go of any of the ships that left, even if they were not the target of the attack.

In the marine warships under this indiscriminate fire coverage, most of the pirate ships were directly sunk.

The pirate ship that managed to run out of the artillery coverage area was also directly sunk by the stone that inexplicably fell from the sky.


After seeing the meteorite fall from the sky, Sakazuki on the island immediately guessed the other side out of the characters.

In Sakazuki’s world, Issho was a person under his command who was extremely opposed to the World Government system.

But in this world, Sakazuki was going to meet with his former comrades in arms.

“Very well, I would like to see what kind of progress you have made as a Marineford Marine.” Sakazuki stared at the warship where Issho was, and murmured.

“The war is going to start.”

Looking at the marine warships that began to display in the outer sea after clarity the pirates, Sakazuki said in a flat tone.

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