The boulder that Buggy saw was too huge, and the giant trees that were unique to the Sabaody Archipelago around him were somewhat dwarfed by comparison.

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This giant in addition to tall, covered with the flow of fiery red lava. After the occasional drops of lava fell on the surrounding trees, the scorching temperature instantly turned these giant trees into ashes.

“What the hell is this thing? Is it Sakazuki’s ability?”

Sakazuki came to the Wexford Pirates not long, so Buggy did not know too much about this new crew’s ability.

But when Buggy left the pier, he still saw the lava on Sakazuki’s arm, which was why he didn’t associate this giant of lava with the opposite Admiral Sakazuki.

When Buggy looked at the giant that suddenly appeared in a daze, Rayleigh also came out of the Rip-Off Bar because of the commotion outside.

“I didn’t expect him to be so strong.”

Rayleigh who just walked out of the door directly saw the lava giant that had been fully condensed. Although he could feel the powerful aura from Sakazuki’s body, he did not expect this man to be stronger than he thought.

At this time, not only Rayleigh and Buggy saw the lava giant of the Sabaody Archipelago, the residents of the island, and the marine on the warship were staring dumbfounded at the red demon that returned from purgatory.

“He can actually use the Devil Fruit to this extent.” Z, who had never been very fond of his disciples who only exercised Devil Fruit, also muttered to himself on the deck of the warship after seeing his opponent’s lava giant take shape.

Also as a Mogu Mogu no Mi user, Sakazuki was also very surprised at the sudden appearance of the giant.

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Although when Sakazuki used his full strength, he was also able to directly condense a giant of this kind, that would consume a lot of Sakazuki’s physical strength, which would be very detrimental to the later battle.

Because of this, Sakazuki developed the ability to consume less and do more damage, and seldom used such a physically demanding ability.

‘How long could he last?’

In his heart, Sakazuki did not feel that the Devil Fruit ability of the other side could last much longer. This kind of a giant state would continue to consume his physical strength.

However, while Admiral Sakazuki was still observing, Sakaski, who was standing at the head of the lava giant, controlled this monster beneath him and raised his right arm.

The tall giant of lava raised its right arm high, opened its five fingers, and a huge wave of lava instantly gushed out from its palm and shot straight toward the warship where Sakazuki was.

“Too fast!”

Issho had wanted to use his Zushi Zushi no Mi to resist the opponent’s attack, but before he raised his sword, the stream of lava was about to fall on the mast of the warship.

“Get out of the way!” Z on the warship shouted, with one arm grabbed a nearby marine on a double stomp, and jumped to the side of the warship.

Compared to Z, Issho’s departure was a little easier. Although he was not able to instantly block the stream of lava, the Zushi Zushi no Mi still allowed him to easily bounce upward, avoiding the lava coverage.

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Instead of choosing to leave, Admiral Sakazuki, who was also a Magu Magu no Mi user, used his Devil Fruit ability to create a huge lava arm and slammed his fist towards the raging magma stream.


As the two streams of magma collided, a loud boom sounded.

The two strands of lava colliding together quickly broke apart after a brief contact, countless lava burst out in all directions, enveloping the middlemost pirate ship into a real sea of fire.

The lava flowing on the deck directly melted through the wooden warship, and brought up a large wave of flame on the warship.

And the magma that splashed down into the water did not immediately extinguish, instead, it was still smoldering with flames, slowly falling toward the bottom of the sea.

In an instant, the surroundings of this warship in the very middle instantly became like a fire hell, whether in the sky or in the water, were bubbling with roaring flames.


At this time, Issho also realized the seriousness of the matter. Although the other side was only one person, the combat power shown was extremely terrifying.

In this case, Issho didn’t intend to paddle again. He put his staff blade up and used his Zushi Zushi no Mi ability to summon a huge meteorite directly from the sky.

Although this meteorite had not been revealed from the clouds, but the dock Sakazuki seemed to realize something.

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Sakazuki, who had destroyed a marine ship with a single blow, raised his head and looked at the sky which was still calm at that moment.

“It’s really this move.” After Sakazuki murmured a word on the head of the lava giant, he controlled the giant underneath him and raised his arms.

“This move?!”

At this moment, Admiral Sakazuki, who was standing on a piece of plank of the destroyed warship, took one look at the lava giant’s movement and immediately realized the other party’s next attack method.

“Ryusei Kazan!”

Before the Admiral Sakazuki warned the surrounding naval ships, the giant lava had already shot dozens of fist-shaped lava masses into the air.

Sakazuki controlled on the giant lava to use this meteor volcano could be said to be unusually large. Each fist form of magma mass was bigger than three or four warships combined, and this time, it was dozens!

Once such huge fist-shaped magma masses fall, it would be an absolutely devastating blow to the navy.

If the other side controlled the meteor volcano to cover all of the outer sea of Sabaody Archipelago, then none of the marine personnel could think of leaving Sabaody Archipelago alive.


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A lava mass flying into the sky directly shattered the meteorite that Issho had descended using Zushi Zushi no Mi, shattering it directly in the air.

Although there were still pieces of the meteorite falling to Sabaody Archipelago after the impact, but it was no longer able to cause any damage.

In between, instead of the marine suddenly ushered in the demon slaying order, dozens of fist-shaped lava masses disappeared for an instant before suddenly falling from the clouds again, blasting straight at the direction of the naval warships.

In the face of the overhead that covers the sky, the whole sky filled with magma, the marine warship soldiers were momentarily stopped working.

After all, such a wide range of attacks, the marine also knew that it was impossible to escape from the lava range in a short time.

Sabaody Archipelago on the dock did not stop moving when the meteor volcano was about to blast down, but instead controlled the giant at his feet again and opened his giant mouth.

“Dai Funka!”

When Sabaody Archipelago’s voice sounded again, a stream of lava once again erupted from the giant’s mouth and covered the remaining nine warships in a fan shape.

“Too… It’s too scary ……”

A reporter from the World Economic Newspaper, who was hiding not far from the pier, was so frightened that his words shivered a little, and his hands holding the pen and paper were trembling slightly.

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