Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 12: The First Bounty Breaks 100 Milli

“The personnel to be copied are in position, the basic information is updated.”

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Just as Wexford talked with Doflamingo and the others, a message suddenly came from One Piece warehouse in his consciousness.

“Finally, we have the information of a new Pirate King.”

After reshaping the copy of Doflamingo out, Wexford had been waiting for the news of the next pirate. Now that the information of this new pirate had come out, of course, Wexford had to go to see it for the first time.

So, after receiving the news of One Piece warehouse, Wexford walked towards the cabin while saying to the next Garp, “Garp, I’ll leave the deck side to you first.”

“Okay.” Garp squinted his eyes and replied softly.

For Garp, it was a very good thing to see the Windmill Village that hadn’t been destroyed. Garp would like to spend the rest of his life in this Windmill Village if there was an opportunity.

However, although Garp was already eighty-three years old, he didn’t feel that he had reached the time to retire.

‘I’ll come back to this Windmill Village after Captain Garp becomes the Pirate King.’

Thinking of this, Garp also stood up specifically to look back at the Windmill Village that had disappeared from view.

When Garp thought about where he should go after retirement, Wexford had also returned to the cabin.

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As soon as he walked into his cabin, Wexford directly into the warehouse.

Although he had already copied and reshaped in addition to the three pirate characters, the warehouse was, as usual, there was no change in the slightest.

Wexford, who went straight to the warehouse, came directly to the door behind Doflamingo, which at this time showed some information about the character that was about to be awakened.

[Consciousness body copy in progress….]

[Charlotte Katakuri.]


For this newcomer’s name, Wexford was a bit surprised. Katakuri was the son of the Four Emperors Big Mom. Although he had the qualification of a king, it should be Big Mom Charlotte Linlin.

Could it be that in that world of Katakuri, Charlotte Linlin had died? However, this wasn’t impossible. After all, in this One Piece World, no one dared to say that they could always be as strong as Roger and Whitebeard that had not become history.

At the bottom of this name, there’s an additional line of information that hadn’t appeared before.

[Due to the increase in reputation, the copy remodeling time -1. The expected copy remodeling time 49 days…]

“Is it the time displayed?”

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Previously, when the copy remodeling personnel, Wexford had never seen the countdown to the copy remodeling.

“Is it because of this prestige?” Inside this line, the only information that could be revealed was the word reputation.

If it was because of the prestige, then it must be related to the battle with Garp just now. However, how exactly could it be completely clear afterward?

“Forty-nine days, it’s still a bit long…”

Although the increase in prestige had reduced the time for copy remodeling by one day, it was still forty-nine days long. This time was really a bit too long for Wexford, who was in dire need of manpower.

“Looks like we have to start with this reputation in order.” Wexford sighed.

Since the reputation could make the copy remodeling time shorter, Wexford only needed to increase his prestige to cut the copy remodeling time.

“Originally, I wanted to quietly travel to the New World, but now it seems that I still have to make some noise to do so.”

In this One Piece, if you were a pirate, perhaps the most prestigious thing you could brush was the bounty. The promotion of the bounty required something to do. For Wexford, the easiest thing was to wipe out all the pirate groups directly before entering the Grand Line.

“I wonder if this sudden appearance of prestige will increase some more after sweeping away the pirates on the road.”

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Just a day after Wexford set the short-term goal of cleaning up the pirates on the road, Wexford, who was looking at the map in the captain’s room, suddenly heard Buggy’s exclaim outside.

“It’s over 100 million!”

After hearing Buggy’s exclaim, Wexford also put down the map of the East Blue and walked out of the captain’s room, “Buggy, what are you shouting?”

“Captain Wexford! Look!”

Buggy, who was already calling the captain smoothly, hurriedly took the newspaper in his hand and ran to the side of Wexford, handing it over.

“What’s new?”

Wexford took the newspaper that Buggy just bought. This newspaper probably came from Morgans’ World Economy News Paper because the headline was very much in that style of Morgans.

‘The first time bounty of the East Blue Pirates breaks 100 million!’

‘Wexford, 120 million bounty, life or death.’

“No Garp and Doflamingo?” Wexford read through all the pages of this newspaper but did not see the names of Garp and Doflamingo, “Is it because it is too sensitive?”

In Wexford’s mind, Garp looked exactly like the Admiral, and Doflamingo was with the Seven Warlords of the Sea. If the marine published the appearance and name of the two rewards, the bounty would be very bad for them to deal with.

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Sengoku and the Marine Headquarters must still want to continue the investigation. A person who impersonated Garp must be investigated first.

“I am the Seven Warlords of the Sea of this world, the marine shouldn’t dare to publish my name.” Doflamingo was also holding a newspaper in his hand. He had actually guessed some. After all, in this world, he was the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Since it had cooperated with the World Government, the marine must not issue the bounty to Doflamingo again.

After saying that, Doflamingo threw the newspaper to a small pirate nearby before laughing, “Hohoho, they will certainly not rest in peace. Maybe before we enter the Grand Line, the marine’s reinforcements will come. I think that for such an event, there should be at least one Admiral, right?”

For this analysis of Doflamingo, Wexford also agreed, “Doflamingo is right. The marine definitely wants to get rid of us first. But if they want to solve us with only one Admiral, they are thinking a bit too much.”

Although Wexford and Doflamingo were talking lightly over here, Buggy, who was listening at the side, was breathing heavier and heavier.

‘The Admiral! That’s an Admiral!’

Buggy has seen the two Garps fighting each other, and he didn’t want to put himself in danger. They were very strong, and he couldn’t carry it. So, he had to find a chance to slip away.

Just when Buggy thought about how to escape from the team that would soon encounter the Admiral, teenage Shanks’ voice came from the direction of the cabin, “Buggy! Come here quickly.”

“What is it?” Buggy turned his head back and looked in the direction of the cabin.

Shanks stood in front of the cabin door, waving a piece of yellow cloth in his hand, and said, “Is this your treasure map?”

“What?! How did you find it, put it down for me!” Buggy shouted, rushed in the direction of Shanks.

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