Sakazuki stood on the dock looking at the ten warships. The warships of Sakazuki, Issho, and Z were also observing the movements on the Sabaody Archipelago.

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“It does look a lot like you.” Z did not participate in the last battle of Water 7, so it was also the first time he saw a member of the Wexford Pirates who looked the same as his acquaintance.

However, Sakazuki did not answer his teacher’s words, and looked in the direction of Sabaody Archipelago and said to Vice Admiral Onigumo behind him, “Sail a little closer and prepare to shell Sabaody.”

Since the mission was carried out, Sakazuki carried it out directly to the end,. No matter who existed on the island now, it was always right to cover a wave with artillery first.

At Sakazuki’s order, the ten warships moved a little further in the direction of Sabaody Archipleago so that the artillery fire would cover the entire Sabaody Archipelago.

“They’re coming!” Seeing the marine’s warships come closer to the Sabaody Archipleago again, the already nervous Buggy became even more anxious.

Now Buggy had no way to leave Sabaody Archipleago. The only thing he could count on was the companion beside him who looked exactly the same as the other Admiral.

“You know why I did not let you go?” Sakazuki did not bother with the warships on the sea, but instead turned his head and spoke to Buggy.

“In fact, when I went to Rayleigh’s before, the captain said something about letting you go, it was me who asked the captain to leave you behind.”

When Buggy heard this, his eyes suddenly glazed over, “What? Why?!”

Before Buggy could finish his sentence, Sakazuki continued, “Your Devil Fruit power is very strong, don’t waste it.”

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“What?” Buggy hadn’t understood exactly what Sakazuki meant by this, he just felt the temperature around him rise sharply.

“You retreat to the island first.”

As Sakazuki spoke, both his left and right hands had turned into a state of molten lava.

Rolling hot lava rolled at Sakazuki’s arms, occasionally tumbling out of the lava fell to the ground. With the high temperature of the lava, the stone slab on the ground directly burned through it after contact with it.

After seeing this, Buggy also knew that Sakazuki was going to start fighting, so he couldn’t think about what Sakazuki had just said, and directly turned around and ran towards the knockout bar where Rayleigh was.

Compared to Sakazuki, Rayleigh gave Buggy more sense of security obviously.

And just after Buggy left, Sakazuki’s already molten arms directly raised up and turned into a pair of huge lava fists.

After seeing this scene, Admiral Sakazuki on the ship, who was always very calm, couldn’t help but frown.

“This is Dai Funka?”

At the time when the Admiral Sakazuki just said the name of the opponent’s move, Sakazuki on the island had already spewed out a large amount of lava from the lava fist he had created.

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These with high temperature wrapped in flame, falling from the sky, straight to the ten naval warships.

“Isn’t this your Devil Fruit Ability?” The marine warships was enveloped by lava, and Z’s tone was full of doubts.

Although in the information he knew, the other side had already appeared with the same Devil Fruit ability as Doflamingo and Katakuri, when he saw it with his own eyes, Z knew the weirdness of it.

Admiral Sakazuki, who was asked by Z, did not know how to respond for a while. Even if he was a Magu Magu no Mi user, but this situation in front of him was not easy to analyze.

As Sakazuki and Z were still thinking about the opponent’s Devil Fruit . Issho, who just joined the marine had drawn his sword.

Although Issho was blind, his powerful haki enabled him to easily access the changing situation around him. The lava in the sky, which was already about to fall on the ship, was clearly observed by Issho.


In order not to cause damage to the surrounding marine ships, Issho directly drew his sword and swung it at the lava in the sky. A gravity ripple that was invisible to the eye also flew outward from the blade of Issho at great speed.

When the gravity ripple hit the lava in the sky, the lava that was flying downward stopped instantly, and the flame that followed the lava did not immediately brake, but instead dug into the head of the lava, sending a shower of sparks.

“Stop…it stopped ……”

Just now, due to the lava overwhelmingly coming, a group of marine forces on the warship are a little panicked.

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Although there were Sakazuki and Issho, the two Admirals on board, as well as Z, the Chief Instructor, in the face of the scorching lava, the marine forces were still very unsure of themselves.

But the good thing was that Issho directly stopped the opponent’s attack with a slash.

However, Issho’s attack did not stop there. When all the lava was stopped in the air, Issho directly flipped his staff blade, and the lava in the sky also reversed direction with Issho’s action.

The flames that had been gathered earlier gradually turned in the direction of the marine warship, and the lava that had been stagnant began to fly backwards toward the Sabaody Archipelago.

When Issho made these movements, Z had been watching the new Admiral.

Although this Admiral is not from the marine’s training, looking at the actions just now, this Issho indeed had the strength of the Admiral.

While Z was observing Issho, Sakazuki on the pier was also watching the sky change.

“Not bad for Issho.”

Sakazuki seemed to have expected the opponent’s response, so even though the lava flew backwards, Sakazuki was not half alarmed.

However, compared to Issho, Sakazuki was more interested in seeing the strength of that opponent’s Admiral Sakazuki.

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“Don’t let me down.”

After Sakazuki murmured a sentence, his whole body also began to melt lava at great speed.

When the lava in the sky was about to fly back to Sabaody Archipelago, the lava at Sakazuki’s location at the pier was also expanding at a great speed.

In the vision of Z and others, the dock more and more red region. With only one breath, the red lava wrapped the entire dock.

The change on the pier was very direct and fast, and just when the flames from the sky were about to fall to the ground, dozens of huge lava arms suddenly stretched out from the area of the pier lava.

“Jigoku Tabi!”

s these magma arms were extended, Sakazuki’s voice sounded at the same time.

When the arms stretched out from the pier came in contact with the flames in the sky, the two masses of lava instantly fused into one.

After all this lava was absorbed by Sakazuki, the giant hands of magma did not fade away, but all converged together and formed a huge human-shaped creature.

“What kind of monster is this ……”

Inside Sabaody Archipelago, Buggy, who had already run outside the Rip-Off Bar, looked back at the magnificent giant that covered half the sky with a shocked face.

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