Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 11: The Confusion of the Marine

“Ace, do you see? There are two grandfather!”

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In the Windmill Village, hiding behind a private house, Luffy was staring in the direction of the pier with wide eyes, very surprised.

Compared to the innocent thinking Luffy, Ace was a bit more normal. After watching the battle between the two sides, he said, “Are you a fool? How can there be two? The guy who came first must be a fake.”

“What! The fake one? Then I was beaten for nothing!” Once Luffy heard that the man before was a fake, his entire body immediately shivered.

After the arrival of the pirate Garp, Luffy could not be beaten less. For those previous encounters, Luffy could not swallow this.

“You keep your voice down!” Ace slapped Luffy’s head. He did not want to let the people on the dock to find themselves.

“Why did you hit me…” Luffy touched his head that was hit and said with some sadness.

Just when Luffy and Ace watched the battle, Wexford, with pirates Garp and Doflamingo, gradually retreated towards Buggy’s pirate ship.

Seeing Wexford and others retreating gracefully, Vice Admiral Garp did not continue to chase after them.

Because their ships were about to sink, Vice Admiral Garp could only watch as Wexford, Doflamingo, and others boarded the pirate ship and slowly left the docks of Windmill Village…

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After helping the marine soldiers stabilize their ship, Vice Admiral Garp went directly to his captain’s room and picked up a Den Den Mushi.

As soon as the Den Den Mushi was connected, Garp said in a deep voice, “Hello, Sengoku.”

“What is it, Garp? I thought you went back to the Windmill Village, what do you want from me? Did that grandson of yours change his mind about becoming a marine?” Sengoku really couldn’t think why Garp would use the Den Den Mushi to contact him, yet he also teased Garp.

The always big-hearted Garp did not take Sengoku’s words but said to him, “I met a guy who looks exactly like me in Windmill Village.”

“What? Someone impersonating you?” Sengoku did not expect someone to dare to impersonate Garp, “Did you catch him? Why would that person impersonate you?”

Faced with a series of questions from Sengoku, Garp replied with news that shocked the other side, “His strength is similar to mine, and he has already left. By the way, Doflamingo is also with him.”


As soon as he heard that the other party’s strength was similar to Garp, Sengoku stood up, “Garp, are you sure it’s similar to your strength?”

“Yes, I have already fought with him.”

Garp now was still thinking back to the battle with Wexford and others just now. He hadn’t fought someone so powerful for a long time.

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After Garp finished, Sengoku also realized the seriousness of the matter. Garp would never lie in such matters. Since Garp had said so, was there really such a powerful pirate out of the East Blue?

After thinking for a while, Sengoku suddenly remembered a name that Garp mentioned, “By the way, you said that Doflamingo was with that person?”

“Yes, it is the Seven Warlords of the Sea ‘Heavenly Yaksha’ Doflamingo. He is using the ability of the Ito Ito no Mi Devil Fruit.” Garp could be sure that the person who used the Ito Ito no Mi Devil Fruit ability was Doflamingo.

For Garp’s statement, Sengoku was puzzled and said, “No way. I just received information that Doflamingo arrived at Sabaody Archipelago from Dressrosa today.”


When Garp heard Sengoku said this information, he frowned. Since Doflamingo was in Sabaody Archipelago, who was this person using the Ito Ito no Mit in the East Blue?

“I let Borsalino go to Sabaody Archipelago to confirm. If Doflamingo is indeed in Sabaody Archipelago, then we should pay attention to this group of people.”

Sengoku was very concerned about the people that Garp said. After all, the people who can confront Garp head-on were few and far between. Moreover, the same Devil Fruit would never appear in the same period of time.

If someone in the East Blue had the ability of Ito Ito no Mi Devil Fruit, the group probably had a technology that the marine did not know about.

“Well, that’s it. I’ll look for them again after the ship is repaired.”

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This time, Garp wasn’t going to stay in the Windmill Village. With such a pirate group out of the East Blue, Garp wanted to check out the situation.

“Good, I’ll let Borsalino to come.”

Sengoku paid great attention to the matter. The matter was very important, and he had to find Borsalino to determine the location of Doflamingo.

“By the way, I will arrange the bounty thing. I’ll have your second in command contact the Headquarters later and report the appearance and name of the opponent.”


Sengoku and Garp were discussing the situation of Wexford and others when Wexford had already taken the pirates Garp and Doflamingo away from the Goa Kingdom and sailed in the direction of Loguetown.

“Lord Wexford, do you really want to go to the Grand Line?”

After the battle just now, Buggy also knew the pirate that occupied his ship was terrifying. In this situation, he could only be more respectful.

Standing at the forefront of the deck, Wexford said to Buggy without looking back, “Of course, there is no point staying in this East Blue.”

If it wasn’t for wanting to go back to the Windmill Village, Wexford would have let Buggy go directly to the Grand Line before. After all, the East Blue was the weakest sea of One PIece. With the existence of Garp, Doflamingo, and others, not to mention the Grand Line, they could go directly to the New World without problems.

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Moreover, people such as Garp were a king-level existence in their world. He and others could become a Pirate King directly, and went to the New World to occupy a position of Five Emperors were certainly possible.

“Yes, of course. I want to go to the Grand Line, and I still want to see Dressrosa.” Doflamingo leaned on the deck railing next to Wexford, with a kind of weird smile on his face looking at Buggy.

Buggy was frightened by the look of Doflamingo. Compared to the somewhat scary Doflamingo, and the silent Garp, Wexford and the fake Shanks were still more able to make Buggy felt safe.

“If you say so I would like to see what kind of expression that Seven Warlords of the Sea will have after we arrive in Dressrosa….”

For Doflamingo word, Wexford very agreed.

In the team of Wexford, Doflamingo was the most similar to the original characters. The parallel worlds of Garp and Shanks had directly changed their careers. They weren’t even close to the same age, so they were the only ones with the best match. Both of them were doing business in the Underworld. However, from the introduction of this Doflamingo, the Doflamingo in front of him was more successful.

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