Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 13: The Strongest Pirates in the East

“This hundred million pirates guy actually rose the bounty again, already 150 million. He is actually known as the strongest pirate in the East Blue.”

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In Cocoyasi Village, Arlong was looking at the latest copy of the newspaper. What interested Arlong most today was still the East Blue pirate with a bounty of over 100 million mentioned in the newspaper.

This newly risen pirate was actually called the strongest in the East Blue by this newspaper. He wondered what these people were thinking.

Next to Arlong, Hatchan had already known the news, and he also spat next to him, “It was a 120 million bounty when he was first rewarded. How long has it been since then, and it’s actually gone up another 30 million bounty. This guy is too strong. Both the bounty and the captain’s level….”


Once he heard about the captain’s level, Arlong’s face instantly didn’t look good, “No matter how his bounty, as long as he dares to come to us, I’ll let him know what pirates are really like.”

After saying that, Arlong directly threw the newspaper to the side. Although Arlong’s mouth says so, he knew the strength of hundreds of millions of pirates. After all, he was also staying in the Grand Line.

In the East Blue, Arlong had never seen a bounty of hundreds of millions of pirates. To reach a bounty of hundreds of millions in such a weak sea, this person was absolutely extraordinary.

The crew of Arlong Pirates, the ray fishman, Kuroobi, picked up the newspaper that Arlong had thrown down. After scanning it twice, Kuroobi, who was a Fish-Man Karate user, said, “In addition to the name, the marine actually did not release any news. I wonder what this guy actually did.”

When Kuroobi and others spoke, another officer of the Arlong Pirates, an orange-haired girl who was only in her early teens, just listened quietly, without saying anything.

“Captain Arlong! A pirate ship is coming!”

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Just as the members of the Arlong Pirates were still discussing the information in the newspaper, a pirate from the Arlong Pirates ran in panicked and called out to a few of the Arlong Pirates.

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“Pirates? There are actually pirates dare to come here. It just so happens that there is no activity for a few days, but today….”

Arlong just wanted to send all the men to clean up that pirate group, but before he could finish his words, a huge sea beast flew over from afar.

“Get out of the way!” Arlong shouted before running towards the side.

As the people of the Arlong Pirates dodged, that huge sea beast also descended from the sky and heavily blasted into the Arlong Pirates’ stronghold.


The sea beast landed inside the Arlong Pirates’ stronghold, smashing out a huge crater.

“It’s Momoo!” Hatchan hurriedly ran over after seeing the sea beast that smashed into the stronghold.

Such a huge sea beast was knocked away and landed inside the stronghold. The opponent was definitely not simple.

After taking a look at Hatchan, who ran towards Momoo, Arlong immediately reached out and twisted the fishman who had just reported the news and asked, “Who is the person who came?!”

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“It’s the man from the newspaper earlier, but the one who shot down the manatee was another old man with a head full of white hair….”

This fishman was obviously frightened. The old man who directly knocked the sea beast away was too strong.

“Old man?”

Arlong did not see in the newspaper any information about Wexford’s pirate group members. Other than Wexford, he only knew that there was a Buggy Pirate’s crew following this man’s side.

After pushing this man to the side, Arlong directly walked towards the direction of the sea cow Momoo, “Go. Let’s go and take a look.”

Under Arlong’s greeting, Kuroobi and the smelt-whiting fish-man, Chew, both hurriedly followed. The youngest orange-haired child in Arlong Pirates took a look at the manatee Momoo lying in the pit and also hurriedly followed Arlong and ran out.


Just when the crowd of Arlong Pirates ran towards the place of the incident, Wexford and others who had sent the sea cow Momoo flying were docking and landing.

“Lord Garp is really powerful. The sea beast was sent flying with just one punch.” Buggy, who had difficulty in retrieving the treasure map from Shanks, followed behind Garp. He watched Garp’s fist knocked the sea cow away and kept praising it.

Although Buggy’s heart thought this Garp was a fake, the form was stronger than others. With this group of people, Buggy could only go with the flow.

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“Buggy, you also need to practice. Your strength is too weak.” Shanks walked off the ship and took a look at Buggy. This guy was already more than 30 years old and a little stronger than a trainee. He wondered how this guy was trained for more than ten years.

Buggy listened to Shanks’s words and immediately became anxious.

‘He is the weakest in this group of people, and he has the courage to mention me?’

Annoyed Buggy turned around, looked at the near Shanks, and said, “Damn! The matter of you breaking my treasure map has not yet to settle.”


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The corners of Shanks’ mouth rose slightly, and he pulled out a short knife from his waist, “Are you sure you want to settle the score with me?”

Although Shanks was still young, his strength wasn’t weak. Buggy took a look at Shanks’ position and turned around in a hurry to follow in the direction of Wexford and Garp.

After quickly catching up with Wexford, Buggy pointed ahead to the stronghold of Arlong Pirates and said, “Lord Wexford, that is the stronghold of Arlong Pirates, one of the largest pirate groups in the vicinity.”

In order to improve his reputation, Wexford had been cleaning up the pirates along the way since he came out from the Windmill Village of the Goa Kingdom. By the time he came to Cocoyasi Village, Wexford’s bounty had risen by 30 million because of the several pirate groups he had cleared.

In addition to the rising bounty of Wexford, the marine decided that the bounty of the pirate group under Wexford also rose five million. Therefore, the bounty of Garp and Doflamingo who followed Wexford was still not exposed by the marine.

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Buggy was ready to continue to introduce Arlong Pirate group when Arlong and others who came out of the stronghold already appeared in the view of the crowd.

As soon as Buggy saw Arlong, he hurriedly said to Wexford, “Lord Wexford! They’ve come over!”

“Well, I saw it.”

No need for Buggy to say, Wexford saw the group Arlong that kept approaching. The highest bounty of Arlong Pirate group was only 20 million belly. No matter how the opponent tries, it would absolutely be impossible to fight with Wexford and others.

At the same time, when Wexford, Buggy, and others saw the members of the Arlong Pirates, Arlong and Kuroobi also saw Wexford and his group.

Just when Arlong saw the opponent’s face, his whole body was shaken, “Garp? Doflamingo?!”

‘A Vice Admiral and a Seven Warlords of the Sea, how could these two people come to the Cocoyasi Village in the East Blue?’

‘Moreover, these two people follows behind the one who is called by the newspaper as the strongest pirate in the East Blue, Wexford.’

‘Could this be a trap of the marine? Creating a pirate to fight the pirates in the East Blue?’

Arlong’s brain spun rapidly as he came up with the only logical idea.

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