Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 14: The Illusion of Arlong

Arlong stopped not far from Wexford and others. He swept a glance at Garp and Doflamingo behind Wexford and said, “Vice Admiral and the Seven Warlords of the Sea…. What a big battle.”

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After mentioned Garp and Doflamingo, Arlong looked at Buggy on the other side of Wexford and said, “The Buggy Pirates are also here? It seems that you guys also become the marine’s lapdog.”

When Buggy heard this, he hurriedly said to Arlong viciously, “What are you saying? Who will be a damn marine lapdog. Open your fish eyes wide to see, this is our Captain Wexford’s ship, and you fish people are waiting to be turned into dried fish today!”

All the way to the road, Wexford and others would let Buggy send people to take them to the nearby marine branch to exchange the bounty after solving each pirate group.

After exchanging the bounty, Wexford would also share some of it with Buggy as a reward for their employment. The rest of the money, Wexford would be put to make a big ship after the Water 7. After all, this ship was too shabby to drive directly to the New World and seemed a bit inappropriate.

“Heh, you guy is backed by someone.”

Alongside Arlong, Kuroobi had an uncomfortable look at Buggy. Buggy was just a middle-level pirate in the East Blue. How dared he run over and talk like this?

“You!” When Buggy heard this, he was furious. This group of fish people actually dared to talk about him like this.

However, although Buggy still looked furious, his body was very honest. He only cursed at Arlong Pirate group in place without any intention of moving forward with both feet.

“Well, Buggy, you wait.” Wexford didn’t want to listen to Buggy and the members of Arlong Pirates calling the line here. He directly ended the opposite side, “Garp, I will leave the opposite side to you.”

Garp had been said to have deal with Arlong Pirates and others alone before, so Wexford directly called on Garp’s name.

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After being called by Wexford, Garp directly stood out and slowly walked towards the direction of Arlong Pirates.


Arlong looked at Garp, who kept coming closer to him, still had some pressure in his heart.

Although Garp’s reputation in the four seas wasn’t a household name, as a pirate, Arlong also knew very clear. He heard of this marine hero’s name when he followed Fisher Tiger. This level of character was not generally easy to deal with.

Although Arlong had heard of Garp’s deeds, he had not really seen Garp’s strength, so he felt that he could not have the strength to fight.

When Arlong was still thinking about what method he could use to defeat Garp, Chew, the smelt-whiting fish-man standing beside Arlong, had taken the lead in attacking Garp. His smelt-whiting fish mouth opened, and a stream of water instantly gushed out from his mouth and flew straight towards the direction of Garp.

This attack of smelt-whiting fish-man seemed to be very damaging, but when the water flew to Garp’s side, this pirate Garp directly slapped the water with his hand. The water instantly turned into a burst of water mist and disappeared from the view of the crowd.


When the smelt-whiting fish-man, Chew, saw his attack so easily cracked by the opponent, he froze on the spot in surprise.

Arlong was aware of the strength of these people under him. No matter how they shot, it was impossible to fight with Garp, “Go back, I’ll do it.”

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After Arlong said, he walked directly toward Garp.


In a few steps out, Arlong stroke towards Garp, his entire body was like a torpedo impacted.

Facing this level of opponent, Garp simply didn’t need any dodging. He directly punched towards the flying Arlong.


In the view of the crowd, Arlong that was flying quickly to Garp was like a broken kite, flying backward in the direction of Arlong Pirates stronghold.

Without waiting, Kuroobi and other people to react, Garp quickly stepped forward. After a few punches, several officers of Arlong Pirates were all knocked back to Arlong Pirates stronghold!

And when it came to the last officer of Arlong Pirates, the little orange-haired girl in her early teens, Garp stopped his fist at the tip of his opponent’s nose.


Garp’s fist occupied the entire field of vision of Nami, causing her to breathe very sharply. When Garp quickly moved in front of her and swung his fist, Nami thought she would be like Arlong, Kuroobi, and others flew out.

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“You’re not a fish person, are you?” Garp spoke, placing the fist in front of Nami’s eyes down.

Although Garp put his ekkai Kenpo down, Nami still froze there. Her eyes were empty, and she seemed to have lost the ability to think.

“Haha, Garp, you seem to have scared this little girl.”

After Arlong and the others were knocked away, Wexford came over with Doflamingo and the others.

Before the battle, Wexford had seen Nami, which was the only member of the Arlong Pirates who was not a fish person.

“Hohoho, Arlong Pirates actually took a human child, really interesting.” Doflamingo stood next to Wexford with his hands in his pockets, watching Nami with interest.

Perhaps being watched by too many people, Nami finally raised her head after a long breath of relief.

“I, I am not a member of Arlong Pirates….”

Although she could act, Nami was still a little scared. After all, just now, Garp’s force was too intimidating. Compared with Arlong and others, Nami’s body couldn’t withstand even one of Garp’s punch attacks.

After Nami spoke, Wexford smiled slightly and said, “You are the people of Cocoyasi Village, right?”

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As soon as Wexford said so, Nami was able to speak normally. “Yes, I am from Cocoyasi Village, Arlong…”

She seemed to have seen some hope that Cocoyasi Village was no longer controlled by Arlong. Nami directly explained what Arlong did to Cocoyasi Village.

“Well, that’s what all the little pirates in the East Blue can do.”

As the king of the underworld, Doflamingo felt that these things done by Arlong could only be considered low level.

In Doflamingo’s world, stealing and destroying countries were the only things that could be taken out of the conversation, and these things done by the Arlong were simply not on the table.

After Doflamingo finished, Garp directly reached out and rubbed Nami’s head. Compared to the Windmill Village in his world that was directly destroyed, this Cocoyasi Village’s luck had been considered good.

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